The Werewolf CEO 1 of The CEO...

Od embermarina

431K 15K 1.3K

"You can't go out now. The werewolf is roaming the forests." ........ Alexia Summer had no clue what she was... Více

Writing in Progress
Official Trailer
Prologue - The Moon Goddess
Car Crash
Meeting the Monster
Sickening Attitudes
Secret Wonder Abouts
Sharp Servants
Rays of Rage
The Funeral
The Golden Shirt
Falty Confessions
Bro Code Promise
The Little Things
Walk The Line
Missing Memories
Arrogant Apologies
Please Don't Go
Too Soon
Complicated Human Love
I Don't Wanna Live Forever
The Vampyr Party - Part 1
The Vampyr Party - Part 2
Mr and Mrs Dark
Don't Let the Drunkies In
The Forest Wolf
Hello Brother
What Really Happened
Ambrogoi & Selene
Promises Are Never Broken
Deadly Lies at a Reasonable Price
Epilogue - Until Dawn
The Dark Ceo
The Werewolf Ceo Playlist

The Lost Child

8.2K 305 44
Od embermarina

Follow me on Instagram! I post updates on the story there! @ emberia_

Song: Mikebøi - Missed

Alexia's POV

I would wake up to find the house empty with just Mrs Garvin and me. Her friend has gotten better and she was once again cooking for Alec.
But as for the owner himself, he rarely showed up. In fact I haven't seen him at all for the last two days.
Caleb was gone too. Mrs Garvin kept saying how busy their roles are and I wanted to believe that, but I didn't understand why did I have to stay here any longer?
I made sure to bring it up when I see Alec next. I needed to go home. I wasn't even able to pick up my mum's things because Alec found out about it, so the doors were locked with only Mrs Garvin and him having the keys.

I tried calling Sophie a few times too, only to get unpleasantly greeted by her voicemail.

I knew she was busy but communicating once in a while would be nice.

My employer also informed me that I can have the rest of the month off but still get paid if I afterwards find a way for Mr Alec Dark to an interview at the business industry I was working at.

Off course I eagerly said yes, but I had no clue how I was going to mention this matter since we barely even say hi to each other.

"You don't have a look on your face, what's wrong?" Mrs Garvin asks with a plum size of curiousity. I gather my thoughts before answering.

"Just lonely." I smile weakly. Off course I thought about my mum. Hopefully, she was better in Heaven than me here on Earth.

"It's okay. Soon you will get used to it." She smiles back at me and I cannot help but recall the memory of her speaking of her husband.

"What happened to your partner...if you don't mind me asking." I almost whisper out the last part.

"Heart attack." Mrs Garvin mumbles out while leaning down to cut some carrot into the pot. In response I whisper a quick sorry but she waves it off like nothing happened.

"How did you start working for Alec?" I decide to ask instead, maybe that would help.

The old female gives out a squeaky laugh before suddenly growing serious. "I've known the Darks for a really long time now. My husband used to be best friends with Alec's father. So when Phill died, Alec so graciously offered me a family. His family have done so much for me. The least I can do is be a decent housekeeper, makes myself useful." Mrs Garvin finishes just as the door closes with a loud smash.

I lean against the counter with a frown on my face.

Into the kitchen enter Alec and Caleb with neutral faces. " What's for dinner?" Alec grunts out to Mrs Garvin who politely gestures to brocolli soup on the table.

"Well hi Alexia?" Caleb looks between Alec and me while smirking widely.

"Caleb." I nod with a fair greeting.

"Mmmmmh. This is really good." Alec cuts off with a smile towards Mrs Garvin. I cannot help but let my anger boil. Clenching my fists, I fold my arms together. So not only her avoided me, he also ignored my presence in all matters.

Alec continued to sip the soup with a spoon until Mrs Garvin said, "You should tell that to Alexia. She cooked it." Mrs Garvin grins my way. I did help to make it, but my part was just stirring the mixture, everything else was Mrs Garvin's work.

