Burgundy Is The New Sexy

By LinwinLovesChocolate

917K 45.1K 7.6K

{Currently being edited} Book One of the 'Is The New' Series. Have you ever thought for a fleeting moment how... More

||Chapter 1||
||Chapter 2||
||Chapter 3||
||Chapter 4||
||Chapter 5||
||Chapter 6||
||Chapter 7||
||Chapter 8||
||Chapter 9||
||Chapter 11||
||Chapter 12||
||Chapter 13||
||Chapter 14||
||Chapter 15||
||Chapter 16||
||Chapter 17||
||Chapter 18||
||Chapter 19||
||Chapter 20||
||Chapter 21||
||Chapter 22||
||Chapter 23||
||Chapter 24||
||Chapter 25||
||Chapter 26||
||Chapter 27||
||Chapter 28||
||Chapter 29||
||Chapter 30||
||Chapter 31||
||Chapter 32||
||Chapter 33||
||Chapter 34||
||Chapter 35||
||Chapter 36||
||Chapter 37||
||Chapter 38||
||Chapter 39||
||Chapter 40||
||Chapter 41||
||Chapter 42||
||Chapter 43||
||Chapter 44||
||Chapter 45||
||Chapter 46||
||Chapter 47||
||Chapter 48||
||Chapter 49||
||Chapter 50||
||Chapter 51||
||Chapter 52||
||Chapter 53||
||Chapter 54||
||Chapter 55||
||Chapter 56||
||Chapter 57||
||Chapter 58||
||Chapter 59||
||Chapter 60||
||Chapter 61||
||Chapter 62||
||Author's Note||
||Book Two||
||Bonus Chapter||

||Chapter 10||

18.6K 881 377
By LinwinLovesChocolate

A/N: Kassidy and Katelyn are the same person. It's just that Katelyn is Kassidy's middle name and K refers to her as such. Her full name, if you want to know is Kassidy Katelyn Reins. Sorry for any inconvenience.


One week.

It's been one week since the whole incident with M and I haven't seen him since. No type of communication. No contact what-so-ever. None. Ofcourse other than the letter he left me, zilch. And to say the least I was stressed out about his whereabouts. Yes M must have a home, but where? Did he go back If he did have a mindset to go back there, did he get there safely? He did say he needed time to cool off, but is he cooling off there, at his home? Or with another woman. Is he okay? Is he ever going to come back? Well ofcourse, he blatantly stated in his letter that as soon as he cooled off he'd come back to me and explain. When he said he needed time I didn't think it would have been this long.

One week.

"Goddammit!" I screamed at my self as I fell to the hard asphalt below. I hissed in pain as my skin tore and the stones sank into my flesh. "Ahhh!"

I rolled over on my back and blew out a breath. I felt tears pricking at my eyelids as I struggled to breath. I missed him so much. M has become such a big part of my life without trying it's becoming absolutely terrifying. Yes I have a man in my life but M gives me way more attention than Greyson. To think, not even Grey comes over to my house so often, just to cook me breakfast to add on to that matter, or anything. Never.

I guess I've been so lonely that the little attention and company I got from M made me want to be in his presence more. I chuckled as I sniffled. Your being pathetic K. Crying over a man that your not even in a relationship with. I got up and brushed off my jogging suit ignoring the stings of pain. It didn't help that I was sweating either.

I spun around and looked over at the city. The city horizon illuminated by the ascending sun. Smiling I shook my head. I had always loved the sight of sunrise. I started to trekk up the hill towards my house.

Today was Sunday and I didn't have anything to do. No type of work or recreational activity. Plus, M wasn't here so today is going to be a bore. I'm not even counting Grey, as he left me again to attend to a three week business trip. As always. I did not make any plans with my friends so it's definitely going to be a bore.

Swinging the back door open, I did my usual routine, going to the wash room, placing my towel in the dirty laundry and getting a fresh new towel, then proceeding to make my way to the kitchen. As I rounded the corner, an intensifying scent of deliciousness hits me. My stomach rumbles making itself known as I hurriedly walk towards the kitchen. My heart was beating erratically in my chest. Was M here? The thought of him being here made me pulse with anticipation. God I miss him!

