Queen of the Beastsâś…

By b00klover09

2.3M 99.6K 13.9K

đź‘‘1 in Queen Seriesđź‘‘ (Warning: Dark themes & sexual assault) I will have you...all of you, Esmerleda," he s... More

Attention/ Authors Note
NEW Announcement
Queen of the Fangs!


44.6K 1.9K 135
By b00klover09

Something did not sit right with me as me and Chelsea were escorted back into the castle. It wasn't the bread...but the list of ingredients that I needed to complete this...this spell. I could not possibly get everything. Should I even attempt to tamper with the natural law?

It was evil....but if there was a way to do it.. was it really that bad?

"You two are back so soon?"

Rowan met us in the foyer, an unreadable expression on his face. "Yes. Chelsea brought me to a wonderful bakery. Here, taste some," I smiled as I tore off a piece and gave it to Rowan. He shook his head as he glanced at Chelsea.

Since he did not take it, I popped it into my mouth and ate it. "Chelsea, we have to speak alone."

She tensed up. "Your highness and I were just getting ready to-"

"-That was not an option, Chelsea," Rowan said sternly as I watched his eyes begin to...well he began to show his wolf. I glanced at Chelsea. She straightened up even more.

"We will speak later, Chelsea," I said with a comforting smile. Rowan looked less than happy with her. He wrapped an arm around her waist, and they disappeared down the hall.


I turned around slowly, watching a hidden figure appear from around the corner. It was Fiona. She had a far off look in her eyes. "Fiona..." I said while taking a step back. So Sirus has listened to my advice? I have to say it is surprising. My mother had to fight my father tooth and nail to get her views across about things and Sirus had just....listened. It was odd. Odd for a man. Even more odd for a beast.

"H-how is your back?" She questioned, as she seemed to twitch a bit. It pained her...to be nice to me probably. "Thank you for speaking to my-"

"-You do not have to act as if you like me. I did a kind deed not to help you necessarily. You do not have to do anything to repay me. If that is what you are thinking."

She awkwardly looked around before sighing. "You have no idea what I do and do not have to do. I am expressing my thanks and that is all." After that, she walked away from me.

That...was odd but it was not like I wanted her to be angry and crazed like before...

I could hear Eddie from a distance. And screams. It sounded like little Sarah. I followed their loud yet small voices, for a few minutes before I was met with a door. It was Sirus's study.

Before I could even think logically, I whipped open the door, my eyes quickly wandering around, mainframe sure both little children were not harm.

There saw Sirus at his desk, book in hand. Looking incredibly annoyed. "Esme!" Eddie shouted with glee as he ran over to me hugging my leg.

"Your highness!" Sarah said while doing the same thing. Each child owned one of my legs. I could not help but laugh as they squeezed me tightly.

"Why so happy to see me?" I questioned.

"No one would play with us! Rowan was an angry toad, and Sirus is a boring sloth! We were looking for you and Chelsea," Eddie exclaimed. "And we have your mud pie outside," he announced as I felt his little hand grabbing at my loaf of bread.

I tore off a piece and handed it to him, then to Sarah who ate it up quickly. "You two leave us," Sirus announced, as I watched Eddie try and reach for my bread again.

Sighing, I broke it in half and handed one to Eddie and the other to Sarah. "Thank you, Queen Esmeralda!" Sarah smiled as Eddie took her hand and they ran away from us.

I walked over to the door and closed, it before looking at Sirus who was still concentrating on his book. "What is wrong?" I questioned him.

"The humans retaliated again. They forced my hand, Esmeralda. There were casualties."

I tensed. Of course people died. My people died. What did he care? He said as if he was sorry. Which I knew he was not.  "Chelsea and I were only gone for two hours maybe..how could you get that information to and fro so easily?" He might have known all day. When he kissed me. Played around with Eddie and Sarah. He is a master at manipulation. That is for sure. His entire family was.

"My messenger."

"It takes half of a day to get from my kingdom to yours. How is that possible?" He was a liar. He had always been a liar and always will be.

He sighed, "on horse it takes half of the day. My messengers run in wolf form. They are the quickest men I have in the kingdom. It takes them about an hour to get a message to your kingdom. Maybe 45 minutes."

I shook my head. "How can you just end someone's life so quickly? Did you even hear them out? Want to know why they reveled? You are so cruel and...and straightforward with everything, Sirus. You cannot rule like this!" I exclaimed as he just stared at me as if I were crazy.

"That is how I rule. I will not change my ruling habits because of the few deaths of rebel humans. I am not discriminating against humans. My own lycan people have rebelled against me of course a long time ago, and I have dealt with their insubordination with their deaths," he explained to me as I just stared at him accusingly. Some part of me believed him. A large part of me did not. "Also a Duke Everton the second would like to have an audience with you. I told him no."

