The Date

By Dream74

253K 7.5K 310

Kate Smith's life hasn't been easy, with a dark past and what looks like an even darker future, Kate finds he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 32

4.3K 146 5
By Dream74

When Jake came out of the shower dressed and ready for training, I had the whole table laid out with different breakfast treats as I had yet to work out what his favourite was.

"Wow you've been busy" he laughed.

"Your kitchen was well stocked and I didn't really know what you liked so I thought everyone likes a full English, then I remembered that you were Irish and might not like it so I quickly made some muffin bread that you could put any of this with" I shrugged like it was no big deal.

"You did all this in the twenty minutes I was in the shower getting ready?" he said looking around the kitchen island. There were four different types of eggs waiting for him, bacon, sausages, muffins, beans, mushrooms, tomatoes and toast.

"I work in a café remember, I'm used to slapping things up quickly" I looked over at him looking at the table like it was the first time he'd seen food. "Do you not like it? I could make something else"

"I love it!" he lent over and kissed my cheek. "Kate something you must know about me I eat anything and I think full English is at the top of my list. Thank You" he kissed me again, deeply on the lips this time.

Kissing him always made me feel like I was floating and I could fall at any moment.

We both moaned as we pulled away from each other.

"You're welcome... and I know how much you can eat. I saw you at that buffet table" we laughed.

"I'm a big guy, I need my food" I licked my lips just thinking about his body. Yes, he was a big, strong, muscly... sexy guy. My guy.

"You must work out a lot to burn it all off to look like that" I grinned looking away from his stare.

"Is that a compliment?" he smirked.

"I... it's just stating the facts" he laughed looking back at the food.

"Come on let's eat," he said.

I had my legs over Jakes lap as we both eat. We didn't talk much as we eat. He kept refilling my plate whenever I finished. I don't think I've ever eaten so much before. I think he wanted to fatten me up. Which if anyone else would have tried, I'd feel angry but Jake has a way of doing things that make me feel more protected and warm than annoyed.

Anyway, I wasn't paying attention to how much I was eating as his hands kept moving up and down my legs.

I was still only wearing his shirt, which gave him a good show of my legs and thighs. He saw me all last night but there was something about having the sunlight shining around us that made me feel, vulnerable.

"Oh, Lord! This tastes amazing!" he groaned.

"Thanks" I giggled happily as he pulled me fully on his lap.

"How did you learn to cook like this?"

"Millie mostly, I was working in a supermarket in the baking department where she used to money her suppliers and when I lost my job she took me in and taught me everything I know" thinking of Millie made me sad.

I went to go see her last week with Jake. I think she ended up loving him more than I do. I was still upset that Jake didn't want me working at the cafe. I could understand about the club but Millie was the closes thing I had to family.

"Are you two close?" he asked.

"Yeah, you could say that. She's like my Mum, my Nan and my best friend rolled into one. She's the nicest sweetest person I've ever met, if it wasn't for her I don't know where I would be"

"She's an amazing woman" he smiled. I looked to the floor.

"She is... that reminds me I called her yesterday and told her I'll be in next Monday... to work" I looked up and saw him looking down at me. He didn't look angry or overjoyed.

"You're still going to work there?" he said with a calm voice.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"

"Well, you don't need to you know? Now that you're with me, you don't need to worry about money. I have enough to look after you, there is no need for you to work in some... cafe" his voice this time didn't sound calm and emotionless. He made it sound like it was a bad thing to work at Millie's.

A place that a dear old lady had put her heart and soul to build the best she can and here he was making it sound like the worse place he'd want his girlfriend to be seen in. I moved off his lap and started picking up the plates.

"What? What did I say?" he looked truly confused.

"I thought we talked about this. I don't want any charity and I don't want your money" I started washing up the plants with my back to him.

"Why wants wrong with my money?" he laughed like what I said was stupid.

"It's yours!" I shouted without thinking. I felt a chill go up to my spine that I was shouting at Jake, I knew he would never hurt me but if provoked I didn't really know what he would do. Neither of us said a word as the tension started to die down. I started washing up the plants and felt a tear full down my cheek. I had no idea why I was crying, maybe the thought that in a split moment I felt fear.

Jake did nor didn't say anything that would seem aggressive, it was me. It was my shouting and angrier that scared me. It brought back memories when Tina and Bill would fight and he thought nothing of just hitting her or me whenever someone raised their voice to him.

