Mirstie One Shots


4.5K 150 37

Well... The title is pretty self explanatory. These are just a bunch of Mirstie One Shots. Еще

I... Have Feelings For You Too...
No Attention
Hope This Relationship Works Out Better
Kidnapped (Part 2)
I Object!
Kirstie's Problem
A/N: I'm Sorry
The Beginning
Thank You & a Q and A
The Reveal Part 1
Author's Note
The Kiss: Part One
The Gang

Kidnapped (Part One)

337 9 1

A/N- Hey, so, before you guys read this, I want to apologize for all of the POVs and yeah. That's all. Enjoy! 😊

(Kirstie's POV)

I was on the tour bus in the lounge with Avi, Kevin, Scott, Mitch, Esther, and Nicole. Everyone had someone to talk to, but me. Avi had Kevin, Scott had Mitch, and Esther had Nicole. "Hey Avi?" "Not right now, Kirst. Me and Kev are talking." I can't be in the conversation? "Scott?" "Not now Kirstie. Me and Mitch are having a conversation." He turned back to Mitch. But we're the Trio. "Esth-" "Hold on." She went on to talking to Nicole. Fine. Do any of them even care about me? I got up and went to my bunk. What was the point there if no one wanted me to talk? Once I was I my bunk, I took out my notebook that I keep in there. I tore out a page and wrote the following:

To PTX and the PTX crew, I know you guys don't need me and I know you guys don't want me. That is why I've decided to leave. I'm sorry for being here for so long, I know I don't do anything for Pentatonix. I know I was annoying. I'm sorry for that. I know that was the reason that no one would talk to me. I know that was the reason that Jeremy left me. The reason as to why I have no real friends... I always acted like a ray of sunshine. The cheerful, bright, sweet Kirstie! That everyone 'loved'. But on the inside, I was a dark, rainy cloud. Because I knew that nobody actually liked me. I'm sorry for whatever made everyone hate me. I'm not sure what that thing is, but I know everyone did. Or else everyone would at least notice me. I know everyone wanted me gone, and I wanted everyone to be happy. Don't worry, I didn't kill myself. I just... left. So goodbye everyone! Hope I made you happy!

I put the note on the pillow of my bunk. I grabbed all my things and called an Uber. I got my luggage and went outside to wait on the Uber. After about 5 minutes, the Uber arrived. Once I was in, I told the driver the directions. Then we were off. I told the driver to go to a hotel. I had just booked the room and, surprisingly, it was a pretty good room. Once we were there, I paid the driver and grabbed my luggage, then I was on my way to my room. Once I was there, I dropped all my luggage and collapsed on the bed. I started to cry uncontrollably. I just wish I knew what I did to make everyone not like me.

(Mitch's POV)

"Oh my God! Really?" I said as I laughed at Scott's story. "Yeah. Okay well let me see what Kirstie wanted." I nodded and went on my phone. "Hey Kirst-" I heard stop in the middle of his sentence, I looked up from my phone. He turned to me. "Where'd Kirstie go?" I shrugged. "I'm not sure. Hey do any of you guys know where Kirstie went?" Everyone shrugged their shoulders. "Kirstie?!" I yelled and walked towards the bunks. I pulled back her curtain and found nothing but a note.

To PTX and the PTX crew, I know you guys don't need me and I know you guys don't want me. That is why I've decided to leave. I'm sorry for being here for so long, I know I don't do anything for Pentatonix. I know I was annoying. I'm sorry for that. I know that was the reason that no one would talk to me. I know that was the reason that Jeremy left me. The reason as to why I have no real friends... I always acted like a ray of sunshine. The cheerful, bright, sweet Kirstie! That everyone 'loved'. But on the inside, I was a dark, rainy cloud. Because I knew that nobody actually liked me. I'm sorry for whatever made everyone hate me. I'm not sure what that thing is, but I know everyone did. Or else everyone would at least notice me. I know everyone wanted me gone, and I wanted everyone to be happy. Don't worry, I didn't kill myself. I just... left. So goodbye everyone! Hope I made you happy!

I didn't hold back my tears. I started crying and ran back to the others. "Why the hell did y'all ignore my baby?!" I screamed through my tears. I was so angry at them. Okay so maybe I do have a little crush on Kirstie. "What are you talking about?" Scott said as he approached me. I threw the note at him. "Oh my God." He mumbled. "How could we be so mean to Kirstie? I mean she's, well, Kirstin Maldonado. The person who brightened everyone's day. The light of my life! The one person I cared about mos-" I cut myself off by covering my mouth. Nobody looked surprised. "It's okay, Mitch. We all know you have a crush on Kirst." Esther said. I nodded and wiped my tears away. "Well, we have to find her!" Everyone nodded and we started to look.

