Queen of the Beasts✅

By b00klover09

2.3M 99.6K 13.9K

👑1 in Queen Series👑 (Warning: Dark themes & sexual assault) I will have you...all of you, Esmerleda," he s... More

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NEW Announcement
Queen of the Fangs!


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By b00klover09

I took a deep breath. We had managed it. We had managed to get into a carriage. We had managed to get into a carriage and only bring...about ten guards with us. I had no idea what Chelsea's plan was....but I was more than a bit nervous about it. How could we rid ourselves of ten men plus two pulling the carriage?

She looked confident. Which I tried to make rub off on me. "Chelsea, how are we supposed to?"

She shook her head, putting her finger to her lips. I suppose we were not supposed to talk about it. Then I would probably be just following her lead. Which I had no problems with. "So, King Sirus wants me to...explain some things to you. What would you like to know about us lycans?" She asked as I sighed trying to think of a good question. I had many but which ones would not offend Chelsea?

"Why does Sirus try so hard? Why does he insist on touching me, being around me. He obviously knows I do not feel that way towards him...yet he continues. He also betrayed his sister for me, Chelsea. Is this misplaced guilt for what he has done to my kingdom or is this something more?" I questioned her. "I would never put Eddie in any type of situation like that if the shoe were on the other foot."

Chelsea looked at me grimly. "Lycan men...they only think about one thing throughout their lifetime. Their status and their mates. With those two things, their lives should be exceedingly abundant in happiness. They will do anything for their mates. Turn their backs on family, friends. Anyone because the pull from the mate bond is so strong. They will do anything, well in normal situations attempt to do anything to appease their wolves, which is their other half."

I nodded slowly. So that is why Sirus...would betray his sister. To make his wolf happy. "His eyes also glow a lot too. Is he that angry with me so often?" It seemed like everything I did...made his eerily animalistic eyes glow. Which frightened me at times. Waking up and seeing him looking over my form. It was terrifying.

"Well...the only way I can describe it...is if we'll humans blush, yes? If they are angry, sad, embarrassed?" I agreed. "Let is pretend that it is essentially a lycan's wolf blushing. Whether it be from anger, happiness. Lust.. that is the wolf showing that he is present. Which in most cases can seem dangerous. If the wolf takes over...it's animalistic Urges might....overpower the human side... does that make much sense?"

I was actually more confused then ever....but I felt as if she continued to speak I would be even more confused! "I suppose so..."

"Mates are a very important thing to lycans....if your other half dies it is hard to move on. It is difficult to even continue living. Or so I have heard."

They took this...very serious. "Sirus just expects me to fall in love and follow his every command and lust after him like he does to me. I cannot do that so easily."

She nodded her head eagerly. "Yes, I understand. Rowan expects that of me too...but that is what the mate bond helps do. Pull you closer to one another. His is in full effect yours...since you are human is a bit more difficult to control....but I understand... Do you feel anything for him? You can be truthful with me."

I looked down, twiddling with my thumbs. It was Chelsea. She was my only friend. I could tell her. She wouldn't judge me. "I do not know...I am starting to feel towards him. I look at him as a lover would. I..." I sighed.

"It's okay. Continue...I know it is hard for you."

My face began to heat up. As I thought of what to say...my threat constricted...my eyes began to slowly fill with unshed tears. "I like him....I am tr-trying not to. I do not think it is right of me," I whispered. If I said it to loud....I would shed my tears.

"Why do you feel like it is not right?"

Did she have to make me say it aloud? "He...my family...my parents. It's all his fault...how can I not blame him? How can I possibly like...even try to love someone who has done such a thing to me? I-I can't."

Chelsea was silent, as I quickly attempted to hide my tears. She did not need to see me crying. What would me breaking down in a fit of old tears solve? Nothing. I shut my eyes tightly. Trying to get my emotions under control.

I felt her arm wrap around my shoulders. "It is okay to let it all put. It will make you feel better."

My body wanted to welcome her warmth. Her comfort. I declined. I moved over a bit, smiling. "I am fine, Chelsea. Just a moment of weakness."

She gave me an unsure look. "It isn't a moment of weakness. It-"

"-I do not wish to discuss this anymore," I said quickly watching her shut her mouth as she looked out of the carriage window. I sighed, running a shaky hand through my hair. Since she was sitting so close to me...I felt it a good decision to question her on our plans of getting to her friends home. "What is your plan?"

She looked around, before scooting a bit closer to me. "There is a bakery that I have told the coachman to stop at. When he stops we will go in and pretend to speak with the baker. He knows who I am and will lead us to the back. I have a special oil that will eliminate our scent. I know my way to her home."

I nodded slowly as the carriage suddenly stopped. "Well...let us get going then," she announced as we watched the carriage door open.