"We have a dishwasher" Jake voice came back into the room.

"You... you have a dishwasher and I like to hand wash things" my voice was uneven as tears started to fall, why was I such a crier these days? Was it because with Jake, I had finally put my guard down and felt like I didn't need to be strong anymore or was I just been weak like Bill said I always was?

"Kate" Jake wrapped his hands around my waist pulling the plates out of my hands. We just stood there, him hugging me into his chest until I felt my heart start to relax and my breathing was normal... well as normal as it could be with his arms wrapped around me. I turned around and leant my head on his chest.

"If you really want to keep working in a café..." I felt his chest vibrate as he spoke.

"It's also a bakery"

"Fine, if you want to work in the cafe and bakery than it's up to you" he pulled my head up to look at him as he whipped around a tear. "I just thought that you would want to move on and work your way up in the world"

"Not everyone wants to 'work up' in the world. Some are ok where they are"

"Then if that makes you happy then I'm happy" he pulled on my neck so our lips meat in a sweet kiss. He pulled me into his arms and carried me over to the sofa. All wrapped up in each other, neither said a thing as we move just lay in each other's arms, relaxing.

"I do have a plan" I finally spoke.

"What's your plan?" I felt him smile against my head.

"Well I was hoping... the money I make from Millie could go towards that cookery course" I twiddled my fingers nervously as I told him my dreams.

"Cookery Course?" he asked.

"Yeah, I think I said something about it before but it's this cookery business course that teaches you how to run your own business as well as learning more about baking. If I can get some money together I can do the course, get a business loan from the bank and open my cake and bakery shop one day. That's the dream" I had never really told anyone about that in detail.

Millie and I had talked about it as just an idea but I always felt it was just that, just an idea but now things were different. I had Jake for moral support. I looked up at him and saw his bright smile, shining down at me.

"That sounds amazing! Where's the course?" I love how excited he was about hearing my plans. I felt pride and joy rise in me that they didn't sound like childish plans but realistic goals.

"Well that's the good thing about it; it's only a year's course and most of its online with a few classes here in London. I'd need to do my GCSEs at the same time but I think you can do it all at the same time"

"How much is the course?"

"Its three hundred pounds," I told him.

"How much have you saved so far?" he asked. I stopped smiling and looked down at my hands.

"Well, nothing so far as I was paying off somethings but this time next year I'll have everything together and I might be able to do it," I thought back to Jay and the deal we made. I really thought that I would be doing the course this year with that money but when I think about what I got instead, the money doesn't seem that bothering.

"Kate" Jake pulled me over to look at him. "I have enough money to help you out if that's what you want"

"I don't want your charity"

"It wouldn't be charity, Kate. It would be an investment in your future"

"No... I'm sorry Jake it's lovely what you're trying to do for me but it wouldn't be right taking your money and having the relationship we're having"

"Ok let's say this then, I understand here is my proposal. You work at the cafe... bakery and do your classes at this college but that's it, no second or third job and no late shifts. All the money you get from there will go towards the course. Everything else I'll look after until you're done" He really doesn't know how little I make at Millie's does he, I thought.

If I did just take the bakeries wages I could pay for the course in about three months maybe four but that would be all the wages, none left for travelling, food or bills.

"Jake what about rent and buying for food, travel, electric bills..." I started when he interrupted.

"Kate I don't pay rent. I owe this place and would be paying the bills and everything if you were here or not. Trust me I can afford it I promise you that. I have more money than need. I want to look after you Kate and I don't want you working three jobs just to have a few extra quid in your pocket. Not when it's not needed." It was true that if I had to get other jobs, I would never get to spend any time with him. "I'm trying to understand and be ok with you working there still but with you working and going to college... I don't want you doing too much. Just let me look after you, please. It's what boyfriends do... I think" he said making me smile.

I liked thinking of him as my boyfriend, mine.

"No one's ever looked after me before, I guess I just don't want you to think I'm using you for your money" I spoke honestly to him. After everything with his family, many would think that that was the reason I was with him but truly it was the only reason that made me want to run from him.

Money scared me. I hated talking about it and hearing about it. Money made people do things they would never think of doing... like being a paid date for example or selling your daughter for drug money.

