Brothers Forever

By KJColton

70.5K 1.2K 756

(Completed!) Greyson and Sterling Hayes are brothers. They’re different in many ways, but they have always be... More

2. Dude, What's Your Problem?
3. My Best Friend is Checking Me Out
4. Time to Stop Running
5. What are you a Care Bear?
6. Took You Long Enough
7. That Was Pathetic, Dude
8. Quite Frankly
9. I'd Rather Make Out With a Dog
10. The Likes of Me
11. The Most Awkward Car Ride Ever
12. I Will Haunt You
13. We'll Finish This Another Time
14. You Know You Love Me
15. Off In Lala Land
16. You Got This
17. You Belong With Me
18. What's Your Favorite Animal?
19. Can I Ask You Something?
20. Dramn Dinks
21. You Don't Remember Anything?
22. Nothing's Going On
23. I Think I Like It
24. That Thing Is Huge
25. I'll Surprise You
26. Will You Come With Me?
27. You Stupid Boy
28. Sleeping Beauty
29. Hell Yes
30. I Love You

1. Get Your Head Out of the Gutter

13.5K 192 303
By KJColton

Chapter 1: Get Your Head Out of the Gutter

Greyson’s Point of View

“My father’s going on another business trip today,” Brennan informed me as we made our way down the school hallway.

Her face was void of expression, but I knew she was hurting. I pulled her into the hug I knew she needed, the top of her blonde head barely grazing my shoulders.

“You know you’re always more than welcome to stay at my place,” I whispered in her ear. It was a common occurrence with her father leaving on business trips so often. My parents didn’t mind; Bren was like the daughter they never had.

“Thanks Greyson,” she murmured against my chest before releasing me. “I really appreciate it.”

“It’s no problem. You practically live at my house anyway.” I grinned easily, and she grinned as well. I knew she hated being all alone when her dad left. Bren’s mom divorced her father when she was five, and she hadn’t seen nor heard from her mother since.

We climbed the stairs and walked in the direction of her first class, calculus. “I’ll have Sterling stop by your house on the way home for your stuff, okay?”

Her pink lips twitched slightly before the corners curved into a small smile. “That’ll work.”

We walked through the door of her classroom and stopped at her desk. I stared at her for a moment while she readied herself for class, my eyes absorbing every one of her features. Features long familiar to me, but still alluring nonetheless. Her sapphire blue eyes, her long locks of blonde hair, her slightly crooked nose; all things I didn’t think I’d ever grow tired of.

I waited for her to finish before saying, “I’ll see you at lunch, Bren.”

She beamed at me. “Yeah, see you then!”

I glanced at my phone for the time as I walked across the school to my first class and figured I could make it if I hustled. The bell rang just as I entered the classroom causing me to smile victoriously. I plopped down in a seat next to my best friend, Nate.

“Nice, dude.” He held out a hand to high five me.

“Thanks.” I smiled.

“Was Brennan the reason you were late?” Nate waggled his eyebrows, laughter in his green eyes.

“I wasn’t late,” I corrected him, purposely ignoring the question.

He cocked an eyebrow. “You need to just make a move.”

“Oh, really?” I asked in an innocent voice. “How did that work out with Lilah?”

His eyes narrowed. “Shut up.”

I smirked and focused on Mr. Johnson, my English teacher. He was my favorite teacher, but I hated the class. It was my worst subject whereas it was one of Bren’s best. Surprisingly, I understood everything we talked about and finished the homework before class even ended.

My next couple classes went by quickly, and it was lunchtime before I knew it. I waited in line to receive my not-so-edible lunch and headed to my usual table where Nate, Bren, and Lilah were already seated. “Hey guys.”

Nate and Lilah were, as usual, too absorbed in their own conversation to notice my presence, but Bren did.

“Hey Grey. I’m glad you’re here.” She gestured her thumb at Nate and Lilah. “I feel like a third wheel when I’m with these two.”

I chuckled. “I don’t blame you at all there.”

“So, how was your day?” Bren asked as she picked at her macaroni and cheese.

“Pretty good,” I said. “I actually understood everything we did in English and finished my homework already.”

Her eyes widened. “Really? That never happens!”

“You make it sound like I’m dumb or something,” I responded defensively.

“You know that isn’t what I meant, Grey.” Bren laughed.