I was let out first, then Chelsea. The place looked like a village from my home. Small quaint. Bricks everywhere. Small homes. One thing that did make me nervous was the amount of castle guards. How were we supposed to rid of them?

"We will be back. The baker house is to small for all of you. Stay out here please and watch the carriage," Chelsea told the men. They just stared at me, as if Chelsea had no authority.

"Your highness are you sure?" One man questioned as he made direct eye contact with me. Forgetting Chelsea completely.

"Excuse me, that is your Princess. She is royal just as I am and I am sure that Prince Rowan would love to hear how you deliberately disobeyed his mate. She has as much pull as I do. So listen to her when she speaks," I announced watching them give sorrowful looks to Chelsea.

Who was blushing and smiling. We entered the small bakery, and were instantly greeted with heat. An elderly man, stood behind a stone table, pounding his fists into a large heap of dough.

"Mr. Secuine! How are you?" Chelsea said very loudly. Almost obnoxiously. I watched the elderly man continue to knead the dough. Chelsea sighed, clearing her threat. "Mr. Secuine! HOW ARE YOU?!"

The elderly man looked up quickly, looking about confused as his eyes milled over us. A small smile spread across his lips as he waved his hand. "Chelsea! How do you do? Who is this lovely woman?" He shouted, as I wondered what in the world was happening.

"He is nearly deaf," Chelsea explained as I slowly nodded my head in understanding. "This is Queen Esmeralda! She is my...friend," she said while glancing at me and smiling. I smiled back, watching the man clap his floured hands together.

He rushed over to us and grabbed us both in a bone crushing hug. "Beautiful!" He shouted in my fave as I tried not to wince at the loud compliment he had given me. "Here! Take bread my Queen!" He gave me two loaves wrapped in cloth and I had no idea why but I felt the need to laugh.

He reminded me of any other nice elderly person. Being overly sweet and kind. He shoved the two loaves in my hand, smiling widely as Chelsea giggled. "Bread is good for bones and smiles!"

I watched Chelsea grab the elderly man, bringing her lips close to his ears. "We are going to see Hilda. Tell them that we have left and went to the market, okay!"

"Be careful!" He shouted as he kissed her cheek and then enveloped me in a large hug. "Remember eat bread!"

Chelsea lead me past his baking table and furnace and opened a flimsy wooden door. We stepped through and we were outside. Shutting it quickly, she pulled a vial of oil out of her dress. "What is that?" I questioned, as she opened it and pressed it on her neck and wrists.

"Do it, please," she said as I frowned. What did Chelsea have up her sleeve?

"Okay...hold my bread." She held onto my two loaves while I copied her movements with the oil. It was smooth and scentless. Which was odd. I handed her back the vial, and she handed me back my loaves.

"This will hide our scents from them...this is how....how I evaded mating with Rowan." She said the last part quietly. I could hear her shame...

"Oh....this is all so interesting," I told her as we began to walk through the village. People glancing at us...giving us odd looks but not dare approaching. Did they know who we were? Why did no one come up to us? I am so confused... I kept my mouth quite though and followed Chelsea.

She stopped in her tracks suddenly and exhaled loudly. We were in front a small little house. It had a sign that said beware....but was scribbled out. With 'Welcome.' That was one warning sign.

Chelsea knocked on the door. Three times, before she checked the lock. She let out a yelp, and I pulled her back. "Chelsea, what was that?!" I asked as she waved the hand that she had just touched with the doorknob.

"Hilda! It is Chelsea!" She shouted angrily, as her eyes began to glow with anger. I watched the door swing open suddenly.

An elderly woman appeared. She was unlike anything I have ever seen before.

A large cloak was covering her entire body. Her eyes were dark and...twinkling. Greying old hair, and paper white skin was what greeted my eyes. She held a black as night cane, that had odd notches in it. She was hunched over too. As if her spine was permanently bent.

"Hida!" Chelsea exclaimed, wrapping her arms around the elderly woman. A grunt of frustration left her lips, as I watched her whack Chelsea with the cane.

"You know not to touch me, child. Do not act freshly infront of the Queen." I watched as Chelsea rubbed her leg and glared at the elderly woman...as she turned her glossy dark eyes over to me. "Oh...oh we will have fun today. The Queen is here," she smiled, as she looked around before opening the door wider. "Come, come. Come inside."

We both stepped in and were greeted with warmth. It was a bit chilly outside...and the odd warmth was comforting. Yet terrifying. It made my body tingle. I glanced at Chelsea to see if she was affected.

She was not. At all. I stayed near the door, watching Chelsea happily look at all of the odd things in the small home.

I jumped a bit as the elderly woman slammed the door shut. "You have not come to visit in a while. Is it due to the Prince?" The elderly woman snickered as Chelsea frowned.

"H-how did you know?" She asked as the woman hobbled over to the small wooden table, that had three chairs crowded around it.