"You're not the type and trust me I know the type far too well" his answer made me feel sad that there were people out there that would have used him before for his money. I couldn't understand why anyone would only want him for his money. Especially with a face and body like that, but also with a smart brain and a kind heart.

"So have we found an understanding?" I looked into his eyes and saw that kind sweetheart of his shining through, that geniuses nature of his that made him want to protect and cherish those around him. They were the reasons why I was with him, those where the reasons why I loved him.

"Ok," I smiled.

"Ok?" he replied shocked.

"Ok. I'll work only at the bakery and let you pay for everything else but when I start getting some money together with my amazing cake making company I'll pay you back, detail?"

"Let's just say I get free cake for the rest of my life" he pulled me over his lap so I was lying down across him.

"Deal," I said as he sealed it with a kiss. I brought my hands around his neck deepening the kiss for all I could get. His arms tightened around my waist burning me into his side. I could feel his excitement and it sent a wave of my excitement through me.

"Babe, I've got to go to work and you're driving me crazy" he mumbled along my lips yet making no move to move away. "I need to go train to keep my energy up for you"

"That's not the only thing that's up," I said the words before I even realised they were out of my head. My mouth was wide open with shock and my cheeks burned bright red.

"Jesus Kate, you're going to either be the making or death of me" he leant down to kiss me one more time before picking me up from his lap to drop me back on the sofa alone.

Tonight, I thought he wouldn't be walking away from me frustrated again, I hope.

"When will you be home?" I asked thinking how strange that sounded.

"Either seven or eight," he said putting his jacket on. I needed to know a time so I could get everything ready for when he was home.

"Which one?" I asked trying not to sound like an annoying girlfriend.

"Why you going to miss me?" he teased.

"Yes, but I need to know because... hmmm because I just do" I had to look away so he couldn't tell that I was planning something but he was too smart for that.

"What do you have planned?"

"Nothing" I replied innocently biting down hard on my lip. I didn't want to tell him my plans because then it seemed like a bigger deal than it was and I didn't want him getting all excited about it all day for it to not even be that good.


"I was thinking of going shopping with Leah, do you have her number?" Decided to change the subject quickly.

"You haven't got a phone" He reminded me.

"Yes but you do, I could phone her off your house phone"

"Look can you do something for me and don't fight me over it," he said moving towards me, all serious and sexy in his leather jacket.

"No" I pouted.

"Kate, this is important" he didn't smile when he said this so I know he didn't want to joke around. I knew what was coming and I knew he would win. We've had this argument before about me not having a phone and if I was honest I did need one with Jake training and travelling soon for matches but I just wanted to buy one myself other than using his money.

"Fine, I won't fight you on whatever it is"

"Take my card..." I started walking away when he graded my arm. "Take my card and buy yourself a phone. I don't care if it's the cheapest phone in the store, just buy it and you can pay me back when you've got your cake shop" I sat and thought about it for a moment and agreed that I should get one. It wouldn't be an expensive one because it's not like I have so many family and friends to talk to but just so I could talk to Jake whenever I wanted was excuse enough.

"And you'll let me pay you back?" he pulled me up into his arms.

"Yes and if you can bear it, buy yourself some clothes"

"You have already brought me a wardrobe but there are a few items we may have forgotten," I said thinking about what I could wear tonight to seduce him. We didn't really buy any underwear when we went shopping when we got back to London. Jake didn't like the clothes Jay picked out for me to wear so he had them returned and exchanged. We went shopping for things that were more me and I ended up enjoying it. Yet every time we went near underwear I got embarrassed and walked away forgetting that I needed some.

"I thought you said you got everything you wanted to get shopping the other week," said the guy that said 'buy yourself some clothes' not a few seconds ago.

"I did but there is one thing we forgot"


"It's a secret, you'll have to wait for tonight"

"Well you know how much I love surprises" he kissed me again, dropping his tongue into my mouth. It was a hot steamy kiss that felt like it could last forever but ended too soon.

"Right I've really got to go now. I'll be back at six on the dot for my surprise" he gives me one last kiss on the lips before grabbing his bag and walking out the door.

I wanted more than anything to call out 'I love you' as he left but as he hadn't said it back yet I knew he wasn't in love with me.

I knew he likes me, cares for me but he doesn't love me... yet here's hoping. I can live with that. I can love him enough for both of us. 

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