A Couple of Merlin Short Stor...

By Sireb_TStrei

92.1K 3.3K 1.2K

A collection of short stories, oneshots, and slightly wacky uncanon ideas all about our favorite warlock and... More

They're Back Part 1: The Returned
They're Back Part 2: The Remembered
They're Back Part 3: The Forgotten
They're Back Part 4: The Peace of Death
They're Back Fifth and Final Part: The Joy of Life
Law and Order: Merlin
All That I've Seen
Merlin and Harry Potter 1: Who Are You?
Merlin and Harry Potter 2: How Are You?
Merlin and Harry Potter 3: What Are You Doing?
Merlin and Harry Potter 4: When Are You Going?
Merlin and Harry Potter 5: Why Were You Here?
M v. L: What Does It Mean? Most Valuable Liar
The Noble Secret of a Servant in Blue
Secrets of Servants
A Dangerous Game
The Tale of Beauty, Beast, and Warlock
Prologue to The Woes of Agent E and Grace Morgan
The Woes of Agent E and Grace Morgan
The Angels of Albion
The Angels of Earth
The Angels of the Veiled
The Angels of Hope
The Angels of War
Angels End
Angels of Albion Comic
A Glimpse at an Untold Friendship
Kings and Coins
Kings and Coins 2
Kings and Coins 3
Kings and Coins 4
The Rant (Now a Oneshot!)
Knights, Kings, Servants, and a Hulk
... and a Hulk
Bored 2 (Procrastination)
Joy, Fear, and Anger
The Dream Sequence
Dark Merlin
The Voice
Words of the Loyal Soul
Merlin is . . . an X-Man!?
Of Wheels and Cement Floors
The Fear of Death One: A Creature of Magic

OMG You're King Arthur! And We're Superheroes!

1.8K 41 25
By Sireb_TStrei

Reincarnation fic! Woo hoo!


Levi frowned at Ethan.

   "You're joking right?" Ethan shook his head no frantically. Levi sighed.

   "Would I sound crazy if I said I dreamed the same thing?"

   "No crazier than me."

   "Great." Levi wondered how he was going to explain this to his family. A crazy dream where nine other people, some he knew some he didn't, had met and gained weird powers. Of course the strangest bit was when he woke up and he really did have a superpower. Oh, boy.

   "Well we can talk to Adam, and Madylin at school. What about Gabriele? Did she say anything to you this morning?" Ethan smiled slowly.

   "Yeah, she said she would see us later. She had to . . . go make sure she wouldn't, you know spontaneously light on fire, or turn to ice, or any other element." Levi nodded. That might be important. Hopefully none of them would accidentally use their powers. This mornings mishap had been enough. Levi shuddered at the snowstorm he'd accidentally created in his bedroom.

   "Well we don't want to be late, let's go."


Adam sat down next to Gabriele with a huff. She gave him a sympathetic look whilst others joined them. Ethan and Levi sat down quickly and stared at their food with an intensity that really should've set the Brussels sprouts on fire. Adam wouldn't be complaining.

Greg and Adam's sister Madylin sat down soon after laughing and talking like nothing had changed. Adam knew better. He'd been at the receiving end of Madylins 'accidental' mind reading. At the memory he frowned and stuffed a carrot into his mouth. 

A larger boy suddenly appeared at the table. He scanned their faces before quietly joining them. Adam tried to recall the boys name, Parton, Parker, no Paxx. Paxx smiled at Gabriele when she waved. Adam knew only three more people were missing. All he knew was two of them were brothers and he had never seen any of them, even though in the dream they claimed that they came to this school. A small cough interrupted his thoughts, and Adam turned around to see the two brothers looking at he and his friends.

Greg quickly scooted to the side and they joined the table. Awkwardly everyone looked at each other. Most of them Adam knew on at least a face recognizing basis, if not name. 

   "Well, um, I'm A-Adam, uh . . ." Adam trailed off nervously. Madylin rolled her eyes.

   "I think what my brother is trying to convey is introduction time." She smiled at them all, "I'm Madylin."




"Gabriele, Ethan's sister. And uh, just call me Gabby."

"Paxx, but I like P.J." Paxx gave them all a crooked grin.


"Landon, Micahs big brother."  Adam nodded trying to match names with faces.

   "There was that other boy, I wonder where he is."

   "His name is Milo, Adam, and he's right over there." Gabby pointed. Adam huffed. Milo seemed to sense them all looking at him, because he turned and saw them. His face morphed into a scowl and he turned away walking purposefully in the other direction.