(Kirstie's POV)

Ding! Ding! Ding!
"Uhhggg!" I said as I grabbed my phone.
25 Unread Messages
15 Missed Calls
I sighed and decided to turn my phone off. I looked at the clock on the night stand beside my bed and it read 5:45pm. Maybe a walk would relieve some stress. I got up and grabbed my phone to put it in my purse. I grabbed my purse and walked out the door. I got in the elevator and went to the lobby. I walked outside and started to walk down the street. I stopped when I felt a rain drop on my nose. Before I knew it, it was pouring down rain. I tried to walk away but I felt a hand go over my mouth and someone picked me up. I dropped my purse and tried to get out of the persons grip. They threw me in their car. They let go of my mouth. "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" I screamed while crying. No one was around to hear me though. "Shut the hell up!" The man said and hit me in the head with something. I blacked out.

(Mitch's POV)

"My feet hurt!" Scott whined. "Well maybe if you didn't ignore Kirstie, we wouldn't be in this situation." I mumbled. "Hey, this isn't anyone's fault." Austin, our security guy, said. I sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm just worried." I said while looking around the area that we were at. "MITCH!" I heard Esther yell from behind me. Her, Kate, and Nicole had went to check this hotel that we had past while walking down the street. I turned around and Esther ran into me. "OHMYGOD!KIRSTIECHECKEDINTOTHEHOTLEBUTYHEYSAIDSHETOOKAWALK!!" She screamed into my face, out of breath. "Woah, slow down sista!" I said and laughed. She took a deep breath. "Kirstie checked into the hotel but they said she took a walk!" She said cheerfully. "Yay! Okay so she must be close. Come on. Let's continue walking." Everyone nodded and we started walking again. "Kirstie! Kirstie we're sorry! Kirstie!" I yelled. We walked for about fifteen more minutes. "Miiiiitttchhh! My feet hurt. Maybe we should give up and go wait in her hotel room." I sighed and nodded. "Maybe you're right..." I looked down. "What the hell am I stepping on?" Esther said and looked down. I looked to where she was standing. "Hey, wait a minute." I said and kneeled beside the items. "This is Kirstie's stuff!" I picked up her phone and turned it on. "Are you sure?" Scott asked. "Yeah! Look this is the purse I got her for her birthday! And look!" I showed him the phone. "And look at all of the missed calls and texts from us!" He gasped and took her phone. "Guys, what if something bad happened to her?" Kate asked as she teared up. I teared up myself. "I'm not sure. But we have to find her." I got all of her items off of the ground and put them in her purse. I grabbed her purse and we went back to the tour bus. "We need to go to the police." Everyone nodded. "Okay, I'll call." Kevin said as he picked up his phone and went to the back lounge. I sighed. Scott sat down beside me. "Scott, what if we never see Kirstie again? I'll never get to tell her how I feel." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. "Hey, we'll find her. Trust me." He said and gave me a bear hug. "Okay..." I wiped away my tears. Kevin walked in and said, "The police are on their way to asked some questions." I nodded. After about five minutes, we heard a knock on the tour bus door. Avi went to open it. He walked back into the lounge with two police officers. "Okay, so, tell us what happened." One of the officers said. "Okay well, everyone was talking in here, but Kirstie didn't have anyone to talk to. So I guess she felt ignored? I'm not sure, but she left us a note-" "Hold on a minute, sir. Can we see the note?" I nodded and Kate gave him the note. "Okay, anyways, we went out to look for her and apparently she checked in this hotel down the street. I'm not sure what it's called, but the front desk people said that she went for a walk. We went looking for her but all we found were her belongings on he ground..." I trailed off. "Okay, well, you guys should get some rest. We'll see what we can do. Oh! What's the victims full name?" "Kirstin Taylor Maldonado." Esther told them. They nodded. "We'll be contacting you if we hear anything." "Okay. Thank you officers." Esther said and showed them out. God, I really hop she's okay.

