Four Makes One (Book 1)(Compl...

By K_Williams1

961K 44.9K 3.2K

Frankie is leaving her old life behind and starting over at college. All she wants to do is get through coll... More

Chapter 1 - My New Life
Chapter 2-Let the Classes Begin
Chapter 3 Meeting the Guys
Chapter 4 - More Time with the guys
Chapter 5 - Reluctance
Chapter 6 - See You Later
Chapter 7 - Nightmares
Chapter 8 - What The...
Chapter 9 -Eviction
Chapter 10 - New Experiences
Chapter 11 - Making Up
Chapter 12 - My Day With Ronnie
Chapter 13 - More Good Times
Chapter 14 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 15 - Thanksgiving Pt. 2
Chapter 16 - To Catch A Thief
Chapter 17 - The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 18 - Christmas With The Cranks
Chapter 19 - Christmas With The Cranks Pt. 2
Chapter 20 - Who Do I Run To?
Chapter 21 - The Real Story
Chapter 22 - Getting Back to Normal
Chapter 23 - Shopping, Ronnie Style!
Chapter 24 - I'm Fine
Chapter 25 - Happy Birthday!
Chapter 26 - More Birthday and Other Things
Chapter 27 - More Birthdays and Spring Break
Chapter 28 - Hawaii
Chapter 29 - Tourism Hawaiian Style
Chapter 30 - Our Own Private Beach
Chapter 31 - Back to the Grind
Chapter 32 - Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
Chapter 33 - More Surprises!
Chapter 34 - Vacation: Summer Style
Chapter 35 - Back to School
Chapter 36 - That Son of a...
Chapter 37 - Time to Call In the Big Dogs
Chapter 39 - A New House and Settling in
Chapter 40 - Enjoying the Wedding
Chapter 41 - Halloween!
Chapter 42 - An Unexpected Family Gathering
Chapter 43 - Congratulations Ronnie!

Chapter 38 - It's Hard Out Here For a Pimp

13K 770 50
By K_Williams1


I feel a little better by the time we get to the plane on Monday. I'm still uncomfortable if I make any sudden moves or bend too far in one direction. I need to watch myself when taking a deep breath also. That always brings tears to my eyes. The guys make sure I have pain medication in my system before we take off. We're all hoping that it won't hurt too badly when we do.

The plane ride was nice. After grandpa and I talk, I sleep for the rest of the flight. When I wake up, Dylan is beside me holding my hand, "We're here Peach. You slept through the landing."

"What time is it?" I yawn.

"Eleven am. We're going to check into the hotel and then meet Mabel at the diner at one pm to get the paystubs," his thumb strokes the back of my hand soothingly.

When the plane taxi's to a stop, he helps me out of my seat and we leave the plane. All of our bags are loaded into the trunk and we get into the limousine, getting comfortable in the seats.

We make it to the hotel and again, they have awed me. We have the top floor. The guys and I have a suite with three bedrooms. Grandpa has the suite to the left of us and we are connected by a door and Manuel has the room on the right side of us which is also connected by a door. We get settled into our rooms quickly and leave immediately so we can meet Mabel on time.

We pull up to the diner and find that it's a shell. The burnt out building stands out on the corner in place of what used to be a fifties style diner. Mabel standing outside with Ace looking around.

Cameron helps me out of the car and I hurry over to her as quickly as I can without making myself cry. Cameron is close on my heels.

"When did this happen? Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine. This just happened yesterday. The fire department tells me the fire was arson and they are investigating further. I didn't get the paperwork you needed before it happened. I didn't even think to put them in the safe. I'm sorry," devastation is written all over her face.

"No problem Mabel. We'll go to the bank and get it," I tell her.

"I already called them this morning and they should have it for you by the time you get there in another hour." She looks me over, "What did he do to you now child?"

"He tried to get me to sign over the money that he's trying to sue me for. He cracked a couple of ribs and I got quite a few bruises and cuts. Now I'm just dealing with the rib pain." I explain.

She lifts my chin gently and looks at my face, turning it from side to side. "You look happy. I'm glad for you. You deserve it."

