24. Letting Go

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Jim & Amelie's POV

Jim brushes his soft lips mildly over the delicate, porcelain skin of Amelie's neck, as he holds her body tightly. She can feel the sharp sparks of fire igniting her nerves with every single kiss he gives her, and the longing they feel for one another has become an undeniable, though very fragile truth that is made of glass but can't be shattered. It is a fire that has a strange immortality, a fire that won't die with even the strongest force of any existing element.

Their bodies act like two merging pieces of a puzzle, mold each other in a marvelous, perfect sense; as she holds Jim's hips with her legs and he tightens his arms hugging her core. There is an existing friction from Amelie's soaking sweater against her skin when Jim rubs her back with his holding arms, and as his lips move from her collarbones to touch hers, he kisses her with an amount of lust that makes her take in a gasp of air on a certain shock, and travel in the humid breeze to the past. For a moment, it feels to her like if Colin is shattered in the depths of the ocean gloom, and they are husband and wife as it is claimed on the date that the ring found on their fingers and carved, wooden boxes show. That's the way Amelie wishes to be able to feel all the time.

No words are spoken and their lips remain locked together, as Jim's hand brushes the soft skin of her stomach under the cool water, pulling Amelie's sweater up. She feels a series of shivers that rush up her spine with the gentle touch of Jim's fingers.

Amelie pulls away from the kiss for a moment to take some air in her empty lungs, but immediately touches Jim's lips as he breathes in her air. Her sweater goes up and over her soaking head, immediately being tossed to the wooden port where they once shared the laughter that led them to this firework moment. Jim places a hot, mild kiss on her bare shoulder, then one on the center of her clavicle, one under her jaw, until his lustful eyes meet with hers, and their heavy breaths touch each other's faces. The brisk beating of his heart and trembling body connects to Amelie's sensitive nerves, and she smoothly brushes her fingertips up and down the skin of Jim's soft neck as he breaths on her. Her touch ignites his feelings, multiplies them in small fractions of seconds to uncountable amounts. In Jim's subconscious though, that one feeling is present; that one feeling that only belongs—and he's aware of—only belongs to the wondrous friction of Amelie's skin against his. For a moment he is in total lack of remembrance to the fact of Amelie's and Colin's "existing" marriage, all he wants is her, to have her and be able to love her and share with her his entire life. What he isn't aware of is that that is something happening in the twilight of the Earth, something Amelie is conscious of and has it as her maximum wish of return. But no thought or action can stop him now from being with the woman he loves, even when to him it is in a prohibited state.

Jim starts taking some heavy steps forward with Amelie floating and wrapped in his castle arms, her legs grasping tightly on his hips. He feels desperate, a sudden desperation to put her down on the long hairs of grass and love her like nobody else has or will, but the water is heavy on his legs. Thus, he concentrates on the way Amelie traces the patterns of his skin while he presses his lips on hers deeper with every motion of the stars above them. It isn't until he reaches the shore of the body of water, that he gently lays her down with his person on top of her, and this time—for the first time in what seems like hours to them—separates his body from hers to remove his shirt. Jim's ocean and desire-full blue eyes connect with Amelie's as his tongue brushes his lips to smoothen them more. He suddenly takes her left hand to place a small peck on it, and then mouth every region of her neck once again with his elbows framing her face, and his weight creating a familiar pressure on top her.

It is amazing to both of them how they don't have the need to talk, to use their voices in order to let their thoughts escape. They both know how much each other wants this. They don't find the need for words, they just find the need for actions.

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