Bitter Rose//Kneeling Before...

By Koud_Folc

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'You're a monster! A demon from hell!' Everywhere I go the words keep repeating themselves. I'm cursed and I'... More

LGBT Elsa?!
Chapter 1 - Greeting
Chapter 2 - Meeting
Chapter 3 - A normal evening
Chapter 4 - The silent angel
Chapter 5 - Special guard
Chapter 6 - Kings arrival
Chapter 7 - The ball
Chapter 8 - Princess orders
Chapter 9 - Predominant
Chapter 10 - Shadows
Chapter 11 - The play
Chapter 12 - Truth about love
Chapter 13 - Through cats eyes
Chapter 14 - Drunk in love
Chapter 15 - whisperings
Chapter 16 - Emerging war
Chapter 17 - War of hearts
Chapter 18 - Grief
Chapter 20 - Mercy
Chapter 21 - Devil side
Chapter 21 - Her name
Chapter 22 - Sealing

Chapter 19 - Here but faraway

3.3K 125 12
By Koud_Folc

The first thing I felt was the cold air hitting my face and the tickling of soft grass against my neck. Where am I? Is this hell? Well, it doesn't feel like it. Blood red eyes were opened and wings were spread. The only view of the world around was the ash that whirled through the air and the scent of blood and rotting bodies. I heard a whine of joy and turned my head to come face to face with a powerful black dragon, (W/N). He pushed with his cold nose in the crook of my neck, a weak smile spread across my face, but disappeared when (W/N) pushed his nose in my waist. I growled by the pain that spread through my body as flaming fire. A burning feeling in my heart welled up and I clenched my jaws together. (W/N) whined and pulled away, laying his head on the filthy ground, looking sad to my chest.

I knew that if I would looked down, I would find something I did probably never wanted to see. I came up slowly only to fall back by the fiery pain, but being caught by the massive head of (W/N). I locked an arm around his neck and the other underneath his large jaws, I stroked the scales behind his pointed ear and earned a satisfied grunt.

I looked around and was greeted by dying flames, bodies lying lifeless on the ground and further devastation. Maybe, I actually was in hell. Normally I would be laughing about this, enjoy it, but a voice made my emotions turn to only one feeling, sadness. I felt how sadness and anger slowly possessed my body and mind as I slowly stood from the ground, looking across the battlefield. I felt empty, I was looking for something, something that wasn't here.

A cry of frustration spread across the dry grass and reverberant through the trees that were deprived from their trusted roots. A storm of rage moved around me and one single tear, for the first time in all those years, rolled down my cheek. The one thing that I didn't understood was, I didn't know why. I screamed for the loss of something I didn't know the existence of and the storm doubled its strength and interfered with every forgotten body.

I looked at the patrons of the dust whirling around me and for an unknown reason it calmed me. I reached out my hand and let a single snowflake dance across my palm, looking at the wonder. The storm of destruction slowly died down till it completely disappeared. Trees without leaves fell around me, but I only had eye for the snowflake dancing on my hand.

Suddenly a flash appeared before my eyes of a woman's silhouette with an snowflake in her hand, almost the same as the snowflake twirling around my fingers. The image disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared and I shook my head violently. I heard a whimper from behind and I turned to see (W/N) in his wolf form, looking up at me with a sympathized glanc. A watery smile took a hold of my lips and I stroke the beast behind his ear. I crouched down beside him, watching how (W/N) stares intensely at the wooden stake in my chest.

I fell backwards and looked stunned to the wood that pierced my heart, moving my hand shakily to the object. I swallowed painfully when I noticed that it really was there and not just my mind playing with me. I looked up to (W/N) who whined and licked my hand. I sigh in defeat and pulled hard on the stake, a scream of pain erupting from my throat, but I bite on my tongue to conceal other cries, pulling the stake out of my chest before eying the gaping wound that slowly started to heal.

I threw the piece of wood away as if it was a disease and put a hand across my heart. I could feel the lacerating pain reduce slowly until it was completely gone. I stood up carefully and looked around me. The wound was healed just like my heart, but it seemed like there still was something that was missing. My instincts screamed for attention and I put a hand on my forehead, the screams of a name echoed in my head over and over again, Elsa, Elsa, Elsa..... Pain resulted in my chest again and I bite on my tongue. I don't know anyone known by the name Elsa.


I saw the image of the woman's silhouette before me again and shook my head. I don't know anyone named Elsa. A soft breeze blew through my hair and a whispering female voice spoke to me. The voice was so soft, it felt so familiar and trusted. The breeze pushed me in the direction where the sun slowly rose to reveal the top of a tower. My legs started to move without my permission and that was when I felt the fatigue insist with every step I toke.