Ignoring how wrong that thought had sound, I literally broke my neck high tailing it into the kitchen. My breath caught in my throat as looked around. Disappointment filled me. No M. Closing my eyes, I breathed in deeply to control my scattered emotions. Tears brimmed beneath my close eyelids. What was I thinking? That M would be here ofcourse, my conscience answered slyly. Oh bloody hell! Mind your own damn business. I can't believe I'm here talking to myself. Shaking my head I opened my eyes, instantly the tears ran free. I glanced around the kitchen, instead of the usual sight of M cooking breakfast, I was greeted with sight of an already cooked breakfast on the food warmer. I shook my head sighing. Was it going to be like this now? He would come to my house and do the usual, but without me actually seeing him do it. Are we going to keep on avoiding the subject? That same subject that I wanted to forget about but still resolve the problem. That same subject that is keeping him away. I just wanted it to be over with so we can go back to normal.

I threw down my towel on the counter and brought one of my hands to my mouth, trying to muffle my sobs, whilst the other was perched on my waist. M got me crying like a little b!tch.

Shaking my head I grabbed up the towel and wiped my face angrily. You said you wouldn't cry again K! You said it. So stop being a little wussy. At that thought I started laughing. I was acting like a little wussy. Crying over a man that I'm not even with. If it was Grey it wouldn't have been so bad, but M. K you barely know the man! But no doubt he became a huge, rather important part of my life. That I must admit. I've come to crave his company more than I craved anyone else's before. But that, I won't admit. Outloud of course.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Sharing a plate of food I went to the fridge for some orange juice. I was just about to open it when I remember that Grey and I had finished the jug two days ago, and I didn't get to buy another. Cursing silently I still swung the fridge door open, probably to get some water. I literally need to go grocery shopping. To my surprise the fridge was filled to the brim with food, and two jugs of orange juice was sitting at the front with makeshift smiley faces on them. Hesitantly I took up one and grabbed a cup. Pouring out alittle, I sat down and enjoyed M's cooking.

Even though I'm disappointed about not seeing him, I'm glad that he still went out of his way to cook me breakfast and buy my groceries. I will have to thank him as soon as I see him again and pay him back. That's another thing about me, I hate feeling like charity. And him buying my groceries is making me feel like one. But, maybe it's his way of coping with the betrayal and venting, by kissing my ass.

Finishing up, I brought all the dirty dishes and utensils to the sink. After cleaning up I went to the cupboards, as expected, they were filled with groceries too. Smiling I closed the doors then made my way up to my room. Taking off my clothes, I place them in the laundry basket then heated the shower.

My eyes widen as I looked myself over in the mirror. I swore to God I had bloody cuts and scratches scattered all over my arms and legs. Now there was none and my skin was smooth as ever without blemish. Where did they go? The only person I could think of who could do this was M. Was he following me? He did say something about my safety in the letter, was he following me to keep me safe? Was I in danger? Either way, it was sweet of him to look out for me and heal me. M has a weird definition of staying away to vent.

The memory of when Nate and I first met M played out in my mind. How Nate had sliced his arm open with a knife but not a drop of blood came out. Even though the skin was cut open the blood was still flowing normally. Weird? It makes me wonder even more what he is. Is he a vampire? But I've never heard, rather read about a vampire controlling blood flow. Was he a werewolf? If he is I wouldn't be too shocked or surprised, M is obsessed with wolves. Or maybe it's a front? Maybe he's something else and it's the first he's ever seen a wolf. He did say he was not a demon, so that's out of the question. But all in all M is one of the most beautiful supernatural creatures I've ever seen. Long Burgundy hair and Burgundy eyes. I've never heard of any supernatural having that. White, Purple and Red is a common 'rare' colour in the supernatural world but Burgundy? Puzzling.

But still, beautiful and unique. To tell the truth, the air of mystery which surrounds M is what makes him so....? Appealing? Sexy? Or more irresistible? He got me so confused. He's just so different. Yeah, the air of mystery that surrounds him is what makes him so different. Right?

