A Fiolee love story♥

By myfriendwontfindthis

34.3K 853 186

*I own the cover* ■Warning■ There are coarse language and sexual scenes in this book. What happens when Marsh... More

What's Tier 15?
The confession
The Lich
The battle
The date
The amulet
The lich's return
A night with Marshall
The Holy Sword
The amulets!?
The marriage
The birthday
The ball
Remember me?
Chapter 19
The plan
The wedding
Death, Rebirth
The gem
The Battle
Meet the band
The story of his life
No way...
The news
He needs to know
Author's Note - new book
Land of Dead
Not a chapter
Author's Note

Do I like him?

3.5K 53 18
By myfriendwontfindthis

Fionna's  POV

It was a regular morning, nothing special. Just the same morning routine I've been doing since I was 12. Wake up, dress, eat etcetera etcetera

Then, I went down the ladder when I heard some sizzling."Bacon pancakes, morning Cake!" I yelled while climbing down the ladder."Morning baby cakes" Cake replied.

I ran and sit down at the table, grabbed a fork and shoved a whole piece of bacon pancake in my mouth"Woah, slow down girl."  Cake put her paw on my hand, trying to stop me from putting the pancake into my mouth but it was too late.

"I'm just hungry , and this is really good" I complimented cake's cooking. She returned a warm smile to me and I continued eating the second and third piece of pancake

After that, I became bored and the phone started ringing. "Hello?" I picked up the phone. "How's my favourite human?" a small chuckle came after someone said it.

It was Marshall.

"Can you stop that? and I'm fine just so you know," I was a bit angry he called me 'his favourite human' just because I was the last in Aaa. "Wanna come over? I'm totes bored," He said. "Sure. Bye." I hung up the phone and went back up to get my bag.

"Cake, im going to Marshall's" I said while walking towards the door. Cake's voice seemed unhappy, "Why not Gumball's place huh?"

"Because, he's always in the kitchen and I hate baking." I twisted the doorknob and rays of sunlight shot into the gap between the door and the frame. "Bye Cake!" I shouted and closed the door.

I ran to Marshall's place as fast as I could, staying in the treehouse was really boring. The weather was beautiful, there were no clouds in the sky, the sun was shining, but no monsters to fight. I stopped in the middle of running to listen to any screams. But no. The day was too beautiful. "Ugh..." I grunted and continued to run towards Marshall's house.

"Marshall?" I opened the door and saw him slowly playing some cords. "Oh hey Fi," He greeted me. "What are we gonna do today?  Besides in here theres not much because you cant go out..." I said. "Wanna watch heat signature?" Marshall asked me while putting down his axe bass on the floor.

"Sweet!" I ran to the CD box and looked for it as fast as I could but I couldn't.  "Where is it? I cant find it anywhere." I said impatiently.

I felt that his presence coming towards me, he grabbed my hand and pointed to where the CD was, then whispered to my ear "It's here, silly."

I blushed a bit. "Oh ok, thanks" I slid the CD into the CD player and it started.

I sat on the uncomfortable couch , Marshall was leaning back and hovering over me. "Wanna sit on my lap?" "Sure, it'd be better than your couch at least" I giggled. And he lowered down and put me on his lap .

" Want some popcorn?" He asked while revealing a bucket of popcorn that he was holding.  "Uh, yes!" I grabbed a handful of it then shoved them all in my mouth.

Marshall saw me and he said "Woah do you always eat like that?" he chuckled a bit. "If I was a guy this is how I'd eat, but right now im just hungry from running to your house." I kept chomping the popcorn.

"If you were a guy,then you're the prettiest guy I've ever seen." He suddenly said. 'What!?' I thought to myself. "That's some really stupid comment for a girl." I laughed and he laughed along bur his laughter slowly became weak. "Yea, I know." He said.

I became a bit tired and rested myself on him, the popcorn was already finished, it was half-way through the movie. His body was warm, warm to me for an undead body. I felt a bit drowsy and fell asleep on him. I've never really actually laid down on the Vampire King's body before, not to mention that I've never even though of laying down on him. But it felt natural, like sleeping with Cake.

It was comfortable.

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