Secrets (A Jack Gilinsky stor...

By Niallity1D

412 14 1


About me (wattpad) Tag
All about me tag (part 2)
Chapter 1-- MOVING
Chapter 2---THE JACK'S
Chapter 3---NEW ROOM
Chapter 5---FAN GIRL
Chapter 7---CAUGHT
Chapter 8---SELFIE
Chapter 9---MISSIN' YOU
Chapter 11---EMILY
Chapter 12---GOIN' UP, ON A TUESDAY
Chapter 14---DANGEROUS MAN
Chapter 15----Hospitalized
CAHPTER 16-----Deep sleep
Chapter 17----Healing
CHAPTER 18----Recovery
Chapter 20----Buzzing on Bud Light
Chapter 21-Interrogation
Chapter 22- - - - Westside High
Chapter---23 My Clique
UPDATE (A Good one ;) )
Chapter 24- - - - It was Him...


27 1 0
By Niallity1D


A/N----Isn't that pic above of Cam and the puppy adorable?.....So cuteee :))))

I woke up the next morning to hear someone knocking at my door. I rolled over to grab my phone, and next thing you know i'm on the floor. My door fly's open and Cameron comes in. I took a glance at his face just in time to see him burst out into laughter. I roll my eyes and stand up. "I was gonna help you up but...yah know I was laughing" Cameron says in between his laughter. "Thanks Cam, what cha need" I say "Mom just told me to get you up, and you need to meet her down stairs soon" Cameron says walking down stairs. "Alright" I say while sitting back down on my bed and I reach for my phone. I notice that my notifications are blown up on Twitter and Instagram. I have many girls following me and I assume that they're fans of Jack and Jack, and Cameron. 

I see that most of them have left comments on all my pics on Instagram. I go down to read them and most of them are hate. "Eww, why is she even related to Cameron" "She doesn't look like a Dallas, isn't she adopted". "She looks like a fake". "Shes fat, she should go onto a diet" "Shes ugly". "Gross, get a life, hobo". "She needs to wear make-up to cover that ugliness". I let a few tears escape from my eyes and threw my phone down on the bed. I have never ever got this much hate. I never knew how much fans hated me. I decided it was time to stop thinking of I walked into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth.

I put on my white Converse with my long sleeved maroon shirt with my leggings. (Image above).I brushed out my hair and put it up into a messy bun. I left my phone on the bed and jogged down the stairs. I put on a smile and said "So, whats the plan for today, Fam?" I sat down at the dinning table after grabbing a bottle of water. My mom smiled at me "Well me and your dad have to go out to work" "Already?" I asked just as Dax and Jasmine came down and started to dig into there breakfast. "Yes honey, I'm sorry, were taking the kids with us too... but me and your father have been talking" She stopped and paused. "Talking about what?" Cameron interrupted. "Cameron were not talking to you now, are we?" My dad said. "No,sorry" Cam mumbled

"Anyways" I said "You guys were talking about what?" I began to eat, but then all the hate comments rushed up into my mind. I put my food down and scooted my plate away from me, just a little. "Yea, anyways me and your father were talking about letting you get your license before school starts" My mom happily says i let out a loud gasp and jump up out of my chair "WHAT? REALLY?" I yell. "Yes, really" My dad smirk I run up to both of them and hug and kiss them on the cheek "Thank you guys so much, I love you guys" I say "Hey, Cameron was the one who gave us the idea. I look at Cameron and he has a small smile plastered on his face. "Thanks Cammy *looks at Cameron and Smile* Ill be upstairs studying some more" I say lightly jogging upstairs

"What about your breakfast!" my mom hollers. "Oh, ill eat it later or Cam can have it" I reply. I open up my bed room door and hurry up to make my bed. I grab out my note book for studying and manual for license. I lay them out to take a pic to post for Instagram. I try to make it look like a tumbler pic, but it didn't turn out right. I shrug it off and post it. I put the caption as

 "Drivn' time♡ ". With in 5 minutes I got many likes and Comments...both Hate and supporting comments but I ignored them

I have been studying for about 1 hour, maybe two and I got a text from my Brother (Cameron) Cam♡♡ :Cameron--- Me: ME

Cam♡♡ : Hey, wanna come watch Disney movies with me, Dax, and Jaz

Me: Sorry, Cant. busy studying for the big test 

Cam♡♡ : Come one Skyla, you have been up there for almost 2 hours. Take a break. Besides I need help with the two young ones.

Me: K, fine. I guess, but just for a few.

Cam♡♡ : Yasss

With that, I got down off my bed and slowly walked out to go down stairs into the living room. I decided to check my twitter. two notifications caught my eye 

-G (JackGilinsky) started following you 

-J (JackJohnson) started following you. 

After those many hate comments were there too. "why are you following her, when you don't follow us?". "She's so ugly, she's not even close to pretty." "Do you guys like her?" "She's a fat slut"  I continue to read them then i land on a bunch of supportive comments like "guys we don't even know her that well, why do you guys hate her" "She's beyond adorable and she's really pretty." "I'm glad she still has her natural beauty and doesn't wear make-up". "She kind of looks like Cam, but she's like more pretty than him, lol" I saw more hate comments and sighed 

"What's wrong" Cameron asked. I looked up from my phone and locked it "Nothing, its all good" I say. I have thought about telling him. But its his fans and I don't want him to lose what he had been working for forever. Plus I think it would break his heart. 

Dax got up and put Frozen in while we all Kicked back and relaxed. By the time we were half way into the movie I felt my eye lids get heavy. I laid my head down and Let sleep over whelm me.

Cameron's POV

Frozen was coming to an end and I took a glance at Skyla and the kids. Jasmine and Skyla were passed out while Dax looked bored asf. I saw that Skyla was on twitter when she was on her way down here She sighed like she was upset, but when I questioned her about it, she said it was nothing. I thought about it, but blew it off hoping that she would tell me some time. I put a blanket over Jasmine and Skyla, and stood up. I waved at Dax to come to the kitchen. "What" he groaned and rubbed his restless eyes. "We should do a vine" I say. He just nodded his head up and down. "K, ill tell you what were gonna do, just let me get the stuff" 

I quickly jog upstairs to my room and grab the blow horn and. we met up into the kitchen. 

I grab my phone and hit the app "vine". I go to make a video and I shook Jaz and Sky "Wake up girls" I say and they just rolled away from me. 

"Got stubborn siblings, that wont wake up?" I asked my camera "Well hears how to fix the problem" I say I signal Dax and he blow the air horn 

Jasmine shoots up real quick and gets up to tackle Dax and I film it. I point the camera at Skyla and she is just glaring at me. "Fuck you" she mumbled only for the camera to hear and she flips the camera off then lays back down. 

I posted the vine and it blew up with notifications. 





A/N~ I know this book is boring, but I might not continue to wright it because not many people are interested in it. Some of the stuff is False like Cameron's age and siblings like I said, this is a FanFic, so...I guess its just my choice.  Also i'm currently listening to Nickelback, and i'v fallen in love with half there songs. Alright, i'll shut up 

~Peace out babessss *Paige :) 

oh, guys for those of you who have Netflix, have you guys seen Cams new series? ahhh I'm in love 

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