When Winter Arrives

By ijustwant2write

31.4K 826 34

Lady Bethan of House Fierre always knew that she would be the key to form an alliance between her and another... More

The Long Road
Gathering Guests
New Faces
Finishing Touches
Everlasting Threat
A Few More Days
The Wedding
Short Celebrations

A New Family

2.1K 59 1
By ijustwant2write

Music, chatter and laughter filled the room, the smell of food along with wine enticed everyone. My plate was now empty but my goblet remained full, thanks to the servants refilling it. It had gone to my head just a little making everything seem funny to me.  Though I was also in high spirits ever since I made my vows to Robb.

         He was sat beside me, his parents to his right. I looked up at him, studying his features before he could notice. He was now my husband and I his wife. I had a new family now; a new set of parents, two more brothers (three if you counted Jon), two new sisters and my husband. All those weeks ago I was terrified at the thought of having to live with strangers but now they were no longer that. I still had a lot to learn about the Starks but I was sure that in due time it would feel as if I had known them forever.

         Behind Robb and I was a huge pile of wedding presents that kept on growing. They ranged from gowns for myself to weaponary for Robb. Some were sentimental gifts from close family and friends whereas others were from other Lords and Ladies, Some of which I did not know. I tried to open as many as I could as they were given to me but with the vast amount there was, there was simply no time.

"Bethan, are you alright? You seem to be daydreaming." Robb chuckled as he took my hand.

I smiled back."Perfectly fine. I was just thinking."

"I could see that. Why dont you go to see your family? You've been sat up here with me for a while now."

"Already trying to get rid of me I see. Well, I know where I'm not wanted." I grinned as I rushed away before he could say anything else.

       Weaving through the crowds, I approached my family who were still sat around their designated table. The first to see me was Freya, hopping out of her seat to hug me. I welcomed the feeling, knowing that I only had a few more days with my actual family. She pulled away to grab my hand and lead my towards the table. One by one I hugged them all receiving congratulations from them. I sat down between my two younger brothers, wrapping my arms around them as they snuggled into my sides.

"You did so well today." Theresa was the first to speak.

"I can't believe you didn't trip over or something today." Edmund smirked, though received a glare from his wife.

"It was really boring." George huffed and his twin nodded.

We all laughed at this until I said."I'm sorry that it wasn't as fun as you thought it would be. But weddings are serious."

"You seem happy though, I don't think I've seen you smile so much." my father pointed out.

I blushed a little."Am I not allowed to be happy in my wedding day?"

"Of course you are, if you are happy my dear, so are we."

         I stayed with my family a while longer trying to remember every little detail about them before they had to take leave. We were laughing at old memories, reminiscing about the good times until I felt a presence behind me. Charlotte bent down to hug me, holding onto me tightly.

"My lords and ladies, may I speak to your daughter for just a moment?" she asked.

"Be our guest. I hope everything is well with Carsen." my mother smiled at my best friend.

"He is getting healthier by the day. I think the wedding wore him out, he is in his room with my handmaiden."

         Charlotte looped her arm through mine as we bid our goodbyes to my family. Walking between the tables I could see that she was taking me towards the door where Greywind was too. As he spotted me he started scratching at the door, begging to get out. The doors were opened for us and the direwolf bolted outside. We laughed as we followed behind but at a much slower pace.

"I needed to get out of there. I don't think I could stand talking to anymore people." Charlotte sighed.

"You're tired from Carsen, it's understandable."

"This feels too weird."

"What does?"

"You're married. It's something I just forgot about. We grew up together, we talked about it as little girls and now it's happened."

"I felt the same when you got married." we perched on the balcony."It didn't feel real."

"You're going to be so happy here."

Greywind suddenly appeared again, sitting next to me and putting his hand in my lap. I spoke I stroked him."I think I will as well. I haven't stopped smiling today, maybe that's a sign."

         Just as I finished my sentence a sharp 'whoosh' sound went past our ears before a thud happened. Charlotte and I squealed with fright as we saw the arrow lodged into the wooden post beside my head, Greywind growling at the potential danger. We immediately ducked down in case there was someone trying to shoot at us but after nothing came we slowly got back onto our feet. The arrow had a parchment on it, it had to be a message. I opened it, reading it out loud for both of us to hear.


I thoroughly hope you enjoyed you wedding gift.


          My eyes widened as I looked up at Charlotte. She took the parchment from me, checking the writing for herself. Without waiting for her I rushed back to the hall, slowing my pace to not draw so much attention. Glancing back I saw Charlotte catching up to me. Robb was no longer sat at the high table, only his parents and they looked confused as I dived into the pile of gifts.

"Bethan, don't you think it would be wise to open your gifts after the feast?" Catelyn suggested as she got out of her seat.

         Charlotte curtsied before approaching us, handing the parchment to Ned. I did not see his reaction as I was too busy searching for whatever the shit bastard had given us. How had his gift even got here? Someone was obviously working for him, especially if they were instructed to scare me with the arrow and note. They had to be very well trained to hit a target like that if they were far away, though even if they were within the walls of Winterfell they would still need a good aim.

          I must have looked like a mad woman by now but I finally found it. It was a long box and a little thin, leaving endless possibilities as to what the present could be. I forgot about everyone in that moment, taking off the ribbon before peeling away the lid. My hands hesitated as it cracked open, scared as to what it could be. However it was not something gruemsome or disturbing as I thought it would be.

        It was just a single red rose or so I had thought until I saw something shining on it. A ring was slipped on the stem of the flower but it wasn't just any old piece of jewelry.

Robb stood next to me."What is it? What has gotten you so worried?"

"This is the ring Evin used when he tried to propose to me."

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