Life as the Rejected One

By karlieann428

638K 13.9K 1.8K

"Ha-ha." He laughs, " You're my mate, ha-ha. The Moon goddess must have messed it up this time. Me? Your mate... More

3 Years Later
Poor Baby
Lets Go Somewhere
Dolled Up With Jealous Mates
Night Full Of Surprises
You Suck Huh?
What is That Delicious Smell
A Painful Beginnin
Home Sweet Home
Story Time
Wedding Plans
Family Reunion
Will you go on a date with us?
Silly Boy
I Do
New pack members
Didn't See That One Coming

Date Night

14.7K 330 37
By karlieann428

Alex Pov.

"You look beautiful as always," Ian says, and then adds with a smirk, "And sexy." I blush and turn my head toward the window. Ian growls lowly, he puts his index finger under my chin and turns my head toward them. "Don't turn away from us, you look absolutely adorably when you blush." This makes me blush even more. I bet my face looks as bright as a tomato right now.

"Where are we going?" I ask through my embarrassment.

They roll their eyes. "Like we said the last fifty times you asked, its a surprise." Ken says.

I groan. I hate surprises. "Can you give me a hint?" I ask hopeful. They shake their head and I groan once again. "Why?" I whine. "Why?" They chuckle at my dramatics. About twenty minutes later we come to a stop. "Are we there yet?" I ask hopefully.

They shake their head. "Nope." Kens says.

I look out the window to see we are in the middle of no where. Completely surrounded by woods. This place look familiar, but I cant put my finger on it. "Then why did we stop?" I ask confused.

"So we could do this." Ken lean over the seat and kiss me on the lips. I make an awe noise showing them how cute I think they are. "And to do this." They pull out a scarf and tie it around my eyes. Now, I groan. WHYYY? Why do they have to do this to me? They laugh at my reaction. I personally don't think this is funny at all. So i smack them on the back of their heads 

"Why'd you do that?" Ian shrieks, "We're almost there baby, calm your cute little titties for two more seconds."I feel the car start moving again and about a minute later we stop once again. "Were here." Ian says with a cheerful yet nervous voice. I let out a sigh of relief. Finally. I was starting to get claustrophobic. I hear them get out, open my door, and grab my hand to help me out of the car. Such gentlemen. 

When I get out of the car I hear waves crashing against the shore. A huge smiles comes across my face as i realize that they brought me to the beach. They take the blind fold off and I see that we are at my dads lake house. We walk toward the house and enter. When I get inside I see the dinning room lights dimmed with a beautifully candlelight dinner. They have a feast set out for us-I can eat a LOT- with champagne, and anything else a girl could ever wish for. I turn around and kiss them on their cheek, but as I go to kiss them in their cheek they turn their heads so I end up kissing them both on the lips instead. I smile, they're so cute, my cute little turds. "Thank you, I love it. Who knew you both were such romantics." I said smiling cheekily at them. 

I see a faint blush flush their necks as they say, "It took us awhile if you haven't noticed, and we might or might not have had some help. But I'm glad you like it. We have been secretly planning it since we met you, we wanted this to be the something that you'll remember forever." Ken says.

"I don't like it." I say frowning. The look at me sadly and frown, disappointment flooding their eyes. I then smile and squeal, "I love it! I will remember this forever without a doubt!"

"That's not funny." Ian groaned. "You really scared me there."

"Me too. We worked really hard on this." Ken says. I mutter a 'sorry' then look around the room taking in its beauty. I can't believe they would do all of this for silly old me. They squeeze me hand and say, "Lets begin. First we are going to feast." I nod my head and take a seat.

They pour me a glass of champagne. Mmh. "Smells delish." They smile and nod. "What is it?" I question.

"Salad with Veggie stir fry and chicken. Sound good?" Ken asks.

"Sound great." I smile, I was right. This is perfect. But everything about them is perfect to me. 

"Tell me when?" Ian says.

He starts putting salad in my bowl. When it is enough I say in a mocking voice, "When." They roll their eyes at my childishness, but I know they secretly love it. I do the same for the stir fry. 

"Thank you guys. This is really sweet, it has been the best day of my life so far. I love you both so much. I never thought I would find another mate, but then I was graced TWO amazing mates. Surprised was an understatement when I saw you guys, but it was a good surprised." I say wholeheartedly.

