The Bluenettes of Sabertooth:...

By sopeismymelanin

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Levy and Juvia are being ignored by Fairy Tail, ever since the GMG .The only people who pay attention to the... More

Chapter 1 : The Rundown
Chapter 2 : Village of Rose
Chapter 3 : The Cebalia
Chapter 4: Unexpected Events
Chapter 5: Enchanted Luck
Chapter 6: New awakenings
Chapter 7 : True Introductions
Chapter 8: The Ball
Chapter 9: Training
Chapter 10 : Leaving Home
Chapter 11: Earthland
Chapter 12: Sabertooth
Chapter 13: Mission?
Chapter 14 : Lazy Days Are Here To Stay
Chapter 15: A Train or a Tour?
Chapter 16 : Kaylanie
Chapter 17: Persephone's Back
Chapter 18 : A Broken Man's Story
Chapter 19 : The Training Grounds
Chapter 20: Crocus
Chapter 21: Where have you been?
Chapter 22: A Second Day Away
Chapter 23: People Don't Know Anything
Chapter 24: Ryutzu Land
Chapter 26: Did we win...or lose?

Chapter 25: Double The Trouble

556 17 3
By sopeismymelanin

The sky opened up after a long day at Ryutzu land. Sabertooth had come back home tired and bruised up. They got ready for the next day with excitement.

Levy stared at herself in the mirror. She was completely naked having just left the shower. Her wet hair stuck to her back and shoulders. She examined herself carefully from her forehead tattoo to her feet. It was something she would do when anxious.

She would do it even before she joined Sabertooth.  It calmed her to some extent. She hadn't felt the need to do it since she joined but ever since the games started, things were getting more and more surreal for her.

"Hey Lev! You okay? You've been in there a while" Levy was brought back to reality at the sound Autumn's voice. She turned her head to the door.

"Y-yeah I'll be out in a second!" She yelled back. She cursed herself for stuttering. She knew Autumn was going to bring it up later.

"Huh okay! I'll be downstairs" Autumn voice grew faint as she walked further away from the door.

Levy gulped and looked back at the mirror. She placed a hand on it and sighed. Snapping herself away from the mirror she grabbed a towel and headed out with it wrapped around her.

Autumn was indeed gone, leaving Levy alone. She threw off her towel and wrapped it around her hair. She grabbed a pair of orange shorts and a black turtle neck that left her guild mark exposed. She got out all the water from her hair and put her clothes on. After a quick brush of her hair, she headed out the room. Today was the day.

Sting rolled over on the couch. He was already ready to leave but as usual everyone else was taking their sweet time to get it moving.  Lector sat on the arm rest staring at his idol

He pulled himself up. Rogue was sitting calmly on a love seat, book in hand. Frosch layed on his head trying to get a peek at the large book. Sting always wondered where he got the patience to read those things.

He tapped his foot on the ground with impatience. Rogue looked from his book with a raised eyebrow "Could you stop with the noise? Or go eat. I don't care"

"Frosch thinks so too!" The adorable frog cheered.

Sting glared at his brother in annoyance "That witch Minerva won't let me go into the kitchen because of yesterday!!"

"That's horrible Sting" Rogue barely answered turning back to his book. His voice filled with disinterested. 

"Could you be more unemotional!" Sting growled standing up.

"That's a big word. Nice job" Rogue praised sarcastically.  He enjoyed pushing his buttons.

Sting growled to the sky and stormed out. Lector flew up and stopped in front of Rogue before flying out. "Sting-kun knows all words!!"

Sting stormed out for no reason and had no idea where to go now. While walking he bumped into someone.  He looked over at Juvia who had fallen to the ground. She was in a blue dress. Her hair was in its usual waves down her back. Sting put his hand out to help

"Juvia doesn't understand who she always manages to be your victims"  Juvia got to her feet and dusted of her clothes.

Sting retracted his hand shyly and gulped "Yeah..well you should look around more"

Juvia stared at him weirdly and rolled her eyes. She walked past him then stopped and looked back. "Aren't you coming with Juvia?"

Sting  shook his head and followed behind her. Lector was there just in time to see everything. His idol was the most amazing  person to him but he was really dumb when it came to women especially Juvia.

"Where are you bringing me?" Sting asked.

"The kitchen" Juvia simply answered pushing open the doors to the heavenly place. Sting's legs were no longer in control as he made his way inside.

A pan went flying into his face as he entered. "WHO TOLD YOU TO COME IN HERE!?"

