wrongfully convicted

By cnichols8726

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One tragic day changes the life for 16 year old April Summers. Just when she thought nothing could change her... More

Wrongfully convicted
Chapter 1 my life is over
Chapter 2 The beginning of the end
Chapter 3. The Asylum
Chapter 4 Nightmares
Chapter 5 You got mail
Chapter 6 Confused
chapter 7 stricking again
Chapter 8 Safe
chapter 9 Home
Chapter 10 A new beginning
chapter 11 done deal
Authours note
Chapter 12 Confirmed.
chapter 13 holding together
Chapter 14 What A Blast
Chapter 15 Party
Chapter 16 Davids POV
Chapter 18 A sign
Chapter 19 confession
chapter 20. David POV
Chapter 21 Almost Normal
Chapter 22 back to school
Chapter 23 after school.
Chapter 24 David POV.
chapter 25 Results
Chapter 26 Injury
Chapter 27 The talk
Chapter 28 Accepted
Chapter 29 Repercussions
Chapter 30 Hes back
Chapter 31 Suspect
Chapter 32 Released
Chapter 33 New information
Chapter 34 A clue
Chapter 35 Surprise
Chapter 36 Trying to understand
Chapter 37 Over
Chapter 38 Everything happens for a reason
Authors note/Question/ Thank you
Chapter 39 Reaper revealed
Authors Note
Chapter 40 (Part 2)
Authors note
chapter 41 Johns Pov
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 This ends now
Chapter 44 Ending it all

Chapter 17 Dead End

280 11 5
By cnichols8726

After I read the email I closed it out. Looks like I will be calling detective sharp tomorrow for sure. I am just feed up with this. This creep is ruining my life and I start school in like a week. I went to bed thinking about why this is happening to me.

I woke up to my phone ringing. I didn't get to it in time so I listen to the voice mail. " April this is detective sharp. I just read the email sent to you last night please call me as soon as you can." I ended the voice mail and called him back.

"Hello detective Sharp." He answered 

" Hi, its April." 

"Hello dear, I'm sure you got my message. Right now we are tracking the IP address associated with the email. If anything comes back I will call you." He informed me 

"Ok , um detective do you think you will ever catch him? Do you think I will ever be able to live a normal fear free life?" I asked. 

" April we will not stop till he is found, you just focus on school and we will focus on finding this asshole."  

"Ok,thank you."

So ya detective sharp is not as much as a asshole like I thought. He's actually pretty nice. After I hung up the phone I remembered Davids text from last night. So I decided to text him and figure out how he knew I looked so beautiful. 

~hey, um about that text last night? Care 2 explain?~ I sent 

I don't care that he calls me beautiful because trust me I am very happy someone that hot thinks the same about me. I really think I mag like him. Yesterday really was amazing, I felt normal like nothing bad has happened to me. I don't know why but when I'm with him he makes me feel normal. Weird right.

~ oh ya, well I seem you at the dinner party and u looked great.~ he replied 

~ oh,ok so how was it?~ 

~horrible until I seen this beautiful girl then it was great.~ 

~ oh really, well that beautiful girl must be lucky to have such a stud looking at her.~ 

~wait what you think I'm a stud?~ 

~ haha well ya.~ 

I like how we can be so normal with each other and we talk like we have known each other for years. 

~ sweet~ 

We stopped texting for awhile he had to go meet the football coach. So I called Mia to come over. I new she would she wants all the details about my day with David. I decided to get dressed before she got here. I just though on my bikini and a pair of shorts and tank top. Nothing special I didn't plan on doing much today other then sitting home and maybe swim in the pool.

Half hour later Mia was here and we where out side in the back yard just talking. Of course she wanted the details. I told her everything. She was smiling like a little kid. She gets all weird when I start to talk to boys. Its like she doesn't expect me to like boys. This is what the day consisted of mostly, just lounging around the pool and talking about boys, well  just David and his friend John when my phone rang.

"Shit that's my phone and only a few people call me." I said. I was in the middle of the pool and my phone was on the table. I rolled my self off the pool air mattress and swam to the stairs.I grabbed my phone to see who it was. it was detective sharp. My heart started to beat a little faster,maybe he has some information.

"hello, Detective Sharp."

"Hi, Its April sorry I missed your call."

"yes. April I need for you and your aunt to please come down to the station, we need to talk."

"um, ok did you find anything?" I asked

" we will discuss that when you arrive, see you in a hour." He said before he hung up.

Hmm this is really weird, I am worried, I really hope no one else is dead.I phoned my aunt and told her what was going on. She told me to be ready in 20 minutes she was on her way. I told Mia what was going on and that I had to go down to the station. She left and told me to text when I got back and she would come back over.I just put my shorts and shirt on over my bikini and waited for my aunt.

My aunt pulled up and I got into her car and we made the drive to the police station. We where quiet the whole ride. I am sure my aunt was thinking the same thing as me.

