Heaven On Earth

By imsh00k

31.1K 2.7K 5.1K

"Heaven is rather a fluffy dream amongst many people; Hell a flaming nightmare. Human reality is very in betw... More

sorry, dont mean to be a whore


1K 103 220
By imsh00k

Dan woke up to Jensen Ackles, Phil, and popcorn all over the floor. Oh, he was living the dream. He realized that he was leant on Phil, practically cuddling him, but Phil didn't seem to mind.

"Ugh, what time is it?" He groaned, not wanting to move.

"I think it's somewhere around ten, but my calculations of the sun could be wrong," Phil answered.

Dan laughed a little and sat up, rubbing his eyes, "So, what are we going to do today, Phil?"

"Watch Supernatural," Phil said, eyes still focused on the TV.

"Oh my god, wait," Dan said, "What season are you on?"

Phil shrugged and Dan huffed, checking the episode, "Phil, how in the heck are you almost at the end of season two?"

"They just kept playing and I didn't have to do anything. Until one time they asked if I was still watching, and I asked if it couldn't see me doing so, but that didn't seem to work, so I pressed that middle button on the button contraption you like so much, and it continued," Phil said.

Dan laughed, "You're so cute."

"Yes, you keep saying so," Phil said.

"I wouldn't say it so much if you weren't so fricken cute," Dan said, getting up and walking towards the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Phil asked.

"To shower," Dan answered, "You wait here, unless you want to join me," Dan offered with a wink.

"What exactly would I do in there with you? I have no use for a shower," Phil asked, tilting his head.

Dan smiled, "Innocent angel. I'll be out soon, okay? You keep...watching TV."

Phil nodded, and Dan went to the bathroom, wiping sleep out of his eye again as he did.

Dan was whistling and singing loudly in the shower, seeming happier than he knew he was. He was drowning in a good way in the distant sounds of Supernatural in his living room, and in the rushing water on his skin.

He was only in for about fifteen minutes before the water turned cold, making him sigh and hurriedly rinse off the soap left on his body in the cold water.

He dried the top half of his body, and put the towel around his waist, leaving the restroom to dress.

He put on clothes, and then greeted Phil who was still engrossed in the show on the TV.

Dan rolled his eyes and sat down next to him, "Hey."

Phil turned to him, "Dan, you know that you're a very distracting person, right?"

"Excuse me?" Dan asked.

"You catch the eye," Phil said, "You're a pleasing thing to look at. Not to mention that you're vocal, and tall. You just grab attention for someone who wears mostly black. It's hard to focus on things that aren't you."

Dan blushed a little, and he didn't know why. Was that even a compliment? He didn't know.

"Thank you, I guess," Dan says.

"You're welcome," Phil said, and then his eyes seemed to become overrun with this emotion Dan couldn't quite place. Was it excitement? Was it happiness? Phil was too emotionless to tell.

"I've never had anyone play music for me before," Phil stated.

Dan tilted his head, "Okay?"

Phil smiled, "Could you? Play me a song? I've always been interested in a piano. It has a nice sound."

Dan nodded, "I mean, I guess so."

Phil sat up immediately, grabbing Dan's hand, "Then let's go!"

Dan was a waiter at a coffee shop around the corner. He lived off tips and didn't make much of any money. And sometimes he worked at Ricky's shop, but he only did when Ricky's dad couldn't and Ricky had to take over the Mechanic Business, Ted's Car Place, for a while.

Ted offered to take him full time, but Dan loved the coffee shop and he hated sitting around at a counter. It was boring. He met all kinds of people at The Revelation Station.

But basically, the reason this was so relevant, was the problem with having things. Dan had a piano of his own but it was given to him by his mother years ago, and he couldn't stand her. And as Phil dragged him to his room, he cringed as he saw it, remembering his last conversation with his mum.

"Alright, make music," Phil said, plopping down on the bench and patting next to him for Dan to sit.

Dan sat down and licked his lips as his fingers skimmed the keys. All Dan knew how to play for most of his life was church tunes. His mum forced him to learn them. Dan had learned since he's grown up many other songs, but for an angel, church tunes seemed the most appropriate.

So Dan played his favorite, even though he didn't believe in what the music was trying to convey. Even after finding out there was a God, and finding out there were angels, was he expected to change his ways? God might've been real, but Gods only done two good things for him. Give him Ricky and his family, and now give him Phil.

As Dan played, expression not as relaxed as it should be since he was thinking so much, he hit everything gently, trying not to pay attention to the way Phil was watching him, closely.

Dan finished, pulling back with a sigh, and finally meeting Phil's eyes.

"Teach me," Phil said, looking amazed.

Dan laughed, "I can't just-"

"I'm a fast learner," said Phil, "Show me a song and I can play it."

Dan's eyebrows raised, "Um, okay."

He thought for a moment, looking up and biting his lip before he decided on one.

"Okay, this is a duet. I'll teach you your part, and then we can play it together, okay?" Dan asked.

Phil nodded, almost eagerly.

Dan taught Phil the song, slowly, not knowing Phil had a perfect memory, and could learn things much faster than a human could. But he didn't get annoyed, and he didn't rush Dan. He just listened.

"Okay, are you ready?" Dan said.

Phil smiled, "Yes."