Sting layed on the floor, clutching his face in pain as an angry Minerva scolded him. Juvia went back and forth, deciding to stay out of the situation at first. Yukino, Sorano, Rufus and Orga were already in there with her.

"ANSWER ME FOOL!" She yelled again making all those in the room flinch.

"Huh Juvia brought Sting here" Juvia spoke up, giving Sting a chance at survival. Minerva lowered her hand and turned back to Juvia then Sting

"Very well. I'll let it slide...for now" Minerva glared at the boy then stepped away to sit down. 

Sting got to his feet and shook his hair around "Hah no big de--"

He was cut off by knife flying past him. Minerva gave him a sweet smile as he gulped. He made a zipping motion over his mouth and made his way closer to Juvia's side.

"Better" Minerva commented leaning back. "Now where are the others?"

Kaylanie opened her windows , letting the light pour through. She was up nice and late that morning. Lucky for her no one was gone yet so no worries in that department.

Yesterday had left her completely exhausted. She was woken up by the sound of Minerva banging at her door. Thinking about it she still hadn't answered the door.

She walked over and opened the door to find an angry Minerva staring her in the face. "Good morning Minnie"

Minerva growled at her then calmed herself down "I don't even have the time to be angry right now. Just get dressed already!!"

"Can't even get ready on time. Not so lady like now are ya?" Kaylanie and Minerva looked over to Sierra stepping out her room in her usual outfit.

Kaylanie's face morphed into that of anger "A real lady takes her time to take care of one's self. Seems you didn't even take five minutes to put...THAT together. "

"Why you!--" Minerva swiftly took Sierra's wrist and placed her hand over her mouth.  She usually liked to see their infamous fights but today was not the day.

"Now shut up" she looked back to Kaylanie "Get dressed I'll keep this one way"

Kaylanie nodded and slightly glared back at Sierra. "Fine fine. I'll be out in a second"

Sierra was dragged away by Minerva as Kaylanie shut her door. She stripped off her clothes and headed to the closet. 

Kaylanie didn't mind skipping a shower.  She could take one at the stadium if she wanted too.  She grabbed a dark blue dress that went to her knees and slipped it on.

She put her hair up in a high ponytail and headed out her room. She ran down the hallways, not wanting to be late. Whilst running she passed some of her guildmates.

"Hey Kaylanie" Jordie called as she passed him. Said girl stopped and turned around.

"Hi Jordie" she smiled and walked closer to him. Jordie gave her an awkward smile in return.

"Why running?" He asked fiddling with his hands.

"No reason, just want to  see Calum before we head to the stadium" Kaylanie explained getting closer to him.

"Huh what are you doing...?" Jordie gulped, and stepped back. Kaylanie didn't answer as she cornered him against a wall.

"Nothing. I missed you that's all" Kaylanie pressed herself against his chest. She wrapped her arms around his chest and smiled softly.

Jordie looked down at her awkwardly and patted her back. Kaylanie snuggled closer to him in response.

"Eh Kay'...don't you want to see Calum" Jordie said. Kaylanie didn't budge. He sighed and picked her up.

Persephone peaked her head out from behind a wall. She wrote down in her notebook vigorously "This is gold!" She whispered to herself and kept writing down. She imagined herself with her beloved doing the same thing.

Jordie made his way downstairs with Kaylanie hanging onto him like a monkey. Jordie looked down at her and yelped. 

"Kaylanie! Your clothes!!!" Jordie blushed furiously at the somehow naked girl in his arms.

"Oh how did that happen" Kaylanie said looking at her bear chest. She let go of him and searched for her dress.

"Please put on something before Calum sees us!" Jordie yelled covering his eyes as Kaylanie bent over.

"Oh calm down. It's not like you don't like it" Kaylanie teased putting her dress back on. "You can look now"

"Thank goodness" Jordie sighed thankfully and put his hand down.

"Like what?" Calum asked walking into the foyer with Sierra next to him and Minerva on his other side. "Why is he here?"

"Nothing! He escorted me down" Kaylanie smiled up at her brother with a sweet smile. Jordie silently thanked glob that she didn't say anything.

"I hope that's it" Calum glared at Jordie making him gulp nervously. Sierra locked eyes with Jordie and winked mischievously.  He looked away immediately and stepped back.

Kaylanie kept her smile as Calum glared at Jordie. Persephone walked down herself. Her notebook safely tucked away. Minerva looked up at the clock and growled.  "Where are those idiots!?"