Switching off the water, I stepped out of the tub and went into the room. Dropping the towel I sauntered into the closet. Picking out an outfit I went back into the room and lathered myself with lotion, adding alittle olive oil to my face, since I won't be applying any make-up today. I didn't feel like it. Plus I didn't have oily skin yet I didn't have dry skin but I still didn't want my face looking like either, so I applied just a drop.

Looking over my appearance and feeling satisfied, I grabbed up my hand bag and went downstairs.

"Oh f^¿k!" I didn't even remember that I didn't have to work today and that I had absolutely nowhere fun to go. I guess I was just so caught up in my thoughts I slipped back into my usual morning routine without knowing. Shoulders slumped and face set in a scowl, I stumbled into the sitting room and kicked off my heels. Throwing myself down onto the couch I groaned in boredom. I flung my handbag across the room where it landed on the loveseat. No M. No Nate. No Mannie. No Kate. And as usual no Grey. I couldn't just drop by at my parents' house as they lived out of state. Ugh!

"I'm so bored. Is this really what it feels like. My friends why did you have to work? Why do you have a job? M why did you leave me for one week you bastard? Why? M where are you? I'm bored goddammit!-"

My foolish rant was interrupted by a deep chuckle. I bolted upwards to see M leaning casually on the door frame. He was clad in a very tight Burgundy muscle shirt and Grey sweats. And may I add my two cents, he looked too good my sisters! Sexy yet!

Snapping out of my thoughts I groaned in embarrassment. He wasn't supposed to hear that. I was just saying it to break the silence. Jumping up I ran to him and leaped into his arms. He laughed and squeezed me to him. His hard chest crushing my breasts. I wrapped my legs around him. I missed him so much. I nearly cried. But I said that I wouldn't. I kept it in.

"Well hello stranger?!" He looked at me then lift me from him into the air. My legs dangled as he held me like a ragdoll. How strong is he? Grey can lift me up but not like this. Oh shut it, Grey is human and M is not. Unfair comparison. That I may admit. Lately I've been comparing the two.

He brought me back to his body. My legs instantly wrapped around his waist and my hands made their way around his neck. It just felt like the right thing to do.


His name rang in my ears and I instantly felt guilty. Pushing away from M, I went to sit on the couch. Your not about to catch feelings for him K. It doesn't matter if he's here more than Grey or if he gives you more attention than Grey, your still in a relationship with him. You dislike cheaters so don't become one.

I heard him sigh softly. I watched him as he made his way around to sit on the love seat. He stared at me. I held my head down in embarrassment. "I'm sorry K"

To tell the truth, I thought I would have broke down already. From seeing him again to him bringing up the subject, but to my surprise I'm handling it like a boss. I really thought the mere memory of it would bring me to tears if he ever bought it up, but it seems as if the letter had done something. Like him being missing all week but still kissing my ass had granted him a silent forgiveness.

"K, you know I've come to care about you very much, and the very thought of you being hurt tears me up." He sighs then ran his hands threw his hair. Well attempted as his hair was in a man bun. "I promised you I wouldn't hurt you but I did. Bab-K I'm sorry, I-"


"I'm so sorry K. I promise I won't hurt you again. Please K please forgive me I swear I'll do anything-"


"You don't understand the amount of pain I'm going through knowing your hurt and that you have not forgiven me-"

"M!" He looked up at me. My heart jolted when I realized the tears running down his cheeks. I should have felt a twinge of happiness knowing that he felt the same way. That he was now the one crying, but instead I felt guilty. For what? I really don't know.

I went over to him and wrapped my arms around his large body. Well attempted. He was rather huge. He kept on crying. Unshed tears blurred my vision. God! He looks so vulnerable. Just like how I did.

"M, it's okay. I forgive you." He looked down at me. Even sitting down he was taller that me. His face blotchy and red. His puffy eyes scanned my face for a few seconds.
"Just like that?" I laughed. But really though, just like that? I guess I just can't stay mad at M. It's beginning to scare me.

