Tortured// C.D FanFic

By aye_baby

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"you belong to me baby and only me" More



611 7 2
By aye_baby

Sara's pov

As I get ready for tonight. I touch up my makeup and slide on my dress and it fits my curves nicely.

I as I finish touching my makeup and spraying my perfume on I slide on my heels and walk the hallway.

"Oh honey you look beautiful" my mom says.

"We'll Thank you, you beautiful also mom" I says as we head out the door and drive down to her boss place.

After an hour we make it. And let me tell you it was a big ass house.

Looked like hundreds of cars parked up and down the drive way. But it was just workers that are going to work for him including my mom.

"Wow!" My mom  says letting her mouth open.

"Yeah wow" I say looking at the house.

"I haven't even meet the man yet and I'm already falling in love with his house" my mom says making me laugh.

"You haven't meet your boss yet?" I says confused .

"No he sent everyone an email that he was having a dinner party for all
Employers." She says.

"Wow" I say.

We parked the car and get out and some of mom's friends come over and talk to her before we walk in.

We enter his house and mighty god.

It was huge and gorgeous inside with Shiney glossy floors and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling .

Making me go in awe.

We enter another room where everyone is , me and my mom take our seats and a waiter comes and gives us two glasses of wine.

"Oh wow mom look" I say as I pick up my wine.

"Just for tonight" she says laughing.

"Haha" I say taking a sip of my glass.

I look around and saw that he loves art and like rock music like ACDC.

wow good taste I say to myself. It looks like a ball room.

As I continued to look a round. I saw a stage and the lights go down to a dim light and the stage lights up.

A tall man comes up and grabs a microphone and speaks I to it.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen I wanna Thank you for coming to this dinner tonight it really means alot. My name is Cameron Dallas and I'm your new CEO. And that I'm happy to be your new boss of the Dallas Inc." He says as he Continues to talk.

He's looks young to be a ceo he looks like he's in his 20s. But he looks handsome in that suit he's wearing.

"I should've known he was young" my mom says looking at me.

"Yeah he looks really young" I say back to her.

I look up and see that everyone is clapping.

He gets off the stage and disappears in the crowd.

We look at the menu and select what we both wanted to eat. And waited for the waiter it get out order.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back" I tell my mom as I get up and go look for the bathroom.

I push my way through the crowd and try to find the bathroom, there's so many doors and windows in this house. It's unbelievable . My god

As I think I find the bathroom. I opened the door to a closet. (Lol)

"Shit!" I curse to myself quietly .

"Do you need help finding something" I hear a raspy man voice.

I turn around and it's him .

Mr. Dallas

"Uh yes please I was wondering  where the bathroom is" I say feeling my cheeks start getting hot.

"This way" he says around he walks in front of me.

I follow him to the bathroom

"Here it is" he says pointing to the door.

"Umm, Thanks" I say

"Your welcome ,umm?" He says

"Sara" I say back to him.

"Your welcome sara" he says.

I do my business  and go back to the venue.

Our food is already there.

Dang that was fast.

We eat and me and my mom talk about school work and all that jazz.

"I'm going to talk with my friends right quick" she says getting up.

"Okay" I say . Leaving me alone like always.

I look around the room and see Mr. Dallas looking at me. I turn my head the other way and pick at my food , before deciding I wanted to look for some more of that wine.

I get up walk over to the bar they had "can I have another glass please" I ask the bartender.

"Sure thing miss" he says as he grabs my glass and fulls it up.

"Thank you" I say as he gives my Glass back. He nodded back

I lean against the counter. And seeing my mom happy it's been awhile since I've seen her like this every since my dad left us.

"Well, we meet again" I hear I turn my head and see dallas looking at me.

"Haha, we meet again, what a coincidence " I say.

"So are you going to be working for my Company soon?" He says still looking at me.

"Oh no, my mom is your worker  not me I was just a plus one" I say

"Oh" he says simply

"Yeah" I say trying not to awkward .

After that conversation we ended up talking about random things. I didn't realize that everyone was leaving I looked at my phone it read 12:30

Damn we've been talking for about 3 hours.

"Yeah! and I feel down the steps and got a bruise from it" he says talking about how bad he got wasted one night.

"Well, Mr.Dallas I need to find my mom and make sure she's okay " I say getting off the bar stool.

"Okay, can I have your number maybe go out and get coffee or something" he says.

I'm only 17, he's is like 25 or 28.

"sure" I say as I give him my number.

"It was good talking to you" he says shaking my hand.

"You to" I say shaking his hand back.

We said our goodbyes and the I went to look for my mom.

I looked everywhere and I checked my phone to see if she left a message .
And she did. It said

Mom💕: honey I went to the bar with angie I'll be home later.Good night love you.

Sara: love you to. Be safe!

Well looks like I'm going to have to take a cab home.

I looked around and see I'm like the only person here apparently.

"Hey do you need a ride or something?". I hear Mr.Dallas say

I turn around around and see him standing at his doorway.

"If you don't mind my mom left with one of her Friends" I say looking at the ground.

"No problem let me go get my keys and I'll take you home" he says getting his coat and disappearing into the house. Later he comes back with the sound of keys in his pockets.

He unlocks his car and I get In its a range rover but a nicer one maybe a mercedes benz.

"Nice car" I say

"Thanks I got it from the company as a welcome gift" he says plainly .

"So where do I need to go " he says.

"Oh down town" I say, I'll finish telling him the direction when we get into town.

"Alright" he says.

We talked a little bit.

He seems so nice.

But my god he is handsome.

I tell him the rest of the directions.

We parked In front of my house. As I was about to open it he runs across of the front of the car and opens it for me.

"Thank you" I say as I get out.

Your welcome " he says huskly he was now to inches from my face.

I could smell his minty breathe.

"Umm thanks again " I say back to him.

"Are you doing anything tomorrow " he asks.

"Probably just lay around the house like i always do, why?" I ask.

"Maybe get some lunch or coffee, you seem fun to talk to"he says.

"Yeah sure, guess we can do that" I say and turn around to walk back to the house.

"Okay I'll text you when I'm coming." He winks and then leaves.

What the fuck did I get myself into?...

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