Curiosity Made the Spy

By TheCrysatlanime

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Hisoka Night is the infamous, international killer, The Night. Known throughout the world for having untracea... More

Curiosity Made the Spy
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Five

127 4 0
By TheCrysatlanime

Chapter Five

-Daniel's POV-

My alarm didn't go off yet again. This is really annoying, I can't wait till the weekend where I can go to town and buy a new alarm-clock, however I need to finish my report on ‘Men who died during the 1900s’- I really hate history.  

Knock knock.

I got out of bed and put on a pair of sweatpants- only to open my dorm door to get tackled to the floor by Steven.

"Morning sleepy head!" He practically shouts in my ear. Shoving him off me and getting up I grumble about how he should become my alarm...

"Sure, I won't mind doing that!" I sigh and rub the bridge of my nose. Leaving for the bathroom I hear Steven sit on my sofa. Closing the door I lean against it and will myself to get up and into the shower.

Getting out of the shower I tie the towel around my hips and get my school clothes from in front of my closet. I spin on my heel to scope out my bedroom.

"Steven?" It's too quiet... Opening my laptop I have a look on the cameras I've set up everywhere. Ah! There he is, in three, two-

"BLAH!" Steven pounces at me from the closet. I step aside and he falls onto his face. Groaning he gets up.

"I guess I deserved that." I ruffle his dirty blonde hair and retreat back into the bathroom to change.

After getting into my school uniform I got my bag and we leave my room.

Walking with Steven to lessons the overhead voice beeped.

"Sorry students but today there will be a cancellation of all lessons, again. Thank you."

I sigh as Steven does a little happy dance whilst singing to himself.

"No school, no school, third day in a row! La di da!"  My attention was drawn towards the end of the corridor where the ever empty room 666 sat. School rumour has it that no one has been in that room since one of the best students up and left with no sign of life.    

"Do you know-" Kyle’s voice rang throughout the hallway, only to be interrupted by a girl’s voice.

"Who you are? Sure sleaze brain, I know. I just don't give a hoot." I turn towards the voices to see a young woman in a pair of dark red high-tops and faded, baggy, army green cargo pants with ten or so plus pockets. Wearing a black studded belt hanging low with three silver chains hanging from the right side of the belt.

She was wearing a white tank top with thick straps. Her shoulder length auburn hair cut in a jagged way was spiked up here and there giving her an 'I-just-got-out-of-bed' look.

"Humph! Yeah right! You-" Kyle was silenced with a wave of her hand.

"Oh Shut it, 'your royal highness’." I grin at her comment. She turns around and heads to room 666 with a key. I stare at her face, it's a soft, feminine looking face with huge grey eyes, with long thick eyelashes, and her full lips seem to be the colour of pink roses, a small button nose with a very pale and light dusting of freckles.

Without knowing it I had walked up to her and now she was standing in front of me with a hand in her hip, giving me a grin.

Shaking my head in a daze I introduced myself. 

"Hey there, my names Daniel Smith. This here is my personal alarm clock- Steven Hicks." She smiles at Steven and shakes both our hands.

"Hi! My name is Cindy Eversweet! I love pink and dresses and Unicorns!" I stare at her in shock. She begins to laugh, and pretends to wipe away a tear.

"Damn! I haven't done that in ages! Hahaha!" She straightens after awhile and gives me a grin. "My name is Asa Hisoka Night- but just call me Hisoka." Hisoka...? Interesting...

"Hm... Hisoka? Doesn't that mean Secret?" Steven asks. She smirks at us and nods her head.

"Ironic right? Thought it fits me perfectly." I notice she was looking at her door in annoyance. "Do you know if we can paint our rooms?" I think about it but shrug my shoulders.

"Sorry I have no clue.” As an afterthought I add, “But you can stick posters I believe."

-Hisoka's POV-

[Later that night]

‘ Ahhh... I love evenings!’ I smiled to myself as I stroll through the corridors in my pyjamas. I spin around to see a shadow turning a corner.

