Shatter Like Glass-Cinderella...

Da AlcinaMystic

286K 17.2K 8.6K

*Featured* She was the most beautiful girl at the ball-and the most dangerous. After the murder of the... Altro

Author's Note
Pronunciation Guide
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
Part Twenty-Nine
Part Thirty
Party Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five
Part Thirty-Six
Part Thirty-Seven
Part Thirty-Eight
Part Thirty-Nine
Part Forty
Part Forty-One
Part Forty-Two
Part Forty-Three
Part Forty-Four
Part Forty-Five
Part Forty-Six
Part Forty-Seven
Part Forty-Eight
Part Forty-Nine
Part Fifty
Character Art
Video Reviews
Wattpad Reviews
Knight Hood
Author's Note II
Rivals Saga
Previous Summary
Knight Hood: Robin Hood Retold
The Death Wish: Aladdin Retold
Straight On Till Morning: Peter Pan Retold
Winter's Death: The Nutcracker and the Mouse King Retold
Like As The Waves Sample: The Little Mermaid Retold
Voice of Discord: Rapunzel Retold
From Ashes Forged Sample
Frost and Fury: The Snow Queen Retold
The Beaten Path: Little Red Riding Hood Retold
To Tell A Lie: Mulan Retold
When the Clock Strikes Midnight: Twelve Dancing Princesses Retold
Original Part I

Part Twenty-One

3.1K 257 68
Da AlcinaMystic

Under different circumstances, Ashen would enjoy a visit to East Sienna. She liked to wander through the sandy streets and the bazaars throughout the capital city. She enjoyed seeing Jonian, the palace gardens, and even the palace itself. Trips to the kingdom used to be a time of peace for her family. Markael seemed calmer, Jonian didn't pick fights with their mother, Arrow and George didn't have to hide their relationship or their identities, and Ashen got to enjoy having a normal family. Even after her family fractured, that sense of tranquility remained. It was one of the few places Ashen felt at ease.

Now Nikolai was taking that away.

It had been over twelve hours since she spoke to her father—and overheard Veran and her stepfather. She hadn't seen Veran yet—lucky for him—and she had managed to avoid Nikolai almost completely. Unfortunately, she hadn't eaten since they left Carmine. Her stomach had stopped growling several hours earlier, but it still ached for food. Once she was sure no one would be in the galley, she could sneak down there and snipe whatever was left.

She stopped pacing and glanced down at Smiegal. She'd rushed to his cabin the second she woke. He was still unconscious. His eyes were closed and his breathing was steady. The bruises and scars were beginning to heal; that was a good sign. Still, she would feel a lot better when he awoke.

Please wake up soon, she thought. Please.

Fiddling with her glass pendant, she looked around the room. She looked at the trunk at the foot of his bed, his night table, the makeshift target she'd carved on the wall, and the window overlooking the sea—anything but him. She couldn't bear to see him like that.

Ashen took a deep breath, drinking in the salty ocean breeze. Her cabin didn't have a window, and Nikolai didn't want her above deck, so she could only glimpse the sea when visiting Smiegal. How she missed it! She wanted to be on her ship again. She wanted to grip the wheel and turn it towards the nearest vessel—and the nearest fight. Ashen missed being a pirate. It had been less than a day but it felt like a lifetime.

Just six more days after today. Six more. Then you and your crew will be free, she told herself. Just six more days.

She thought she heard Smiegal stir. Whirling around, she watched his face, waiting for him to move. He didn't. Smiegal was still just as unconscious as before. She snatched a dagger from the night table and flung it at the wall. It thudded as it embedded itself in the center of her target. Ashen huffed and walked over to it. She yanked it out of the wall. There were dozens of other notches at and around the bullseye. That had been her best throw so far. She found herself smiling. What would her stepfamily think if they knew what she was doing? Nadya and Alena would be outraged; throwing knives wasn't very ladylike, after all. Natalya might be intrigued. She didn't seem quite as prim and proper and her mother and twin.

