Babel's Magic-Khadgar FanFic

By threeandthirteen

5.7K 87 1

A very rare find indeed, a Khadgar fan fic. Based a year after the movie a nightmare has plagued our poor mag... More

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Voodoo Magic
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The Prince and Princess
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Don't Leave Before Dawn
Surpassed Calling
Equilibrium Amongst Factions
Growing Together

No Potions, Only Swabs

86 1 1
By threeandthirteen

Tracing the cotton swab over the bloody split above Lothar's left eyebrow earned only a slight wince when the acrid solution stung the King's wound.

"Owe owe-" Khadgar flinching each time a freshly doused cotton swab touched the nicks and cuts dotting all over his skin.

"Really?" Lothar rolled his head to look over at the man on the cot beside him.

"This isn't anything like priest magic," defending his tender hide only earned an eye roll from the King and Khadgar scowled a little in his general direction.

"You're a spellcaster boy, wasting time on minor cuts and bruises is pointless," Lothar closed his eyes when the nurse tending to his split eyebrow wiped the excess solution from his eye lids, "You'll heal up fine, maybe even get a scar from your first surprise battle."

"There you both go," both of the nurses tending to Khadgar and Lothar rejoined at their shared table and busied themselves putting the dirty tools and waste away. The older of the two who'd washed out Lothar's wound spared a look at the female slouched over in the corner who hadn't said a single word since coming in with the King and Guardian, "My King, the girl?"

In unison the men looked over at Fain. Scrunched up with her arms wrapped around her dirty legs and face hidden in her lap, she hadn't moved a muscle since coming to in the infirmary. Despite the muck that accumulated from the blood gunk on her skin, Fain sat still in soiled linen unresponsive.

"Thank you both, I'll call if we need anything. Please," Lothar nodded kindly with his dismissal, "Go send notice to my sister that we are well and cleaned up."

Accepting the King's orders both workers took their used and stained clothes with them as they dismissed themselves. Khadgar leaning on the edge of his cot starring at Fain until the women left. Out of sight the mage jumped to his feet to rush over to Fain. Lothar extended an arm halting his hustle.

"But I-" he began to protest.

Lothar shook his head and rouse slowly. A twinge of soreness sown into every inch of him Lothar thought how good his scotch sounded now. Throwing the thought away he and Khadgar approached Fain's solitary figure slowly.

Near the edge of her cot the men stopped only as Khadgar sat down on the lip of her cot. A tenative hand reached out and touched the grimy hair, "Fain..."

"You're covered in crud little monster," Lothar stood at the foot of her infirmary cot while Khadgar stroked his fingers through her clumping hair, "You need to wash up before Taria looses it."

The muscles on her shoulders twitched but that was the only response from the female. Even her head remained faceless in her lap. Khadgar uncertain about it, let his hand dip down to her back only to rub little soothing circles trying to illicit a response from her.

"You're going to freeze in that," Lothar pestered with as much care that the man mustered. Khadgar already providing the physical touch Lothar stood without much idea on how to fix the situation.

"...what were they going to do to me?" piped up from her lap, it was hard for the men to decipher what she said mumbled into her lap. Fain did not repeat it though when her head tipped back and blood shot eyes weary from too much rubbing flickered from Khadgar then to the King she knew understood their assailants motives.

Wishing for that scotch even more now, Lothar inhaled slowly and rubbed a palm along the back of his neck, "Well uh...they were going to sacrifice you, to whichever of their voodoo whatever."

"What were they going to kill me for Lothar?" Cut cold her slate eyes hovered on him even blurry and red Fain still demanding his answer.

"Uhhh," the King sighed lowly and adverted his eyes as the answer rolled quietly from his lips, "A...a fertility were going to be given in honor to the children their women were carrying, to be born healthy and fit by your blood."

Hearing it struck the woman's spirit down and Fain opened her grubby palms to see the specks of dirt with Atiesh's old blood in her palm's creases, "I...I used fel in Azeroth-" eyes darting back up to Lothar, Fain couldn't stop the tears welling in the corners of her eyes, "I- I'm so sorry Human King I used-"

"Hey hey hey now," Khadgar brashly cut her off only to grasp her hands in his own. Pulling Fain's attention to him the mage quieted her, "You saved us, what you did there saved both of us. Don't think this is a bad thing."

"But they killed Atiesh," fat tears pricked the shaken women's eyes, too much spinning in her head as Fain's bottom lip quivered.

"Little monster, it doesn't mean you failed," Lothar took a seat at the empty foot of the cot, its wooden legs squeaking a little from the weight of three adults but holding steady. Lothar brushed the gunky locks of hair off her forehead, the slight incline she gave to his touch making Lothar's heart ache knowing he couldn't take her into his arms like he wanted, "She loved to fight, she was good at it. That beast lived a long exciting life, don't beat yourself up for that, you hear me? She wouldn't blame you, trolls are fierce opponents and you know she gave them one hell of a fight."