‘I think I should have some well deserved fun.' I laugh silently and prowl forwards. Seconds later I was standing behind a young teacher. Tapping on his shoulder I jump into the shadows and watch him jump around looking for me. I couldn't help the little insane laugh that rang, bouncing from wall to wall. Seeing his face pale, I jump out.

"Hey there." He practically jumped out of his skin with a shout.

"ARGH!" It echoed throughout the corridor for a while before silence took over again. The teacher stood there watching me for a minute before keeling over, I lean forward to see if he's breathing and notice a set of footsteps approaching. Stepping into the shadows once more before a familiar form of Smithers appeared.

"Who is there?" I giggle and move before he could pinpoint me in the shadows. "Hisoka!" He whisper-yelled at the shadows.

"Smithers!" I whisper-yelled back at him. Suddenly stepping in front of him, he gave a small yelp of surprise.

"To your room now young lady." He demanded. Shaking my head I stepped away.

"Ah... Smithers. Always demanding but never giving."

"I am your teacher!"

"Oh don't be a fool, old man!" His face turned red with anger as he began to splutter. “I am a teach now too.”

"Old? How dare you! You insol-" there was a cough from behind him. Turning on his heel Smithers and myself were faced with Mr Adams.

"Good evening Mr A! Out for a night stroll too?" I smile sweetly at him. He gave me a pointed look. "Okay, I see you have a lot to talk about with Smithers... So, Secret Out!" I spun around and legged it down the hall, where to I have no clue.

-Zane's POV-

I was annoyed, I couldn't sleep. So I decided to pick the lock and study in the library- and by the way I still don't understand why they lock doors here, we can all pick them. Turning into the corridor I run into another moving object- which happened to be Hisoka. Getting hold of her shoulders to keep her immobile I looked down on her in surprise.

"Well, where were you going speedy Gonzalez?" She frowned momentarily.

"None of your business. Now let go so I can carry on with 'My Business'." Sighing I let go of her and carry on towards the library. "Oh, I wouldn't go that way... um... Teacher fainted. Not a pretty sight." With that she ran down the hall, before I could wonder about the comment there was a huge crash. Jogging to the stair well I saw Hisoka in a crumpled heap at the bottom, taking the stairs two at a time I got to Hisoka in no time.

Her black baggy t-shirt rising up above her bellybutton showing a flat and toned stomach, her silky, black boxers with electric orange writing: born to wild- askew and her black and purple stripy ugg-boot  slippers making her look cute and innocent, just like Liz -Wait what?! Okay, I must be tired. I grabbed my mobile and texted the school nurse.

'Hey. Sorry it's late but have you heard of the new teacher? Yeah well they've fallen down a flight of stairs and they have to teach tomorrow.' I put my phone down and checked Hisoka's pulse. ‘Yeah, still beating.’

My phone buzzed and I saw the text was from the nurse.

'Nah he can wait. All teachers hate me so why should he like me?' I sigh, I love doing this to him. He is a girl fanatic so I'll get a kick out of this.

'Um... Did I tell you "SHE" hasn't got a boyfriend and is sixteen?' I’m not sure how I know these things but- someone I use to know- would be about sixteen now and she wouldn’t have a boyfriend because she is too stubborn.  

Seconds later Simon replied.

'Don't be stupid that's just a legend! Anyway she would probably be ugly.' I sigh, then smile as I remember Miss Hisoka’s little saying about sighing.

'Actually she's pretty damn hot and is unconscious at the moment.'

I put my phone down because there was no use for it now. After waiting for five minutes I heard hurried footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Where is she? Where is she?" Simon's breath came in short gasps, however his breath basically stopped as he saw Hisoka. "Is that... *hiccup*... Her?" His voice was barely a whisper. I nod trying to hide my amusement. "Beautiful..."

"Yeah, but seriously- she has to teach tomorrow and if she can't then I could say it's your fault." I hear him open his bag and he got out his stethoscope, pressing it against her chest he listens with a small smile on his face.

"Ahhh... Her heart sounds like a song..." I shake my head at his weirdness.

"Really? Well her voice is like an unknown melody, just like-" I stop myself before I mention her name out loud but his eyes brighten and he puts his stethoscope away.