"Yes just like that. I guess the one week gave me time to cool off and look into things." He laughed, the sides of his eyes crinkled. His nose scrunching up and I found myself trailing my index finger along his freckles. They were so hard to see but alas they were there. I didn't realize what I was doing until there was a low chuckle. The sound vibrated through his chest and I looked up at him. His eyes shun with laughter. I shook my head and moved away.

"Thanks for the breakfast and groceries, but I will have to repay you for it."

"No need. It was just my way of coping with the betrayal."

I nodded at him. "But next time I will." He hummed abscentmindley.

"Did you eat?" I asked as he got comfortable on the loveseat. He shook his head. "Are you hungry?"

He smiled. I got up and motioned for him to follow me. We made our way to the kitchen where I made a plate of the food on the warmer. Placing it in front of him with a cup of orange juice, he stared at me. I blushed.

"I didn't make the food for me K. I made it for you." His eyes searched mine. I nodded blushing.

"I know but you didn't eat and I-I just w-wanted to give you something. Plus I can't finish so much food a-and y-yeah." I stopped rambling in embarrassment when I noticed he sat there watching me in amusement. I averted my eyes as I went even redder than before.

"Did you enjoy the dinner and dessert I made?" He asks after a few minutes of silence. He took a bite of food.

"Yes, it was so good, especially Grey. He had three helpings."

He laughed. "I know." I looked at him confused. He knows. "Yes I know K." His voice dropped an octave. I bit my lip.

"I saw everything. Boy Katelyn can cook." I went beet red. He was in the house. "Ofcourse I was. You didn't really think I would have stayed away and leave you with him."

I studied him. It looks to me that he dislikes Grey. "Yes. Yes I do. He has what I consider mine." His eyes darkened. Boy were they a beauty. But what could Grey have that belongs to him? They have never met before.

"What does he have which belongs to you? You guys have never met before."

"Indeed we have never met, but that doesn't change the fact that he has what's mine." He stated his eyes wild. "And trust me when I say, I want what's mine and I will have it. One way or the other."

We stared at each other for a good two minutes before he busted out laughing. He winked at me. Was he just joking. I'm so confused.

"Trust and believe I'm not joking, but don't worry your little head K. You'll find out sooner or later." He finished up his food and downed the cup of orange juice.

"Are you reading my mind?" I just realized that he had been answer all my unspoken questions. These are the things that makes me want to solve the mystery of M. What is he? Rather who is he? What is he capable of?

"Don't over think things K. You found out a mighty lot about me. That I can read people easily. That I can 'freeze' people." He leaned his large body over the table. His minty breath fanned my face as he smiled. I was frozen in my spot. "That I can control blood flow."

He laughed again. Even though I should be afraid or I should have cut all ties with M right there and then, I didn't. He didn't scare me like he should have, instead he drew me in more with how mysterious and puzzle-like he was. I wanted to solve him.

"I like that about you K." I jumped as I felt him behind me, his mouth beside my ears. How did he reach over here so quick. "I like the fact that your not afraid. I like the fact that you-"

I spun around. He smirked. "What are you M? Are you a werewolf, vampire, a witch, a demon?"

"I bet you want to know." He leaned down and leveled his eyes with mine. "Werewolves are fascinating creatures, they truly are, but they are a mere myth. Vampire? No. I might have the ability to control blood, but to drink it? That's disgusting. A witch? Very feminine if you ask me. Potions are not really my thing. A demon? Hmmmm." He brought his fingers to his chin in mock puzzlement. I would have laughed if anxiousness wasn't killing me. "I've told you before darling, I'm far from a demon. I'm none of those cliche supernatural beings. I'm something rare, my love."

I was confused. What was he then. "Are you a Griffin? A Phoenix maybe?"

He laughed. I would have laughed too. "Now you're just being plain crazy K. I don't fly. I was not born from fire. I don't have special powers like a Phoenix. I'm none of those my dear." I stared at him mouth agape. He closed it with his fingers. "I'm more, what should I say, bloody."