"I almost died-" Fain blurted out in a choking sob. Too much rattling in her the woman strained to keep the tears down. Lothar reaching out and squeezing her thigh as Khadgar wrapped his arms around her shoulder and tried to encourage Fain to relax.

"'ve never been in a real fight have you?" Khadgar's voice was a rumble against her ear but she understood what he'd asked. The thought never passed through Lothar, seeing the turn out of her frayed nerves giving the King some inclination to Khadgar's question.

Though it was obvious to both men, it was confirmed when Fain abashed by the fact only nodded not daring eye contact with either men. Her answer earned a squeeze from Lothar's hand on her thigh and Khadgar pressing his warm lips to her filthy forehead.

"...the first time I was out in the battle field, I lost my horse to an orc...who literally ran away on it," Khadgar spoke softly, his hand pressed against the small of her back with his thumb making small circles on her cold skin.

"Tch," the recollection caused Lothar to snort, "Where's your horse? Oh I dunno the big giant monster we're fighting ran away with it. What's the boy do? Catches the runt of the group, hah."

Rolling those brown eyes at his King, Khadgar shook his head, "And O' Mighty King Lothar has never fumbled in battle I assure you."

Scratching his bearded cheek with the opposite hand, Lothar looked a little lost in thought before a sly smile crossed his lips, "I had my rookie days. How ever long ago that was though," Lothar's grin didn't disappear with Khadgar's sour expression. In fact he only smiled a bit wider when he saw Fain perking up at the duos conversation, "Yep, even a King has to learn some time. Though I'm sure my sister told you about the mishap between her and Llane when I was still training." Winking at her Fain pulled up a little more, Lothar thinking quick to keep the distressed woman interested, "Now she did get me back on that accident. I doubt my tricky sister told you about how she made a fool in front of me before my first shift as Captain of the Guard."

Fain remained silent but slowly let up a little on the hateful and fearful thoughts scampering through her mind. Khadgar's warm hand against her back and Lothar's small tale driving her attention back to the men trying to help her.

"Part of me knows Llane was in on it, he never admitted it though," Lothar couldn't help the smile linger thinking about his late brother in law. Loosing Stormwind's King was one thing, but still the man had lost a close friend and family. Pausing on that Lothar saw he had both Khadgar and Fain listening intently to him. Switching back from a glimpse at the young mage's face then to Fain's dirt smudged one, Lothar's half smile cocked on his lips, "Ask the Queen and she'll tell you differently, but my first night as Guard Captain was shortly after sweet Adariall was born. Maybe two months, I don't recall exactly," Lothar's green eyes had a glimmer that reflected on his lips as he recalled the first few months after his sister's and brother in law's first born, "Taria always rested up well after both kids, but after Adariall was born she was short with me. Come to find out their daughter was born on the anniversary of Taria's little accident with Llane during our youth. Don't ask me how, when or anything, but my stubborn sister had convinced Llane not only to pull a terrible prank on me, but also to do it in front of my very first assigned job as Captain." Those verdant eyes rolled to the back of the King's head and Lothar gently squeezed Fain's knee as his eyes shown how far away his thoughts were recalling it all, "I'd rehearsed how I'd give orders, the tone, my stance, all of it. Very important for a troop to have a Captain to model after. And I wanted these men to know I meant business, I was the best swordsmen in Llane's court and they knew it. But my dear sister inconceivably, even to this day she will not tell me how she pulled it off, had soaked my helm in a repugnant mixture of skunk spray and dog piss. To top it off when I went to place my helm on after the speech I'd expertly executed, I dumped a mixture of that same skunk piss and dog on my head."

"How did you now-?" Khadgar's expression bewildered at the King.

Glaring at his friend Lothar gave a throaty scoff, "I did smell it, when I asked my troops if they did it, somehow they'd all been informed of the Queen's cruel little trick and were all instructed to deny it until the very end. I washed my hair more times than conceivable and the rest of that week I had to address those men spelling like a rank outside mutt, all thanks to Taria."

Stern face through the entire story, it was Lothar's recap of spending an entire week smelling like skunk musk that broke the smile on Fain's lips. Like it was an achievement Lothar gave her a look like he was questioning what she found humorous. Fain lost it, busting up in giggles and Khadgar couldn't help the foolish grin spread on his lips while Fain held onto her stomach chortling at Lothar who simply rolled his eyes and motioned for them to hurry up.

"Yes yes yes, your King smelled like skunk ass for an entire week. I was stuck with some of these men for nearly three years before a new enough recruits came in and the nickname Captain Skunk finally meant nothing," Lothar's masterful eye roll directed at the two juveniles snickering like teenagers, "Of course Adariall and Anduin find this story just as funny, I expect children to laugh so hard at their mothers antics."

"Captain Skunk," Fain's snickering was relief to both men's ears. Even covered in crud it was alleviating to bring her back to the present.

Leaning in Lothar took the woman into his arms and gave her one long squeeze before a brief peck on the top of her forehead, "Now do you see little monster, you did amazing. Atiesh's death is sad but she died for us to live."

