Unconditional (Book Two)

By airplanelover52

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Jim Parsons Fanfiction 'Unconditional' is book two of 'Time & Time Again' fanfiction duology. After a long fi... More

1. Distraction
2. Threat
3. Impossible
4. Forgotten
5. Wrong Possibility
6. Impediment
7. One Remains
8. Curiosity
9. Reverse Story Teller
10. Inquires
11. Eyes
12. Yet
13. Dreams
14. Clues & Suspicious Guesses
15. Proof
16. Sunken Hearts
17. Golden Flames
18. Unrecovered Recovery
19. Risks
20. Nostalgia
21. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. One}
22. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. Two}
23. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. Three}
24. Letting Go
25. Unexpected Listener
26. Emotional Mixture
27. Pictures on the Walls
28. Not to Expect
29. Lies
31. Unconditional { Part Two }
32. Unconditional { Part Three }
33. All Can't Be Miserable
34. Thunderstorms to Sun Rays
37. What About it All?
36. To Love You Again

30. Unconditional { Part One }

114 6 11
By airplanelover52

Amelie's POV

Arriving at full-of-people JFK airport with a teary face and red eyes...not the greatest idea. I am happy indeed that I managed to escape, I was confident and skilled at my way of attacking Colin. But what is haunting me, and making my joy from a success turn to its antonym is the fact that I am ESCAPING–a dangerous word when it involves Colin–and the fact that, even though I injured him, he could still find a way to hurt Jim before I arrive to where I am going and call him. He could find a way...oh more accurately, he always finds a way.

"Good afternoon, miss," says the woman from the United Airlines check in area. "How can I help you?"

I smile at her, and place my bag on top of the counter. "Good afternoon," I reply sweetly. "May I purchase a ticket on your next flight to Paris, please."

Her sight shifts from my eyes to the bright screen of the computer in front of her, and her fingers quickly type something on the keyboard. 

"Sure thing," she continues. "The next flight is in two hours. Is that okay?"

"It's perfect," I state nodding, and feeling relief rushing through my limbs. Can't wait to finally pass security to be completely safe that Colin won't come dashing behind me. The worry not really being if he hurts me, but mostly if he attempts or manages to hurt my child.

The woman, who's name I read is Karen–ironically–keeps typing things on the computer as I just stare. "Okaaayy," she speaks, eventually raising her eyes to meet mine and with a smile on her face. "May I have your passport?" Digging into my bag, I hand it to her. "Any luggage?"

"Yes. One," I answer, and very cautiously carry the suitcase on the balance where it should be weighed to check it is within the weight limits.

"Perfect," states Karen. "Here is your passport, your ticket, and I'll be sending your luggage to the airplane now. "Have a great flight."

"Thank you very much," I state. "Good day."

I take my bag from the counter and place my passport and plane ticket inside it, finally proceeding to pass security, and feel half safe for once.

Jim's POV

"I don't believe you," I state with complete rage, as I hold Colin tightly against the wall. "What type of ridiculousness are you trying to make up, huh?! TELL ME WHERE THE HECK SHE IS!"

Colin rolls his eyes annoyingly and brings his sight to the ceiling. "Ugh! I told you already, Parsons!" he starts with irritation. "She fled with another man to only God knows where. Guess she was too sick of being with me, though also too sick of waiting for you. She simply decided to cheat on us both, and well...eventually she got pregnant."

I press my lips on a tight line, take a deep breath, and close my eyes to control my impulses of simply choking this man to death. "Still don't believe you."

"Alright! Don't believe me. But then don't say I didn't warn you when you find her...even though I don't think it is worth looking for her anymore, Parsons. Why search for her to note her in the arms of some other–"

"STOP IT!" I raise the volume of my voice. "I don't believe all the shit you're saying! If she was pregnant she would've called me already! Plus I am VERY SURE she would never do something like that. So why don't you just save your words before I kill you right here!"

"HA!" laughs Colin sarcastically. "I would love to see you try. I don't think you would be able to kill me even if I told you right here right now everything that happened between us when you were gone."

Not controlled. All my mind can think about after he stated these words. A rush of adrenaline and rage that is not controlled. ".....You fucking didn't."

"Ooohohohhh. Of course I did," he states evilly. 