I rolled my eyes. "Stop sending me in circles." He sighed and poked my head.

"Stop overthinking everything would you. You'll find out when the times right."

He eased up then retrieved the dirty dish and cup. Cleaning up the mess casually as if the conversation we just had never happened at all. He dried his hands then looked at me.

"What do you have in mind to do today? Ofcourse other than sitting around bored. I'm here now so do you have anything in mind?"

I was so happy to see him that I completely forgot about being bored. "No, maybe we can watch a movie and eat-"

"Chocolate!" He cut in. My eyes widen. He loves chocolate?! My, my oh where have you been my other half? I voiced my questions. He threw his head back laughing.

"Trust me, I've been around." We grinned at each other.

"Maybe we can watch?-"

"Another wolf movie." M interrupted, his eyes lighting up. I could see him relaxing and slipping back into his old self. I laughed and nodded.

We made popcorn and grabbed a box of chocolate from the cupboard. We made our way into the living room. I searched through the recommendations but we didn't see any wolf movies which appealed to us. "Let's watch a horror movie then."

I gulped. Oh how I love horror movies but hate them at the same time. It's scary. I nodded. He laughed. "Don't tell me you're afraid."

My pride got the best of me. "No! Never!"

"Okay okay." he held up his hands in surrender. We chose a movie and got comfortable on the separate ends of the couch. Dread filled me as the movie started. God help me.

"Oh f^¿k this shit" I cursed under my breath. I was scared sh!tless while M was clearly enjoying the show. He laughed and answered the actors questions. Like when they ask who's there? Jake is that you? Please, are you going to kill me?

"Ahhhh!" I screamt and leaped into M's chest. That part got me f^¿ked up. He just appeared out of nowhere. I don't know how I was going to sleep tonight. He laughed at me as I hid my face in his shirt. I was scared sh!tless to say the least. M's chest reverberated with a deep rumble as he threw his head back and laughed at a scene. Looking up I saw that the main star died. She was decapitated. Very gruesome if you may ask me.

"I told her not to go in there. She should have listened." M reasoned. Yes M, because she could hear you. I rolled my eyes and looked up at him. My eyes widen in fright to see that he was already looking at me.

"Well look who said they weren't afraid." He teased. I slapped his hard chest, but as expected he didn't even flinch or bat an eyelash. He chuckled. I glared at him.

"I-I" I blushed beet red. He shook his head and reached over for something, his muscles rippling. I bit my lip. He placed the box of chocolate on his upper chest. Opening it he took one out and ate it. Right. Infront. Of. My. Face.
Just like the last time. I pinched his side. He winked then proceeded to feed me one. His thick finger went into my mouth and I shivered at how dark and wild his eyes got. Taking out his finger out of my mouth I chewed the chocolate drop as he licked said finger which he had placed in my mouth. I gasped and he smirked. Is it wrong that heat had pooled between my legs? Yes K, it is wrong, you're with another man! I bolted up. He sighed.


"It's okay M. Let's just call it a night." I can't believe I would cheat on Grey like that. With my thoughts! The fact that I liked it and reacted to it in that way scared me. What was M doing to me? Maybe it's because I haven't been touched in so long. Yeah, it must be the reason.

We cleaned up the mess and placed the remaining chocolate in the refrigerator. But not after M ate atleast five more. I smiled at him. He washed his hands then dried them.

"I'll be going now K. But that was fun." He said grinning. I nodded. He nodded back then headed off towards the back door. I felt the claws of loneliness grabbed at me. It was now dark outside. Can't believe we spent the whole day talking and watching that stupid movie. My heart jumped when I heard a distant sound. I swear to God I saw a dark figure run down the hallway. Oh f^¿k! Oh f^¿k! I chanted in my head. I should have never watched that stupid movie.

I heard a distant cry upstairs. My breathing came out in short gasps. M better not be playing with me. I ran to the hall closet and retrieved a broom. Tip toeing up the steps I held up the broom.