   "Wonder what's wrong with him." Levi stated.

   "Think about it, even with not knowing us, I don't think he knows his power either, or did you forget that in the dream nothing seemed to happen with him." Madylin nodded in agreement. They all remembered when their powers were revealed to them. They had accidentally used the powers and everyone had seen everyone else's, except this Milo. Adam shrugged.

   "Well I think we should go to the park tonight and test these powers out. Someone should invite him." Most of the people shrugged and Landon was elected to go talk to Milo. After Micah prayed for there food, which had Adam and several others squirming uncomfortably, they ate lunch and got to know each other better.


Milo really didn't mind leaving his home for a few hours. His older brother and father always fought and the neighbors would often stare as the screaming got louder. So he gladly left at half past three to escape to the park, even if it was to talk to some strangers. He supposed Landon had been nice enough. 

Milo scuffed his feet as he walked, head down. It wasn't entirely his fault when he walked right into the blonde dude, who he remembered was called Adam. Definitely not his fault. Adam rolled his eyes at Milo, before helping him up.

   "This way, we were starting to think you weren't coming."

   "Sorry if I'm the only one worried about my future by doing homework." Adam just shook his head and walked away, assuming Milo would follow. He did. They entered a clearing where the other eight people were sitting. A dark haired girl smiled at him and he inclined his head. Milo quickly joined Landon and his brother Micah.

   "Right, er, I thought we could, you know, use our powers for a bit, to, yeah." Adam again failed at public speaking.

   "I think he means we should see what our limits are, so we don't accidentally kill ourselves, or others. And learn some control." Madylin once again took over flawlessly. Adam smiled at her, a pained expression on his face.

   "Yes thank you Madylin for reading my mind, for, let's see, the fiftieth time today?"

   "No problem brother dear." Madylin smirked, and Milos heart fluttered nervously. He had a feeling of foreboding as her smirk stayed. Movement distracted him and soon the feeling left as Madylins face returned to a more neutral expression. Greg, now standing, said,

   "Welp step back. I'm gonna see what I can do." He then proceeded to punch the ground so hard a large crater appeared and anyone who had been standing was now on their knees. Levi blinked, as P.J. smiled.

   "That's a heck of a punch, mate. Remind me not to get on Strength's bad side." Again Milo felt a strange sense. It reminded him of sadness, and some humour? He shrugged it off, as Ethan took Greg's place. The boy suddenly morphed into a tiger, before becoming a bird, and finally an elephant. He switched back to human panting a little.

   "I think three morphs in a short span of time is all I can manage. I think it's any animal I can think of,  so . . ." Several others smiled at him. Ethan walked to sit down on a rock. Madylin quickly moved to the center of the clearing. She took a deep breath before closing her eyes. Milo suddenly heard her in his head whispering a joke. He looked at her as her eyes opened. Only they weren't the usual green. They were glowing gold. She looked to her brother in obvious concentration and Milo felt her leave his mind. 

Adam suddenly stared at Madylin his eyes growing wide in fear and suddenly, pain. When Madylin saw the pain in his eyes she immediately stopped whatever she was doing and her eyes faded back to green.

   "Sorry Adam. I didn't realize . . ."

   "Its fine Madylin. Just please don't do that again." She nodded, her eyes averted. Milo looked between the two in obvious confusion. He wasn't the only one.

   "Um, I enter and can read everyone's mind in a one mile radius, I can control one persons mind at a time, and, uh, change their thoughts, memories everything. I can also, um, cause them pain and insanity." Madylin walked to sit in the shadow of a tree. Milo wasn't the only one shocked by her power. He soon shook himself from staring at her, it was rude after all. Eventually Micah braved the center of attention and he stared hard at the dirt from Greg's super punch and twigs that littered the grass. His eyes too turned gold as the items began to rise and twirl. He flicked his eyes to the side and the twigs followed. Slowly a humanoid shape took form and with a twitch of Micah's fingers began to spin and dance. Finally the items returned to their original positions, as if they hadn't moved at all, and Micahs eyes stopped glowing. 

   "Telekinesis, but I don't think that's my limit. I mean I don't feel tired or anything. Probabaly having to move something bigger would, erm, take more of a toll." Landon smiled at his brother.

A thunderstorm suddenly appeared above the clearing, with lightning and everything. Milo looked at the sky outside the clearing which was still blue and clear. The thunderstorm turned into a snowstorm, before becoming a tornado, ending with some hail. Levi smiled sheepishly. 