I stare at him with complete fire and an explosion in my eyes. But even before I can start talking, and from the weakness that my knees absorbed with his past statement, it was just too much for me to handle indeed; and Colin pushes me away from him, and throws me to the ground without an anticipation. There is a shot of pain dashing all the way from my middle finger to the nape of my neck, concentrating itself at my shoulder, and leaving me on the ground.

Even with Colin's injured leg, he distracts you to attack. Hurts you to the point where you feel weak. And simply with words–he needs nothing more–he manages to throw you down and make you feel like you're defeated.

"I indeed did, Parsons," states Colin, with a mad chuckle, and slowly walking towards my body lying on the cold, marble floor. "I slept with your wife. And not just that, I even managed upon fooling Amelie to make it willingly. Then of course with your stupid presence and her recovery of memories, I had to force her by threatening her with your life. Tears would fall down her eyes when I would oblige her to do it, but it didn't change the outcome of it, so I didn't even care.....She was just as good."

And with this I fire up, immediately standing up from the ground with force. Shaking to the sensation of pure fury; feeling an addition of burning anger, rage, disgust, and hatred rushing uncontrolled through my nerves and veins; making my brain explode; and causing my reasoning to be damned. It is by then and in just fractions of seconds that I have taken Colin again. I have taken him against the wall, though this time it is with my hands around his neck, and actually attempting to choke him to death....I've had enough.

Amelie's POV

It took me a little bit longer than what I expected to pass security, though I couldn't really be surprised. JFK airport is usually packed with people. How not?

"Thank you," I politely state to the man at security as I exit. 

It is in only twenty minutes that I'll be boarding the plane, so I should quickly get a fast snack and proceed to the gate to be alert. I wouldn't want to miss my plane under any circumstances, just to have to leave the airport and be exposed to Colin again. One big 'no thanks' from my part in this case.

"Excuse me," I listen to a shy, female voice saying as I approach one of the airport stores. Without hesitation, I turn around to where the voice is calling and find myself face to face with a girl that is about sixteen years old–red hair, freckled skin, light eyes. "Are you Amelie? Jim Parsons' wife?"

For a moment, I am caught unexpected. Never did I imagine that the question or thing she would speak would be that, specially when people don't really remember me being Jim's wife or simply think we got separated because of couple conflicts. Peculiar and definitely unexpected question asked by the girl, but definitely making my heart run at a faster pace, my eyes brighten, and a smile grow on my face.

"Yes," I state with delight. "I am."

"Oh! This is so amazing! It is such a pleasure meeting you!" she states with full excitement. "I've been a huge fan of yours and Jim since you were just friends."

I throw her a surprised look though definitely smile, even when the tears in my eyes are fighting to escape. "Wow, thank you so much. That is so sweet."

The girl smiles at me and takes her phone from the pocket of her sweater, turning it on. "Would you mind taking a picture with me?"

"Oh of course not. It would be my pleasure." And I pose besides her so that she can snap a picture.

Once the girl has looked at the image on her phone with bright eyes, she pulls up her sight to me, looking absolutely happy. "This is amazing!" she squeaks. "Thank you so much, and have a safe flight. Say hi to Jim from me."

"Oh sure thing, honey. Thank you very much," I say as she walks away.

"Bye!" And she is gone.

Things like this are the ones keep me going, that keep my hope up, and that make me realize that as people recover the things how they actually are–there is no reason for Jim to remain stuck on the same hell that Colin drew us in. Even specially when I am supposed to let him know about his child as soon as I can. And this will be with or without his memories, I don't even care anymore. I've had enough of this crap.

At a faster pace and glancing at the watch on my wrist, I quickly buy a greek yogurt–since honestly it's the only thing my now sensitive stomach is taking at the moment–and proceed to walk to the gate where, as I arrive, I immediately notice that a line of people is already waiting to board. In that case, I put the sealed yogurt in my bag and take my ticket in my hand.

"Have a nice flight," says the man as he takes my ticket.

"Thank you." And I proceed to the jet bridge to finally board the beautiful B787-9 taking me to my destination.

The flight attendants politely greet me as I walk in the gorgeous airplane, and I proceed to take my seat over at row 14. Window seat, my luck–because I'm never willing to miss the amazing experience that flying in these amazing machines is.

"Amelie?!" A very familiar, male voice calls my name. It is not Jim's voice of course, but it isn't until I turn around and gaze at the man who called me that I feel a little surprised once again.

