Game Changer

By ray_xo

741K 18.4K 6.3K

Sophie Cooper is part of the social Elites at Ridgevale High, being friends with them since freshman year. Th... More



10.4K 263 53
By ray_xo

There were many things that being part of the Elite forced me to do and take part in which I didn't necessarily agree with. However, since I couldn't tell my mother what really went on in my life honestly, I've always had to lie.

This time is no different.

"Mom, do you mind if I sleepover at Kelcy tomorrow?" I lie, taking a bite of my pizza. My mom smiles with an easygoing nod.

"Of course sweetheart." She responds and I push a smile onto my face, ignoring the guilt that threatens to swallow me whole.

"Thank you. What time are you coming home tomorrow?" I ask and my mom chews on her lip in thought.

"Probably about nine. Why?" She looks at me. I shrug, gazing back at the TV to avoid having to look her in the eye as the lies spill from my lips.

"I was hoping I could get to see you before leaving." I smile. However, that isn't entirely true. Since I'm not really sleeping over at Kelcy, I have to get ready for the club here and if my mom were to see me leave the house all dressed up, she would definitely be suspicious. She chuckles at my reaction before blowing me a kiss which I smile wryly at.

"What are you girls planning on doing?" She asks, her eyes now glued to the TV.

"Just chill, I guess. Probably watch a few movies." I say to her and she nods. However, she doesn't even know how untrue that statement really is because not only am I going to a club instead of Kelcy's but also Kelcy and I aren't even on speaking terms. This whole story I've told my mom is basically a complete and utter lie to the extreme.

But I can't exactly be upfront and ask her straight about going to a club because she obviously wouldn't say yes and Courtney will definitely not let me live it down. In the end, it's what she wants. That's it.

And as much as I'm extremely pissed at Kelcy for undoubtedly believing Courtney's lies wholeheartedly and still ignoring me even though I wasn't the guilty party, I do miss her. Kelcy and I have had many arguments or fights over the course of knowing each other but we've never gone this long without clearing the air.

I think that says enough about how mad Kelcy really is this time.

However, she's still directing that anger at the wrong person.

I rub a hand over my face. I know tomorrow night will probably be a little awkward between us but I'm not going to let her ruin it for me. I'm going to enjoy my time there and nothing and nobody is going to get in the way of that.

"I'm going to bed mom. I love you." I say, quickly pecking her cheek.

"I love you too!" She calls out as I approach the stairs and I smile softly to myself.

How sad it is that my mother doesn't even know who her daughter really is?

And it's not her fault.

It's mine.


I tap my pen against my table with a steady rhythm and listen intently to what my art teacher tells us.

"The following assignment I'm going to tell you about is worth eighty marks and counts thirty percent of your grade. It's easy marks but if you mess around and don't do it, you'll most probably fail." She deadpans before clasping her hands together. "What you have to do is make a three dimensional artwork which marks a statement; something you believe in. Be it an environmental, economic, political or a social factor, you need to make something that relates to the topic. This is individual work and I expect all assignments to be in by the next two weeks. You can use this lesson to brainstorm ideas but please keep it down." She instructs before walking back to her seat.

The class immediately fills with hushed whispers but I ignore them as I flip my notebook open and put all my ideas to paper. This assignment really counts a lot of marks and I can't afford not to do well in it. I chew on the cap of my pen as I think through different topics I could make something about. By the time the bell rings, my once blank page has blue ink all over it and I'm still not sure what to make. However, I push those thoughts to the back of my mind and make my way to the cafeteria where I can finally put food in my stomach.

When I take a seat and pull out my lunch, Courtney calls my name.

"Yes?" I ask, my eyes zoning in on her.

"What are you wearing?" She asks, her eyes looking me up and down in what seems like disgust or mere dissatisfaction. I look down at the material that clings to my body, my eyebrows drawing together. I see nothing wrong with what I'm wearing: a denim skirt with a plain black body suit tucked into it, along with a pair of simple one strap heels.

"Clothes?" I ask in confusion.

She narrows her eyes at me in annoyance. "You could've made more of an effort."

I try not to let my mouth fall agape or show my surprise at her bluntness. "I don't see what's wrong with it." I respond, grateful that everyone else at the table isn't paying attention to Courtney and I. I try not to make it sound like a snarky remark, knowing that it will only irritate Courtney more.

"We have an image to uphold, Sophie." Courtney states in a matter-of-fact tone. "And I would appreciate it if you made more of an effort to help us maintain it."

She gives me a pointed look and my lips lift into a strained smile. "Well I'll make sure to make 'more of an effort next time'." I say, a sarcastic undertone to my voice. I'm sure that Courtney notices it, like she does with most things, but simply chooses to ignore it.

"You're too sweet." She responds sarcastically and I return the awfully fake smile before casting my attention back down at my lunch, trying to suppress my anger. I grit my teeth and shovel a spoon of raspberry yogurt into my mouth. Who does Courtney think she is, telling me what I can and cannot wear? I understand that she has this flawed idea that we have to seem perfect to everyone outside of our social group, but I don't appreciate Courtney treating me as if I dress like some low life scum. I may not have the same sense or taste in fashion as her, but I most certainly make an effort to look the part. She may not believe it, but I do care.