   "As far as I know I can only cover a six yard radius at the most, with a one foot radius at the least." Adam smirked at his friend before entering the center himself. He lifted his hands and suddenly a blindingly bright light shone from them. With a push Adam's light shot from his hand in a beam and some of the dirt that got hit turned to glass from the heat. Adam turned the light off with a flick of his wrist.

   "And I can dim lights as well."

   "I didn't think you need any help with that before." Levi muttered.


   "Well, it's not like you're the, brightest person in the world." Gabriele giggled at Levi's comments. Adam just scowled. Landon made the argument that was about to unfold stop as he suddenly dissapeared. And reappeared next to Madylin. Everyone stared at him gobsmacked.

   "Yeah, before you say anything, not a teleporter, erm, I just kind of slowed time down for a bit. And in about five seconds a birds going to shriek and Ethan will scream like a child." Milo looked at him doubtfully. That was until a few seconds later when a bird did chirp and Ethan screamed from the sound being so close to him. Landon smiled smugly.

   "Time manipulator." Micah said with excitement. Milo had to admit, that was pretty cool. Until the smug smile on Landon's was wiped away as P.J. knocked him over at super speed.

   "Was that fast? That felt really fast." P.J. raised his eyebrow in question his face completely serious, as his eyes twinkled with laughter.

   "Yeah you were a blur, man." Greg grinned. P.J. smiled happily and they fell into an easy silence. Adam cleared his threat and looked at Gabby and Milo. Milo blinked before looking at the girl signaling she should go. She bit her lip slightly before walking a little ways away from them all. Suddenly her body turned into ice, before melting into fire, which whipped around turning to air, which solidified into earth, and finally slid into what looked like metal. Quickly after, she returned to her normal skin.

   "So you're like an element morpher or something?" Milo guessed quietly. When everyone looked at him shocked, he realized that this was the first time they'd heard him speak, other than Landon.

   "Or something." Gabby agreed, breathlessly. 

   "Like Ethan I can't really change a lot in shorts amounts of time, but as far as I know I can change into one element for an extended period of time." She quickly stood by her brother, a blush creeping into her dark cheeks. Milo sighed as he realized they were all looking at him expectantly and somewhat apprehensively. He could understand. They didn't know what he could do yet. He fought to hide a smirk. This was going to be fun.

Milo stood where the others had before him, and took a deep breath. In rapid fire he copied everyone else's powers exactly in the order they had shown. When he turned back to his normal skin everyone stared at him. 

   "You're eyes, glowed like Madylins and Micahs." Landon said quietly. Milo wondered why only they had glowing eyes, but he shrugged it off.

   "I . . . absorb others powers. When they use them or something my body records the information it's given and absorbs it. I can now use all of your powers at anytime, anywhere, and if I wanted to I could absorb so much that I could take your powers away. In a way I'm a last ditch cancelation, if anyone wanted to get rid of their powers." Milo paused and closed his eyes briefly, before speaking again.

   "I can also lend powers. So if someone needed to I don't know turn into a bird, but their power was invisibility I could for a short time give them the power to morph." He looked at the faces of the others curious as to how they would react.

   "So that's why we didn't see anything when you got your power. Because of its cancelation effect, like a black hole cancels out light, space, and even time. Your like a black hole that occasionally helps out, or wants to help out."

   "Yes, thank you Landon. I needed to be compared to one of the most dangerous and scary things in the known universe. I like added anxiety, I mean I didn't have enough already." Milo said dryly. Landon grinned, and opened his arms in a sort of apology gesture. Milo was once again attacked by strange emotions as a sense of familiarity overcame him. He wondered if it could truly be, but pushed his hope and thoughts of past friendships from his mind.

   "Right well, uhh, what time is it?" Adam spoke up again.

   "Twenty six seconds, ten minutes past five." Landon said immediately. He shrugged somewhat sheepishly. Apparently an internal clock was included in his gifts.

   "We've been here nearly two hours!?" Gabby cried. They all looked at each other for a second, before breaking eye contact and falling into awkward silence.

   "I've got to go. Don't know when Pa'll be expecting me back." Milo said hurriedly. He grinned a familiar grin at the rest of them and disappeared. He didn't know memories had come to light for a few of them at that grin.


Madylin knew she would be late to class but she also knew this couldn't wait. She was pretty sure she was the only one who had felt the other presence in that dream. Someone else had been in the weird dreamscape room, and she was pretty sure she knew who.

The telepath entered her schools main office and telling the secretaries minds to ignore her she made her way to the principals office. She knocked on the door once before entering.

The elder man at the desk looked up as she walked in and after working through his shock, smiled. She smiled back.