I whistled and (W/N) stood next to me with a worried expression in his dark eyes. "Change." Without complaining he turned into a black horse, he pranced and blew through his nose. I climbed on his back and tapped gently with my heels against his belly. He began to walk as a sigh of relief past my lips when I finally had left the battlefield.

I stopped (W/N) from walking any further and looked around me, my instincts screamed at me and led me in the direction of a forest trail. I followed the path and acknowledged the presence of a fresh and sweet scent. I smirked, the scent tickling my nostrils. I concentrated on it and I was starting to get curious to who this irresistible scent belonged to. I urged (W/N) to go faster and we pushed our way through the dark forest.

The sun shone through the leaves of the waving trees when the forest trail stopped and changed into a stone road. I followed the road to a village where people looked at me shocked and thrilled. I growled, annoyed by the looks of the mortals. I lifted my nose ever so slightly and smelled that wonderful scent again, but now stronger, my eyes slowly glided to the mighty castle. I shook my head and urged (W/N) to walk further through the village. It felt so familiar here, like I've been here before, but nothing that I encountered spoke for memories.

Elsa's P.O.V.

My pencil glided across the surface of the next letter I had to sign, life had changed in so many ways that I have stopped counting every time I searched for the old habits I use to have. The habits from which (Y/N) said were so innocent, I shook my head to clear it from every thought of her ghosting through my mind. I didn't want to think about her, I can't break down, not again. I put the letter on the pile that I had signed and picked up another one, but before I could read through it the door flew open.

A, out of breath, strawberry blonde scanned with her eyes around the room till they fell on me sitting behind my desk. "They found her."

"What...?" The pencil fell out of my hand, they found her after all this time. I stood from my chair and walked closer to Anna, grabbing her shoulders. "Where is she?!"

Anna chuckled nervously and scratched the back of her neck. "That's the problem, we don't know."

"But you said they had found her." I slowly began to lose my hope again.

Anna waved her hands in front of her defensively. "They have, it's just that she is seen...." I looked at my sister with pleading eyes for her to tell me the truth. "She is seen on a horse, wandering through the woods in the direction of our Kingdom, she is alive." I stumble back against my desk and ran my fingers through my hair. She is alive?

My head darted up and I walked to the door. "We have to find her." Anna nodded and I was about to walk out the door, but my exit was blocked by a guard.

"My Queen, there is commotion in a nearby café, it may be lady (S/N)." My eyes widened and I pushed past the man.

"Prepare my carriage!"

Your P.O.V.

I jumped from (W/N) back and my boots made contact with the ground. I walked to a café, (W/N) in his wolf form on my heels and pushed through the doors. I made my way over to a table which gave me a slight headache, why does everything seem so familiar. Not long after I had taken a seat a brunette with green eyes came walking up to me.

The woman stopped abruptly while eying the (H/C) haired vampire, I raised an eyebrow at the startled young woman. "You are (Y/N), the personal guard of the Queen." I frowned upon and watched the woman questioning.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I leaned into my chair and folded my hands behind my head. "You do are a waitress, right?" The woman ignored my question and kept her eyes fixated on me.

"But the stories, you should be dead." Her trembling voice drifted in the air and I growled, slowly starting to get annoyed. "How come you're not dead."

You are nothing this woman is saying, you are the destruction, the life taker, you are the Death self.

"Woman be quiet, stop talking about this nonsense!" I slammed my fist against the table dragging all the attention to the beast, slowly turning away from my senses. "I'm not the one you are claiming me to be." I stood up from my chair and hovered above the brunette, the other souls present trembling. "I don't protect, I bring destruction, take lives, I'm Death. So if you value your life you will keep your mouth shut." I hissed and curled a lock brown hair from the woman around my finger, licking my lips. "Well pretty lady." I lay my arm around her waist and dragged her closer, making her shiver. I leaned closer to her neck, licking up her flavour. "Care for some fun?" Before I could sink my fangs into the vulnerable skin of the trembling waitress, guards kicked the door open and aimed their weapons towards me.

"Miss (S/N), let the lady go." One of the men spoke calmly, my fangs were still gliding across the waitress neck as I watched from the corner of my eyes how the man with messy brown hair stepped forward. How come these mortals know my name?

I rolled my eyes at the man and pulled my head away from the brunettes neck. "And who might you be?" I let go of the girl and now fully turned to the men, stepping forward. The guards immediately drew their swords and were prepared for a fight. "Calm down gentlemen, I'm just curious."

"Solomon Kingsley, my lady. I thought you would remember." I raised an eyebrow and looked at the man intensely, trying to reach the hidden parts of my mind. I growled and shook my head, the only thing I found were those annoying whisperings.

They are fooling around with you, don't let them take over your mind. They are trying to destroy you, to let you vanish away. So no one will ever know you were even present.

I appeared before the dark brown eyed man and gripped his throat, all weapons aiming on the murderous vampire. "You liar!" I was about to throw him through the wall, but was stopped by an energetic voice reaching my ears.