"Thank you," I give her a small smile and turn to Ace. "How are you?"

"I'll be better when they find who did this. I will take care of them myself. Although I think we know who did this," he nods his head up the street to where my sperm donor and carrier are looking down the street at us about six houses up.

"Are you going to rebuild?" I ask Mabel.

"I don't know. It depends on how much the insurance company pays."

Grandpa steps up, "Here is Manuel's card. If you have trouble with the insurance company or they don't give you enough to rebuild, give him a call. We'll take care of you."

Manuel steps up and shakes her and Ace's hands, "If you need anything, give me a call."

"Thank you, but why are you doing this?" Mabel asks.

"Because you took care of Frankie when her parents wouldn't. We owe you for that," Cameron says.

She looks around at everyone. I introduce everyone and she tells me that she will be at court on Thursday. We get into the limo and drive up the street to where my so called parents were standing. I explain to them that's the house that I lived in when I was here. They look up at it freely, because my parents ran inside when we got into the limo. As we pass it by and leave it behind, I say another prayer of thanks for getting me out of that situation and I say another prayer asking that I don't have to give them my money.

We go to the bank and they have the paperwork we need ready for us. They even have copies of the cancelled checks that was used to pay my father for rent. All of them have his signature on them. That eases my mind a lot.

The next couple of days are spent relaxing and getting me ready for court. I see the reason that Manuel is the best lawyer in the state. He has coached me on every possible question and he asks every question that he can to get all of the details of growing up out of me.

The night before court when Rand and I are in bed together, he asks, "How does Mabel know that you're happy?"

I look up trying to see his eyes in the darkness of the room, "From the first day I met her, she knew me better than anyone else. I walked into that diner and was begging Fred to give me a job or I would be homeless. Mabel walked into the room, lifted my chin and looked into my eyes, just like she did today. After a couple of seconds, she looked over at Fred and told him to give me a job and to put a bed upstairs, because there will be times that I'll need it. Fred did exactly what she said."

"I'm glad that she was there for you. Was she always so matter-of-fact with you?"

I feel him stroking my back and I move in closer, "Yes. She wasn't one for hugs or anything like that. She just read me and made sure that I had what I needed. She has always looked me in the eye and could tell what was going on with me, even though I didn't always know what was going on myself. She steered me in the right direction so many times and she gave me exactly what I needed when I needed it. I'm so grateful to her. Grandpa helped me to pay her back today when he said that he would help her. She deserves everything that he gives her."

"I'm glad that he was able to do that for you. We will help her too if needed." The soft strokes on my back are putting me to sleep.

I tuck my head into his neck and mumble, "I know. I love you too."

This morning dawns bright and clear, even though it's a little cool outside. I put on the suit that I picked out myself last week without any help from Ronnie. Well, she did help out a little bit. She gave me the final word on it when I sent her a picture.

After we are all dressed, Manuel gives me some last minute tips over breakfast and we head to the courthouse.

We walk inside of the courtroom and my father and mother are already there looking cleaned up for people who are actual dirt bags in real life. Manuel touches my shoulder to get my attention, "Don't let them get the best of you. They are going to try to intimidate you, so don't look at them, and if you do, just remember that there's nothing that he can do to you anymore." I nod at him, smile and sit down.

The judge comes inside and starts the court procedure. Their lawyer starts first and he tries to help my parents paint a picture of me as being a wildchild and a trouble maker all through high school. When their lawyer finishes, Manuel stands up and gives my transcripts and files from school to the judge and their lawyer. He then cross examines and discredit everything they say.

I almost laugh when he brings up the charge for battery and my father chokes. Manuel brings Mabel, Ace and a few other people from my past to vouch for me. He then gives the judge the documents proving that rent was paid to them all of that time.

Finally, he puts me on the stand and questions me. When he finishes, my parents lawyer comes to cross-examine. I cough during one of his questions and pain radiates through me. I stop and close my eyes while he keeps trying to ask the same question. Finally, the judge tells him to stop. She turns to me and says, "Are you okay?"

I take a few more small breaths and turn to her, "May I speak frankly without all of this questioning your honor?"