"You deserve it. You need a stress relief every once in a while. I love you too." Ken says. I smile and nod.

"I love you more." Ian says.

"No I love her more." Ken says.

And then they start bickering back and forth. You know, just the usual Ian and Ken, bickering brothers forever. I smile at them lovingly but decide to stop their bickering, "You both love me very very much, I get it." They nod their head yes frantically and peck me on my lips sweetly. I lick my lips and savor their taste, "You lips taste good too." I wink at them. 

"So, Ian and I are watching and enjoying the football game, then all of a sudden everyone turns to us with surprised smiles on their faces. So, me being me, I ask them 'The fuck is your problem?' but Ken nudges my shoulder and points toward the huge screen and I see we're on the screen. But you would never guess for what." Ian says laughing his ass off completely out of breath while Ken is blushing like a mad man. 

"What was it?" I ask getting impatient, I really want to know what had Ken so flustered.

"We were on the kiss cam!" By now Ian is laughing so hard he is crying and can barley talk. Ken is blushing so much he looks like his face is about to explode. I join Ian in the laughing making Ken blush even more-if that's even possible. I awe at him and pinch his cheeks.

"So what did you do?" I ask out of breath. Ken shakes his head no, telling Ian not to tell me, more like wishing Ian won't tell me. But I know my mates, Ian is most defiantly going to tell me, anything to make his mate laugh and embarrass his brother.

"I shrug my shoulder and give him a peck on the lips. Poor guy looked so embarrassed! But what I didn't know was that before I pecked his lips he took a drink of soda. So when I do give him a peck he spit grape soda out onto everyone in the stands! I swear to god that I'm telling you the truth when i ay that Ken scrubbed his lips for weeks. Weeks!" Ian bursts out, he can't sit still and falls out of his chair. He makes a big oomph sound but does not once stop laughing. And this is how the next hour went by, telling funny or embarrassing stories. 

A little while later Ken says while throwing his napkin onto his plate, "Well I'm stuffed." He pats his stomach to prove his statement.

"Me too. So... whats next?" I ask curiously.

"My girl is needy, needy. Who said that there is more? Haha, I'm just messing with you. Well we were thinking of putting some vanilla ice cream in a wine glass and pouring some champagne over it for desert. Then going outside and setting a blanket out to sit on and eat it out there listening to the waves. How does that sound?" Ken asks.

"Sounds perfectly perfect." I reply contently. "I will go get the blanket and you get the desert ready."

I spread the blanket out on the sand, listening to the waves crashing against the shore in the background and set everything up. As I finish up, I take a seat and pull my mates down with me.

"Tonight has been the best night ever." I say my words filled with truth and happiness. Ian kisses me on my lips and I react by kissing him back. Ken comes up and starts kissing down my neck, leaving faint red marks where he kissed. I moan into Ian's mouth from the simulation from both of my mates. One thing leads to another, and then I'm mated to two beautiful Alpha Males. 


"Ignore it." I hear Ian's muffled voice say.


"Go away." Ken groans.


I scream into my pillow and get up to get the phone. "Nice view." Ken says while Ian catcalls at me. I squeak when I realize that I'm still naked and run to grab the robe and put it on. I then mannage to squeak out one word into the phone while blushing, "Hello."

"You need to come home. Jake has something very important to talk to you about." Lucas says. I look at the time and my eyes bulge, its fucking 5:30 in the morning!

"Why does Jake need to talk to me at 5:30 in the morning?" I snap at him angrily.

"Just come home. Oh and I hope you had fun last night. We felt 2 more Alphas added to the link." He teases me before he hangs up. Bastard. I could basically hear the smirk in his voice. Now I'm even more embarrassed than I was before. I hear two growls and I turn around to see two very pissed off-very sexy-men.

"Why does Lucas choose to call at 5:30 in the morning and mention Jake-the man who rejected you- right after you mated with your second chance mates." Ian asks angrily. His terrible temper flaring. I can basically see flames flaring through his nose. I put my hand on his lower back and start rubbing to calm him, I soon feel the tension leave his body, but the anger was still there and very evident.

I rub my temple, feeling a headache approaching. "I don't know. But we have to go if Lucas says its important. He is the beta after all, if he can't do this, then it has to be something to do with the Alpha." I sigh annoyed.

