Queen of the Beasts✅

By b00klover09

2.3M 99.6K 13.9K

👑1 in Queen Series👑 (Warning: Dark themes & sexual assault) I will have you...all of you, Esmerleda," he s... More

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NEW Announcement
Queen of the Fangs!


39.4K 1.6K 299
By b00klover09

"S-So a child knew that I was with child before I knew..." Esmerelda whispered. My eyes wandered over her wringing her hands while she stared at me with confusion.

She did not understand. She does not realize how irrational she becomes when she learns of certain news. I was going to ease her into this new information.

I did not expect the potion to work like it did. To give her a heat. I simply wanted her to be more fertile. It was almost impossible to have hybrid children. Most human women could never conceive, lost the child in the womb or the child was weak and perished within the next few weeks of life. Sarah and Chelsea were exceptions. Most hybrid children did not make it or had severe deformities.

The witch told me the potion would ensure Esmeralda's health was up to par and a susceptible to birth a lycan. I did not know she would start to show lycan characteristics. Such as heat, and her extreme body heat at times. But that was it. It was not as if she could become one of us. She still smelt like a human.

I just hoped that we would have more time. Now once again, Fiona has ruined a plan of my own.

"Esmerelda, I was going to tell you when the time-"

"-You have no reason to explain your actions, Sirus. None. I am the Queen you are the King. Whatever you say goes. I understand," she smiled. There were tears in her eyes. "I-I think I will take a bath now."

She disappeared into washroom. No one had drawn her bath. Was there water still in the tub?

I sat on the bed. Once she was done I would speak with her. Make her see reason. This was a good thing. Even she had no desire to see it.

I could hear her.
Every whimper.
Every sob.

It was a mental whip to my brain. A whip to my wolf's fur. I knew it was a matter of time before she found out. I did not think it would have been so early.

After about twenty minutes, I decided to intervene. I could not hear her cries anymore. I vaguely heard her moving around in the water.


I walked into the washroom. Her knees were tucked into her chest, her arms wrapping around herself. She was shivering. "Esmerelda," I said again as my hand dipped into the water.

It was freezing. "This is the same bath water from earlier? Why did you not ask me for the maids to draw a bath?!" I growled at her as she remained looking at the water.

"I needed to bathe," was her soft reply.

"It is time to get out, Esmerelda," I warned her as I grabbed her arm. Pulling her. With her arm stretched out I noticed that an old bruise from our love making was reddened and raised. "Esmeralda, come. Get up." I was attempting not to yell at her. She seemed...fragile right now. 

She did not respond to me. I began to pull her out of the tub. She screamed. It was difficult for me to get a good grip on her due to how wet she was. She fell onto the floor.

"Esmeralda," I growled as I tried to help her up. She let lose a yelp of pain as I touched her wrist.

She was drenched. I quickly grabbed a towel, wrapping her body in it. My eyes noticed every mark that I had left on her body was now raised again. Even my bonding mark on her neck. I quickly checked her stomach. It was unscathed.

Her body was shivering as I lead her into our room. I searched for a gown then quickly pulled it over her shaking form.

"Esmeralda, I know you are upset with me but speak," I ordered her as she crumpled to her knees then sat on the floor. Staring at her hands.

What on earth was happening to her?


She began to hug her knees again.

"Esmeralda?" I tried again, bending down and reaching to touch her leg. "Esmerelda, talk to me."

She looked up. Her face was flushed, her eyes were reddish and puffy. A stream of tears flowed from both eyes. "Wh...why did you not tell me?" She questioned. Her voice sounded raw. Irate.

"I was waiting for the right time to tell you, Esmeralda. I have already made this clear to you."

Her hands turned into fists as she began to breathe rather harshly.

"I...I cannot do this! I cannot do this, Sirus," she said as she looked up at me...with the most distraught look I had ever seen.

"Esmeralda," I said as I managed to pull her a bit. Not to much. She was like a scared animal. I did not want to do to much and then scare her even more.

"No! I...I cannot have a baby. I do not know what to do....The baby will need her grandmother...the baby....I will need my mother. I need her, Sirus," she yelled at me as tears flowed from her eyes.

I pulled at her body, as she screamed and thrashed wildly. Trying to get away from me. "Stop," I snarled. After a few seconds of this nonsense, she stiffened in my arms.

Once she decided to calm herself. I realized something. She molded perfectly into me. Her sobbing never faltering. Her entire body shook as she cried and kept murmuring over and over that she could not do it.

"You can, Esmeralda. You will have me...Rowan, Chelsea. All of us will help you with the baby. I will not leave you with our child," I told her, trying to get my voice to become more gentle as her sobs slowly quieted down a bit.

She still hadn't ceased her shaking. She sat up, staring at him . "Sirus, what do you not understand? I do not want you taking care of my baby. I do not want you even near it. I do not even want this child just because it is part you," she said while clutching at her chest. I could feel her pulse quickening. "What on earth makes you think that you helping me with this child would put me at ease?! The only one I want to help me is my mother and you took her away from me!"

