
By ACWhetsell

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Aurora is a simple country girl whom on her birthday took a day trip to the castle. On her eighteenth birthda... More

Chapter 1
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
The Wedding

Chapter 9

50 1 0
By ACWhetsell

I honestly didn't want to go to the big hall for dinner, but Mary assured me that they would all be there and wouldn't leave my side. I was just so angry with my uncle. . . no sorry, he was my father. I was angry that both he and my mother waited so long to tell me that they were my parents, and I was angry that they even told me at all. Basically I was just angry. I knew they did it for a good reason, but I loved my life and to find out it was all a lie was infuriating. Everyone around me was there because my father paid them to be. Was anyone around because they wanted to be? Mary told me to stop feeling sorry for myself and to think clearly, that everyone around me genuinely loved me. Although I knew she was right, I was still a little angry. I couldn't help it. It was irrational anger, but I couldn't seem to let it go. What I hated most was that Maleficent was right, there were signs all around me. I just chose to not pay attention.

I spent the better part of two days sulking in my room and taking walks around the castle grounds and practiced in the woods. Naomi brought me food straight from the kitchens for every meal. Flora, Fiona, and Mary came to see how I was doing and tried to coax me out. Well, Fiona tried to coax me out while Flora and Mary said I was being ungrateful and foolish. Which, I suppose, I was being foolish and ungrateful.

Finally, after my third day of sulking I decided it was high time I stopped. Well, if I'm being honest Naomi and Phillip helped me decide that it was high time to stop sulking. I went out in search of one of my godmothers to ask if they knew where my father was going to be. I needed to apologize.

"Flora," I shouted after her when she rounded the corner.

"Well, look who's stopped sulking. Welcome to the outside world."

"I deserved that. I've decided to stop being foolish. I know I wasn't being fair to them."

"That's my girl. Your father is meeting with his advisors today your mother should be with him. I'll show you the way." She led me down two other hallways and stopped in front of a pair of double doors.

"Just knock, they'll let you in."

"I'm not so sure I want to go in." I began to back up.

"I love you Aurora, but you've got the flare of the dramatic. Just knock on the door and talk to your parents. They've been wanting to tell you for the longest time, and they've been wanting to talk to you since your ride."

"But what about you, Finoa, and Mary? I feel like if I accept them as my parents you won't be anymore."

"You will always be our little girl. You're just beginning a new chapter in your life that includes your parents. Now go in, or I'll make you read Dante again."

"Thank you." I smiled and kissed her.

I didn't actually expect them to open the door. I especially didn't expect them to let me in. I was even further surprised when I found that Phillip, accompanied by his father, and Elanore were present as well. They seemed to be amidst an argument when I arrived.

"Aurora" my father gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to speak with you and mother, but I can return at a more appropriate time." I turned to leave.

"No, please stay, we would love to speak with you." There was a tinge of desperation in his voice.

"Yes do stay, what we are discussing pertains to you." Phillips father spoke up. I nodded and sat next to Elanore and my mother who were seated away from the table that the men were circled around. "The agreement was for my son to wed your eldest daughter. Now from my understanding Elanore is not even your daughter."

"You know very well Hubert, my daughter is not in the predicament to be able to be in an engagement."

"Your family squabbles are just that Stephan, family squabbles. Do not bring them into this arrangement. Now, what we arranged was you would give your eldest daughter in marriage and I would send you my men to help you in your campaigns to the North. You and I both know that you will not make it without my support. You would be outnumbered three to one."

"I just got my daughter back Hubert, have you no mercy?"

"This deal has been in the making for eighteen years. Do not act like this is something that has come out of thin air. She is just some girl, have another if your going to get sentimental or get a horse."

"Excuse me, I am not just some girl." I spoke up. That was it. He was insulting my father and saying I was just something that could be easily replaced by anything.

"Pipe down child stay there seated quietly like a woman should be."

"May all do respect your highness, but this does have something to do with me. I am the eldest daughter of King Stephan and it is I who is being talked about like some piece of property."

