Right Next To Me

By urbanstargazer

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They say true love comes just once in a lifetime. Cate Ryan never stayed in one place. Her childhood was spen... More

Chapter 1 My Summer Begins
Chapter 2 The First Boy of Summer
Chapter 3 Derek
Chapter 4 I am going.
Chapter 6 Seth
Chapter 7 A Day at the Fair
Chapter 8 The Lake House
Chapter 9 Cranky Boy
Chapter 10 The Inside Story
Chapter 11 My Kind of Summer
Chapter 12 A Family Dinner and A Box of Memories
Chapter 13 Always You
Chapter 14 At the White Luncheon
Chapter 15 The (Polo) Playing Field
Chapter 16 Dylan
Chapter 17 That (Awesome) Anniversary Dinner Party
Chapter 18 Operation Bring Back That Lovin' Feeling
Chapter 19 The Beautiful Ones
Chapter 20 A Day with Prince Charming
Chapter 21 Summer Getaways
Chapter 22 Surprise!
Chapter 23 His Point Of View
Chapter 24 One Stormy Night
Chapter 25 A Lovers' Quarrel
Chapter 26 One Last Hurray for Summer
Chapter 27 Another Summer Ends
Chapter 28 The Birthday Celebrations
Chapter 29 Whose Birthday Is It Anyway?
Chapter 30 The (Best) Morning After
Chapter 31 On Courage and Sleeping
Chapter 32 Merry Christmas, War Is Over
Chapter 33 Happy New Year Dear
Chapter 34 My Cranky Valentine
Chapter 35 The Love Intervention
Chapter 36 The Sweetest Thing
Chapter 37 The Birthday Boy
Chapter 38 On A Night Like This
Chapter 39 What Happens in California...
Chapter 40 Decisions...Decisions...
Chapter 41 A Promise I Make
Chapter 42 Right Next To Me
Chapter 43 Cheesy Lines and Perfect Words
Chapter 44 Endless Summer
Forever Summer Series

Chapter 5 Topless Boy

3.3K 39 3
By urbanstargazer

Chapter 5  ~ Topless Boy

I did not realize I missed riding so much.  I have always felt free just by being out in the tracks. I even tried jumping on the arena. I hoped no one would report this back to Ian.

The sun was already nipping at my exposed skin and my stomach is grumbling. Derek and I only had a light breakfast before we headed to the country club earlier. At this rate, it might already be around 11 in the morning. That means I have been riding for a good 4 hours. I decided to head back to the stables.

I dismounted and decided to walk alongside the horse. My bum is a bit sore from sitting in the saddle too long. I passed by the polo field and decided to watch the action. I spotted Derek. I cannot describe how good looking he is.

I noticed a group of young women on the stands. They seem older than me by a few years. They are probably college students or about Derek’s age. Each one of them cheering on or focused at a certain guy on the field. Could Derek have a special someone at the stands? I highly doubt he will have a shortage of women to admire him and keep him company.

The practice ended about an hour later. Some players walked over to the stands to chat with the women.  I turned towards the direction of the stables to bring back Aunt Lily’s horse when I heard something calling me. I turned back to see Derek rushing towards me. I stopped and waited for him to reach me.

“You did some jumps at the arena.” He said, looking at me accusingly. “I told you not to.”

“How did you…” I started to ask how he could have seen me practicing jumps when he was playing but quickly changed my mind. “You sound like Ian.” I said instead.

He sighed. “He asked me to look after you. So, yeah I think I would sound as worried as him. “

So that was it. Ian asked him to look after me. Derek was not really interested in me or anything.

“Well, you both worry too much.  In a few months, I will be 18. By then, I will be expected to take care of myself. Please don’t tell Ian about the jumps. I just wanted to try and see if I can still do them. I still have it in me to compete but I do not have the same drive or enthusiasm anymore.”

“Ian won’t hear about this but you said it yourself, you still have a few months before legally being considered an adult. Until then, you should expect us to fuss over you.”

We continued walking together and received a few curious glances. The women were probably wondering who I am and why I am with Derek. ‘You can have him all to yourselves, girls.’ I thought. He is not interested in me.

“I wouldn’t make it back to the villa for lunch. I am just too hungry.  You want to eat by the restaurant?” Derek asked interrupting my thoughts.

“Sure.” I said. I waited for Derek to change his clothes by the jeep. He may not be interested in me romantically but that will not stop me from checking him out. I feel like such a perv.  We headed to the restaurant afterwards.

We were joined for lunch by the other players and their dates. Derek introduced me to them but they were far too many for me to remember each one. A blonde girl stood out, though. Her name is Anne. I remembered her because she sat too close to Derek and was obviously trying to get his attention the whole time.

Good thing, her charms did not work. Derek was so attentive towards me during lunch and even stood up to get me a refill of my drink.  I smiled smugly at her when she finally realized Derek was not minding her at all.

We reached home in the early afternoon. I took a quick shower and decided to sketch but I quickly fell asleep.