Just as the words leave her mouth, Alec chokes on the soup. Quickly wiping his mouth, he let's out a cough while Caleb smirks even further. "Too much salt indeed." Alec says with a huff and leaves the room.

"I will cut his balls off and stick it down his throat!" I rage out and grab a sharp knife from the cutting board. Caleb quickly rips the weapon out of my hand and laughs nervously.

"Please spare his manhood!" Caleb bursts out in laughter while Mrs Garvin mutters some incoherent words of disgust.

"Why is he so moody towards me?" I almost growl out pissed off. If he didn't stop his act I will get the joke in action.

"Why don't you ask him?" Caleb gestures bowing in the direction Alec disappeared to. I pause for a moment. Did I want to talk to him right now? Not really. Okay...maybe a little.

Wordlessly, I make my way upstairs, guessing Alec would be in his room.

Lightly knocking on the door, I hear a quick, " come in."

Gulping down my fear I slowly twist the doorknob. Stepping into the room, I notice Alec looking mindlessly at the papers on the desk. He changed from his blue suit to dark grey sweatpants and a black V neck t-shirt.

He looks at me with those kind of eyes as if he expected me.

"How can I help you, your majesty?" His question is bluntly sarcastic making me angry. Forcing my shaking legs to move I stomp in his way. I wanted to hit him so badly, yet I couldn't bring myself to punch the guy. Yes, he was a sarcastic bastard but that didn't mean he didn't have feelings.

"Why are you ignoring me?!" I demand, gasping slightly. Alec's eyes never moved from the paper as he ticked something off and then signed the document.

"I'm not ignoring you." He says calmly before grasping the next paper and reading through it. I feel my heart sinking. "What are you doing then?!" I almost yell out due to the excessive amount of rage radiating off me.

He chuckles before looking up. "Working as you can see. Filling in documents for my-" I stop him by ripping the piece of paper out of his hands and shredding the object to tiny pieces. I never said I wouldn't hurt paper.

Slightly fazed by my words Alec gets up from the black chair he was sitting on. "What is your problem?" He asks me with a slight anger visible on his flawless face.

"I want to know why are you acting like my presence disgusts you. I want to know why are you acting as if I mean nothing to you." I whisper, suddenly I am able to hear every single noise in the room.

"You don't mean anything to me." Alec's expression hardens when I release a small whimper.

"Then why pretend that you care? Why ask about Felix?" I question him, stepping closer. His face studies me before he begins to laugh.

"What is so funny?" I frown. The urge not to kill him never leaves my head.

"The fact that you think I would care for someone like you. That's what funny." Alec smirks at my hurtful expression that I desperately am trying to hide.

"You are disgusting." I spit at him. His smirk switches something in my head. Involuntary I let my fist connect with his jaw. His face moves slightly to the side from an impact.

"Hit me again and I will show you the angry one here." Alec whispers, leaning closer to my face. His breath fanning my face, making the blood drain from me.

"I'm leaving." I turn around stalking away. I think understood what I meant because he laughs once again.
"And where are you going to go?" He asks loudly enough for me to twist and catch his gaze.

"My home." I reply and clench the doorknob in my palm.

"Oh did I forgot to mention? I had local council take it away, haven't you got any emails from them? That money went towards the repair of my car. You know, the one you damaged?" My eyes widen, slowly locking eyes we stare at each other. Alec looking rather amused with himself, well not for long.

"How dare you?!" I shout weakly. He sold the only place I felt at home.

"Although you were quite right. I'm a sick bastard that no one cares about. And I love that." He smiles at me until I feel my feet carry me away from the room.

I roam into Caleb's chest, sobbing my eyes out.

"He sold my house!" I cry, until I feel his arms wrap around me. "It's okay, Alexia. Please breathe." I take his advice and let oxygen into my mouth.

"That's it." I think for a moment i'm blind until Caleb finds the light switch, turning the lights on I meet his concerned brown eyes.

"You look like a mess." He comments about my red faced state. I just roll my eyes and jump on the bed.

"He sold my home. Do you think I can get it back?" I ask in deep thought. "How did he even manage to sell it without my permission?!" I cannot help but bleed out with more unanswered questions.