"You impertinent girl." He sputtered.

"Impertinent I may be—"

"Aurora—" My father warned, but I ignored him.

"What my father is trying to tell you is that we have been separated for quite some time he would like for us to become acquainted with each other before he gives me to another family."

"Are you saying that you would not like to be married to my son?" He was beginning to turn red and puffing up like a horse who just ran long and hard.

"Father—" Phillip came over to put space between us.

"Not now Phillip, I'm talking to her." He jabbed an angry finger at me.

"Yes, father but you are letting your temper gain the better of you again." Hubert glared at me again and sighed.

"Do you want to marry my son?" This was our chance. I looked at Phillip and smiled.

"Yes, your highness. I would more like than anything to wed your son."

"Of course you do, he is a handsome one!" He kissed Phillip's forehead and laughed heartily. "It is settled then. They shall marry, and I will give you your time with her Stephan. They shall marry within the next month."

"That isn't enough time."

"Nonsense, it is perfect timing. It gives enough time for you to become acquainted with your daughter and gives us enough time before the ground freezes to move north for your campaign."

"Rose?" My father turned to my mother.

"It is more than fair Stephan. We've had the agreement for almost eighteen years now. It is time. And like he said it would be an ideal time to begin your campaign."

"I don't want to begin the campaign right away."

"Why not, you'll have more than enough men." Hubert grunted.

"Your men will need to be trained."

"My men are highly skilled." Hubert protested.

"But they have not ben trained with my men. Do not second guess me when it comes to training and fighting. If there is one thing I know, it is that." He stared down Hubert who said nothing more.

"Fine, train my already capable men. Everything is settled then. You two shall be married nigh on a month. You happy son?"

"Yes, father, immensely happy."

"Good, she is a pretty one son but I warn you she has quite a mouth on her."

Phillip chuckled, "Yes, I am well aware of that."

"We shall announce the engagement this evening." My father clapped Phillip on the shoulder.

With all the excitement I completely forgot about poor Elanore. The entire night after they made the announcement she sat there with quiet dignity, but I could see in her face that she was embarrassed, even hurt. As the evening wore on she retreated deeper into the shadows until she was gone. No one even seemed to notice. The girl that was once the talk of the whole castle was completely overlooked and forgotten. It made me feel utterly guilty.

I tried to look for her the next day to see how she was, but it was hard to track her down. Either no one knew of whom I was talking about, or they would direct me to one place and she would have just left. Phillip told me I should leave her be for a while, but I knew if I were her I would be feeling lonelier than ever.

I found her walking around the gardens. I could tell she was just wandering aimlessly and not even paying attention to anything around her. Honestly, I was a little nervous to approach her. It was my fault after all that everything around her just crumpled and disappeared.

"Elanore?" She spun around startled.

"Aurora, you frightened me." She put her hand to her heaving chest.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you. I thought you would have heard me coming."

"I'm afraid I wasn't paying attention."

"I saw." We stood awkwardly for a moment "I wanted to see how you were doing. We never got the chance to speak after the arrangements were made."

"No." She turned back around.

"So, how are you?"

"I'm fine." Her back was still facing me.

"Are you sure about that?" She didn't answer. "I mean, I would understand if you were angry with me or even a little sad."

"I'm not angry," she turned around. "honestly, I'm not. It would probably be a correct emotion, but I feel nothing but relief. I'm not the kind of girl who does not bask in attention. I prefer to live quietly instead. There is something gnawing at me though."

"Do you wish to tell me?"

"Why not, your as close as I've ever had to a friend." She paused for a long while "I really do feel fine about the whole thing. It's just I can't help but wonder what I did wrong. Did you know before Phillip no man had ever spoke to me or even made an offer for marriage? It isn't like my dowry is small. In fact, my parents left me a good fortune for my husband to inherit. Not to mention they would inherit a title. Yet, no one came around. I don't think I'm ugly. I mean I'm not as pretty as you are, definitely, but I'm not hideous."
 "No, you are not."