“What’s so funny?” I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked up to see my brother standing right behind Brennan. Somehow, I didn’t even notice him walk over here. “Hey Sterling. Do you need something?”

“Can’t a guy eat lunch with his little bro?” He smirked and plopped down next to Bren. He shot her his famous smile, and she rolled her eyes.

“Most people can, but not you. Seriously, what do you need?” I asked, wanting to be able to talk to her by myself.

“Dude, I’m offended you would—”

“Sterling,” Bren cut him off, “Just tell us what you want.”

“Want to know what I really want?” Sterling started innocently, but I knew what was coming. “For you to sleep with me tonight instead of Grey.”

“You know it isn’t like that.” Bren blushed and smacked him in the shoulder. “You’re such a perv.”

“Who said I meant it like that?” Sterling smirked. “Get your head out of the gutter.”

Brennan’s face was now scarlet, her mouth gaping. Lilah and Nate finally snapped out of their own bubble.

“What’s with Bren?” Lilah asked as she tucked a lock of dark brown hair behind her ear.

The bell sounded, saving me from having to answer and snapping Brennan out of her stupor. She quickly gathered up her stuff and we began walking to the exit. I slung an arm casually across her shoulders as walked.

“I’m sorry my brother is such a douche,” I whispered into her ear. She chuckled, and I felt a smile spread across my face. “You really shouldn’t let him affect you like that. He just does it to mess with you.”

She sighed. “I know, but I can’t help it. He’s always had that effect on me. It wouldn’t be so bad if I could predict what he was going to say or do.”

“No one—and I mean no one—can predict what that kid is going to do,” I reassured her, knowing how much she hated not knowing something.

Bren laughed, and I knew she was already over it. I couldn’t help but to join her.


“Sterling!” I called my brother’s name as I weaved my way through my classmates. He was farther down the hall, leaned up against a yellow locker to wait for me.

“Why are you talking to Bren so much again?” I asked him, swishing the dark hair out of my eyes.

“What are you talking about?” He questioned back.

“Well,” I started, “today at lunch you came over to talk to her—you don’t even come to talk to me ever. And lately it seems like every time she’s over, you’re around us. It’s weird.”

He looked at me for a moment before answering, like he was contemplating what to say.

“It’s kind of difficult to hang out with my little bro without her. She practically lives at our house.” He grinned and changed the subject. “What’s going on with you two, anyhow?”

“You know, a guy and girl can simply be friends.” I shoved my shoulder.

“Sure that’s all you are.” He waggled his eyebrows. “I mean, look at her! If you truly aren’t interested in her…”

“If I’m truly not interested in her, what?” I asked sharply, my blue eyes narrowed.

He lowered his voice. “I’d have to wonder if you were…batting for the other team. If you know what I mean.”

“That’s not even funny. Just because I’m not trying to bang every girl in sight, does not mean I’m gay,” I growled.

“So, does that mean Bren’s up for grabs?” He cocked an eyebrow.

“No,” I answered immediately, and then after a moment added, “Actually, you know what? Go for it. Brennan is a lot smarter than the girls you typically go far. Besides, she already knows what she’d be getting into.”

“I’ll take that challenge.” He grinned, not even noticing the obvious insult.

I didn’t even have a response—how was he the smart one?—and started to walk away. Then I slowly turned around and added, “I swear Sterling, I will kill you if you hurt her. I think you of all people know how much she’s been through.”

With that, I continued down the hallway, leaving my brother to soak in my warning.

The rest of the day went by rather quickly and the last bell rang before I knew it. I made my way to Bren’s locker like I did every other day and waited for her to finish. My plan was to meet Sterling out by his truck. The less time he was with Bren, the better. She slammed her locker closed when she was finished, and we made our way down the hallway.

“How ‘bout I carry these for you?” came my brother’s voice from behind us as he grabbed

Bren’s load of books from her grasp.

I sent him a dirty look for his stupid act of chivalry and Bren literally stopped walking and just

stared at him, the bafflement obvious in her bright blue eyes.

He cocked an eyebrow and in a hurt voice—which I knew was completely fake—he said, “It isn’t that surprising is it?

“Uh, no I, uh, guess not,” Bren stammered, her eyes were a bit softer now, and she began walking next to us again.