My heart jumped. When I heard Duke Everton...it reminded me of the first. The man who was ripped apart in front of my very eyes. He was dead...but his son who had tried to court me when I was younger...was alive. It gave me an odd comfort. "Wh-what did he say?"

"Who is he to you?" He growled out. He looked tense and ready to pounce at the way I responded to his name. It amuses and scared me a bit.

"He is an old suitor who's advances I respectfully declined. He was a councilman's son. His father was an honorable man...who was murdered the day my parents were," I told him truthfully. He looked annoyed that I had mentioned their deaths. He did not have the right to be annoyed or angry for something that he had caused. "Why do you look angry? Your parents were not murdered in front of you."

He chuckled. "They were...but that is not the point. Why does he want to speak with you? I was going to have him killed but the people... your people respect him so much. I want to attempt at peace, so when we meet with your people we will meet with him. I mean that as in us together. Not him alone with you. That will never happen," he stated watching me closely.

I did not wish to be alone with Jacob. I do not think any woman would want to be alone with him. "You do not have to worry about that, Sirus...and we respect each other. My people are probably desperate if they are looking at him as a leader." It unsettled me.

He rubbed his temples, looking away. "So, how was your tour around my kingdom?" He asked, his eyes never leaving my own as I somewhat fidgeted under his gaze. Should I tell him?

"It was interesting...I met a very kind baker."

He just nodded slowly, his eyes brightening as we both sat in silence.

********Chelsea's POV*******

"Chelsea," Rowan growled.

I continued to our room. I could feel the heat from his stare. He was angry with me. I could feel his anger through our bond. "Chelsea," he snapped again as he spun me around. Forcing me to look at him.

"Yes, Lord Rowan?" I questioned, watching his muscles tense when I called him that.

"Chelsea, look at me."

I frowned. I despised looking into his eyes. Everything....I mean everything that a mate was supposed to look at their other half with...was in his eyes. I could not stare him back in the eyes. "No."

"Chelsea, by the gods, you test every ounce of patience that I have," He growled out, cupping my chin.

"Then reject me," I suggested.

"Why would I do such an idiotic thing? You are mine, Chelsea." Before I had a chance to think of something to say to him, I felt his teeth sink into my skin. Where my mark was.

"Rowan," I stiffened, my wolf perking up at our male very directly staking his claim on us. My body began to thrum with the sensation of his dominant wolf.

His large body pressed into mine, his hands gripping my hips tightly. "Rowan," I moaned, as he withdrew his teeth, lapping gently at the blood that he had drawn. "D-don't do that."

My mark was extremely sensitive, and he knew that. "Tell me you are mine," he said as his lips hovered over my own. He always did this. His smoldering stare and sinful lips.

"N-no," I forced out of my mouth, even though it felt as if my tongue was going to explode for saying no to my mate.

As soon as he opened his mouth...he shut it, tensing up a bit. He twisted to the side a bit, still trapping my body with his. "You, draw a bath," He announced to one of the maids as she looks at me with a sly grin.

I wanted to disappear. They looked at me moe as a mistress than his mate. They believed he settled for less because he didn't have true access to Sarah who was just a child, so he chose the next best thing to her. Me.

The realization of what he just ordered them kicked in. "I-I am not bathing with you."

"Whether I join or not you need to wash that horrid scent oil off of you, Chelsea. If I smell that one more time on your body, I will ensure that your pores reek with my scent. Every crevice of your beautiful skin will smell like me, do you understand, Chelsea?" He growled out, making my wolf flash images across my mind on just how he would get his scent on me.

He had toyed with me to much. My senses were on overload, as his lips smothered my own. "Would you like me to join you?" He said in between his lips devouring my own.

I had to have him. My body craved him entirely to much. That is how we always ended up having intercourse. He would toy with our bond, my body. Subtle little things until my wolf could no longer handle being teased.

"Yes," I whimpered out, as I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist, picking me up.

SO, I updated. It's late as hell but eh, at least I promised I would! Anyway I had another disgusting day with disgusting customers who can literally shove their money up thier butts. Anywho, I'll update again on Christmas Eve then I'll be going 'dark' for a few weeks. The next update will have you guys wanting to beat me up lol

Also I wanted to make a shoutout to the very talented @katerina1103200hps for making this awesome cover! It's beautiful and I'm honored that she took the time out to make my story a cover! Thanks girl!

Hope you guys aren't last minute shopping like half of everyone in this world because Christmas Eve shopping is the worse!

Remember to vote and comment guys!

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