She became aggressive because I would not let her go. Hitting me. Trying to claw her blunt fingernails into my skin. Eventually she ceased. Tiring out yet again.

Her anger turned to sobs...again. I held her close to my chest as she repeated words of blasphemy to me.

This was the first time since she had threatened her own life the first day I brought her here....that I had seen her show emotions other than anger and disgust. It made me feel...odd to hear and feel all of these emotions she was emitting.

Something in the back of my head kept nagging at me. Maybe it was my Beast. Realizing our plan was backfiring...but it was not. Esmeralda would get over this.

She would not turn out like her.

She would birth our child.
This child would bring us together.
She would accept me as her husband.

"Rowan...please...no," I whimpered as I could feel his hand going up my skirt. He stilled, while looking over at me. There was evident confusion on his face.

"Chelsea, you are aroused," he said while kissing my neck once again.

I shook my head. "I am but I do not wish for you to touch me," I told him while he continued to look at me as if I was a crazed woman.

"As you wish," he murmured while kissing my shoulder. I was just tired is all. He looked at me as if he repulsed me. Which was one hundred percent false.

I looked down, as his hands rubbed over my knuckles. Which were a bit cracked due to how tightly I was holding the reigns on our horse. They petrify me sometimes when they go to quickly. "Rowan?"

"Yes, Princess?" He questioned as I shivered. There was something about how he said Princes that had my wolf going belly up and legs spread to please both our mate and ourselves. But my wolf and I had certainly two different perspectives.

I sighed, thinking about Esmeralda. I felt sorry for telling her what I did. She seemed to shrink back at what I had told her. Our friendship not as strong...because I was to careless with my words. "I...I hurt Esmerelda's feelings," I admitted to him as his eyebrows drew together. Most likely surprised at how I was speaking to him about my problems. That never happened. Usually I would sit and listen and nod, sometimes comment on whatever he would speak on. Which would be nothing sometimes.

"Why would you think that?" He asked, his hand going to my back. Gently kneading the tense muscles that were a bit sore...

I sighed. "I told her I did not want to stay with her while you were gone because....she would make me sad...I..." I trailed off not knowing what to say next.

"You what, Chelsea," he questioned, kissing at my cheek, then my neck. "You can tell me anything."

Did he have to do that? "I...I am usually sad often...and well I could not bare to hear about Esme's hardships plus my own...you well...you.." I shut my mouth.

"Tell me," he growled, his eyes boring a hole into my head. I looked away. His wolf was showing. Wanting me to submit. To tell him.

"You make me...happy," I said while suddenly getting up. Feeling a bit uncomfortable. I refuse to look him in the eyes. To see a smug look on his face.


I stared at him. A look of utter disbelief was on his face as I stared at him the same way. How could he no realized it? "Yes..." I said while making my cheeks redden.

"Well...I am glad that I make you feel something other than sadness," he said as his lips kissed my own once again. I pulled away quickly, seeing the desire in his eyes and his loins for me. It made me happy that I could have such effects on a strong male...but right now was not the time. Which I have expressed before.  "You seem sad every time you are with me, Chelsea. I-"

"-Because Rowan...I am afraid that this will not last. That a maid and a man like you...it will not work. Yes, we are mates but...what if this is all to much for you. I am weak...I am-"

"-Chelsea stop," he said as he cupped my face, making me look at him. "If a beast such as Sirus can accept a human mate. A human," he said putting emphasis on those words. Which made me laugh softly. It was unheard of. Sirus did not care for humans. Well, in the past he had not. Now that his mate is one...it just all boggled my mind. "You are my mate, Chelsea. Nothing anyone ever does will change that. You will stay mine until I take my last breath."

I pulled away, tears in my eyes. I could not cry in front of him. He would expect that from me. "That...is very kind of you to say, Rowan," I said while my body betrayed me. Tears were falling from my cheeks at a speed that astounded me. His fingers caught every tear.

I was...lucky. To have a mate like him. "Rowan, you need to talk to King Sirus again," I told him as he gave me a sour look. "-I have you to make me happy, but Esme has no one."

"I will not talk to him, Chelsea," he said sternly. "And did you not make her happy?" I did...before telling her what I told her...

I sighed. "I have no idea why you two are not on speaking terms but you help him when it comes to Esmeralda a-and she has been looking more sad than usual. Why are you two not speaking?" I asked, which was another major question he had yet to answer.

"Chelsea, you are her friend. If I were to tell you, you would tell her. I know not on purpose but it would slip out. I cannot tell you what he has done," he told me while trying to kiss me once again.

I quickly moved away from him. I wanted to know. I would keep the secret. No matter how horrified I might be, or how horrific it might be! "We are leaving in the morning," he told me as I frowned, lying down. "You are upset with me? You will get over it soon enough, Princess." He then pulled me close, to his body wrapping an arm around me. "Goodnight," he said as he kissed my hair.

I wanted to decline his goodnight, but my lips automatically spat the word out.

SO thoughts on this chapter? I know you guys hate Sirus. Next few chapters I feel like you guys will enjoy. By enjoy I mean want to beat me up and some of the other characters but you'll be okay.

Don't forget to comment and vote!!

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