Sighing, Ashen sat down and leaned against Smiegal's bed. She pulled her knees to her chest. The Carminian amulet bumped them, swaying back and forth from her sternum to her legs. She batted it away irritably. The stupid thing was useless now. It was the reason she was in this mess. She shouldn't have taken Jag up on his deal. He was the only reason she hadn't chucked the ruddy thing into the ocean. He had said it was valuable, and her father and crew would need that money after they were free.

After a few minutes, she stood. There wasn't anything she could do for Smiegal. If he were a sorcerer like her, she could have given him a healing elixir. Even if he were, she doubted Nikolai would have let her brew one, or use one of the ready-made ones onboard. No, she would just have to wait.

She left the room quietly and headed down to the galley. It had been a while since mealtime. Surely it would be empty now. At the bottom of the stairs to the lowest deck, she began to smell the food—potatoes, maybe? She began to get excited. Quickening her pace, she practically ran down the corridor. When she burst into the ship's kitchen, she found she wasn't alone. She scowled.

"Oh, it's you," Veran said bitterly. Ashen approached the table cautiously. The two of them were the only ones in the room. She needed to get her meal, then get out; she could eat in her own cabin, or Smiegal's.

Grabbing a plate, Ashen began piling food onto it. She tried not to look at Veran, but when she did, she found him watching her closely. She gritted her teeth and glanced away from his face. Her gaze slid downward. She noticed his pin was gone. Ashen smirked. Nikolai really had demoted him. Good. Finally, her stepfather did something decent.

"What are you smirking at?" Veran demanded. Ashen shrugged.

"Just admiring your new uniform," she said. That had changed, too. Instead of a sapphire-colored waistcoat, he wore a much lighter shade of blue fitting his lower rank. Veran's eyes narrowed.

"You think it's funny?" he asked. "I lost my position because of you."

"You lost your position because you tortured my friend," Ashen replied.

"You broke my nose."

"You deserved it."

Veran stood slowly. Ashen took one hand off her plate and moved it to her sword hilt. Veran didn't seem to notice. He looked furious. Then, an odd expression came over his face. There was something about it that unnerved her. He had a glint in his eyes that she recognized, the same one he'd had the day her mother died. All she had been able to see were his eyes, but they had been enough to tell her that he meant his threats. He would have killed Markael if her mother hadn't given herself up. He might have killed him anyway, if Arrow hadn't sliced open his face.

"You know," he said, stepping around the table, "as the heir, you could reappoint me."

"Why would I do that?" Ashen asked, gripping her hilt tighter.

"If you tell your father to reinstate me, I will let you see Captain George."


He frowned. "What do you mean, no?"

"There's no way I would do anything for you after everything you've done. I don't care what you would give me."

She almost didn't see his fist coming. Almost. She ducked. His blow missed. He swung at her again, aiming lower this time. Ashen felt a sigh of relief. She slammed her fist against the side of his face. He recovered quickly, shoving her back towards the door. Ashen kicked his legs out from under him. She knelt over him and grabbed him by his hand. He howled in pain as she pulled. Yanking him up, she spun him around and forced him onto his knees. She leaned over his shoulder, her mouth less than an inch away from his ear.

Quietly, she said, "I know what you did. You held my little brother just like this." She twisted her fingers, ripping out several strands of hair. He howled in pain. Ashen knew she shouldn't do it; she shouldn't let him know that she knew. But the pounding of her heart told her otherwise. Waves of fury rolled over her. She wanted to kill him for what he had done.

This would have to do.

Veran whirled around, pulling free from her grip. He grabbed her by the neck and shoved her against the wall. He pulled her back, then slammed her against the wood. Ashen thrashed, trying to kick him, but he held her away from him. She tried to pry his fingers off her neck, but he only tightened his grip. Gritting her teeth, she grabbed his hair and ripped as much out as she could. He screamed again, softer, though, than Markael had. One thought of her brother and Ashen drew her sword. When Veran went to punch her, she brought up her sword. It sliced into his arm, earning her several drops of blood and a few colorful curses. He froze, her sword at his throat.

