What Lies Below the Surface

By SarahCalian

10.7K 198 35

I'm a loyal princess of Nohr, but I've been locked up in a castle all my life. Then one day, my father, King... More

Prologue: The Ties That Bind
Chapter 1: Nohr
Chapter 2: The Gift of Ganglari
Chapter 3: Hoshido
Chapter 4: Mother
Chapter 5: The Path is Mine
Chapter 6: Going My Own Way
Chapter 7: Apparently it's Not 'Bottomless'
Chapter 8: Branded as a Traitor
Chapter 9: The Wind Tribe
Chapter 10: Delusions of a Peaceful Kingdom
Chapter 11: Beginning to Trust
Chapter 13: Accident
Chapter 14: A Slippery Situation
Chapter 15: An Unwanted Clash
Chapter 16: Orders to Kill
Chapter 17: Confessions
Chapter 18: The Rainbow Sage
Chapter 19: Hoshidans United
Chapter 20: Nohrians United
Chapter 21: Veiled Kingdom
Chapter 22: Nightmares in Reality
Chapter 23:Hidden Strings
Chapter 24: Seeds of Doubt
Chapter 25: Betrayal
Chapter 26: Memories of Better Times
Chapter 27: Bonding and Separation
Chapter 28: Can I Trust a Puppet
Chapter 29: Blades Drawn
Chapter 30: The True Traitor
Chapter 31: Anankos
Chapter 32: Ceremonies Worth Remembering

Chapter 12: Mutual Enemies

175 6 0
By SarahCalian

Sure enough, we were all on the road early the next morning. As we were walking along, I saw something that caught my attention. "Huh? Everyone, hold up! I see something in the distance. Is that...a plume of smoke out there...?"
Kaze then took a moment to study the smoke in the sky. "Hold on...that's my brother's smoke signal."
I looked over at him. "Huh? Saizo is over there? What does that signal mean?"
Kaze closed his eyes as he crossed his arms. "Indeed he is. And it means that he is engaging a large number of enemy troops."
I tightly gripped the Yato. "Come on! What are we waiting for, then?!"
Kaze shook his head. "I'm sorry, Lady Kai. This smoke signal isn't asking for help; it's trying to warn us to stay away. He thinks it's too dangerous. We...we should probably head in a different direction."
I grit my teeth. "Kaze. It's your brother out there. ...alright. Everyone, get ready for battle! We're going to help Saizo!"
Kaze looked at me. "Why are you doing this, Lady Kai? You're putting all of us into danger by doing this."
I sighed, shaking my head. "Kaze, our foe can't be defeated if we don't gather allies. We have to be willing to help each other, no matter what."
Kaze smiled. "...thank you, Lady Kai."

A bit later, we arrived in a forest clearing, and I looked around. "Hm...this looks like the place where Saizo sent up the smoke signal, yet I don't see anyone..."
Azura sighed. "But that doesn't mean that they aren't around. We've entered Mokushu territory. There are footprints leading farther in. Let's follow them."
As we began to walk, Sakura began to nervously look around. "I-it's so dark and gloomy here...kind of s-scary, actually..."
Takumi, who was walking next to me, sighed. "If you need to, you can hold onto my arm."
Sakura then grabbed onto his arm. "Th-thank you, Brother..."
Takumi smiled. "Not a problem, sister. Anyways, we're pretty deep in the forest now."
Kaze then suddenly snapped to attention. "What the-! Lord Takumi, look out!"
He then jumped in front of Takumi, blocking a shuriken.
Takumi slightly took a defensive step back. "What the hell?!"
Kaze sighed. "...this isn't just any shuriken. That was the kind Mokushujin fighters use."
Takumi sighed. "Seriously?! Mokushujin are attacking us?!"
Kaze shook his head. "They're about to, that was only a scout. More are bound to be heading this way."
I then looked at Takumi, and we nodded at each other with a slight smile.
Takumi spoke up. "Alright, everyone, let's get ready to fight!"

After we were fighting for a bit, I spotted Saizo, and I walked over to him, Takumi close behind. "Saizo! Are you okay?"
He was obviously surprised to see me. "Lady Kai?! What are you doing here?"
Takumi then spoke up. "We came here to help you. Kaze told us that it was your smoke signal."
"Yes, but it wasn't a distress signal!"
I nodded, picking up where Takumi left off. "I know that. But there was no way I was just going to abandon you. I don't know about you, but I think you're a valuable ally."
Saizo shook his head. "You'd knowingly risk your lives to help me? Hrmph. Then let us fight together."
I smiled. "Thank you, Saizo! I won't let you down!"
He nodded. "There is absolutely no time for us to waste. One of our allies, a ninja named Kagero is currently being held hostage by the Mokushujin. She was...she was supposed to locate Lord Ryoma for us and bring him back...we need to find her."
By the affliction in his voice, I could tell that Kagero was more than just an ally to Saizo. They were close friends, and they meant a lot to each other.
I nodded. "Right. I'll be glad to help."

A bit later, I was with Takumi, and we were standing by Saizo as he faced the leader of this group, Kotaro, who also happened to be the leader of the Mokushujin people.
"Kotaro of Mukushu...you will answer to me," Saizo said, drawing his shuriken.
Kotaro laughed. "Please. I answer to no one. Who are you to say otherwise?"
Saizo sighed, a slight growl in his voice. "I am Saizo the Fifth, servant to the Hoshidan royal family."
Kotaro was obviously lost in thought for a moment. "Saizo...I believe I killed your father."
Saizo immediately growled. "You-! How dare you. My father was an honorable man!"
Korato scoffed. "Ha! More like weak. He had the audacity to lecture me! So, I put an end to his life."
Saizo began to get into his fighting stance. "You are a coward."
Kotaro grinned. "This is great. I'll fell both father and son with the same blade. You won't be able to land a single blow."
"Saizo then threw his shuriken at Kotaro, and he was hit. Kotaro quickly recovered and threw his own shuriken, but Saizo quickly and easily blocked the attack before delivering the final blow to Kotaro.
"How's that? Did I land a single hit?" Saizo said in a mocking tone.
Kotaro then coughed up some blood before falling limp to the ground. Saizo had killed Kotaro.
Saizo sighed as he put his shuriken away. "Hrmph. Father, you are avenged."

I sighed. "Alright, that's over with. Where's Kagero?"
Sakura then spoke up. "I found her, Kai. She's in this cave over here!"
With a nod, we followed Sakura.
Kagero was obviously surprised when she saw me. "L-Lady Kai?! What are you doing here? I thought you'd betrayed Lord Ryoma."
Takumi then spoke up. "That was a misunderstanding. She hasn't betrayed anyone, much less Ryoma."
Kagero closed her eyes. "I see. Lady Kai, I ask for your forgiveness."
I sighed. "It's fine, Kagero. I'm glad you're safe."
Saizo looked at her. "Are you injured?"
Kagero sighed. "Saizo? You as well? Why is everyone suddenly in Mokushu?"
He closed his eyes. "Kagero. I...we came to save you."
I silently chuckled to myself. My earlier predictions were correct. I could tell that there was even just a tiny bit of romance going on between the two of them.
Kagero sighed. "...I see. Lord Ryoma is on his way to Cheve. There are rebellions, and he hopes to gain some allies."
I then looked at Takumi. "We should head there as well."
Takumi nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan, Sister," he said with a smile.

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