"I don't know. Alec is not his usual self." Caleb's words are a load of bullshit.

"Alec is a one troubled man." Caleb whispers and I cannot help but smile. "How do you put up with him then?" I wonder while hugging the baby blue pillow close to my chest.

"He respects me. I respect him." Is the only thing he offers. I never understood men friendships.

"Cool." I blow out.

"Alec is just a piece of shit. I apologize for him." Caleb finally states and turns to leave.

"You don't have to apologize, you have done nothing wrong." I assure him with a weak smile that in a doubted manner never reaches my face.

"If you ever need anything. This is my number." Caleb hands me a plastic card with a phone number on it.

"Thank you so much." I get up from the bed on my feet to envelope him into a hug.

His strong arms wrap around me like a blanket. "If Alec is not there for you. I will always be." Caleb whispers in my ear and I feel the ends on the back of my hair stand.

"I know." I smile up at him while gently stroking his cheek.
He returns the smile, the mysterious glint in his eyes.
His hand reaches and tucks the piece of lose hair that escaped my messy bun.

"What did Alec do to get you?" Caleb whispers, his voice so quiet but my ears react to his words. I feel a blush dust my face.

"I'm not sure I understand what you're saying." I mumble and press my burning face into soft material of his shirt. His manly scent intoxicated my nose.

"It's okay. You don't have to." Caleb presses his chin to my head making me close my eyes.

I feel Caleb lift me up and place me on the bed, so carefully.
Placing the blankets just below my chin, he leans in to kiss my forehead and I keep my eyes closed.
His silky lips trace down my face and I cannot help but smile.

"Goodnight Alexia."

"Goodnight Caleb." I whisper after which I feel the door close lightly with a click.


I still couldn't grasp the fact that A-hole managed to sell my home.

I cried myself to sleep that night. The house was a reminder of my mum.
She even had a little room specifically for her when she wanted to get away from hospital beds.

My house wasn't the most expensive thing in the world but It was worth everything to me.

I cried louder when the screen lit up with my father's name.

I looked at the time, the clock told me it was 3 am.

I ignored the first call but when my phone rang twice I clicked the answer button.

"Hello." I say into the phone, expecting some insults I close my eyes.

"Who is this?" I young female voice rings out and I snap my eyes open in shock.

"I think I should be asking that question!" I yell out suddenly, my heart sinking.

"Is this his wife?" The female voice asks and I cannot help but growl out.

I instantly press the end call button. My father was indeed a trash bag. Wasn't long since my mother's death and he is already seeing other women.

I suppress the urge to smash the phone against the wall when it begins to ring again with the same number.

Quickly turning off the device I curls into a ball before dozing off to sleep.


Waking up was a struggle. My whole face was throbbing from the amount of crying.

Pushing the bed covers aside I get ready to start my day. Taking a hot shower helped me to get my thoughts together.

After shower, I decided to call the local council that from Alec's words supposedly took away my house.
I'm was certain that was a lie since they couldn't just sell my house without permission of the owner, so me.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The tiny female voice calls out on the other end of the phone line.

"Um. Can you please check the owner of the house..or maybe if it has been sold recently..." I tell which she agrees to, giving the address I wait for an answer.

"It appears to be sold." The women states. "Can you tell me who bought it?" I question steadily.

"I apologize but that information is confidential." She calls out almost automatically.

Alec Dark deserved to be punished.

"Miss Summer are you there?" The voice asks and I gulp down my saliva.

"Yes, thank you. Bye." I end quickly the call.

Storming downstairs in my new attire I was going to check the new householder of my home.

Pulling on my booties I decided to skip breakfast. I notice Alec almost run into me. His glare is piercing my face.

"Where are you going?" His eyes are narrowed to the point where that level of intimidation makes my heart accelerate five times faster.

"My house." I rush out and turn to leave. I didn't want to talk to the asshole.

I feel his cold hand wrap tightly around my arms. Forcing me back with ease he presses me into his chest.