   "And what can I do for you Ms . . . ?"

   "Draga, sir."

   "Miss Draga?" Madylin smiled sweetly at him before shutting the door and flopping down in a chair before his desk.

   "Well, Mr. Grant I was hoping you could explain why I can get past your secretaries without them noticing me?" Mr. Grant looked at her for a moment his face showing nothing.

   "Well I assumed you simply walked as though you had a purpose for being here, or confident that you were allowed to get past them. It seems to work quite easily in places other than at school, as well." She smiled at him, humorlessly, before probing his mind. Immediately she was rebounded, but she hid her shock well. At least better than Mr. Grant. He blinked for a few second before speaking,

   "Could you please explain to me why you just tried to read my mind?" He asked quietly. Madylin narrowed her eyes. She could play this game.

   "Not before you explain to me why you were in that strange blue room when we were given these 'gifts'." He smiled slightly.

   "You've already come far in your power, Morgana."

   "Thanks Gaius, but really I already knew that." He chuckled, and she laughed with him, all hostilities disappearing into thin air.

   "Has anyone else remembered yet?" The man asked excitedly.

   "I think it's just Arthur, Gwen, Gwaine and I."

   "How did you remember, if I may ask?" 

   "Merlin grinned." Gaius smiled and shook his head incredulously.

   "So it is him? That Milo boy?" Morgana nodded her head happily. She was extremely glad she'd had a loving family this time round, especially her father. Being a full fledged sister to Arthur and not being an illegitimate child, had helped immensely as well. Though she didn't know who said it, whoever did was right. The bond of love is far greater than any power one could wield, or any anger one could carry.

Because of her improved home life she hadn't wanted to go on a psycopathic insane high priestess murdering rampage and kill her brother and father the moment she remembered. However it had been fun to tease Arthur for a bit before having to slowly convince him she wasn't going to kill him in the night.

   "Anyway, do you know why we have these gifts?" Gaius suddenly grew serious.

   "Fate is a troublesome thing, Morgana. Magic is not apart of today's society, and so the old religion found new ways to give you all the gifts you need." She nodded in understanding.

   "But why a dream? And why do the people who never had magic have these gifts?"

   "I believe the triple goddess found it easier to communicate her wishes, and blessings when the mind is more relaxed and unguarded. Less likely to fight back. As to why everyone was given powers I do not know. All I do know is I was privy to the exchange, and I will do my best to help." Morgana smiled.

   "I know you will Gaius thank you."

   "Say hello to Gwen and Arthur for me would you? Tell them they're welcome anytime." She nodded and left the office as unnoticed as she was coming in. She looked at the clock on her way out. Yes, she would definitely be late. Then again she really did hate maths, so that wasn't too much of a problem for her.


P.J. wondered when and if anyone else would remember. He knew for sure Gwaine, or Greg rather, remembered. It was after all his fault Percivals life had come to light. With Greg easily falling into their previous life's banter, and accidentally calling him Percival, it really came as no surprise to either boy when P.J. had immediately called him Gwaine back. It didn't take long to figure out who everyone was, and this time round the two boys were pleased to find that, as far as they knew, everyone had a family. A complete and nearly whole and alive family. Something that really hadn't been allowed back in Camelot it seemed.

Percival really wished his friends would remember soon.


Lancelot didn't really know how Mordred, Arthur's apparent killer had become his little brother, but he didn't question it. He'd learned long ago fate and destiny had their own plans and agendas in mind. He was just glad this time he could hopefully do something about the cruelty of the world. 

Since Mordred hadn't actually known Lancelot, Landon had explained everything about his way of thinking and his past. Micah had done the same for Mordred, and they seemed to understand each other. They both had a problem with loyalty and love. That only made them grow closer. Landon figured out basically everyone had remembered except Milo, Levi, and possibly Ethan.

Though with Gwen as his sister, Lancelot was sure Elyan would soon make an appearance. 


Ethan was pretty excited when Levi came to him with confused expression and quite a few questions. Most of them going along the lines of, how, why, and in general, what? Elyan didn't really have answers anyway, but at least it was Leon asking.

He couldn't wait till lunch, then he could see all the awkwardness and figure out who remembered Camelot. It would be prime pranking material.


At lunch Milo decided to join his new superpower friends. He wondered at the tension at the table as several people sent others side glances, whilst some just stared openly. He figured his, people, were worrying themselves over the powers. Finally Ethan broke the silence of fertive glances and munching food.