"Juvia is here" she said walking passed Minerva. Sting stuck to her side with Lector on his shoulder in fear of his lady.

Rogue made his way in with Levy holding Frosch and Autumn skipping besides her. Zayn and Serena walked down the stairs.

"Are we all ready?" Serena asked once she was all the way down.

"The others are already on their way to the stadium. Come on!!" Minerva yelled pointing to the door.

"Gladly!" Sting ran out the door, happily. The others walked out like normal people and followed him to the stadium.

The group got to the stadium in record time. They separated and headed to their assigned areas. Team Sabertooth had just arrived as Chapati began his introduction to the day ahead.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen of Fiore!" Chapati greeted in a brand new red wig.

"Looks like we didn't get here as early as we thought," Sierra grunted taking a seat on the ledge.

"No surprise there" Calum chuckled looking up at Chapati's projection.

"Today is the fourth official day of the Grand Magic Games!  We hope you've all rested well!" Chapati said "Now Guilds pick your representatives.  The event for the day shall be starting shortly!!"

Sierra turned around "I'm just being clear here..... I'm not going"

"Fine. Levy," Serena turned to the girl and asked "Who do you think should go today?"

Levy looked around at the other guilds. The air was different today, nothing stood out in particular. She thought hard and concluded "I'm not quite sure but I think a male would be wise"

Serena nodded and turned to the men. She looked them all over then noticed something strange "Where"s Sting?"

Calum pointed to the field and all eyes went in that direction. Sting could be seen running to the center of the arena. They all sweat dropped.

Juvia face palmed herself and cursed the gods for his idiocy. Serena patted her back in a comforting manor. "I know. It'll be okay...hopefully"

"I hope he knows what he's doing" Zayn said glaring at Sting from a far.

"Not like he's weak. He can do this" Sierra said skeptically

"Doesn't sound like you have much faith in him" Calum commented

"Hey! I have faith. I'm just being...cautious. Yeah... cautious" Sierra snapped turning away from the man. Calum gave her a look which she thoroughly ignored.

"Sting-kun is gonna win this!!" Lector cheered.

"Frosch thinks so too!" Levy cooed and picked up the adorable frog-exceed.

Sting ran down to the center. He was able to slip away while no one was looking. He was sick and tired of not being able to do anything, so he took his chance and left.

"Alright now the contestants for today's events are

Sting R. Eucliff. C of Sabertooth

Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail

Kily of Quatro Cerberus

Beth of Mermaid Heel

Candy  Bannilia of Lamia Scale

Carson Lamson of Blue Pegasus!!!! "

Sting watched all of his opponents carefully.  None of them seemed like a threat to him besides Natsu, of course. He could feel Natsu burning holes in the back of his head but ignored it and stayed focused.

"Now todays event shall be a fun one. Twister! A path of swirling platforms shall be placed all around the arena. All competitors will have to get to the finish line without being thrown off! First one there wins!! " Chapati explained happily. Both dragon slayers paled at the game. They were definitely at a great disadvantage now.

Fairy Tail and Sabertooth all sweat dropped. They just had to choose the two dragon slayers with horrible motion sickness.

All players made their way to the starting line. Sting and Natsu walked with uneasy legs to the line. Mato's voice echoed throughout the stadium as he started the countdown.

" 3....2...1....Go-kabo!" Mato yelled as all the mages ran onto the spining platforms.

Candy was the first to fall on her face once she stepped foot on the platform. It seemed as though it was going to be a lot harder then they all thought. "Oww..."

Candy struggled to her feet as she spun. Once she stood up, she was able to get her balance. She dashed off into the distance --with the help of lasers at her feet-- leaving the rest to figure themselves out.

Candy was making a good gap between her and her opponents, when suddenly a flash of wind passed her. She slowed down at bit as she tried to get a good look of the person.

"Ewww..." Candy cringed once she noticed Carson  grinning flirtatiously  back at her. She narrowed her eyebrows and  caught up to him.

While they were in a silent war. The other competitors were making their way as well, --besides the two dragon slayers at the back of the pack--.

"Will you look at that! After all this time it seems they still have motion bug!" Chapati commented.

"Why did we let him go again?" Gray growled.   He could have easily made his way through the competion if someone had let him.

"We didn't. Geehee!" Gajeel laughed.  He was just happy, he didn't go himself. His motion sickness was getting worse and worse and he didn't need to be embarrassed a third time at the Games.

Lucy sighed, Natsu ran down without thinking --again--. She simply shook her head and kept locking her eyes on the monitor.

