PeridotxMale Gem reader ( Def...

By XiaoShiao

71.1K 1.2K 328

Topaz is an irregular gem, made in the natural way that a gem is created on Earth but the process is unfamili... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2 ( Gem mine)
Chapter 3 ( Spoils of war)
Chapter 4 ( Rock People)
Chapter 5 ( Things like me)
Chapter 6 ( Gempathy)
Chapter 7 ( Personality Pop)
Chapter 8 ( Concepts of sorry)
Chapter 9 ( One track heart)
Chapter 10 ( Percy and Pierre)
Chapter 11 ( Mars on Earth)
Chapter 12 ( Edge of the Universe)
Chapter 13 ( Peridaz)

Chapter 1 ( One Lone Peridot)

8.3K 118 8
By XiaoShiao

Peridot's P.O.V.

I was feeling rather questionable at the barn. Lapis took notice and asked me what's wrong without looking up from the magazine she was reading.

Peridot: Once again, my...stature has proved to get in the way of my effectiveness on missions.

Lapis: Are you still bummed about that gem monster  beating you up?

Peridot: It didn't beat me up. It surprised me is all. I still have lots of work to do to perfect my metal powers and I want to be able to help Steven when we are on dangerous missions. He helps me a lot so I want to repay the favor.

Lapis: Your over thinking it. I'm sure Steven will understand. Your still new to all of this....I know I am.

Peridot: Yes, your right but of course you always have great advice Lapis. I couldn't have asked for a better roommate.

Lapis, hummed at me in response, still indulged into that human magazine of hers.

Peridot: I never really had time to practice my abilities besides building but metal seems to be something I work with on a daily basis, I must master my metal powers, it's only practical.

I say before leaving the barn. Going towards the junk heap of metal in the back of the barn, I took a huge breathe and concentrated really hard. Putting y hands up in front of me, I strained to lift a metal bar. It wavered in the air shakily. It didn't get more than 5 feet in the air before plopping back into the ground. Perhaps that was too heavy to start with. I decided to go with something easier and as on the pounds and I improved and tried my hardest to pick up a metal blade instead. Given it was much lighter, it soared in the air much better since the blade acted as a propeller on the plane of the "Uncle Andy" character that came to visit us.

Though, perhaps I became overly excited at my progress and I hadn't even realized that I sent the blade flew towards the barn, putting a massive whole in the roof.

Lapis: Don't forget I'm in the barn.

I heard Lapis shout out to me.

 I sighed. Much practice is still need. Holding my head down, I perked up when I saw Steven running towards me.

Steven: Hey Peridot!

Steven said as he came closer to me

Steven: Where's Lapis?

Lapis: Right here.

Lapis said as she flew out of the newly created hole in the barn and landed next to us.

Steven: You know, you guys barely get to hang out with us and I know you can really be a big help on missions. I won't rush you but you can come along on some mission too if you want Lapis.

Lapis: Hmm, I'll think about it unless you need me too Steven.

Peridot: That....sounds wonderful.

 I say turning away from him.

Steven: Is something wrong Peridot.

Peridot: No, it's just that, perhaps I should go on solo missions.

Steven: What? Why?

Peridot: Just until I can perfect my powers, it's safer that way for the both of us.

Steven: But you can use your bots and stuff.

Peridot: Yeah but I wouldn't want to rely on them all the time, this would just be temporary until I become a better crystal gem.

Steven: I hope it isn't too long though, I like when we go on missions together. It's fun to see us working together. But there hasn't been a lot of gem activity lately. That's no fun.

Peridot: Hmm, perhaps I can build a device to seek out corrupt gems. It will make our work much easier.

Steven: That sounds cool. You should do whatever you feel you need to Peridot. However, I respect your decisions, just don't forget that you can always count on our help if you need.

Peridot: I'll keep that offer in mind.

Steven: It was nice catching up. I have to go now, Amethyst wants to see if people will give her freefood if she goes around shapeshifted as a poor lost puppy. Bye Lapis, bye Peridot!

Steven said as he waved us goodbye. He really does see the hope in me and yet sometimes that blinded even me. I turned around to begin working on my new device right away, however, I found my self tripping over something and fall face first into the ground as my ears flailed in a failed attempt to balance or catch myself.

I heard barks come up from behind and saw that our pumpkin pup was licking my face. He was such a fascinating creature regardless if he was a pumpkin. I still didn't understand human agriculture yet but it's another thing I'm still working on. Just as I was about to turn and go into the barn, I heard a distance sound that came from a location I could not pin point. It sounded like a distant explosion or the sound of something huge collapsing though the sound was severely muffled Lapis Lazuli had came out of the barn in curiosity.

Lapis: What was that?

Peridot: You heard it too?

Lapis nodded.

Peridot: I have no idea but I'm about to find out. As far as I know, this area isn't prone to earthquakes but perhaps it's gem monster activity.

I had good intentions to tell Steven and the Crystal gems about this but I figured I could handle the situation myself. Steven believed in me and so I had to believe in myself. After all, it as a strange feeling to bubble up your own gem after defeating a gem monster. I remember my first bubble, in fact it's still here, right above were Lapis was sitting. It's a great glow of green light and it does brightens up the place but soon we'll have many more gem bubbles both green and blue from Lapis and I as reminders of our every success. I know she'll get into the crystal gem mood eventually. We even make a great team partners, I just know it but for now, there were more pressing matters to attend to. I thought as I looked around. Now where did I put that drill......

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