"I think I win," Ashen stated. In a fluid motion, he withdrew his own blade, parrying it against hers. Glass met sapphire, making an awful grinding noise. Even in the middle of a fight, she could appreciate the irony of his sword being so similar to Nikolai's. Well, if she couldn't fight him, Veran would do.

She swiped at his abdomen. He leapt backwards, and she missed. She was able to block his attempt to cut her arm. She twisted to keep his sword from touching her. Veran slashed his sword against her leg. A drop or two of blood. Ashen did her best not to wince.

He grabbed her arm with his free hand and dug his fingernails into it until she was forced to drop her sword on the floor. Ashen tried to wrench her arm away from him, but he was too strong. He pulled her over to the stove, then turned back towards her.

"It will look like an accident," he said. "You tripped and hit your head on the stove. Nikolai will be pleased to be rid of you—and with you out of the picture, I get my position back."

Ashen slammed her head against his, whispering a strength spell as she did so. Though she hardly felt a thing, a line of blood appeared on his forehead. She bashed his head with her own again. He stumbled backwards, nearly falling onto the table.

She ran to the door and out into the hallway. Grabbing the doorknob, she slammed the door shut. The spell and the fight had depleted her energy, so she stumbled towards the stairs. To her surprise, Nadya was walking upstairs, a parasol in hand. Several guards accompanied her on either side.

"Nadya!" Ashen exclaimed. Her cousin whirled around.

"Ashen, what is—is that blood?" Nadya hurried down the stairs, meeting Ashen at the bottom.

"Veran's," Ashen panted. "Most of it, at least." Her ears were bleeding. Her nose as well. Wiping her face again, she explained, "He wanted payback, I think, for me breaking his nose. And for the probation."

"He attacked you?"

Ashen nodded.

Nadya's face darkened. "Where is he?"

"The galley."

Nodding, Nadya followed Ashen, gesturing for several of the guards to follow. Just as they reached the door Veran burst into the hallway.

"Disorderly conduct, assault, attempted—" Nadya began.

"What are you doing?" he demanded.

Smiling, Nadya replied, "Listing your charges. You are dismissed from the guard and under arrest." The other guards did not hesitate a second before grabbing their former captain.

"Nadya," he pleaded, "you do not have to do this."

"Yes, I do," she told him. "I was willing to overlook your actions in the past, but this is inexcusable. You and I are done, and if I have it my way you will be banished." To the guards, she said, "Get rid of him."

Veran glared at Ashen as he struggled against the guards. "I will make you pay for this, you arrogant rick. I will make you wish we had never found you."

Nadya took a few steps forward until they were nose to nose.

"If you go near her or any of my sisters again, I will have you killed."

Veran snarled at her, but she waved a hand dismissively. The guards began to haul him away.

"This is not over, you stupid ricks!"

"I believe it is," Ashen replied. Once he was gone, she grinned at her cousin. "You are brilliant."

"You are so tough!" Nadya said excitedly. "There was so much blood!"

Ashen shrugged. "He deserved it."

Nadya sighed. "I am going to ask Mother and Father to banish him. We can dump him in Sienna. If he wants, he could stay there, or he could make his way to Ebony." She grabbed Ashen's arm. "Come on. Mother and Father are likely back from tea by now. The sooner we are rid of him, the better."

Ashen suppressed a grimace as Nadya skipped down the hall towards her parents' chambers. Realizing Ashen wasn't following her, Nadya turned around.

"What is it?" she asked. She actually looked concerned.

"Nothing," Ashen replied quickly. "I'm just . . . a little worn out, from the fight."

"Oh. Maybe you need a healing elixir! Mother keeps some in her and father's chamber."

"Great," Ashen lied. Nadya walked back towards her and took her hand.

"Come on. I am sure Father will be quite relieved to be rid of Veran. He never seemed to like him very much."

She has no idea, Ashen thought. Reluctantly, she let Nadya lead her to the king and queen's cabin.