"You're not going anywhere." Alec dangerously whispers in my ear and I cannot help but release a whimper.

"Let go off me." I grit through my teeth, my fists clenching in my palms.

"Alexia." He whispers quietly and I turn my head. Right now, all I felt was anger. Anger for my stupid reckless actions.

"I don't want anything to do with you!" I shout in utter rage that envelopes my mind.

His expression hardens at my words which I am not willing to take back.
Without any other word he flings me over his shoulder and carries up the stairs.

I scream and kick him but that doesn't seem to work at all. The evil brick wall barely responded to my actions.

Entering what seemed like a room I am thrown on a bed which I once bounce off before face-palming a soft blanket.
I jump of the bed only to watch Alec walk out with a door slamming behind him.

Quickly stalking to the wooden thing I twist the doorknob. The door gives out with protest indicating I've been locked.

"No,no, no!" Rapid yelps come out of my mouth just as my fist smacks the cold surface of the door.

"Let. Me. Out!" I scream my breathing heaving. Suddenly the dreadful thoughts fill my mind.

It was difficult to breathe. So difficult to breathe.
It felt as if something was blocking my airways.

"CALEB!" I shout with all my might. My pitch increasing as I struggled to let oxygen fill my lungs.

Falling down to my shaking knees, everything was blurry.
"Someone help." It is as if I've been choking to death.

"It's okay." A voice which I recognise whispers. I cannot see a thing but I know who it is.
I feel warm hands palm my trembling face. "Shhhh." The voice says and I cannot help but release a sob.

"Breathe." Just with that one word I feel air flood my lungs.

"He locked me in here." I whisper my shoulders shaking in fear.

"I know." He says. For some reason I don't even think of questioning how he knew. Or how he in the first place happened to be in the same room as me.

"I can't see a thing." I tell him, my hands grasping his rough jacket.

"Here let me help." In an instant everything is back to normal. My vision is fine and I come to face with Connor.

"Alec told me so much about you..that you're dangerous and you ruined his family. I can't believe I actually believed that." I guiltily admit. My face bowing in embarrassment.

"You cannot trust Alec. Everything he might say about me is a lie. He is know for getting what he wants." Connor whispers and smoothed out my brunette locks.

"And what does he want?" I ask him, my lip slightly shaking. I fold my trembling hands in my lap not wanting to look up at him.

"He wants to have what no one else can get." He tucks away the lock of my hair away from my face.

"How did you get in here?" I change the subject, not wanting to hear the answer. It was freezing here.

Connor looks around and points to the opened window. We were in Alec's bedroom.

"Want to escape?" Connor whispers as the idea came to his head. I look back to the door, understanding it was not about to be opened any time soon.

"Okay." I grin as Connor helps me off the floor.

"But one thing!" I whisper out quickly. Connor freezes watching my every movement. "Yes?" He cocks his head to the side in a manner of enthusiasm.

"Can I trust you?" I hold my breath. His eyes are watching mine for what seems like forever until he smiles.

"Yes, you can trust me." He whispers and I find myself returning his smile.

"Let's get out of here then." He grabs my hand and pulls me to the window.

"Hold up! How are we getting down there?" I want to know glancing out the window. We were on the second floor. Jumping down would most like result in broken legs if not death.

"Hold on to me. I will jump down." Connor wraps his arms around me making my heart beat faster.

"Aren't we going to die?" I carefully look down while Connor does the same.

"Nonsense. It's not as high as it looks." He smiles as I wrap my arms around his strong well built form.

"You don't have to look if you don't want to." Connor whispers and smiles at my shivering body. "Good idea." I agree and press my blushing face against the soft material of his shirt.

"Ready?" He asks me so quietly and I cannot help but dig my palms into his biceps. I had no clue if this was going to work but I knew I couldn't stay in this house any longer. It was driving me nuts. And so did Alec.

"I trust you with my life you know." I mumble close to his ear and I feel him take in a sharp breath.

"Alexia?" I hear Caleb's voice out of no where.

I close my eyes and feel Connor throw us out the window. I release a yelp as I feel the impact of the ground. In fact I just don't feel it. I can taste the dirt in my mouth.