(Kirstie's POV)

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a dark room with... blood? There was, what I think is blood, everywhere. I start to panic. My mouth was taped shut so you could only hear muffled screams. I couldn't move because I was tied up to a chair. "Hello, Kirstin." I heard a fairly deep voice say. It sounded so familiar. I saw a dark figure start to approach me. I started squirming in attempt to get out of the chair. I was screaming as loud as I could. "Stop it you whore!" The man said and slapped me. Oh.My.God. I know who it is. Jeremy. I looked at him. Shocked. "Oh don't be so surprised bitch. You knew this was bound to happen. You knew I still loved you, yet you still left me. This was the only way that you could be mine." I started to shake my head while crying. He ripped the tape off of my mouth. "HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!" He slapped me again. "Stop screaming you bitch!" He yelled. I started to cry harder. "Awww. Is the baby crying? Well you can cry all you want, I won't take pity on you." He stared at me for a minute. Then grabbed my face and kissed me. He pulled away and said, "Don't worry, baby. There's plenty more where that came from." He walked away. I hope the guys will find me soon. I'm so scared of what Jeremy might do.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 Days Laytair~~~~~~~~~~~

(Mitch's POV)

"Oh my God! The police said that they were gonna start looking six days ago! They haven't even called us!" I said while pacing around the bus. We've already had to cancel three shows! The fans are as worried as we are though. That's good. "I'm giving up on the police." I said. While sitting down. "Then what are we gonna do?" Kate asked. "I'm not sure." We all sat in silence for a while. "Wait! What about the Apple Watch that Jeremy gave her?" Scott said. "Scott! That's actually a very good idea! Why the hell didn't we think of that sooner?" I said and grabbed Kirstie's phone. I went to Find iPhone and clicked on Kirstie's Watch. "Okay! I got it! It says that she's thirty miles from here in an abandoned house." I said and jumped up. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Scott said and we all rushed to our cars. We had to take two different cars. In one of them it was me, Scott, Avi, Kevin, and Esther. In the other, it was Kate, Nicole, and Austin. We all piled in the cars and then we were off.

(Kirstie's POV)

It's been six days. Six days! I'm starting to lose hope on getting rescued. If I wait any longer, I don't think that I'll survive. We were in an old abandoned warehouse but h he moved me to an old abandoned house. The reason was so that no one could hear me... The warehouse was in the city. The house is somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Jeremy has stabbed me in my leg and arm, cut me all over my body, punched, slapped, and kicked me and every inch of my body, and... raped me multiple times. He hasn't even fed me or gave me any water since I've been here! That's why I don't think I'll survive. Every inch of my body hurts. I can't move. I can't go on... "Hey honey!" Jeremy said as he approached me and gave me a kiss of the cheek. I growled at him. "Okay wolfie! So I'm gonna go to town to get some stuff I'll be back later. Bye babe!" He said and gave me a kiss. I, of course, did not kiss back. I sighed and laid back on the bed that he tied me to. I flinched in pain as my back hit the bed. Suddenly, I hear knocking on the window. I looked over and I saw Scott and Mitch waving at me. My eyes got wide and I tried to sit up. I failed. It hurt so much. All of a sudden I hear glass break. "Mitch..." I said weakly. "Kirstie! It's okay, baby! We're gonna get you out!" Did he just call me baby? Maybe I do have a chance with him. Okay so yes, I have a big crush on Mitch Grassi. Mitch climbed through the window and rushed over to me. "On my God! Are you okay?!" He said as he gave me a hug. I flinched and shook my head. "Oh my God I'm so so sorry Kirst! I can't believe I let this happen to you." He said while crying. I lifted my hands and wiped his tears away. "It's okay. It's not your fault. I'm sorry for leaving." I said and let a tear escape my eye. He shook his head. "Okay. We need to stop talking and get you out of here." He started to untie me from the bed. After he untied me he said, "Okay, this may hurt, but it's the only way to get you out of here." I nodded. "Okay. One. Two. Three!" He said and picked me up. I hissed in pain and grabbed his shirt. He rushed back over to the window and handed me to Scott. "Oh my God! Kirstie!" He said and hugged me. "Are you okay?" Esther asked. I shook my head. Mitch came through the window and took me away from Scott. Once we were in the car, Avi got in the car with Kate, Nicole, and Austin and I sat in the back with Scott and Mitch, while Kevin and Esther were in the front seat. Once we were all in the car, Kevin sped off to the hospital. "Guys, she has cuts everywhere. She's losing a lot of blood." Mitch said as he put his arm around me and kissed my head. "Okay, okay." I heard Kevin say. Their voices were getting faint and my vision was getting blurry. "No no no! Kirstie stay awake! You need to stay awake! Don't leave me, I need you!" I heard Mitch say. That was the last thing I saw and heard before I blacked out...


Heyy! So this was a VERY long one shot and sorry if some of you didn't like but I had an idea sooo... Anyways, make sure vote and comment and check out my Scirstie book "Broken Heart" And yeah, that's it. Byyeee 🤗😋👋

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