Dan counted them off, and then they began, Dan almost messing up as Phil played perfectly with no mistake. Phil didn't even look concentrated, just happy, and Dan smiled as the song continued on.

Dan's heart beat more rapidly every time their hands touched, but he didn't let it distract him. Not too much. Phil's angel hands sent sparks through his skin, and were delicate as a flower.

All too soon, the song ended, and Phil landed on his assigned chord smiling wide, "That was amazing!" He said.

Dan looked at him surprisedly, "Are you kidding me? You're amazing. How could you possibly learn to play like that so fast?"

Phil smiled, "Amazing Phil."

Dan nodded, "Yes indeed you are an amazing Phil."

"I've never been called amazing before," Phil said, "Never directly."

Dan frowned, "Well, I'm glad I got to be the first."

Dan was too fond of the angel, as he realized in this moment. Phil was going to go back to heaven and Dan was to forget him as soon as Dan found love. What would all of these memories become? But he tried to shake those thoughts off with a smile.

"You're a good person, Daniel," Phil said, "I am glad that I picked you. I think that I was meant to take this job, because I was meant to make you happy."

Dan grinned, "Well I am glad that you picked me too."

Phil looked up to the sky suddenly, and then sighed, "There's a bit of a problem."

"What?" Dan said.

"I've been informed not to get too close," Phil muttered.

"Pardon?" Dan asked, not exactly hearing him correctly.

"Don't worry about it," Phil said, "Teach me another song."

Dan bit his lip, worrying about whatever it was anyway. But he nodded as he turned to the piano, quickly explaining to Phil the basics to another one.

"You're a very good teacher, Dan," Phil said, "You're very smart and good with words."

"Thank you, now are you ready to play? This ones harder than the last one," Dan said.

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

Dan knew Phil hadn't meant it to sound snarky but he snorted anyway, rolling his eyes, "Alright, Mr. Angel of the Lord, take it away then."

And Phil did. Blowing Dan away with every correct key, and how this was only his second time playing piano, but he managed to get the form and style right for each part, sounding a lot more experienced than he really was.

When he finished, he did it softly, lifting his fingers off of the keys.

"Was that good?" Phil asked.

"Even better than last time!" Dan gushed, "You're spectacular!" He said, hugging the angel out of pure instinct.

Phil was surprised, he can't remember the last time he hugged someone, but he smiled. He knew, even though Dan would forget all of this later, that he'd remember these songs, and he'd remember this embrace.

He didn't know how to feel about that thought. His emotions just wouldn't allow him to feel anything about it, but for some reason, he felt a mix of pleased and unpleased he'd never felt before.

"What's it like to be sad?" Phil asked suddenly as Dan pulled away.

Dan thought for a moment, "Well, I'd say it's almost more powerful than anger depending on the level of sadness you are. It's like grey, grey, grey in the sky and in your hair. The lack of brightness in your heart. You could just shut down and block out all feelings except for sadness when it finds you. And it can be so overwhelming that it can cause you to cry, to lose yourself completely, or do things you'd never do if you were happy. To become sad means a piece of your heart, metaphorically, just shatters."

Phil nodded, "That sounds unpleasant."

Dan laughed a little, "You have no idea."

"Play me a sad song," Phil said.

"Why?" Dan asked.

"I want to know the sound of being dismal," Phil explained.

Dan nodded, thinking of a sad song that he had wrote himself, and then putting it into action. He made sure to put his heart into the music too, drowning the room in minor. And Phil watched him, taking in his face as he played.

When Dan finished, he looked over to Phil and saw a tear fall down his cheek.

"What is this?" Phil questioned wiping it away quickly, "Why are my eyes leaking?"

Dan laughed, "You're crying silly."

More tears fell out of Phil's eyes, "How do I make it go away?" He cried, seeming more frantic now, "Make it go away."

Dan laughed more as he pulled Phil in for a hug again, letting Phil cry, "I can't just make it go away," Dan said, "Just cry it all out."

"It's all over my face!" Phil sobbed, "Why won't it stop?!"

Dan giggled, "Phil, have you seriously never cried before? You just have to wait until it stops."

"Angels...don't...cry!" Phil hiccuped.

"Then why are you crying?" Dan said.

"I don't know! That song made my eyes hurt and now they are leaking," Phil sniffled.

"Hey, let me tell you a joke to make it stop," Dan said.


Dan wasn't a comedian, but he tried to come up with one that could make Phil laugh. Every joke made him cringe, but he used one anyway.

"Um, how do angels greet each other?" Dan asked.

"Through telepathic regions in our brain," Phil answered.

Dan laughed, "No, Phil, this is a joke. Just ask 'how?'"

"Okay, how?" Phil said.

"They say, "Halo!" Dan said, trying not to obliterate his own existence.

Phil laughed through his tears, "That was terrible, and not in any way correct."

"You laughed, didn't you?!" Exclaimed Dan.

Phil let go of Dan, wiping his tears away, "Yeah, I guess," then he smiled, "And look Dan they stopped!"

Dan smiled, "They did. But how were you crying if you can't feel sad?"

"Things change," Phil said, and then he glanced towards the sky for a second, "Things change sometimes."


AN: I'm real sick rn and I never get sick and it sucks!!

I accidentally typed dick writing that a second ago, so there's an interesting fact for you.

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