"Long speak Natsu" Sting gargled slowly, frozen in his spot.

"You too man. How's the...gudbfjsj" Natsu tried to say through gritted teeth. Sting felt infuriated the moment he saw Natsu. He was lucky motion sickness got to him before he could do anything.

"Why'd you guys join this year...? Aren't you satisfied yet" Sting chuckled trying to hide his anger.

Natsu turned his head to the Fairy Tail tribune "Because...we're Fairy Tail. We don't back down. We don't care how many times we have to fight...we'll show the world just how great we are!!"

Sting stared at Natsu as he ended his speech, then looked over at Fairy Tail cheering for Natsu. He wanted nothing more then to wipe all those fake ass smiles off their faces. Sting took a deep breath and turned back to Sabertooth.

Juvia and Levy stared at him with worry in their eyes. Juvia in particular looked worse, "I wouldn't say that...Natsu..." Sting said then took all his energy and rolled off the platform. Natsu looked back in confusion. As to why he forfeited, didn't make any sense to him.

"Will you look at that. Sting has dropped out of the race. He receives zero points for Sabertooth!" Chapati announced with wide eyes. "In other news it seems Carson has crossed the finish line and thus receives first place and ten points for his team!!"

Candy came in right behind him and after her was Kali of Cerberus then Beth of Mermaid Heel. Natsu crawled his way to the finish line and managed to get some points for his team.

"That marks then end of the fourth day's event! Competitors back to your guilds! !" Chapati yelled cheerful as ever. The latest points were tallied and given to the public:

Sabertooth - 70 points (no points earned because of Sting's forfeit)

Fairy Tail -  59 points

Lamia Scale - 39 points

Mermaid Heel - 34 points

Blue Pegasus - 37 points

Quatro Cerberus - 30  points

Sting stood in the hallway, looking back at the arena he sighed. "Get ready Fairy Tail... That fake appearance can only get you so far in this game..."

Sting walked back up to his team and prepared to receive a beating that never came. Soft arms wrapped around his neck, looking up he saw Juvia smiling down at him in a kind gesture.  "Juvia thinks Sting did great out there!!"

Sting felt a small blush rise from their closeness,  he tried his best to surpress it. Key word "try" , he ended up  sounding like seal looking for it's mother "T-thanks"

Lector flew to him with teary eyes "Sting-kun did more then just fight. He made himself look like a loveable idiot to the whole land of Fiore"

Sting sweatdropped and grabbed Lector and placed him on his head. Juvia detached herself from him and let the others have a turn to congratulate him.

Sting received a smack to the head once he was free from Juvia, curtosy of his little sister, Sierra.  "The hell Sierra?!"

"Would you think next time you go doing something like that!! Even though it was hilarious...." Sierra scold then said the last part to herself.

"It was a dumbass move man" Calum agreed with Sierra.

"Fro thinks so too!" Frosch somehow got into the conversation and added his usual two cents.

"You did forfeit Sting, and now because of that we haven't won any points" Serena lectured then lifted her finger to point in a certain direction "She doesn't look to happy, now does she?"

They all looked over to their tribune and spotted an angered Minerva being held back by Rufus and Orga. While they held her back Jordie struggled to get open a glass of booze for the lady.

Sting gulped in fear and silently encouraged Jordie to go faster. He swooped behind Juvia for protection, silently weeping. "Fine! I was an idiot just don't let her kill me!!"

Serena stared at the pathetic man. She could have beaten him herself but that wouldn't be as fun as getting to watch from afar with a drink. Sighing she pushed aside those thoughts "Very well. I'll protect you but at a price..."

"Anything!!!" Sting jumped up with joy, getting all up in Serena's face.

She pushed him back and smirked. She had to think this through carefully "I don't need anything from you now but later anytime, any place...You will be at my beck and call. Understand?"

"What if I don't do it?" Sting asked fearfully taking a small step back.

"Then I'll be taking this" Serena took his hand and grabbed his middle finger. "If you don't I'll rip it off your body and use it as a pendent.  Nice huh?"

Sting gulped and looked at his hand. "Do we have a deal?"

"Yes!" He squeaked, Serena smiled sweetly at him and shook his hand. Once that was done he huddled up in a corner,  shaking.

"Did Sting just make a deal with the devil?" Juvia asked, her eyes darting back and forth between the two

"If you want the short answer, then yes. Yes he did" Zayn chuckled staring at the poor dragon slayer being comforted by Lector.