"Go ahead," the lawyer tries to argue, but she puts a hand up to stop him.

I start, "Your Honor, I don't know why my father won't leave me alone. All they have done is abuse me since I was five years old and my mom and I were in a car accident. He blamed me for the accident and when my mom got in trouble for a DWI and also had to end up in a wheelchair for a year. When I turned sixteen, they told me I had to pay rent or get out, then proceeded to beat me so bad, that I wasn't able to work or go to school for a week."

I look around the court admiring the décor and then my eyes land on them. My mother's eyes are hard and my father's eyes promise murder. I blink at them and turn back to the judge. "I finally saved up enough money to become emancipated. They happily signed the papers and then doubled my rent. I had to get a second full-time job so I could take care of myself and give my father the extra money he demanded on top of what I was paying them every month. A couple of weeks before I left for college, he demanded money from me and when I couldn't give it to them, he decided to sell me for sex. What kind of father does that? I know for a fact that if I didn't have other adults who cared about me in my life, I would be dead now."

I look at my guys and they all give me loving looks. I glance to grandpa and Manuel who encourage me to continue with their eyes. I turn to the judge once more, "The day I left for college he put me out of the house. Doesn't that say that you are finished with someone? But the minute he finds out I have money that I earned, he wants to take it from me."

I sigh the best way I can without hurting myself, "Three weeks ago, Your Honor, he attacked me trying to forcibly make me sign that money over to him. He bruised me, cut me and cracked a couple of my ribs. I ended up spending the night in the hospital. I just want both of them to stay away from me, period. I've made a new life for myself and he isn't a part of it. That's all I want Your Honor."

She studies me for a minute and then turns to my parents, "Out of curiosity, why was the accident her fault?"

My mother speaks up immediately, "Because had she not grabbed my arm while begging for ice cream, I wouldn't have swerved and hit the pole."

"But would the same thing have happened if you weren't impaired?" The Judge contradicts. My mother opens her mouth to respond and the Judge stops her, "You were impaired, end of sentence. If you weren't, the accident wouldn't have happened. Take responsibility for your actions. The accident was your fault and no one else's, especially a five year old child."

She turns to my father, "You are a despicable man, Mr. Murray. You will stay away from Francis unless she invites you into her life. I will sign a restraining order against you. If you come within a hundred feet from her or if she hears from you or anyone you sent to her, you will spend a lot of time in jail. I will also be sending this transcript to the judge for your battery case. Get your life in order because you will be doing some jail time for this also."

She turns to me, "I'm so sorry that this happened to you. No one deserves parents like that." She waves a hand in their direction.

"As for the money. Not only did you lose this case, but you will pay her ten thousand in restitution on top of any rent that she paid you. According to my calculations that will be," She pulls out a calculator and adds it up, "ten thousand, five hundred dollars. So you owe her a total of twenty-thousand five hundred dollars. If you don't have it, you better find a way to get it to her quickly. You have two years." She pounds the gavel, "Case dismissed."

She turns to me, "Have a wonderful life. You deserve it."

I smile, "Thank you, Your Honor." She gets up out of her seat and leaves the room.

I stand up and leave the stand, stunned. "You did it Peach!" Dylan hugs me lightly.

"Congratulations! You were awesome up there!" Cameron leans over and kisses me on the side of my head.

"I'm so proud of you!" Rand rubs my back.

I see my parents and their lawyer move to leave, and I pat Grandpa's arm and point to them. "Stan and Muriel," he calls out to them.

They turn around with scowls on their faces. "I just want to let you know that I forgive you. I've moved on from what you have done to me and I have a good life now. I want you to go have a good life also," I tell them and mean it. They are no longer a part of my life and I will work on putting them as far behind me as possible. Dylan pulls me back into another hug and I lay my head on his chest. I hear the door to the courtroom open and close. I feel the tension from them peel off of me and I know that I will truly move forward now.


I look at her and know that the past is truly behind her now. I'm so proud of the way she handled herself today. I fall more in love with her everyday. I look over at my brothers and I can tell that they do too.

She has amazing strength. I don't think she knows it yet, but when she figures it out, watch out world.  

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