"It really is you!" I looked past the men, eyeing a shocked strawberry blonde woman, but my view was quickly blocked by the guards who came standing protectively before the mysterious mortal. I growled and gestured with my hand, sending the guards flying into the walls.

I smirked down at the woman, removing my hand from the brown haired man and hearing him fall on the ground. "You were saying, dear?" I walked closer to my next prey and leaned against the doorframe, my eyes scanning across the woman's face, my mind conflicting with itself. "Do I know you?"

"Well yes, I'm Anna, you know that, right?" I pushed myself off of the doorpost and walked up to the so called Anna. "(Y/N)...?" I grabbed his wrist, preventing her from backing away from me and studied her closely. I lifted my nose slightly and smelled a sharp scent, it smelled like the fresh growing leaves of the trees, something I had smelled before.

"Anna....? Princess Anna, how could I forget." I saw Anna visibly relaxing and let go of his wrist. "How have you been?" She smiled at me and before I knew it her arms lay around my shoulders.

"Still as stiff as I remember." I chuckled softly and patted her head.

"You're acting like you haven't seen me in ages." Anna pulled away, glittering green eyes looking into my (E/C) ones. She opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a faint whispering.

"(Y/N)..." The sweet and warm scent hits me with a tremendous force and my eyes darted to the woman standing nearby a carriage, I slowly pulled away from Anna, my attention fixated on that one beautiful woman. Blue eyes, like a just frozen river, soft rosy lips, light platinum blonde locks captured in a loose french braid. Her body, hugged by the material of a ice dress, leaving her perfect slender neck and shoulders bare. The voices began to scream as I clenched my jaws. The woman walked closer, my eyes never leaving hers. There was something about this woman that made me want to savour her forever.

Her hand shakily moved up to touch my cheek and tears streamed down her face. She locked her arms around my neck almost strangling me to dead, if I would have needed air that is. My mind was a maze, every path I took turned out to be death ended. It felt right, her body pressed against mine, the feeling of her exhaling against my neck. I hesitantly lay my arms around her waist, not knowing quite well what to do, but this felt like the thing I should do.

My nerves were burning underneath my skin, I know her. But I don't at the same time, if I would know her I would remember her name, but I don't. I pushed her away from me gently and put my index finger under her chin, making her crystal blue eyes look into mine. I furrowed my brows and looked at her intensely. "Anna," I turned my head to the blonde. "Why are you similar to this woman?"

"What are you talking about..." I turned my head back to the blonde before me and that was when it hit me, this is her sister, the Queen.

My eyes widened and I stepped back, kneeling down. "Forgive me, your Majesty, for not recognizing you." The emotions twirling around in the space between me and the Queen were changing fast, the eyes of the Queen left me and looked at her brother with hurt.

"(Y/N)....why are you acting so strange." I looked up at the brunette and crooked my head to the side, standing up.

"I'm confused. If I may be so bold, but how does her Majesty know my name?" I straightened my back and waited till someone would clarify the situation, but all that was heard were the soft sobbing of the Queen. "Your majesty are you alright?"

"You don't remember me?" Anna came running to her sister's side to keep her standing and all I did was watch this play before my eyes. Great first impression, I made the Queen cry and I don't even know why. Anna whispered encouraging words to her sister while rubbing her back soothingly. I growled at the sight of the Queen crying, she shouldn't be crying, but show that beautiful smile. How do I know, I have never seen her smile before.

You don't know this pathetic mortal, she's vulnerable now, you can easily kill her. Just take her miserable life away from her and let every other tortured soul arrive with her at the gate of Death.

The growls rumbled in my throat, the voices they are keeping me away from something. I stumbled back when an aching feeling terrorized my heart, I leaned against the doorframe and placed my hand across my chest. A whimper left my lips and all I wanted was to feel the Queen's arms around me again. I looked up and I wished I hadn't, my eyes met with the crystal blue ones of the Queen, sadness and concern were the only things reflecting in her blue orbs.

The pain in my chest increased its present and my mind was racing in circles, I'm forgetting something, something that can't be forgotten. Her eyes, I have seen them in my dreams or weren't it dreams. My legs buckled underneath me and before I knew it my knees hit the ground. Why did I had to come here? Slender arms locked around my waist and I leaned against the unknown warmth I have missed so much. "(Y/N)?!" I brought my hand up and softly touched the cheek of the confused Queen.

"I don't remember you..." I know I have spend days staring at her, but it's hard to convince myself that it's true. The only thing that I knew was that I didn't remember her and that I should. The feelings mixing with my thoughts made me crazy, I had missed her so much, but why. I leaned my head against her shoulder and closed my eyes. She felt trusted and before I could register what was happening, I turned away from the reality.

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