"Is anyone there?" I rolled my eyes. I would have laughed at myself but considering my situation I was dreading each step I took. I always laughed at the actors when they asked such stupid questions but now that I'm in the same position, I can honestly say that I can relate. Very much so too. I heard it again. I spun around and reached for the door knob. Out of all the places it chose my bedroom. Shoving the door open, I didn't even look as I screamt bloody murder and bolted down the stairs, high tailing it towards the back door where M went. Hopefully if he wasn't the one doing this and he genuinely meant that he was going home, I pray that he didn't reach far. The cold night air stabbed at my skin as I busted through the door and ran into the backyard. I was running around blindly until I was pulled into a warm hard chest. I sniffed and looked up timidly. I blew out a breath in relief when I saw it was M. I noticed that his breathing was ragged, like he ran.

"What is it? I heard you scream?" He pushed me away from him and looked me over. I started laughing. He watched me confused and unamused.

"Good one M." He quirked a brow. "Really? You were never in the house?" He shook his head and stared behind me at it.

"What, did you see someone in there?" He voice hardened. Oh God! My house is haunted, just because of that stupid movie. I shook my head and his eyes searched my face for a good minute before he busted out laughing.

"You're so afraid that you started imagining things, isn't that the case?" I glared at him then started blushing. I nodded.

"Go inside K. Go get some rest, nothing is going to get you." He urged. How would he know, he wouldn't be here. I just stood still and stared up at him, wanting to ask the question but afraid of what will be the answer. "Go on."

I shook my head and held on to his shirt. I was scared sh!tless and there's no going back. I need someone to be in the house with me. And M was that person. He gave me an amused look.

"Ple-Can you stay the night M?" He looked taken aback when I asked this. Feeling embarrassed I started rambling. He could have a family at home and I want him to stay with me.

"Yes I can."

"-Really and truly you don't have to. I swear you don't have to. Even though it would've been nice. I-"

"K! I said I can stay." We stared at each other before I smiled. I grabbed his hand and led to my room. Forgetting completely about how afraid I once was.

"I'm not a selfish person so we can share the bed." I looked over at him and he nodded affirmatively. He went and sat on the bed. I nodded to myself then went into the bathroom and got freshened up.

After an hour of soaking in warm water. I finally had the courage to get up and get out of the bathroom. I grabbed up a warm towel and revelled in the softness and warmth of it. Stepping into the room I instinctively dropped my towel. Forgetting completely about M. It was not until I heard him I remembered.

"Damn" he growled. His Burgundy eyes raked over my body. Gasping in fright I ran to my closet and slam the door shut as embarrassment settled in. How the hell could I forget that he was in the room. I palmed myself. You idiot K. I swallowed my tongue and slowly put on my night wear, dreading the idea of stepping out of the closet.

I sat down for God knows how long. For the first time in years I started to feel self-conscious. I was knocked out of my thoughts as there was a light tap on the closet door.

"K, you okay in there?" M's deep voice sounded through the door. "Come on K."

I nodded then blew out a breath. Opening the door I stepped out. M stood there staring at me. I shrunk back in embarrassment.

"You ready for bed?" He asked softly. I nodded again and made my way to the bed without making eye contact. I was slowly regretting this. He sighed. I peeked up under my lashes to see him take off his shirt. My mouth salivated as his muscles rippled. Stop it K! I scold myself and averted my eyes before he caught me staring. Then I would be embarrass. Turning my back towards him I mumbled out a 'goodnight'.

I tense up when I felt him pull me back against his chest. He braced himself against me then wrapped his arms around me. What was he doing?!

"Oh! You're uncomfortable." He said letting me go. "I'm sorry. I'm just a very big cuddler." Awww! I turned to him.

"It's okay. You can cuddle me." Since he agreed to stay here and ease my fears, it's the least I could do for him. For all we know, he could have said no and went home to cuddle with something or rather someone else.

He grunted then pulled me back against him, wrapping his arms around me and burying his face in my neck. I tensed up a bit but after a few minutes I relaxed in his arms.

"Goodnight M." He grunted and hummed as he squeezed me to him even more.

"Goodnight K." He sank his lips into my neck.

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