"Okay let's check for breaks and othe-" Simon was interrupted by a groan.

"Aw damn. I fell down the stairs again!" I look down at Hisoka in disbelieve, again? "Oh well let's get up!" She sat up and then got onto her feet in a few swift movements. "There we go."

Looking up for the first time I see her eyes widen.

"Hey there speedy Gonzalez. Had a nice trip?" I asked. I laughed when she stuck out her tongue in a childish manner.

"*Cough*" Oh right Simon.

"Miss Hisoka, this is Simon- the school nurse." Hisoka grins mischievously and gives him a wink.

"Heya, looks like I'll get to spend more time with you sooner rather than later. As you may have noticed I can be quite the clumsy twat." I groan inwardly at the look Simon gave me, it was sort of like a wink slash wide smirk. I shake my head in disgust; you never know what this nurse/pervert is thinking.

"Well, see you soon then Miss." Hisoka nod's half-heartedly. I turn away to pick up my phone off the floor where I had left it. “I can’t wait to get to know you more... physically.” SLAM! I spin on my heel to see Hisoka pinning Simon down in a Hog hold, his arms and legs pulled back and in her hands. I laugh at the sight of Simon.

"Owww! Hey don't laugh!" I laugh harder and Hisoka let go of him and stepped back in shock. "Oh, hey don't worry Miss! I wasn't hurt. I was joking." But she just shook her head and sat on the bottom step of the staircase.

"No." She answered simply. I gave her a confused look which she didn't see as she was staring at the floor.

"Hey what's wrong sweetheart?" Simon placed a hand on her shoulder which was shoved away the second it touched her.

"Shut up! I had you in a hog hold and that equals pig and pig equals bacon. Which reminds me, I haven't eaten in three hours. I am Starving!" I was having a hard time holding in my laughter.

"Okay, Miss." I held out my hand towards Hisoka to help her up but she just ignored me and placed a hand on her hip.

"Miss?" She rolls her eyes. "Really, you are older this means you-" Before she could finish her rant she fell back against the wall with a groan. "Ahh!"

"Oh God! What's wrong? Do you need a doctor?" Simon was flapping. I turn to Simon in shock.

"Uh. Dude, you’re the nurse." Simon looks up at me and grins.

"Oh yeah. Sorry forgot." Facing Hisoka again she gives us a pained look.

"I can't make it to the kitchen, too far!"

"What do you mean? You don't know where it is."

"I checked the blueprints of this school and it'll be quicker if you brought me to my room." She answered in monotone whilst giving me a bored look. I sigh and turn towards Simon.

"Come on Simon let's get her to bed."

"Nice." He said to Hisoka, who gave him a death glare. We were bickering the whole way there.


"Shut up Simon, she's not even spent a whole day in that room. How could she have... done anything..." I was silenced as we walked into room 666. What has she done? Her room was a dark purple- practically black with luminous paint splattered all across the walls. Simon voiced my thoughts exactly.

"What have you done?" But all we get off her was a chuckle. She made a mad dash to her bag, ripping it to shreds.

"Aha!" She screamed holding up a Kit-Kat bar as if it was a trophy. Sitting down, crossed legged on the plush dark red carpet she shoved the Kit-Kat bar in her face.

She sighed with content and looked at Simon and myself in confusion.

"What? I was hungry." I guess we were both staring at her wide eyed, I know I was.

"Um... How did you do this to your room?" I asked incredulous.

"Yeah... How?" Simon looked around with interest.

"Well, when I was eleven I painted it all blue but that's a bit boring so-" She paused and looked around the room with a smile, which slid off her face once she saw her bag.

"Damn! My bag! How could you do this?" 'Do what?'

"Uh. Hisoka? You did that. Not us." Simon stood there staring at her in disbelieve just like I was.

"Never mind. Now help me. My bag is all over the place; now pick them up so I can re-pack." I picked up a note book and a roll of duck tape.

"Why do you have duck tape in you backpack?" I asked confused. Snatching it off me she explained.

"It comes in handy; I have multiple uses for it."

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