I look through the dizziness in my eyes and notice Connor still up there, Caleb holding him by the shirt.

Connor has dropped me.

It is dark outside, because it was the winter season. The cold air hits my skin. Just now I realized I was only in a tank top and a pair of jeans.

"Alexia stay where you are!" I hear Caleb call out as he struggled with Connor who blocked any punch thrown at him.

I try to get up from the ground but my leg gives out in protest. "Ah!" I scream out. So this what breaking bones felt like?

Just then the sudden ruffle of the leaves brings my attention. From the dark green bush steps out a gigantic black wolf.

"Oh my god." I whisper in shock while wiping the tears of pain.

The oversized dog roars out with a foreign sound and dangerously makes its way towards me.

Ignoring the pain in my leg I manage to stand and back away.

"RUN!" I hear Connor's voice somewhere inside my head.

And I do what it tells me to.

I run like a coward because that is my only option.


I somehow find the strength to run, but almost falling due to the unbearable pain in my knee.

I can barely see anything in the woods as I waddle through them not knowing where I was going.

I hear a howl somewhere nearby and release a sob. I was going to be dead meat. Getting murdered by a hungry wolf was definitely something knew for me.

The growl somewhere behind is loud and clear making me freeze in my steps. Involuntary I gasp as shaky huffs escape my mouth.

My ears catch on the thudding steps that were cautiously nearing me. I feel the wild animal loudly sniff my hair making me close my eyes which were choking on salty tears.

Seconds after the thing releases a low growl which makes me break down in hysterical sobs.
Breathing heavily the wolf rounds me to look at my face. I look up to see those pitch black shiny eyes stare at me.

I'm pretty sure I already have hyperthermia and what not from the cold weather and my lack of warm clothes.

The wolf steps forward, its nose sniffing my neck. I close my eyes just as more tears escape my eyes.

Goodbye world.

When I open my eyes the wolf is gone as if nothing ever happened but I cannot help but feel relief wash over me.

Wrapping my numb arms around my body protectively, I bawl my eyes out.
Rocking my body from side to side I feel my leg crack further. Giving out a yell of pain I begin to feel the paranoia. That feeling that someone was watching me from every corner of my view.

At one moment I thought I saw pitch black eyes surround me. There were lots of them.

"Who's there?!" I shout out into dark woods. Yet my voice echoes into nothingness.

Then again, that familiar howl rings out of nowhere and I quickly whip my head in all possible directions.

I had to get out of here.

Looking around in the dark I cannot see a thing. Falling on the ground I feel something dig into my hip.
Slowly feeling the object I yelp out in happiness. Sticking my numb hand into the pocket if my jeans I get out my phone.

Trying to dial any number the signal is not connecting with the device for some reason.

"Cmon!" I grit out while thumbing with device.

Putting in the flashlight mode I skim around my whereabouts. Noticing a long thin stick on the ground I pick it up.

Scrambling to my feet I use the stick to support me. One step at a time I proceed in the direction that I originally came from.

Every now and then stopping for a breather. Obviously, cautious of my surroundings and the wolf that most likely was still walking around in these woods.

Checking the signal on my phone I find none present. Once again muffling my cry I hop on one leg.

"Help me." I hear a child's voice whisper and I begin to wonder if I have actually gone insane until it repeats itself.

"Someone please." The voice calls out and I slowly make it where I heard it.

There is a small child form sitting on the ground, her back towards me.
What a child was doing in these woods? Completely alone?

"Sweetie are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" I call out while nearing the little girl.

"No." The girl mumbles her hair covered her face I kneeled in front of her.

"Where are your parents?" I'm reaching for her little hand until she whispers. "Dead." Her voice is calm, too calm which makes me freaking scary.

"What happened to them?" I feel myself shiver. The girl looks up at me. Her eyes budge twice their size and I notice blood dripping down her mouth.

"I don't know." She mumbles and looks away from me. Her little hands begin to shake slightly.

"Why do you have blood on you?" I ask her, wondering what the little girl has went through.