 I woke when I heard boisterous laughter from downstairs. My bedroom window is located directly above the poolside. The noisemakers are by the pool. I got off the bed, slightly irritated. I noticed the clock said 5 o’clock. Oh well, might as well get up and check if I can help Jessie in the kitchen and make myself useful.  I threw on a white t shirt, denim shorts and a pair of sneakers.

“Cate, the sleeping beauty, is finally awake.” Jessie said when I entered the kitchen. She was preparing some sandwiches, slices of cake and drinks on a tray.

“Yeah, I fell asleep. Too tired.” I chuckled. “Can I help you with anything here?” I asked Jessie, I drummed my fingers at the kitchen counter while waiting for her response.

“Yep. Help me bring these by the pool.” She said, handing me the tray.

“We have guests?” I asked, raising a brow.

“The neighbor is in.” Jessie said simply.

I turned towards the pool, tray in hand. I heard bursts of laughter.  Derek entered my view but his back was on me. It was the guest who spotted me first.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Miss Going.”  The guest said. He appraised me, lingering at my legs.

I put the tray down on the table and gazed at the guy who looked so relaxed, splayed out on the pool lounge chair. I recognized him as the topless guy I almost trampled to death at the stables earlier.

“Hello to you, too. I am so glad you remembered to put a shirt on.” I said smugly.

Derek looked amused at our exchange. Suddenly he looked like he realized something. “He was the guy you were telling me about at lunch?” He asked.

“Yep. The one and only topless boy who is stupid enough to stand in front of a rearing horse.” I told Derek.

“That’s me.” Topless boy said proudly smiling, motioning like we was introducing himself to a crowd.

“You do not really recognize him, do you?” Derek asked looking at me, obviously stifling a laugh.

“Ooh, I remember him. “ I said, waving my hand. “He will always be topless boy to me.” I said rolling my eyes. “I won’t forget.” I am still irritated at topless boy.

I could have injured him or killed him this morning. What would happen to me then? I have had my license revoked and have done community service back home. A homicide case will not suit me well.

Derek shook his head, laughing. “This is Seth.” He said, gesturing towards topless boy. “Seth Cohen, he lives next door.”

Topless boy was grinning at me from ear to ear. I had my straight face on but I narrowed my eyes at him when I remembered who he was. I met Seth the summer before I left for France. “Oh, I remember you now. You pushed me by the lake and I almost drowned.” I said accusingly.

“Yep. That’s me again.” He said chuckling. “I did not mean to drown you. I never thought you did not know how to swim considering you live in a house with a huge swimming pool.” He said, rolling his eyes. “Besides, we are even now. I tried to kill you before, you tried to kill me this morning.” He added and then shrugged.

“Excuse me?!?” I said with a raised tone. “You ran straight into the horse’s path. You startled the horse. I did not try to kill you.” I was almost shouting now, crossing my arms. I am so pissed off.

“Hold up, guys.” Derek said, pacifying us. “Calm down. I will just borrow Jessie’s knives so we can get this over with.” He said seriously and prepared to enter the house but he started chuckling. I cannot help but smile at him but I glared at Seth.

“What were you doing by the country club, naked?” Derek asked Seth, changing the topic. I need to cool down before I seriously finish off Seth.

“I wasn’t naked…” Seth started.

 “Just topless.” I cut him off and smirked.

“Fine.” He said, rolling his eyes. “I did not have my shirt on because I was in a hurry. I left it somewhere.” He said casually.

I heard Derek sigh and said, “Seth, you left your shirt at Lady Marquardt’s? I thought that was over?”

I gawked at what Derek said and turned my gaze towards Seth. Seth is into Lady Marquardt? The lady is like 50 years old or something. Sure, she has a great body as far as I can remember but she was already past 30 before I left. 

Seth looked like he wanted to strangle Derek but his reaction changed into something else. Guilt perhaps? I kept quiet.

“I saw her in town when I arrived and she invited me for dinner. Dinner progressed into something else. Next thing I know, she was pushing me out the door because her husband’s car was pulling up the driveway. I had to run away. I am just glad I did not sleep naked last night. Otherwise, Miss Going here would have seen my goods.” He explained glancing at me.

I did not want to see Seth’s goods. I should not even imagine…. I felt my face heat up. I turned away and got a cake from the tray to hide my blush and occupy myself.

“You know you will get in trouble again, right?” Derek said.  

“I know, man.  I know. I will try to stay away.” Seth said earnestly. “Has Dylan arrived? “ He asked Derek. “I need my wingman. You know, steer me away from lady trouble.”

“No. He will not be here until next week.” Derek said. We all ate in silence.

“I’ll go and see if I can help Jessie on anything.” I stood up to leave them after I finished my cake. I have already heard enough of man issues. I am pretty sure Derek and Seth still need to discuss something.

“See you around, Miss Cate Going.” Seth called out.

“I hope not, topless boy.” I retorted. I heard the boys laugh.

I need to brace myself for this summer, I thought.


I hope I got to make you laugh with this one. 

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