The incident with Veran was all Nadya spoke of during dinner. She couldn't stop gushing over how Ashen had fought—even though she hadn't even seen the fight. Every so often, she slipped in a complaint that her father had convinced her to accept Veran's proposal in the first place.

"I thought it would be a good match," Nikolai cut in. "How was I to know he was psychotic?"

Ashen's stepfather had already agreed to banish Veran. Of course he had. With Veran's credibility destroyed, no one could expose what he had done to Arrowena.

Nadya shrugged. "I am just glad he will not be a part of my family. None of us will have to see him ever again."

Taking a sip of her cider, Natalya said, "I am surprised you broke off your engagement, even for this. You seemed so attached to him."

"Actually, I never cared for him. I simply did not want to disappoint Father."

Natalya scowled. Looking from one daughter to the other, Alena quickly said, "Well, I am glad this matter has been put to rest. Once we return to Azure, I will set about finding a better match for you, Nadya."

"Another courtship? So soon?" Ashen asked. She couldn't imagine that this was what Alena was concerned about. Just before dinner, they received a dove from Amber. A team of assassins infiltrated the palace and killed all but one of the royal family, the king's nephew Khalfiri. This was the second royal family to be hit by the group, and Ashen had a feeling they wouldn't be the last.

Alena glanced at Ashen. "Well, Nadya is of age. It would be improper for her to remain unwed for very long." She frowned. "I suppose that I ought to start looking for you as well, Natalya, now that you are no longer the heir."

Natalya bristled. She glanced at her mother. Veida chose this exact moment to stand. She leapt from the table, practically scrambling to get off the bench.

"Darling, are you alright?" Alena asked.

Veida's eyes were wide. She was staring past Nikolai's shoulder, but there was nothing there. Ashen's heart ached for her young cousin. Her brother had behaved similarly so many times throughout their childhood. Arrow and George would try to comfort him. They would hold him close, whisper to him, and have him close his eyes. After Arrow died, the hallucinations got worse. Markael threw tantrums and fought against Ashen when she tried to help him'. One day, he insisted he saw their mother. He told Ashen that Arrow wasn't dead; he could see her. Nothing Ashen said could convince him otherwise. When the apparition vanished, her brother broke down in tears. That night, she held him as he cried himself to sleep. The next morning, Markael left.

Alena looked so much like Arrow as she took her daughter's hand. She hugged Veida close to her, then whispered something in her ear. Veida nodded and let her mother lead her from the room. Everyone was silent after that. No one, not even Nadya, seemed interested in speaking.

After ten or so minutes, Natalya stood.

"I would like to take a walk," she said. Nadya frowned.

"There is nowhere to go."

"I would like to take a walk," her twin repeated. Nadya narrowed her eyes, then shrugged and sipped her cider.

"May I come with you?" Ashen asked, getting to her feet. She had finished eating several minutes before, but hadn't wanted to be the first to leave—hadn't wanted to break the silence either.

Shaking her head, Natalya said, "No thank you. I would like to be alone right now."

Ashen nodded. She didn't want to intrude. Maybe Natalya wanted to visit her sister, or maybe she really did just want to be alone. Ashen wanted to visit Smiegal again anyway.

Natalya wished her father good night, then turned to leave.

"Wait," Nikolai said. "I have a favor to ask of you." Natalya looked back at him with a puzzled expression on her face.

"What is it?" she asked.

Her father said, "I was thinking. Nadya is going to be helping Ashen with her wardrobe, perhaps you would be willing to give her some lessons."

"Lessons?" Ashen asked.

Nikolai nodded. "I imagine you know very little about Azurian history, or etiquette. Natalya is excellent with both. Hopefully, she could help you. After all, it would be quite unseemly for the heir to arrive in Azure with a limited knowledge of her own kingdom."

Ashen didn't want lessons. George had taught her plenty about the kingdom. Arrow had never seen the point in her daughter—or any of her children—learning etiquette. Still, she couldn't afford to say no to her stepfather, not after the incident with Veran. Nikolai might already be suspicious. What if Veran told him? No. Veran wouldn't want Nikolai to think he'd slipped up. The required lessons were payback for something else. Her snapping at him the day before, maybe? Or was he really trying to be helpful? She was betting on the former. He had to guess from her behavior that etiquette was not her thing.