Rubbing his hand on her thigh, Lothar got himself up off the cot as Fain looked like she was about to say something but his green eyes shifted to Khadgar instead, "Be a gentleman for once and help the lady get cleaned up. Actually both of you wash up, you're disgusting Taria won't let you anywhere near the dinning room like that."

Khadgar smiled up to his King as Fain rustled about and moved herself from the corner she'd curled up in after their escape from the trolls. Both young spellcasters grinning at the King who recognized the look as their minds eyes trying to conjure up his sister's prank on him. He'd seen it too many times on his niece and nephews face after telling that story. Shaking his head Lothar gave Fain's shoulder a firm squeeze and she reached up to touch his hand before he pulled it away and took his leave from the infirmary.

Left in the echoing hall they sat quietly without a word on the cot side by side.

"...did you really let them take your horse?" Fain tilted her head to the side to only catch a little look at the mage beside her.

His pouty lips tugging at a smile, Khadgar shut his eyes and nodded, "I certainly did, I'd never been in a fight before. All I knew was spell books and wooden targets. Orcs are scary when they run at you."

Khadgar turned his head to meet Fain's eyes. A moment passed between them before smiles spread over their lips, "Orcs are terrifying, but trolls might be scarier."

"Yeah? I didn't think they'd be so big," Khadgar added lightheartedly, seeing that smile on her lips, even if it was faint, was all he wanted.

"What? You live here though, haven't you seen one?" Fain glanced over at him.

"Nope," Khadgar shook his head with a vague smile idle on his full lips, "Lothar likes to remind me often that I'm a bookworm. I'd never met a troll before that. Honestly I haven't done a lot of things."

"Huh," Fain's smile droped, her lips a stern line and her eyes moved down to their feet that lined up on the floor. She kicked hers out a little bit just to make the line of their toes uneven, though it didn't match up, Fain remained shoe less and Khadgar found himself another pair of boots after waking up, "I thought I would be more ready for my first taste of it, but I...I just froze when I came to it. Those two big female trolls, they'd stripped me naked and washed me like a rag doll. I was...just the thought they could snap my neck and I just..."

"You were just scared," Khadgar's hand moved to the top of her bare knee, "It's scary."

"But I'm not supposed to be scared, they trained us to want to die for the fel," Fain disagreed, frowning down at his hand on her knee she didn't budge though, "I've been aware of death for as long as I can recall...It never frightened me. We welcomed it and ruled over it." Khadgar gave her knee and gentle squeeze and Fain laid her hand on top of his gingerly, "I woke up alone, I thought you and Lothar were-"

Cutting herself off by chewing on her bottom lip until it felt raw, Fain clasped her fingers tighter around Khadgar's on her knee. A slow audible exhale from the mage and Fain sensed him lean into her shoulder and press his lips to her temple.

"We weren't though, and you fought magnificently. You should be proud of yourself Fain," the tender kiss he laid to the side of Fain's skull drifted away slowly as he leaned back up right, "Least you didn't let one steal your horse."

Looking over at him Fain welcomed the warmth that spread through her gut when his awry smile caught her off guard. Unable to withstand his infectious grin even Fain's lip broke into a small look of amusement. Abashed by his dorky look she hide her face in his shoulder. Khadgar's smile spread to a full grin and he squeezed her knee faintly when eh felt the woman's face brush against his shoulder.

", you've seen what fel does. You still don't think I'm a monster like Gul'dan?" Fain's low voice slipped between them.

Her question caught the mage off guard momentarily, "What, no. Of course I don't. I never thought you were." His discord obvious on his scuffed face, Khadgar sat back while the hand on her knee moved to seek out her hands. Clasping her palms between his own Khadgar made it hard for Fain to do anything but look across to him, "You weren't a monster to me in my dreams, you aren't a monster now. Gul'dan isn't you."

"But he made me-"

"He made you a prisoner and a slave like everyone else in this harmful war," Khadgar's stern tone compelling Fain oddly enough to look up at him, the earnest undertones he so rarely exulted. Fain not being able to heed what he said with a shy look down at their hands clasped together.

"...I'm sorry," the warlock muttered.

Bringing her hands up to his face, Khadgar kissed the tops of them gingerly before rising with her hands still in his, "Lets get you washed up. You'll feel better with all the grime off of you."

The woozy ache in her tired bones as Fain rose with Khadgar's encouragement. One foul swoop and both mage and warlock embraced each other in an long over due hug. Neither making an attempt to spare a kiss. Instead hugging one another tightly in weary arms. A longing, body squashing embrace, only ended as Khadgar received a small peck on the cheek.

Eyes crossing paths once more, they then both looked down to their hands. Not another soul in the infirmary, they reached out and laced fingers together. Still partially hidden when Fain took a step closer to Khadgar and he pressed his palm against hers before they walked sluggishly to the washroom to clean up the left over dirt from the troll skirmish. A lingering thought of Lothar or worse Taria, nagging that it took Fain too long to clean the crud off compelled the quiet duo to silent their demons for the moment and follow out the request both King and Queen made.

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