"I ate a rabbit." The girl smiles showing teeth which are sharp as razors. "Oh my freaking god." I exclaim and fall to the ground with my back.

The little girl frowns for a second before her little hands extend towards me. "Stay away from me." I rush out and back away from her.

"Please help me." The girl begins to sob and I instantly begin to feel sorry for her, even if she was a psychotic murderer kid.

"How can I help you?" I say instead. My voice comes out confident to my surprise.

"Can you please take me to my uncle." She mumbles and her eyes well up with tears and I drop in front of her.

"Who is your uncle?" I want to know, my hands reaching out for hers. She grasps them tightly.

"He is the Alpha of the Dark Pack. Please take me to him." She mumbles out and I freeze in confusion.

"I don't understand what you are saying." I reply helplessly. She most likely was a kid with traumatic mental issues. I had no other reasons for which she would be mumbling this madness to me.

"The Alpha of your pack." She looks as if everything she is talking about makes sense but it doesn't. At least to me it doesn't.

"Of my pack?" I question her. The girl needed psychological attention that was for sure. Whatever happened to her wasn't ought to be nice.

"You're the Luna, right? You smell like a Luna." The girl sniffs my hand for some reason and I shove it back to my side. I really felt sorry for this child.

"Luna as in the Perfume Luna?" I ask her gently and she bursts out into fit of giggles.

"Off course not!" She continues to laugh as if I'm being the ridiculous one.

"How old are you?" I ask her before she carries on with her nonsense.

"I'm ten years old." The little girl replies in awe and I study her face. Her pale features made her look younger and her light blonde hair added to her youth.

"What's your name?" I mumble and the little girl smiles.


"Well, Nadia. Do you know your uncle's name?" I help her to her feet just as she smoothes out her curly hair.

"Alpha Alec."

I think at that point Hell froze over. I also think my heart stopped beating so I slapped myself across the chest just to make sure I was still alive.

"Are you sure?" I decide to repeat, maybe it was a different Alec.

"Yes, Alpha Alec Dark." Nadia grins at me and I feel myself die somewhere inside.

"That's wonderful." I say and manage a gentle smile. Taking a hold of her hand and my handy stick I pursue in the direction of the house.

"Luna what's your name, if you don't mind me asking?" Nadia tugs my hand I look down at her.

"I'm Alexia, but you can call me Lexi." I ignore her weird nickname for me by giving her a new one.

"Why Lexi, Luna?" Nadia tugs my hand again and I sigh loudly

"Lexi is what my friends call me." I tell her as we proceed further into the woods.

"I'm your friend?" Nadia looks up at the nervously and I release a small smile. "Off course."

"Cool!" The little girl exclaims, excitement visible in her eyes. "I'm friends with a Luna!"

"Nadia.." I call her name and she turns to me. "Yes, Luna Lexi?" She smiles at me.

"Why are you calling me Luna?" I ask her. I sure wanted to know why she was calling me by the name of a Perfume.

"Aren't you one?" She throws back a question my way and I find myself frowning.

"Why are you calling Alec, Alpha?" I ask instead. I heard Connor once refer to Alec as an Alpha too. Which was obviously a ridiculous coincidence. I hope.

"He is a leader. So that's what we call him." She explains but I think it only confuses me more.

"Tell me more about your uncle." I encourage her and she smiles happily.

"My uncle is so strong, he can literally lift cars!" She brags about Alec.

"Really? He sounds like Hulk." I laugh when she vigorously wiggles her little blonde head.

"Nope. Otherwise he would be all green!" Nadia says just as the house comes into sight.

"Have you ever been here before?" I say and note down her reaction. "Off course! I play here all the time! When mum used to bring me.." Nadia trails off in deep thought. Something in her face flashes and I want to reach out to comfort her but in the distance I hear another howl. This one is different.
I have no idea how I could distinguish between them but I did.

"Alpha Hayden?" Nadia looks back at the forest her eyes slightly wide.
"Who?" I kneel in front of her, ignoring me pain in my leg.