They sigh also but start putting their clothes on. I look away blushing once again. "No need to look away, its all yours, and nothing you haven't seen-or touched-before. Just like you are ours, forever and always." Ken says cheekily. I laugh and start putting my clothes on. As I bend over and start pulling my pants up I feel a hard slap make contact with my ass. I fling my head up to glare at whoever did they, Ken just looks away, trying to seem innocent. I huff at him, yeah right, innocent is the way I would explain my mates. 

Once we get back to the pack house, I get out of the truck and slam my door. I hear Ian squeal and whisper for me to be gentle with his baby and check to make sure its okay. But i just ignore him and walk inside the pack house wondering what Jake wants. When I get inside I ask Lucas in a annoyed voice, "Where is he?" He points toward my office I nod my head and go to my office. "What do you want? I sleeping very well before you got Lucas to call and interrupt me." I ask him.

"I cut the bond off me and Vanessa." He says.

"And I should care why?" I ask in a bitchy tone. What? He shouldn't have woken me up. And just to tell me this bullshit, like i care anyways. As I said before, I love my sleep, very much. 

"Seeing you mated is hurting my wolf so much. He hates me now." He says sadly. "So I want to hand over my pack to you and start over, a fresh start. I want to go away and look for my second chance mate. Maybe I'll come back when I find her but I wont expect my pack back. I'm not even a good Alpha anyways. I just want my own happily ever after. You should have been my happily ever after the first time I looked at you and saw that you were my mate, but i was an asshole and had to ruin all my chances. " He confesses.

"Okay. On one condition." I say. He looks at me confused.

"Yeah. Anything." He says, still confused as to why I would have a condition when he is the one leaving and handing over the pack.

"When you find her, tell her everything. Because if I was her I wouldn't care about your past as long as you made it right. But it would hurt her badly if you didn't and she found out by someone else." I say to him truthfully. I am really happy he is going to do this though. Not because the pack will be all mine but because hes trying to make his life better.

"Deal, I was going to tell her everything anyways." He says putting his hand out to shake. I shake his hand and feel no sparks. He really has changed for the good. I smile, now he has a chance like I did. "I, Jake Robertson, give my pack fully to you, Alex Nicole." He says.

"I, Alex Nicole, take and accept your pack Jake Robertson to keep safe and protected." I say. I suddenly feel like my mind has a lot more added to it. Hear tons of thoughts. I reset my mind-block and sighed in relief, my head doesn't feel like it is going to explode with all the talking and thinking anymore. "Once you find your mate, you are always welcomed back here. I want to meet her." I say while he is leaving. "But don't you want to say bye to the pack?" I ask.

"Did last night while you were busy." He chuckles at my blush.

"I, Jake Robertson, detach myself from the SilverStone Pack." He says, he puts his hand on his heart and gasps. It is kind of painful to detach yourself from your pack. He soon recovers and breaths in and out softly, his heart rate returning to normal.

"I wish you luck, Jake, I'll keep your room the same for when you come back." I say, then see him leave.

When I leave the office I see my mates sitting on the couch in the waiting room. They rush over to me when they see me leave the office, "What did he want? Why did he have all of his stuff when he left? Why did we feel more people added to the link?"

"He's looking for his second chance mate, so he decided to give the pack to me. He might be back when he finds her." I say, answering all their questions. The mouth makes an O shape. "Well I'm tired, it is 6:20, so lets go back to bed." And that's exactly what we do.

"Eeeekkkk." Is what I hear when I walk out of my office for the first time today, a while later. I am then tackled to the ground by hyperventilating, squealing girls. "You bitch," Nicole is able to say through all her squeals. "You mated them sexy motherfuckers." They squeal once again, I think they broke my eardrums. I groan and cover my ears with my hands, trying to block out their obnoxious sounds. 

"Yes, yes, yes. We mated. No need to break my damn eardrums and bruise my ass." I say, "You guys are fat, now get off me." They growl at me, not liking I called them fat. I just laugh as I get up, but wince when I feel a sharp pain in my butt, I really think they broke my butt. And I tell them that, "I think that you bitches broke my butt."

"Why didn't you tell us you were going to mate? We would have made you look super smoking hot and sexy." Ava smirks, clearly thinking about all the outfits she could have put together that would have tortured my mates. 

"I totally knew I would be mated by the next day. Its totally something you plan." I say sarcastically. "And its not like you guys warned me or even told me, I didn't know until a while after." They snicker.

