Caught in a Strider's Web (Di...

By its-a-secret-ha

23K 673 653

(Jake's POV) "Dirk Strider! He's an interesting fellow..." I whispered keeping my eyes glued on the anime gla... More

Not that hungry anymore...
Friggin' Kidding me!
Image in My Mind!
Chemistry X 2
Who's Readable Now
Close Call
It's all Fun and Games
No Regrets
It's okay, maybe not
The Weekend Ends
Forgotten Little Things
On Hiatus

Self Destructing

493 12 9
By its-a-secret-ha

I was going to say something before I began writing, but I forgot.... So yeah!

Edit: I hopefully plan to update quicker, so I can get this done and start on other shit. However, I always say that, and we all know how that turns out. I intend to sum this whole story up in the next ten or more chapters, and I am going to start to make chapter outlines to keep everything in order, so I will stop adding in more than I should. Yay. Have fun reading you nerds.

I woke up with the most horrible headache pounding in my noggin. I sat up slowly scrunching my face at the nasty taste in my mouth, and I turned to see the time. It was nine am, so it looks like I was missing school again today. I stretched my back hearing all the bones pop, and continued to scrunch my face at the pain in my head. I then dragged myself up and towards my bathroom.

It was strange. I couldn't remember anything about last night. I can remember a brief flash of me running out the party, but I don't even know how I managed to get home. I can only think that my Dirk brought me home safely. I bet he had to take Roxy home as well. 

I opened up my medicine cabinet and took a couple pills of aspirin. I then brushed my teeth to get that horrid taste out my mouth. I washed up my face and let out an exhausted sigh. I was thinking weather to take a shower, but I don't think I had enough energy to. Suddenly my stomach growled, so I began walking to the living room.

I stopped in my tracks to see Dirk, discarded of his shades, watching tv quietly. He seemed to still not see me, so I cleared my throat. "Good mornin'," I greeted. He slowly looked at me then turned his attention back to the tv.


I hesitated a bit then made my way over to him. "I feel awful," I announced as I relaxed myself to sit next to him. He didn't verbally respond, but he gave a slight nod. I leaned my head against his shoulder. "Striderrrr," I cooed. "Are you okay?" I asked with a smile. I noticed his eyes were empty, hard looking. I figured he had something on his mind. I went to give his cheek a kiss, but he instantly pulled away with a look of disgust. I widened my eyes disheartened.

"No, no you can't give me that look," he said through clenched teeth. He stood up and ran his shaking hands through his hair. I looked at him confused to why he was acting like this. I stood up to try to sooth him.

"Dirk, if something is bothering you, you can tell me," I said as I tried to pull him a hug, but he quickly pushed me. "What is up with you?" I yelled now getting angry. He instantly looked over at me like I was the most oblivious person in the world. His eyebrows were narrowed and he was clearly outraged.

"What is up with me!?" He yelled. He scoffed, and I flinched at his sudden rise in volume. "Oh I dunno English!?" he said in a mockery tone. "How would you feel if one's boyfriend made out with another man?" He accused. I rolled my eyes completely offended.

"What in the heavens are you talking about!?" I yelled back, but I instantly regretted it because it sent a wave of pain course through my head. I quickly held a hand to my head hoping to soothe the pain. I glared at Dirk with outright anger and felt my eyes prickle with tears. My heart was aching with pain, and I don't know why. 

Dirk looked completely intimidating, and I was really scared of him, but I wouldn't show it. He kept pacing and then flashed a furious scowl at me. "After all I go through for you!" He yells, and I once again flinch. "All you had to do was wait for me! Stay by me! But no." He growls then takes a brief second to collect himself. 

I wanted to approach him and hug him. I wanted him to calm down and smile, but I was too terrified to move. 

"I had to bail Roxy out of jail because I was too worried about you!" He barked. His cold helpless stare sent a shiver down my spine, and I felt myself begin to tremble slightly. "I chose YOU over my best friend! Even after I witnessed you making out and feeling on some guy, I still chose you!" Dirk finished his hollering by punching a hole in my wall. I jumped and by my sudden jerk my tears began to fall from my eyes. 

I covered my face and sat onto the couch and began to cry like an infant. I felt like the weight of the world was dragging me down. I felt like I just got punch in the stomach, and my eyes stung from all the tears that kept falling down my cheeks. I am an ugly crier. 

"I'm sorry," I choked out. I felt pathetic. "I shouldn't have made us go," I said between sobs. "I'm so sorry!" I looked up at him helpless, and I could tell he was having a hard time conveying his emotions. He looked torn. He walked towards me and pulled me into a hard forceful kiss then rested his forehead on mine.

"This isn't fair," he whispered defeated. Dirk stood straight up slowly never breaking his eyes contact. I could see him holding back his tears, and I could feel my heart stop in my chest. "I think we should take a break," he then began to head for the door after picking up his shades. "I love you."

"Dirk-," I stared. I was speechless and shrunk into my self pity as the door shut after his departure. "Don't leave me..." I began to cry once again. 

I can't remember exactly how long I was on the couch crying until I felt empty and numb. I slowly got up and ran a shaky lifeless hand through my matted hair. My eyes were sore and my cheeks burn. I was headed to my room until a note on the table caught my eye. I redirected my path towards it and picked it up. 

It was Dirks' handwriting informing me that Jade was at John's house. The only thought that came to mind was that he was planning to break up with me today anyways. I felt tears prickle at my eyes, but I shook them away. My chest hurt, and I didn't know what else to do. I had no one. I was alone.


I Am honestly so darn ashamed on how short this chapter was. Like I cannot accept this wtf?! I want to write more, but I honestly like stopping this here. Heh, if I knew this was gonna end in a sentence or two this would've been published earlier. Sorry it's so sad. Don't worry!! It gets worse! [: (still deciding if this is gonna end nicely or badly)

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