"Jason?!" I exclaim as he takes the seat next to me. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? What are YOU doing here?" he states surprised and with a small chuckle.

"Well I am going to Paris. And you?"

"I live in Paris, ever since people thought I wasn't alive I just built my life in that place. Just for a little more though. Looking forward on returning to L.A in about two months," he says, turning his phone to airplane mode.

"That's–wow I didn't know that." How is it that such strange things have been happening? I saw Jason once when I still didn't have my memories, but I didn't know that he lives in Paris. Even less did I imagine that he'd be sitting next to me during the course of the flight.

"Yeah. I've been on and off L.A this past month though, but I have to work so I must be heading back."

"Ah," I state, as I fasten my seat belt. "And you're in New York because..."

"Just the connection. Even though...I came here for a few days before going to L.A. remember?"

I nod with a weak, half smile, and look down to the screen of my phone to switch it to airplane mode as the airplane starts taxiing.

"A-Amelie," he says breaking the silence. "Are you okay?"

It is like if he read my mind. No of course I'm not okay, I haven't been okay in the past months for extremely obvious reasons. Not that Jason really knows though, all unless Mayim–as I already know–that has been talking to him about the situations, has been including my feelings in the conversations. But well, even if not, I was with this man eight years of my life, how wouldn't he know me.

"No," I speak weakly and with some hesitation, my eyes fixed on my lap. "I am not."

There is a pause where the only sound interrupting the silence is the sound of the huge Rolls Royce engines being switched on from the cockpit.

"Amelie," starts Jason gently. "I know I've given you reasons why not to trust me...but I want you to know that you can be completely sure that whatever you share with me will remain untold. You know I've been helping Mayim find ways to get you and Jim back together because that's where you guys belong. There is really nothing else I want right now than to see you smiling again and with him by your side."

My eyes continue fixed down at my lap until I wipe a silent tear away and look at Jason with a sincere, appreciative smile. "Thank you, Jason. I really really appreciate it."

He smiles at me, and looks through the open window as the aircraft lines up with the runway. "You don't have to thank me, Amelie. You have no idea how I felt when Mayim told me that you got your memories back." A pause. "......So then....why are you really going to Paris?"

Am I scared to say why I am going to Paris? No, not really. Getting to know Colin's weak points has made myself stronger in a sense. But what thinking about the situation and going to Paris makes cross through my brain is actually a lot more pain than fear. Like something I wouldn't want to remember but just can't get out of my mind. It is the pain of having to get to the point where escaping is the only hope; where the situation is not ACTUALLY safe, as Colin always finds a way to keep his word–in this case killing Jim; where calling Jim to let him know about our child doesn't guarantee that he'll get his memories back, maybe in love he'll be, but will it be the same?

"I am escaping Colin," I say after moments of hesitation.

"Amelie," speaks Jason in shock and wide eyes. "But isn't that–"

"Dangerous? Of course it is," I interrupt. "And I don't really care about for me to be honest. It was Jim I was worried about, and the only reason why I was putting up with Colin."

"Aaaand....that changed because...."

"Because I am pregnant." That's it. I said it. No turning back now, and as if it wasn't going to be noticeable in a few months.

"Colin's child?" he says horrified.

"NO!" I exclaim with wide eyes, and as the aircraft takes off smoothly. "No no no thank goodness. It's not Colin's, it's....Jim's." I can't help but smile a little, even when I can't manage to hide the hurt in my eyes.

"Jim's?! But how–"

"It was all Mayim's fault," I state with a chuckle. "But I could never thank her enough." I place my hand on my still-flat tummy, and smile.

Jason smiles as well, and nods his head. "Well, I am very happy for you."

"Thank you, Jason. Now I just have to arrive at Paris and call Jim immediately."

"Of course. I'll be there for whatever you need," he says.

I smile at him, and thank him again. And just as my eyes gaze through the window, I witness the big city of New York disappearing at the distance. That is where Colin stays, and a place I will not be returning ever again as he remains alive. That horrible place I used to live in...is hopefully gone for what rests of my life. As it is now my turn to switch the path of my being. It is now my turn to be a mother, a wife, and a woman. It is now my turn to finally stand up and rebuild my life.....Just as how it is now Colin's turn to finally repay for what he's done....It is now Colin's turn to fall.

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