"That's your fault you didn't use your nose when we were around you." I just ignored the snotty comment and left them. 

"Lets go for a run." I say to Ian and Ken later that night. Right now it is about seven O'Clock and the sun is about to set. If we want to see it we will have to hurry. "Rosa wants to see and meet your wolves and so do I. I also want to see the sun set."

"Yeah Issac wants to meet Rosa." Ian says, "He has been bothering me for a while now."

"Kenny also." Ken says.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask, they shrug their shoulders. "Okay. So its settled. Lets go watch the sun set and let our wolves free."

Once we get outside I go behind a tree then take off my clothing and shift. I walk out from behind the tree to see Ian and Kens wolves. They're beautiful. Kens wolf has light brown fur with a white stripe going straight down his back. Ian's wolf is a pitch black with nothing else on him. I cant wait to see them in the moon light.

I motion my head toward the pond and we take off. Ready to begin our peaceful evening.

Soon we get there and see the sun is starting to set. I let Rosa have full control of my body. Let her have her fun and enjoy the company of our mates. I see through my mates eyes that they let their wolves have control of their body also.  I watch my mates lay down next to each other with a space between them. A space for me to cuddle with them. I waddle over to them and curl up to their side.

You can see the sun in the pond going from the bright glowing yellow to the blue shining moon, the outline of our wolves in the shadow of the pond. We just keep watching the sun as it changes from color to color. It's beautiful and peaceful. I feel the wind blowing through my fur and can smell and hear nature surrounding us.

We just sat there for I don't even know how long just watching the sun set and enjoying each others company. I gave them a wolfie smile and licked their faces, feeling extremely happy right now. They make me so calm and peaceful, I love it. I hope I make them feel the same way. 

"You do," Ian says chuckling due to my forgetfulness that he can hear my thoughts, "You're our home now, our home, peace, and love. 

"Lets head in, its getting cold." Ian says through the mind link awhile later. I nod at him and we trot back to the house. Once we make it back to the house everyone is asleep. I look at the clock to see it is 1:00 in the morning. Wow we were outside for a long time. Time really does fly when you're having fun, especially when you're having fun with your mates. We soundlessly walk to our room, not wanting to wake anyone up. "Thank you for accepting our family into your pack, princess."

"Your family is my family." I managed to say before I fell asleep. A sleep full of dreams of family and happiness.

"So what are you planning on naming the baby?" Ava asks Amy and Luke the next day. I look at them curiously like other people, wondering the same thing. I am currently laying across Ian and Kens lap on the community couch, making conversation with everyone in the living room. Everyone that passes the living room, looks at us happily, happy because their Alpha is in a happy, loving relationship.

"Well, we're thinking of the names Naomi Marie and Damon ." Lucas says. "But we are a little sketchy on the name Damon." I nod my head in agreement. Its not like I don't like the name but it does not sound good with the last name Sullivan.

"I like the name Devin?" Jess says. We all shake our head no. That does not sound good either.

"What about Asher?" I ask.

"Asher Sullivan. I like how it sounds." Amy says smiling at me. "What about you Luke?"

He pecks her lips, "I love it. What about his middle name?"

"I like Dane, Nash, or James?" Ian suggests, "They sound pretty good with the name. You could go with James and name him after your dad."

"Asher James Sullivan." Luke tests it out, then smiles, "I like it."

I got my phone out and looked up the names Asher and Naomi, "It says the name Asher means blessed. And the name Naomi means pleasantness. I think those are beautiful choices and meanings. Perfect for your children."

They smile too, Lucas says to Amy, "Now I like it even more. Our children will have special names and be special."

"I like the sound of that, our children." Amy replies.

"And I like seeing you growing with our children. You belly big and round nurturing our kids." Lucas replies softly in her ear with a small smile looking down at her huge, but still growing belly. She smiles at him. Their so cute together.

I smile at them, then look up at my mates, "I want that someday. The feeling of carrying your children." I say through the mind-link.

They look down at me. "I do too." Ian says

"We want to see you growing big and glowing with out baby or possibly babies."Ken finishes for Ian.

"We will after the wedding. I want to be able to fit in the brides-maid dress." I say giggling, they look down at me and nod their head.

"Only two weeks left until the wedding." Ian says

"Yep, then I'm all yours." I say with a wink. A very pleasured look crosses their face when I say that, clearly looking forward to it. 

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