"Nadia?!" I hear a deep voice ask. I turn my head to see Alec running in our direction.

He looks so worried and by the look on his face I want to smile at how caring he is when he embraced Nadia in a tight hug.

"What happened?" Alec turns his head my way and something in them reminds of something but I cannot recall what.

"I found her in the forest." I tell him and point finger at the girl in his hands.

"You won't believe what she told me." I add, and Alec's eyes freeze on mine.

"Lexi was laughing that I called her Luna! How silly is that!?" Nadia calls out and I smile. "See what I'm talking about?"

I watch Alec meet my face and just for a second I see some unknown to me emotion from him.

"Let's get you back inside." Alec says and I trail behind him.
Before he enters Alec looks down at my leg.

"Where is Caleb?" I look around to see no sight of him.
Slightly hopping on my leg I let the warm air let the blood circulate in my arms.

"Went to..police. Connor broke down into my house after all." Alec says and carries the little girl into bathroom before closing the door. "Call me if you need anything!" He says and I hear Nadia yell out an "okay!".

"That was after you locked me in your room." I cross my arms against my chest.

"So?" He looks at me confused. His rock biceps clenching as he rubbed his face. Um. Okay.

"What are you staring at?" His voice brings me out of my trance and I rush out the first thing on my mind.

"How ugly your face is." He laughs at my comment but looks tired.

"I'm not apologising for what I did." Alec says and I frown. "What your ego is too full of pride?" I challenge him to say something back.

"Yeah, actually it is." He looks completely serious so I just end up laughing.

"I don't want to fight with you." Alec steps forward suddenly and I feel the breath catch in my throat.
His face looks genuine but I know what kind lying ass he actually is.

"Apologize then." I narrow my eyes just as he hardens his stare.
"I don't recall anything which I should be apologizing for." He stares at me expectedly.

"How about the time when you sold my home?" I raise my eye brow.
His eyes remain motionless.

"Or about the time when you were a completely arrogant bastard with no feelings?"


"I'm not done! What about the fact that yours​ girlfriend throws me into ocean where almost drown and lock me up in your house?" I wait for an answer.

Alec gulps down. "It's not all that bad." He begins but I glare.

"You can get arrested for so many things right there! Pray to god that I won't sue you." I smirk when he frowns.

"Alexia. If you have learnt something about me is the fact that I'm incredibly rich. I can buy everything. The judge, the lawyer. You don't have to waste your time." That was damn too true.

"How could I forget! Stupid me!" I roll my eyes and wait for more information.

"See. I don't want to argue with you." Alec comes closer to me and I freeze on the spot.

"Let me see your leg." He asks and I then remember that it was probably broken. How did I freaking forget about the pain in my freaking leg?!

"Okay." I watch him kneel down and say, "Caleb told me that you wanted to go with Connor." He comments, it catches me off guard so I widen my eyes. My good foot loses balance also so I'm facing the wrath of the hard cold floor but Alec's strong arms save me from the floor.

"Are you okay?" His voice is deep and husky. Just then I notice how close we are. "I'm great." I mumble as Alec lowers me gently onto the floor.

I look away from his gaze when I feely cheeks redden. After a while we stay in silence until I blur out.

"You locked me inside. What else was I supposed to do?" I ask while studying his every movement.

"Not go with him?!" Alec growls out and I feel my eyes crease. Since when men were so obsessed? I thought that dominance of the male race has partially died down a long time ago. Looks like not so much.

"You were an asshole the whole day to me. I didn't see any other option. And yes I wanted to go with him because at that moment, I would rather go with him than be with you in the same house!" I mutter out and find him whip his head to meet my eyes.

"Liar." He whispers and kneels down to lift up the sleeve of my jeans.

"Ow!" I yell out.

"Sorry." He mumbles and I roll my eyes. Off course he wasn't sorry.

"One of the bones in your leg has snapped." Alec says and strokes my skin in circular motions.
For some reason it brought blush to my cheeks.

"Connor dropped me out the window. I think I got off lucky." I tell him and he tenses up instantly.