"Thank you for that. I was a little excited when they told me about the arrangement. I knew it wouldn't last long that they would find out who you were soon enough, yet I couldn't help but get a little excited. I mean, everyone was going to think I was engaged to Prince Phillip. I was so used to being alone that when Phillip and I had to go around in public together I was a little nervous at first, but after a while it was nice. I actually started to fantasize what it would have been like if I really were you and I ended up marrying him. It was a nice little lie I made for myself. The funny thing is it didn't matter anyway, because he was in love with you the whole time and was fighting to break the engagement to marry you."

"Are you in love with Phillip?"

"No." She said it so adamantly and was shaking her head so vigorously that her hair came loose a little. Praise the Lord on high, if she was in love with him I would have felt a little guilty. "No, I don't love him. It was just a nice fantasy to think someone actually wanted me. Between you and me though, I am interested in someone.


"Just between you and me, right?"

"Of course." I was just itching to hear who it was. There was nothing like a hidden secret to make it all the more appealing to know.

"It's Lord Braumpton, he never even notices I was around though."

"Robin? You are interested in Robin?"

"Yes, I met him three years ago at a ball. Between you and I we meet before, but he never seemed to see me until that night. He asked me to dance twice. Oh— I can still remember it, I felt like I was dancing on air. We talked a little here and there afterwards. He is a smart man and he knows how to read. Did you know that his mother made him learn four languages? He knows both of the old languages, Latin and Greek. He's also one of the nicest men I know."

"He is nice to have a conversation with."

She smiled sadly "Too bad nothing will ever happen though. He hardly even realizes I'm around."

"You never know, Robin is the kind of man that surprises you."

"I know you are just trying to make me feel better. You really don't need to. I'm in a unique and special position. My parents died long ago, which means I'm under my uncle's supervision and he has given me leave to choose whomever I like to marry."

"Who is your uncle?"

She smiled "Your father."

"You really are my cousin?"

"Yes, my mother and your's were sisters. Unfortunately, I was never able to meet my mother. She died in childbirth and my father died in battle a while later. I remember him a little, not like I used to though. As the years go by I find that it's a little harder to remember exactly what he was like. I remember he used to sing me to sleep, he had a nice voice. He was a good fighter, one of the best. He was one of the knights in our grandfather's kingdom. Grandfather granted him a title and land when my mother told him she was in love with him. Our grandfather was a good king, and a good man. Besides, my mother was the baby. It was no harm when she fell in love with a lowly knight. Your mother, however, had she decided not to marry your father I don't think he would have been so giving."

"I just realized I almost know nothing about my family."

"You have time to learn. Believe me, not even I know our whole family history. We go back for ages and we're related to so many people its kind of easy to lose track."

"Do you know anything about Maleficent, Elanore?"

"Not much, I do know that she was a bastard of the King's, your grandfather. He was already advanced in years when she was born and I think for some reason that made her a favorite. He thought she was some kind of miracle. Your grandfather knew she had a talent for knowledge and decided to school her. He also added a small fortune to her name in hopes it would attract a suitor. No one ever showed any interest or made any offers of marriage. So, I suppose over time she became bitter and began to hate all men. It does hurt ones morale to be constantly overlooked. It hurts you in a way I can't really describe. You constantly think that your something out of Beowulf, hideous and monstrous. You constantly wonder what it is you do that repels men. Or wonder how you became invisible. I can very much understand Maleficent. But unlike her I refuse to become embittered."

"Has she always had powers?"

"That is the story. Some say that magic runs in the females of her family. They say her mother possessed such powers, that she enchanted the King into claiming the child and raise her for a higher station."

"So, all she had was the promise of power given to her by her father. She probably felt she had no other reason for living. Then when the eldest brother died in battle and the King died she thought she was going to finally be given her birthright. Then my father took the throne. She couldn't have been happy being an adviser?"

"I don't think it would have been enough to sate her, she wanted power."

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