The rest of the walk out to Sterling’s truck was silent. The only sounds heard were our shuffling footsteps, the murmur of voices from the people around us, and the purr of engines of leaving cars.

We all climbed into the truck, and Sterling handed Bren her pile of books. She was crazy for taking all the difficult classes she did, but it was her choice to do so.

“Hey, we need to stop by Bren’s house on the way home. She’s staying the night and needs her stuff.”

He started the truck. “That’s fine.”

A few awkward minutes later, we arrived at Bren’s house. I hopped out first, so she could get out as well.

“You guys are more than welcome to wait inside for me,” she offered.

“We’re good out here,” I replied quickly before Sterling could say anything.

She nodded before turning around and walking into the house. I climbed back into the truck by my brother and smirked at his scowl.

Then I frowned as well. “Did you really have to carry her books?”

“Well, I’m not going to win Bren over by acting the way I normally do, so I tried something different.” He shrugged. “What’s the problem with that?”

“She’d never let me do it,” I admitted. The fact that she had let him was seriously grating on me.

He smiled smugly. “Really? Because I’m pretty sure someone said she’d never go for me. I’m starting to think they’re wrong.”

“In your dreams, bro.” I chuckled, but I wasn’t laughing on the inside; I had been thinking the exact same thing.

Bren’s front door opened, and an idea popped into my head. I quickly leapt out of my seat and held the truck door open for her.

She gave me a weird look but climbed in nevertheless. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” I buckled my seat belt once more.

We were about two blocks down the road when apparently Brennan couldn’t hold it in any longer. “What is wrong with you guys today? You aren’t being yourselves at all, and it’s really starting to freak me out. If this is one of your stupid bets ag—”

“Relax,” I cut her off. “It’s nothing like that. We’re just both in a good mood, I guess.”

She eyed us suspiciously as my brother and I were both trying to hold in our laughter. When Bren got worked up, she started flailing her arms around like she was having a seizure or something. It was really quite hilarious to watch, but if you laughed, she’d freak out even more. I had received more than a couple bruises from those times. She may have been a girl, but she punched like a dude.

We arrived at our house, and I called out to my mom as we walked through the front door, “Mom, Bren’s dad is on another trip. She’s gonna stay the night.”

“Alright, that’s fine,” her voice carried from whatever room she was in. There had been more than one occasion where I wished my mom would be that lenient with other girls, but Bren was the only exception to her rules.

An hour later, Brennan and I were lying on my bed watching the football game. She absolutely abhorred watching sports, but was being pretty good about it then. She was curled up next to me, her head perched on my chest. Pieces of her golden hair had come loose from her ponytail and were splayed across my torso. I resisted the urge to play with the tempting strands and focused my attention on the game instead. Then all of a sudden I was looking at some brunette in a wedding dress.

“Bren! He was just about to score a touchdown,” I protested. “We are not watching Say Yes to the Dress. It’s stupid. I don’t understand why anyone would want to watch it.”

“It is not a stupid show,” she scoffed. “Watching football is way more idiotic. You’re just watching a bunch of overpaid buffoons chase after a ball that isn’t even round and piling on top of one another.” Her lips curved into a teasing smile. “Besides, I have the remote.”

My eyes narrowed at her challenge. “Not for long.”

I lunged for the remote, sensing victory when I clutched the smooth plastic with my fingers. I smiled smugly, but it quickly vanished when Bren kneed me in the stomach and grabbed the fallen remote.

“You really thought it’d be that easy?” She cocked an eyebrow.

“It’s not over yet.” I leapt for the remote again.

Brennan tried to twist away, but I sat on her stomach, pinned both of her wrists with one hand, and pried the remote from her grasp with the other. My brother chose that moment to barge into my room.

“Am I interrupting something?”

I climbed off of a now blushing Bren and brought my head up to look at my brother’s wide eyes and curved lips. “Not really. What’d you need?”

“I forgot now, but if you ever need anything, let me know.” He waggled his eyebrows and left, shutting the door with a click behind him

I looked at Bren once more to see her face was now a deep shade of scarlet. “I’m sorry. I’ll explain that later on if you want…”

“Thanks Grey.” She rubbed her small hands over her face. “That was completely mortifying.”

I sighed and handed her the remote. “Here. We can watch your stupid show.”

“You’re the best, Grey!” She smiled and snuggled back up against my chest.

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