Curiosity Made the Spy

By TheCrysatlanime

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Hisoka Night is the infamous, international killer, The Night. Known throughout the world for having untracea... More

Curiosity Made the Spy
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Three

143 5 0
By TheCrysatlanime

Chapter Three

-Mr Adams's POV-

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.

'Calm down Chris!'

I shouted at myself as I ran towards the gym. Nearly running into the gym doors minutes later, I jumped inside to find a class sitting on the floor and watching Jim and a guy who was slouching against one of the walls chewing gum. As soon as I entered the class stood up and lowered their heads towards me as a greeting.

Waving them off I noticed that Jim was angrily whispering towards the kid, who shrugged and blew a bubble, making it pop.

"Jim, a word?" Jim looked up surprised to find me standing in the doorway. He nods and jogs towards me as soon as he is beside me we turn around and he whispers to me the information.

"She's not talking. Chris what should we do?" I looked towards the kid- Hisoka and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I've never seen him so agitated in my life and it somewhat scared me. To know a kid- no a girl- could frighten a man like him, what she can do must be amazing. I shake my head to focus.

"Okay, we need to announce a half-day and gather all the teachers to have an emergency meeting in the hall." An idea hits me. "We have to also call the Head Council." Jim just nodded and told his class to go get changed. I walked towards the phone on the wall beside the doors and called at main reception.

"Hello, this is the recep-" Began the voice.

"Oh shut up David! It's me, Chris. Call an emergency meeting with all the teachers and announce a half-day for the students." I practically shout down the phone.

"Y-Yes sir." David answered.

"In the mean time, contact the Head Council." I tell him as calmly as I could. I hear a ruffle of papers down the line and a clash as something hits the floor.

"Okay sir. Anything else?" David asks out of breath.

"No just the things I've told you. See you soon." Before he could answer I hang up the phone and turned around, shouting out of fright as I see the girl standing there just two meters away with a questioning look on her face.

"Um... Please follow me." She nods as the over-head speakers announce that classes have been cancelled for the rest of the day. The girl raises and eyebrow at me in a form of a question but I ignore her and walk out of the gym towards the teachers hall. 'Why is it always me with the problems?'

-Zane's POV-

[Monday- 5:30am.]

My alarm clock on the floor smashed to pieces and I was up and walking towards the library, basking in the silence before 6:30am where everything in these god-damned buildings wakes up.

"Hey, you're up early." I groan in frustration. It must be one of these younger students, they are up early but then later on in the year you hardly hear of them before 8:00am. Reluctantly looking up from my book I gaped at the person in front of me.

"Um..." I mumble as I look down to find a pair of dark red high-tops, moving up I see faded, baggy, army green cargo pants with ten plus pockets. Carrying on I find a black studded belt hanging low with three silver chains hanging from the right side of the belt, looking at the persons chest- which I think is too big for a guy- I see a white tank top with thick straps and writing stating- 'My eyes are further up.' I stare at the writing confused.

There was a cough; I looked at the face of the person I have been scrutinizing to find a soft, feminine looking face with huge grey eyes, with long thick eyelashes and a small button nose with a very pale and light dusting of freckles. Full lips the colour of pink cherry tree blossoms frowning at me. This face is framed by short straight but also wavy brown- auburn hair which feathered into the face and that was cut just above the collar bone. My eyes travelled back to the lips that were now smirking up at me. A melodic voice sounded from those lips.

"Like what you see?" I was snapped out of my trance like observations to see the whole picture. A girl? There's a girl in the hallway of the most secret school in the world! HOW?!

As if reading my mind, her voice bounced off the walls like music.

"I got in through the front door. Simple really, just walk up to the door, then you open-" I cut her explanation off with the wave of my hand, which got me a nasty glare.

"No, how did you find this school and got in without a problem?" Shaking her head she began walking away. Over her shoulder she answered.

"I told you, I walked up to the door and opened it. Simple."

She rounded the corner before I began to follow. Running around the corner I was mystified when I couldn't find her, even when I used my training. There was a cough behind me, spinning around I see her there, a hand over her mouth and her shoulders shaking with held back laughter. She looked up at me and then burst out laughing which sounded heavenly.

"What?" I growled at her, which only made her laugh harder.

"Oh hey, do you know where the Headmasters office would be?"

-Hisoka's POV-

I looked up at the guy, ready to be all serious and all, but then I burst out laughing.

"What?" He growled at me, which only made me laugh even harder.

"Oh hey, do you know where the Headmasters office would be?" I asked the wide eyed guy.

Nodding his head he walked past me and carried on down the corridor. I laughed to myself as I noticed he looked just like Zankey, just at seventeen not ten. Ah... He was so nice to me, like an older brother. His twenty year old sister tutored me in the normal school stuff at their house as I learned all about the world of Assassins and Spies. I notice this guy has the same slouch in his shoulders. No, it couldn't. Could it?

"Are you coming or not?" The guy looked back towards me. I shrugged and jogged up beside him, I see him look down at me from the corner of my eye. Turning my head towards him I see him whip his head back in front of us.

"Um... Yeah well we're here." He said after I nearly walked into the door... 'I did that on purpose- I tell you, it's was on purpose!'

"Cool! Thank you. Um... err...?" Before he could answer the door swung inwards and Mr Adams stood there happy as a puppy with a brand new squeaky toy. I tried to not a laugh at Mr Adams face as he saw the guy behind me.

"Come in, just stand before my desk. You-" Mr A pointed at the guy. "-will stand beside the door." The guys face looked annoyed but he just nodded.

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