"Set the loaves down," she announced as I slowly did so. She hobbled over to the side where I set my bread down and then unraveled them. She then proceeded to tear into it. Devouring it...like an animal. Well...I hope she enjoys my bread. "And you know I know everything. When are you having children? Bring the stinky pups to see me. I will discipline them with this," she said as my eyes widened.

Her cane that was leaning against the door...began to roll towards her. I yelped and jumped closely to Chelsea. The woman chuckled. "Silly human Queen. I bet you have never seen a Seer have you?"

"You are a witch," I claimed. I have heard of few. I loved my life in the castle. My mother told me stories. My father through they were fakes and shams.

"Witch...Seer. The Devil. I have many names," she announced as she ripped a piece of bread off and handed it to me. "Eat."

"No...thank you," I smiled. Declining her offer respectively. Her hands were marred with soot. I did not want that in my mouth.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Soon you will be taking any food you can get." I stared at her, as Chelsea sighed loudly.

"Hilda we did not come to speak merrily and bring bread. My mate the Prince would like you dead. You have to leave. He and King Sirus both agreed that you are dangerous."

Hilda stopped her eating. "Oh, child. I know."

"If you know why are you still here!" Chelsea shouted. The look on her face looked as if she was about to pull her hair out and stomp up and down. I felt bad for Chelsea. Obviously this woman was important to her...although her manners are atrocious...and the woman did not seem to care at all.

"Because I am me. I do not fear silly wolves."

"You should fear these two. They are another breed of strength and fury!"

I watched the woman sigh loudly. "Child, cease your worries! I have dealt with them already. They have visited me. I must say both of them make my body hum with delight. If I did not find lying with dogs atrocious, I would have the two in my bed!"

The image of such an atrocity made my stomach curdle. I would definitely not be eating anything any time soon! "What do you mean you have dealt with them?"

She smiled. "I am in no trouble, child. I have made a deal with the devil...or how I should say...devils." The smirk on her chapped whitened lips scared me. Did she mean she made a deal with Rowan and Sirus?

"What? What deal did you make? With who?"
She chuckled as she rose to her feet and hobbled over to a stack of old books. She was humming. "Hilda! Hilda, answer me," Chelsea snarled.

The woman spun around. "Do not use such tones with me. Who kept you hidden from your Prince all along? I did."

"Hilda, what deal did you make with them?" Chelsea pressed again. "When did they come here?"

"Yesterday, child. The two dogs came yesterday. I made them some potions and they left me in peace. That is all I am telling you, spoilt child. You know I cannot tell you what I give my other customers. I am running a respectable business!"

So...Sirus and Rowan have magical potions? I wonder what they are using them for? For some reason, my stomach clenched.

"Hilda you are an insufferable old woman."

"And you a spoilt child like I have mentioned. Now be on your way unless anyone needs a potion. I am pressed to make one for two customers by sundown."

She would give us potions if we ask? I could not think of anything I wanted a potion for. Maybe to go back in time. Warn my people of the Beasts coming. Or...my parents. Of their death....Could she raise the dead? Was it possible? "Oh, I see the look, dear. If you want me to raise the dead I need you to get me the ingredients. I will write them down, Queen, yes?"

"Esmeralda...that is not wise," Chelsea whispered to me as the woman handed me a piece of thin paper and my other loaf of bread.

"I-I did not say anything. I was just thinking it...I-"

"-Hush up. You are very annoying. You will be called child too instead of Queen. Child fits you better. Now out, both of you. Goodbye. Chelsea, take care of yourself."

It was as if someone pushed me towards the door. Chelsea was in front of me, moving. I screamed as I realized the witch was sitting down smiling. This was what magic felt like? It felt as if an invisible person was pushing me!

She slammed the door in our faces, and I glanced at Chelsea who looked irate. "That insufferable...insufferable..." she had tears in her eyes. "She is an old hag who does not care about anyone....but she said she cared. And.....and..."

I rubbed Chelsea's back as she wiped away the tears. "It's okay, Chelsea." She slowly got herself together, and fixed her cloaks while beginning to laugh.

"She would hit me with her cane if she knew I was crying over her...." that cane looked evil. I would never want to be hit with that item.

"We should get going," I told her as she agreed. She grabbed my arm tightly and the list of items I needed to bring back the dead.

Chelsea scooped up the paper. "You do not need this do you?" She questioned, as she began to crumple up the paper.

"No! Just...just let me keep it. Just incase," I gulped, as I took the paper and stuffed it into my dress quickly.


I am so sorry guys. Don't get mad, I love you all. I didn't have any time really with finals to update last weeek but I'll try to update tomorrow so that we can be up to date with the weekly update thing.

What did you guys think? Interesting right? I literally banged out this chapter so quick/ long I hope it was good.

If you guys also haven't realized...I LIKE BREAD. Like it's bad. So bad.

Anyway, please vote and or comment! You guys know I live for the comments.

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