We pulled into the station and walked in told the women who we needed to see and waited for him to come out.

"Hello April, Mrs, Beadsley." He greeted us

we both nodded to him. He took us into his office and my heart was in my throat.

"OK, so I am sure you both are wondering why I called you down here."He began. we both nodded yes.

"Well the email April got last night we tracked the IP address on it lead us to a wireless server." he said. Neither of us said anything we just waited for him to continue.

"The name on the wireless server came back as to being you father April."

"well that's impossible, considering my brother was laid to rest 6 months ago now." My aunt said with a hint of agitation in her voice.

"yes, we are aware of this. So that brings me to this next question, Is there anyone who ma have had access to this server other then him?"

"Well its possible someone did but when my brother was murder I made sure everything was canceled that was in his and his wife's name." My aunt told him. I was unable to talk because I think I was in shock and I was afraid if I opened my mouth that I may end up bawling my eyes out again. It has been 6 months since my parents murder and I still cry almost every night. But I have come to accept it and I'm trying to move on with it but now its like I am reliving the whole thing over again.

"Ok, well we are going to continue to look into this some more, but in the mean time April please avoid any emails. I would like you to just not open any from him any more. We will get them and do our best to catch him, you worry about school dear it starts soon and its important you are focusing. Also, try to be with someone at all time, its just for your safety." Detective sharp said.

I just shook my head to let him know I understood what he was say. My aunt placed her hand on my shoulder to comfort me. We got up and walked out to the car. When we got in I turned to my aunt I could see that she was made and upset.

"aunt jenni, do you think they will ever catch him?" I asked

"I dont know honey, But I promise you this he will never hurt you." She reassured me.

We drove home and my aunt called my uncle to fill him in and she called her office to let them know she would not be back for the day. As we pulled into the drive way I seen a red motorcycle sitting there.My aunt gave me a questioning look.

"um, you know that kid I meet, its his." I answered her question before she could ask. she just nodded

We got out of the car and walked up to the house,there David sat as soon as he seen us he stood up.

"Hi, sorry to just be here, I just wanted to see if maybe you wanted to go for a ride was all." He said

"Now's, not a good time David I'm sorry." I apologized

"Are you ok? you look sad." He asked.

i sighed, "ya, I will be fine." My aunt nudged me

"April can I talk to you please." She asked.

I looked at David" just give me a sec ok."

"April, does he know whats happened?" She asked.

"No, I don't know him well enough to tell him my whole life story."

"Well, I'm not telling you to tell him your whole life story but, he seems like a good kid and maybe you should at least tell him a little, April he looks like he wants to be there for you, let him."

I wasn't to sure about this. But my aunt thinks I should tell him. Maybe I should so there for if he decides to run now I wont be to heart broke.

"hey, sorry about that, my aunt said you can stay here and hang out if you want." I went back and told David.

"ya, sure, if you want me too."

"ya, there is something you should know about me any way." I mumbled

"umm, ok please tell me your not like a witch or something and you put a little love spell on me."

I laughed a little"well I wish it was something like that but unfortunately we live in the real world and not a fairy tale."

We went inside and to the back. My aunt brought out some lemonade for us. She told me she would be near by if I needed her. I nodded and she walked back inside. We sat there for a little while. I couldn't figure out how to tell him about what happened and why I looked sad today.

David cleared his throat, bringing me out of my thoughts. "um, April, what did you wanna tell me?" He asked

I sat there and just stared at him like he was a foreign creature,I don't know how to even bring this up.I looked at my hands and opened my mouth to begin but no words came out. I took in a deep breath and swallowed and tried again.

"David, I'm only telling you this because you should know now about whats happened to me before we get closer." I stated he stayed quiet so I took that as my sign to continue. "The reason I live with my aunt and uncle is because my parents where murdered 6 months ago, they don't know who did and they are still trying to locate the person responsible." David didn't say a word he just moved closer to me and put his arm around my shoulder and pulled my head up by my chin with his other hand so that I was looking at him.

"April, I'm so sorry about what happened,I will be here if you need me to."

Well now that parts off my chest should I tell him they thought it was me and they thought I was psycho. I thought better of that and decided not to tell him just yet about the rest.I will in due time. Right now he knows what he needs to know.

I leaned my head into his shoulder and told him thank you. We sat like that for what seemed like hours. With him there with me in his arms made me feel like nothing bad ever existed in the world, but I knew bad things did. I knew that some horrible person was out there and he was watching my every move, lurking in the unknown waiting to make the move to cause me yet again another dose of heart ache, waiting to yet again remove another person from my life. But right now at this moment Everything felt so right.


A/NThank you all for reading so far, Thank you for the comments. Sorry that the next few chapters may seem a little on the boring side, but they are needed.  What do you think so far? Do you think April made the right move? Do you think she should have told him everything? Let me know. I will proably do a few Davids POVs But i do have to admit, its a little hard and confusing.

Thanks for the support. Keep reading...Muah ~C~

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