What Lies Below the Surface

By SarahCalian

10.7K 198 35

I'm a loyal princess of Nohr, but I've been locked up in a castle all my life. Then one day, my father, King... More

Prologue: The Ties That Bind
Chapter 1: Nohr
Chapter 2: The Gift of Ganglari
Chapter 3: Hoshido
Chapter 4: Mother
Chapter 5: The Path is Mine
Chapter 6: Going My Own Way
Chapter 7: Apparently it's Not 'Bottomless'
Chapter 8: Branded as a Traitor
Chapter 9: The Wind Tribe
Chapter 10: Delusions of a Peaceful Kingdom
Chapter 11: Beginning to Trust
Chapter 12: Mutual Enemies
Chapter 13: Accident
Chapter 14: A Slippery Situation
Chapter 15: An Unwanted Clash
Chapter 16: Orders to Kill
Chapter 17: Confessions
Chapter 19: Hoshidans United
Chapter 20: Nohrians United
Chapter 21: Veiled Kingdom
Chapter 22: Nightmares in Reality
Chapter 23:Hidden Strings
Chapter 24: Seeds of Doubt
Chapter 25: Betrayal
Chapter 26: Memories of Better Times
Chapter 27: Bonding and Separation
Chapter 28: Can I Trust a Puppet
Chapter 29: Blades Drawn
Chapter 30: The True Traitor
Chapter 31: Anankos
Chapter 32: Ceremonies Worth Remembering

Chapter 18: The Rainbow Sage

337 6 8
By SarahCalian

About a day later, our ship arrived in Notre Sagesse, and we were greeted by an old man.
"Greetings, travelers!" he said with a smile. "It must've taken some effort to reach Notre Sagesse. Do you have business here, or are you just passing through town?"
I sighed. "We have business here. We've heard that the Rainbow Sage lives here. We need to speak to him- could you please tell us where we might find him?"
The old man thought for a moment before responding. "Oh! That weapon you're holding...it's the Yato, isn't it?"
"Hm? Oh! Yes it I said with a nod. "I'm surprised you recognized it."
The old man sighed. "So why do you wish to meet the Sage? Do you seek power?"
I shook my head. "No, not exactly. We actually want to ask him a question."
The old man closed his eyes as he nodded. "Ahh, so you're after knowledge, then. Fascinating...on top of Mount Sagesse is the Sevenfold Sanctuary. It is said that the Sage resides on the top floor. The mountain itself is quite high, so most people don't even reach the sanctuary. And...well, that's actually all that I know about the Rainbow Sage."
I sighed. "Well, thanks for your help. If we learn more about the Sage as we go, we'll be sure to share what we learn."
"Try your best not to die on the way up!" the old man said as we started to head out.

Takumi sighed, placing a hand on my shoulder for support. "That old man wasn't kidding. This is the steepest hike I've ever done..."
I looked at him. "You okay? We can always take a break ifwe need to."
Takumi nodded. "Yeah...that sounds like a good idea."
I smiled. "Sounds like a plan."
We all then sat down to take a quick break.
I gently wrapped my arms around Takumi's waist. "You know, there's one thing that's been on my mind since yesterday."
"And what might that be?" Takumi asked with a smile.
I closed my eyes, leaning my head on his shoulder before I spoke. "What os Ryoma going to think of this? I mean, you told me he gave you the ring...but did you tell him that you were in love with me?"
He shook his head. "No. I didn't tell him it was you. And because of that, I guess we'll have to wait until we see him again to find out."
I nodded asI started to get up. "Well, we should probably get moving again."
With a nod, Takumi helped me up. "Yeah. Let's get going."
I quickly turned around to see Sakura helping Elise back onto the path. "Are...are you okay, Elise?"
She nodded. "Mhm. Falling all the way back down this mountain would have hurt a ton!"
Sakura sighed. "I don't think you would have fallen all the way back down..."

About half an hour later, we were nearing the summit.
"Look!" Takumi said. "Is that the Sevenfold Sanctuary in the distance?"
I nodded. "It has to be. We don't have much further to go."
"Hmm...and the Sage is waiting at the very top," Takumi added on with a sigh.
I nodded. "Yes, which means our real task will start soon. Ryoma said the Sage will only meet with those who are worthy. I don't think this will be an easy task."
Takumi nodded in agreement. "Yeah. We'd best be ready for anything."
With that, we entered the Sevenfold Sanctuary, and began our trial, which was to seize the throne at the top of the sanctuary.

Once we had seized the throne, a door suddenly appeared in place of said throne. Takumi stood by my side, and the other royals were surrounding us.
Elise slightly giggled. "Wow, we finally reached the top floor. The Sage must be behind that door!"
Takumi shook his head. "Hold on- let's not let our guard down yet. There's something...strange about that door, but I don't know what."
"S-strange? Then...we should proceed with caution," Sakura said a bit shakily.
Camilla sighed. "Who knows what traps might be on the other side. Be careful, Kai."
With a nod, I carefully opened the door, and we all went through.

To my surprise, we were back in the old man's house.
"What the?!" I exclaimed. "But this is-"
The old man chuckled. "Oh! Hello! Hoo hoo! Welcome back."
I shook my head. "This makes no sense! You were at the base of the mountain. How did you manage to get to the highest floor?"
The old man smiled. "Ah, so close- this room is linked to the highest floor. Quite convenient for me, actually. I commend you for overcoming the trials I put forth. You are worthy of meeting me."
I sighed. "I can't actually believe this- you're the Rainbow Sage?"
The old man then slightly changed in appearance, and he was indeed the Rainbow Sage.
He nodded. "Indeed I am. You set up the mountain to ask me something, correct? Then let me hear it."
I took a moment to compose myself. "We're looking for...a dragon. We've been told we need to meet one. The dragon will help us stop this endless war between Nohr and Hoshido. I must do whatever it takes to stop the fighting!"
The Sage closed his eyes. "So, you want to end the war, huh. Fascinating. And admirable . Alright. I'll tell you where to find a dragon. But first, let me see that Yato of yours."
With a nod, I unsheathed the blade and handed it to him.
He then began to chant. "...I, who forged the sacred blade...I, who committed the great sin...I, who wore the divine colors...I call on you now, Seal of Flames!"

The Yato began to emit a soft blue light as the hilt slightly transformed in shape.
The Sage handed the Yato back to me. "Your blade...it should be a little stronger now."
I returned the Yato to its sheath with a smile. "Thanks. Now, is this the actual Seal of Flames?"
He shook his head. "No. To complete the Seal of Flames, you need the other four divine weapons. Then, it will become the Fire Emblem."
"The Fire Emblem..." I muttered to myself.
The Sage then began to cough, and collapsed to the floor.
I gasped. "Sage?! Something's wrong! Elise, Sakura, try to heal him!"
Before they could react, the Sage spoke up. "Don't waste your energy. I have lived well beyond my time. Besides, human magic...won't work on me."
At that moment, all the pieces began to come together. "Hold on...don't tell me..."
The Sage nodded. "Yes. I am the dragon you were looking for. Long, long ago... Twelve divine dragons were filled with desire...they fought over who would control the world...for my part, I created the Yato, as well as the other divine weapons. By doing so, humanity was pulled into our war. I wasn't able to die...until I had attoned for those sins...I've given the Yato the last of my power...Kai...use the...Yato...make...your own destiny..."
I sighed as I watched the Sage go limp. "Thank you, Sage... I will make sure your sacrifice is not in vain. Come on, everyone. Let's go to the Bottomless Canyon. The skies will soon change above Hoshido and Nohr."
Takumi nodded. "Right."
And with that, we began to make our way to the Bottomless Canyon.

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