OPERATION: Destroy Kim Taehyu...

By Infinite_hazel

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Banglyz Collections 1.0 featuring these two lovely idols: Ryu Sujeong a.k.a Bbangddeok of Lovelyz and Kim Tae... More



2.1K 85 10
By Infinite_hazel


The sun starts to smile brightly and the people around the place start walking to their designations. Every people were busy and every minute, every seconds, time for them is really important while me?

"Aaaaah! Hot chocolate drink for morning is really the best!" I said while indulging this delicious drink I am handling.

"Yah!" Someone shouted from behind.

"Eomo! Yah Nayeon-ie will you stop shouting?! You're making my heart explode aigoo!" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Will you please stop that Sujeong-a we're running late you know." She said while packing her things. I chuckled so she nudge me.

"Yah why are you laughing?" She asked while tying up her hair.

"Nothing! We just need to chill it's just 6:50..." I said when I realized the time.

"Yah Nayeon-ie kaja!!!! 10 minutes left and we're dead!" I shouted to her before running towards the school.

Nayeon and I arrived at school at 7:03 and here is the most handsome man every morning, checking those late students.

"Good morning Mr. Park!" We greeted with full of smile and on my cue we walk continue to walk and escape from the punishment.

"Ryu Sujeong, Im Nayeon!" He shouted so we both stopped. We look at each other then we faced him.

"Where the two of you going?" He asked calmly.

"Oh sir on our class. Our beloved homeroom teacher must be waiting." Nayeon answered and we both laugh, he even joined as too.

"Pumping now!" He shouted so we immediately ran to the side and do pumping. We're about to finish when the alien approached.

(A/N: Remember the first chapter? 😁)

"Aigoo! You're always late tsk tsk!" He hissed before walking away.

"Yah Taehyung-ie!" I shouted while he was still near.

"Wae?" He asked and smiled with a fake one.

"Buy me a water please?" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I don't want too!" He said then he stick his tongue out.

"Ugh! He is no help!" I said and continued my business.

We arrived in our class as soon as we finished our punishment. I sat on my place and I saw a bottle of water and a bottle of milk.

"Drink it. -Tae" I look around the room to find Taehyung but I didn't saw him.

"Where did he go?" I asked to myself before drinking the water.

I went outside of the room to find Taehyung but as I turned I bumped into someone's chest.

"Are you finding me?" He asked and throws a rectangular smile.

"A-aniyo!" I said and rush off to my seat, fortunately our English teacher went in.

"Ok class, your examination is approaching so you need to study harder." Ms. Ahn said and all of us whined.

"When is it teacher?" Haejoon asked.

"Aigoo! Checked the online bulletin board. So now let's start our class." The teacher said.


Saturday morning...

"Sujeong-a, Taehyung is waiting at you on the living room." My mom gave me a meaningful look and I just rolled my eyes. I went downstairs without fixing myself and walked through the living room.

"Yah Ryu Sujeong! Are you crazy? Why did you not fix yourself before going down?" My mom rants from the kitchen.

"It does affects him at all eomma." I said then I rolled my eyes when I heard a chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked with an annoyed faced.

"Why are you so mad today... do you have.."

"Yah! Stop it pervert!" I shouted and grabbed a pillow then threw it to him.

"What brings you here at this early morning by the way?" I asked without looking at him. He stood up and sat beside me.

"Can my girlfriend go with me today?" He asked with his aegyo.

"Girlfriend your face dude! And... don't ever do aegyo once again. I want to throw up." I rolled my eyes and fix my hair.

"Then go with me today, my grandfather is annoying me with this favor to take you out and buy you a dress together with mine." He said with an irritated tone.

"Aish! I really hate you UGLY JERK!" I stomped my feet, leaving him to prepare myself.

After an hour I went down and there I saw a sleeping alien. I was about to wake him up when his eyes initially opens.

"Eo, m-mian. Did I bother your nap?" I asked awkwardly.

"A-ani." He answered and the atmosphere went silent.

"Uhrm... let's go?" He asked and I just smiled and we both went to our destination.

"Your higness, your grandfather asked me to gave this list to you." Mr. Lee said and handed the paper to Taehyung.

"Go to your auntie's boutique topic a dress for Ms. Sujeong and then to your Ji Hyun Auntie's resto for lunch. Also, don't forget the make up artist I contacted for her, arasseo? Good luck on your half day together son. -Grandpa"

"Um... Taehyung-a isn't it too much? I mean those dress and foods, your grandfather paid it all and it's kinda embarrassing." I said after I read the note for Taehyung.

"Aniyo, gwaenchanhayo Sujeong-a, as long as he was the one who's paying and not me it's ok." He even gave me his famous rectangular smile so I smacked his head.

"Yah! That one hurts me huh!" He said while controlling his annoyance.

"Wae? Do you want to hit me?! Then hit me!" I said and I prepared my knuckles for him.

"He...he I'm not going to that babe." He even taps my head like a dog.

"Yah! Do you want to die?!" I asked him and prepared big punch for him when Mr. Lee speaks.

"We're already here lovebirds. Enjoy your day!" He said before leaving us to the boutique.

We headed inside the boutique and Taehyung's auntie immediately approached.

"Taehyung-a! Aigoo, you grew handsome and very good!" The woman said as she approached.

"I missed you auntie Go Eun." Taehyung greeted and I just stay still and looks around.

"So this is your girlfriend that I heard?" She said while looking at me.

"A-aniya, we're not a couple miss." I said shyly.

"Aigoo! You're really pretty, come on! I will be your fairy god mother this day." She said and lead me to the dress section.