   "So, a king, a queen, a servant, a Druid, a high priestess, and five knights from the ages sixteen to seventeen, sit down at a round table. What happens next?" Milo watched curiously as many of his frie-acquaintances jumped at the labels. He however was confused. That's how he looked anyway.

   "What?" He asked slightly chuckling. Adam, and Greg looked at him sadly and Milo had no idea why. Ethan frowned and looked down.

   "Errrm, nothing, just-just a joke Milo."

   "I don't think there was a punchline. Not the best joke."

   "Yeah, it needs some work." Ethan agreed. Milo just snorted in amusement. His amusement only hiding the nervousness that was hitting him. Repeatedly. His heart started beating faster as everyone avoided looking at him. Well, everyone but Adam, Gabby, and Madylin. 

   "Well, Merlin, if you weren't such an idiot you might have gotten the joke." Adam said prattishly.

   "Mm hmm, well I didn't know you had to have so little brain cells to get a 'joke' with no punchline, sire." Milo quipped. Then his eyes widened in shock. He didn't mean to call them by the names of his friends in his dreams.

   "I-I sorry, I didn't mean, it's just it was like my dreams, so familiar . . . I don't . . ." Milo trailed off, eyebrows furrowed. However looking around the table everyones eyes were trained on him, many gleaming in satisfaction, or hope. He sighed slowly. It seemed the game was up.

   "So how long have you all figured it out?" Merlin asked with a grin. 

   "Just since that day in the park." Lancelot said confused.

   "How long have you known?" Merlin grinned sheepishly.

   "I've had the dreams since I was eight. Finally figured out they were memories rather than imagination in seventh grade. I thought I was insane for a while, imaging a different life, a different time. I got really good at acting, and, uh, lying. Again." Arthur snorted.

   "So you've been lying to us. Nothing's changed there then."

   "Well you did kind of ask me not to change, and I respond much better to requests than orders, my king." Morgana sighed,

   "What now then?"

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 year later ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

   "This is Element to Priestess, I've got a little trouble down on fifth. This guy already seems insane." Gwen called into her ear piece.

   "Ten-four Element, be there in a moment. Blackhole could you lend me Paradox's powers real quick, Element has a situation."

   "I gotcha Priestess." Merlin called, before sending Morgana the power. In less than a second the sounds of Morgana's mind attacks were subconsciously heard. Merlin grinned, time manipulation was very handy.

   "Blackhole, would you get your butt over here! I need you to blow something up with your power push." Merlin smirked at Arthur's annoyed tone.

   "Coming King hold your horses."

The battle ended soon enough and the robbers were tied up and knocked unconscious, courtesy of Priestess.

   "Great job guys, time for the Round Table to head home for homework."

They met back at Mordred and Lancelots secret house sneaking to their basement to hang up their disguises. Merlin turned to Mordred.

   "You did really good tonight Druid." He clapped the boy on the shoulder. Mordred beamed at the praise. He really was just a kid at heart. They all were really. Merlins older brother Balinor, formerly known as Benny, and Gaius met them in the living room.

   "No one hurt too seriously, yes?" Gaius asked. They all just grinned and shrugged. Gaius was their mother hen, but they didn't really mind. His wisdom was almost always a help. Balinor was the one who gave them all the cool tech. He grabbed Merlin into a hug and grinned into the boys dark hair.

   "I'm glad you're alright."

    "What are you talking about? I'm always alright." Balinor just huffed and Merlin smiled.

   "Time to break out the beer!' Gwaine shouted. Gaius and Gwen slapped him upside the head.

   "Your underage!" The former queen shrieked. Everyone chuckled at Gwaine's pale face as both Gwen and Gaius laid into him.


If anyone were smug the next day when the Round Table got front page, nobody smirked proudly when rumors started to spread at school. Not a one.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The End ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

If you could have a superpower what would it be? Mine would be Merlin's and that's kind of why I gave it to him, only I would have the ability to choose whose powers I absorbed, so I wouldn't just, you know have every power of every superhuman I met.

Any way here are all the code names if anyone's curious.

Arthur-King-Light/Heat Manipulation

Gwen-Element-Element Morphing (like Iceman, or Darwin from X-Men franchise)




Gwaine-Strength-Super Strength

Percival-Greyhound (or Maglev)-Speed

Lancelot-Paradox (or Minute)-Time Manipulation

Leon-Brontide (google it)(or AC/DC)-Severe Weather Control (only like storms, and other life threatening natural airborne phenomena)

Elyan-Morph-Skin/Body Shifter/Change


Balinor-Uncle-Tech Guy

God Bless, and Merry Christmas!


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