A little more than I should, actually.

"Are you okay Sophie?" Someone asks, making me look up from the table. When my eyes connect with those of Ashleigh's, I nod with a forced smile.

"Oh, yeah. Of course." I shake my head, trying to seem convincing. Ashleigh eyes me suspiciously but doesn't ask me further questions and when I feel the weight of Courtney's gaze on me, I simply ignore it.

However, I know she's smirking smugly to herself.


I'm not going to lie; I'm oddly satisfied with how my appearance looks. Although maybe Courtney won't be, once again, for some stupid reason. Since it's a glow-in-the-dark theme tonight, I threw on a tight, black, spaghetti strapped dress that I bought a while ago and forgot about. I splattered it with glowing ink that I got from breaking glow sticks.

After that, I strapped on a pair of black heels that are still danceable in, and along with a smokey eye I straightened my hair. It didn't take me too long and as soon as I got home and finished my homework, I started on everything. Luckily, my mother didn't turn out coming home early either which meant I could get ready stress-free.

Now that I'm waiting for Chris to pick me up, and he's fifteen minutes late, I'm beginning to grow increasingly nervous that my mom might pull up soon. However, when I hear a car pull up outside and my doorbell ring, my nerves are suddenly settled. As I pull the door open, I step outside, not wasting a minute. I don't give Chris a chance to say anything since I grab his hand and pull him to his Porsche. Only once we're seated in his car do I turn and smile at him.

He chuckles at me. "Worried your mom will come home?" He asks amusedly and I smile wryly.


He chuckles again before eyeing my outfit. "You look nice." He says and I grin, reaching over to fix the collar of his black shirt.

"Well you look handsome." He grins boyishly at me and I roll my eyes. "Drive Chris. We're already late."

He holds his hands up in surrender before starting the engine and pulling off of the curb. Since my mom hardly ever knows where I'm really going, I usually stay over at Kelcy. However, since we're not talking at the moment, Chris offered me to stay over at him which is why I throw a duffel bag filled with my clothes to the back.

The drive to the club isn't too long- about forty minutes- and when we pull up outside of it, it's completely packed with cars, busy with people waiting in line to get in. It's takes us another ten minutes to find a parking space and by the time we do, Courtney is already texting me, asking where we are.

"The others are waiting for us by Logan's car." I tell Chris and he nods.

"Of course they are."

When we climb out of the car, we walk into the humid night breeze to the parking lot closest to the entrance. It's not hard to spot Logan's car- given it's an orange Lamborghini- and the others. When we reach them, Courtney lets out a frustrated sigh.

"What took you guys so long?"

"We we're trying to find parking." I state, looking at the full parking lot which gives way to our reason.

"That's why you were supposed to be here forty minutes ago." Logan says cooly and Chris purses his lips.

"Whatever, lets just go inside." Courtney waves a dismissive hand. We all pad towards the section for VIP entrance, not having to wait in line.

"Geoff." Courtney addresses the bouncer by the door. Courtney always manages to get us into the VIP section since it only makes her seem more special, which we all know she enjoys.

The tall, stocky and gruff man cracks a smile at Courtney.
"Courtney. How ya' doin'?" He asks and she flips her hair over her shoulder.

"Great thanks G. Can you check us in for the VIP section tonight?" She instructs and Geoff holds a clipboard up to scan the names. While he checks, my gaze slides over to Kelcy who has a scowl etched onto her face. I still can't believe she's taken it so far to ignore me. As if sensing my gaze, she meets my eyes and her scowl only deepens. I'm about to pass a comment when Geoff speaks up before me.

"It's not here." He says. Silence pursues his response as I frown. Courtney never gets these things messed up; we always get the best of the best when she's involved.

"Check again." She demands and Geoff does so willingly before looking back at her with an apologetic smile.

"I made the booking today." She grits out and Geoff shrugs.

"Your name isn't on the list."

Courtney lets out an aggravated sigh before turning back to us.
"I'll meet you all by Logan's car," she looks at him briefly "let me just sort this out."

We all oblige and head back to Logan's car.

"Do you really think Courtney made a mistake?" Megan asks and Logan scowls.

"Does she ever?" He says in a hostile tone. Megan purses her lips.

"Maybe the club made a mistake." Tyler says and we all murmur our agreements.

"That sounds more realistic." Ashleigh agrees and I look back over my shoulder at Courtney who is talking calmly to Geoff. He gives her a smirk before looking back at all of us. When his blue eyes connect with mine, he cracks a creepy grin and I return the gesture awkwardly before he looks back at Courtney. She gazes at me briefly before nodding her head. Geoff smiles at her, reading over the list again.

I turn my back on them, wondering what that was about. Maybe I'm being too suspicious but Courtney looked like she was up to no good.

"She's calling us." James says aloud and when I look back in her direction, she is indeed beckoning us over.

"I told you they made a mistake." She says once we're all in hearing range. Geoff gives us a stern nod, looking at me a little longer.

"Never doubted you for a second." Ashleigh comments and Courtney smiles smugly.

"Now, who's ready to dance the night away?"

I feel so bad for Sophie and I honestly want to knock some sense into Courtney... Anyway, please don't forget to let me know what you think :)

Quick Q: do you have a good or bad feeling about this night out?


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