"Choose those dress you like." She said and I was standing like and idiot here.

"Hmmm... t-this one." I said and pointed out the white dress at the near corner.

"Kaja! Let's see if this will fits you." She said and she held my hand to lead me in the fitting room.

"Put this first then call me to fix it." She said before she leaves.

"It is so expensive." I doubted while staring at the dress. How could I wear like this easily? My second thought filled my mind once again.

*knock* *knock*

"Sujeong-a, are you still good?" Taehyung asked that makes me got into my senses. I immediately wear the dress and called to Miss Go Eun to fix it.

"You know what, Taehyung is lucky to have a pretty girl like you." She said while tying the ribbon.

"A-aniyo miss..."

"Call me auntie from now on ok?" She said then she fix my hair.

"You're done now." she said and she signed to go outside. I took a step once but I stop coz' I was hesitating.

"Go on." She said I just smiled at her.

"Ah, I know now, you want to surprise him?" She said and I slowly nod.

"Arasseo." She said and she smiled at me. After auntie Go Eun packed the dress, we decided to went to the Taehyung's auntie who owned a resto.


4 pm in the afternoon, I was here at the hotel now. I don't know but they fetch me early coz' as I heard, they'll gonna fix me to this hotel so we could go to the venue conveniently.

"Sujeong-ssi?" An ajhumma asked when she entered my room with so many things.

"A-aah yeah." I answered shyly.

"Have you taken your shower now?" She asked and I nodded after that, the make over starts.


I'm still on this room waiting for the alien to come because he will the one who's fetching me.

*knock* *knock*

"Sujeong-ssi, the master is already here." I stood up and carefully look at myself through the mirror and took a deep sigh.

I opened the door and went out, when a handsome alien appears in front of me. We stared at each other's eyes without saying anything. I broke our stares with a deep sigh, preparing to speak.

"You look handsome/beautiful today." Our eyes locked to each other again when we both stated those words.

"Hrm.. to much sweetness, your grandfathers are already waiting." Mr. Lee said and we both chuckled. He asked for my hands so I held it to allow him to take the lead.

A few minutes later, we already arrived at the venue. There are a few cars and I can say that those cars are elegant.

"This way master." Mr. Lee said and lead us to the entrance.

"We need to separate for a while." Taehyung said which made me so nervous. I held his tight saying don't leave but he let go of it.

"We gonna see each other later." He said and planted a kiss on my forehead to make me calm. He leave me on my spot and a girl lead me to the place where I will wait.



"Ladies and Gentleman let's have a big round of applause to Kim's Textile Company's President Mr. Kim Jung Yeop." The emcee said as a sign that the program has already started.

"Ah, first of all, I want to thank all of you who attended this important party I held and also to my best friend who helped me to make this merging party happened." The audiences clapped once again.

"Uhmm today is the day, that our beloved companies became one. Today is the day that we, my best friend, decided to become families. Kim's Textile Company and the Ryu Estates will be merging from now on to forever. This is our way to tell to you that we are best friends even afterlife. So thank you so much for supporting us in making this merging happened. Thank you." The whole audience gave a round of applause to President Kim's speech.

"And now, let us hear it from President Ryu Jung Hwa of Ryu Estates." The emcee introduced and a big round applause surrounds the venue.

"So as you heard my best friend, we decided to be one as a family so we planned to merge our companies. Also! I want to speak out a little of another event that will going to happened this night." Ryu grandpa said and took a glance to his best friend at the back.

"We also want you to witness the engagement of my grand daughter and Jung Yeop's grand son. Let's give them a round of applause!" Ryu appa exclaimed and the audience started to whisper to each other.


The girl already called me and asked me to go at the center aisle and I felt that Taehyung is already there.

"What's happening? Why do we need to took an entrance like this?" I asked Taehyung but he didn't know what's happening.

"We also want you to witness the engagement of my grand daughter and Jung Yeop's grand son. Let's give them a round of applause!" I suddenly froze to death because of my grand father's speech. How can he do that do me? In front of many people? What if one of them are my classmates? I was scared! I don't like to become a topic and I don't want to marry this guy at this age. I said I don't want to accept this marriage. My tears ran onto my cheeks and my feet started to move and decided to run.

I went out of the venue and my feet doesn't stopped to run.

"Sujeong-a where are you going? Wait for me!" Taehyung shouted but I ignore him. I want to be alone Taehyung please! I ran as fast as I could but a hand held my arms.

"Leave me alone! I want to be alone! Let me go!" I said while crying.

"No, I won't let this thing happen. I will not forgive myself if something happened to you so I will go with you." He said and he asked for a cab. He guided me in and we both rode the cab.

"w-where are you going at this time?" He asked.

"I don't know, just to the place who are away from this sulking things." I answered between my tears.

"See? What if I allow you to become alone? Possibly you're in danger now." He said and took his phone to text someone.


At the Han River...

She ran away, she really don't like it. It hurts me but I don't like to hurt her more and now she was having a hard time. I looked at her and she was spaced out. She was still crying so I lean her head on my shoulder.

"Cry as much as you want but next time, don't let that tears came out easily arasseo?" I nagged and she was still sobbing.


"I want to be in peace now Taehyung-a." She whispered while shivering.

"Don't worry, I'll have an opportunity to grant your wish now." I whispered and a tear escaped from my eyes.

"I will do this for you to be happy. I promise." I said and planted a kiss on his head.

You need to make this happen Kim Taehyung, you're already hurting her. Those words ran through my mind as I close my eyes to took a rest.


SOOOOOORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT! I was really busy, that's why. I hope this one is good. Please continue to support, so vote and comment under! :)

Lovelotss. :*

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