"What made you want to leave with him?" Alec looks up and keeps his hands on my leg still.

"Um. I have a feeling I can trust him. He promised I could." I say and Alec quickly nods before saying. "It will hurt... a lot." He says and before I can ask why he said that he cracks my leg back in place.

"Son of a ****." I let out the curses. The agonizing pain slowly fades away but some remains. Alec's face is hard but somewhat soft, if that was even possible.

"It will heal correctly. Now I think you would think twice before jumping out of the window next time." Alec confronts me like a dumb child that makes the same mistake over and over again.

"Are you jealous?" I blur out. Alec stops and without looking at me says, "What makes you say that?"

"You have a problem with me trusting Connor." I pay attention to his hard features. His jaw clenches so tightly I think he might now crush his teeth to powder.

"I do. Because he is a liar, that gets what he wants! And he broke into my house!" Alec exclaims and I release a laugh.

"It's funny you have said that because he literally told me the same thing about you." I grin as his face shots up to look at me.

"And who do you trust more then?" Alec whispers and moves closer to me. All I can see his face moving an inch closer to mine.

No. I barely know you.
I. Barely. Know. You.


The bathroom door bursts open, "What's going on?" Nadia asks cocking her little head to the side.

"Are you hungry?" Alec asks ignoring her question and she quickly nods her head.

"Me too actually." I say just as my stomach screams out scaring me almost to the point where I have a heart attack.

Alec smiles and motions for me to follow them.

Several hours later, it was bedtime.

Just as Nadia leaves to go fo bed, she runs up to me. Her little arms wrapping around my waist.

"Thank you, Luna Lexi." I smile and return the hug.

"I think my uncle likes you." Nadia whispers into my ear and I freeze.

"Goodnight Nadia." I kiss her forehead lightly and she grins.

"Night uncle Alpha!" Nadia smiles and runs up to Alec too.

"Night." He ruffles her hair before the little girl leaves for her beauty sleep.

I stand there for a moment before Alec grabs my hand and pulls me away. "Let's go."

He leads me into a modern expensive living room and we sit on the couch.

"Why does she call you Alpha?" I ask before I can help myself.

Alec seems prepared so he answers rather quickly, "It was something we always did since she was a child." I nod in understanding.

"What happened to her parents?" I want to know. God knows what this little angel went through.

"I made calls, my sister and her husband have gone missing. No one knows where they are but I know they are still alive, no matter what Nadia says." Alec says harshly. While glaring somewhere in the distance.

"That's terrible." I say feeling honestly sorry for both Alec and Nadia.

"It is." Alec whispers and frowns with emotion.

I grab his hand, knowing what it was like to lose someone close to you.

He stares at our linked hands and gulps loudly. "I'm really sorry to hear it. If there is anything I can do, just let me know okay." I say sadly, my thumb stroking his hand.

I didn't know why I was doing such act but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to comfort him so badly.

Watching his face I think I could notice a tear about to escape but he doesn't let it fall.

After several hours or even minutes I feel drained of energy. Releasing a yawn so loud I actually feel embarrassed.

"Sorry." I mumble while poking my cheeks, trying to wake myself up.

"It's okay." I hear a low whisper in return from Alec.

I push my head back resting it on the couch head. After a few minutes my neck aches in pain and I release a groan. Still with my eyes closed. I try to find a better position. Moving my head to the side, I feel something warm against my cheek.

Then I feel a large hand begin to gently stroke my cheek. "Alec, a-are yo-uu okay?" I mutter through my half tranced state.

"Yeah."I feel the deep voice talk back. I smile because it is so manly and deep and it's just so perfect.

"Your voice is so smooth." I say, half awake. That gets a low chuckle out of him.


"Uh hmmm." I yawn again and feel myself being lifted. Then I feel warmth surround me like a blanket. Yet I knew it was anything but a blanket.

* happy reading ! *

AN- alright don't kill me yet. Anyone enjoyed little Caleb and Alexia moment??

And what about that Alec and Alexia moment?????

Vote and comment I would love to hear what you guys think!

Alpha out!

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