Natalya replied, "Of course, Father. If Ashen is interested, we can start tomorrow."

Ashen faked a smile. "Looking forward to it."

Nikolai smirked. Yep, it was on purpose. She hated him.

"Well," her stepfather said. "That was all, my dear. Enjoy your walk."

"Thank you, Father," Natalya told him. Giving Ashen a small smile, she left the galley. Ashen slipped out behind her. Once they were in the hallway, Natalya glanced back at her.

"I am sorry about what happened with Veran," she said.

Ashen shrugged. "I've faced worse."

"I imagine you have. Nadya says you fought well."

"Years of practice."

Natalya didn't say anything for a moment. When they reached the stairs, she said, "If you really want the lessons, would you rather do them in your cabin, or mine? I suggest yours. Otherwise, Nadya might try to steal you away to work on measurements and see what color best matches your skin tone."

"You really don't like your sister," Ashen noticed.

"And you do?"

"I don't know what to think of her anymore," Ashen admitted as they climbed the stairs. Nadya hadn't stuffed her in a dress, yet, so she managed it with ease. Natalya had to lift up her hem.

Ashen continued, "I used to think she was shallow and inconsiderate, but she did stand up to Veran for me."

"Trust me," Natalya said, "My sister is quite aware of everything she does. If she slights you, it is far from unintended."

"I see. And does she slight you often?"

Something flashed in Natalya's eyes. Worry, maybe? Fear?

"Nadya, she . . . she has her moments."

Ashen frowned. A thought occurred to her. Lowering her voice, she asked, "Is she like Veida?"

Natalya blinked. "No! Well . . . she does not have seizures or anything. No hallucinations either."

"But . . ." Ashen pressed.

"But she . . . she has some mood swings. Father, too. Mother asked me not to mention them to anyone. No one is supposed to know about Veida or the problems in Father's family. Through the years, they have gone through great lengths to cover up any weaknesses. That was another reason my grandparents wanted to marry into the Dorogoyev family. They thought the stronger magic might help with the condition."

"You really believe what they say about Dorogoyev magic?"

"I am not sure. If it is there, I have never been able to tap into it. I can speak to some results, though. Mother says that I am perfectly normal. You as well. That says something, right?"

Not really, Ashen thought. I'm not Nikolai's daughter.

Aloud, she replied, "I suppose so."

Natalya smiled. "Please, do not tell anyone I told you this. Like I said, Mother was quite clear this is to remain in the family."

"I am family."

"Oh, right." Natalya laughed. "You know, you never answered my questions about the lessons. My room, or yours? And do you even want them at all?"

"No, but I don't think Nikolai gave me a choice."

"I could go talk to him."

"It's fine," Ashen said quickly. "We can work in my room. Although, you should know, I'm not as clueless as Nikolai thinks about history."

"I guessed. You do not seem clueless at all. In fact, you probably know more about the other kingdoms than I do." Her cousin's face brightened. "Oh! Maybe you could teach me!"

"I could?"

"Yes!" said Natalya excitedly. "I was so looking forward to learning about the world on the tour, but now it seems we have to cut it short. I would love to learn about Nyanza, Cerise, Carnelia—everywhere! We could talk about your adventures, and I could tell you all about what has happened in Azure since you left."

It didn't pass Ashen's notice that Natalya said left, not were kidnapped. Did she know? It probably wasn't hard to figure out after their last conversation.

Smiling slightly, Ashen said, "Sure. Why not?"

"Thank you, Ashen," Natalya said. She smiled back, then headed up the stairs to the main deck. Ashen frowned. Where exactly was her cousin going on this walk? She shook her head. She liked Natalya; she wasn't about to fish around for a reason not to. At least she had one ally in this place. Maybe two, if Natalya was wrong about Nadya's mood swings. Ashen didn't see how she could be. They were twins. Siblings knew each other better than anyone, right?

If only that were true.

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