"Oh who cares! The matches are starting!" Sierra yelled taking a seat on the ledge. Serena came up and sat with her.

All eyes  were on the sky box. Chapati and Yajima were about to announce the first fight of the day.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Today is the double team matches. Two members will fight against two other mages for victory!!" The crowd cheered at the announcement, Chapati continued " Our first battle of the day will be

From Lamia Scale: Lyon Vastia and Sherry Blendy


From Blue Pegasus: Jenny Realight and Ichiya  Vandaly Kotobuki!!"

Both teams faced each other on the field. Jenny smirked sensually at Lyon while Ichiya was being, well Ichiya...  Mato walked up to the center of both teams

"You have thirty minutes to defeat the team facing you-kabo! No outside help-kabo! Good luck and let the match begin!!" Mato couldn't help but whisper a small -kabo- to himself as he jumped away from the match.

Lyon was the first to attack "Ice make:  Tiger!! "

"Ah the perfum of battle is upon us! Come...Fight on this glorious day!!" Ichiya chanted making a pose in the air.

"Beautiful words senpai!!" Jenny cheered dodging the tiger. "Battle gear!"

Jenny glowed a bright pink. She rolled down to the floor in a decked out dark rose colored battle suit.

"You know I'm prettier then you" Sherry said from out of the blue. She flipped her hair back, smirking at Jenny.

Jenny 's eye twitched in annoyance "Oh no you didn't just..."

Sherry snickered and put her hand out " Maybe I did, Puppet Magic : Earth doll!!"

Earth gathered from the floor, creating a large and buff living doll. Jenny and Ichiya took a step back to get a good look at the thing.

"You wanna talk about beauty then you make this ugly think. Pathetic"  Jenny snarled through gritted teeth. Sherry glared at her, putting both her hands out.

" All of this is in the name of love!!" Sherry made her doll throw a punch a Jenny who jumped away just in time "My dolls are beautiful! "

"Huh girls?" Lyon tried calling them back to reality. Both women snapped their heads like vipors in his direction. Lyon put his hands up and went back to Ichiya.

At Sabertooth's team

"How do they put some of the two most conceited girls against each other?" Levy sweat dropped as the fight started slowly escalating.

"That Sherry girl's got some sweet magic!" Sierra exclaimed munching on some popcorn, happily. "Why doesn't she just control Jenny and disgusto-man and get it over with already!!"

"She cannot control humans. Sherry can go as far as celestial spirits but that is it" Juvia explained to the other pinknette.

"That suuuuuuccckkksss, so right now she doesn't have a lot of options, does she?" Sierra asked stuffing her face.

"No, no she does not. We'll just have to see how this goes down" Levy said observing the ongoing fight below.

Back to the battle

Jenny was now battling the earth golum while throwing in some shade here and there towards Sherry, and she did the same.

"Go Sherry/Jenny!!" Both women were being encouraged by their men, Hibiki and Ren.

"I can't let Sherry have the spotlight now can I!" Lyon said throwing away his cape, turning to the perfum mage "Ice make: owls!!"

Ichiya was so preoccupied in himself that he was hit by the owls coming his way "Oooh!!"

"Master!!" The trimens yelled from their ledge. Ichiya struggled to his feet, his face bruised and bloody from the icy shards.

"No need to worry boys. This is the perfum of courage that this man bears!" Ichiya said flicking his hair back.

While Ichiya got his energy back. Jenny was getting angrier by the second with Sherry's creation.

"Looks like that beauty only gets you so far!" Sherry made the earth giant slam his fist down. Lucky for Jenny she slid back just in time.

"You ain't see nothing yet!" Jenny was definitely not the type to go crazy and to wild in a fight but Sherry was getting to her in a way she hated with a burning fury.

"Even your man is stronger then this!" Sherry snickered loudly getting ready to send another punch her way.

That was the last straw. "No one talks about my baby like that bitch!!" Jenny  jumped threw the air and used the giant's arm to get to Sherry.

She was complete cut off guard when Jenny sent her flying into a wall with a kick. The earth doll stopped moving and crumbled back to the earth. Sherry was now left unconscious.

Jenny felt her blood pumping and just wanted the match to end. Looking over at Ichiya and Lyon, she glared. She ran to Lyon punching him in the face "Master now!!"

Ichiya took the opportunity and popped open a perfum vile "Perfum of strenght!!Raaaah!!!"

He grew muscles all over his body and became taller. He launched himself at Lyon and took him down with multiple punches to the face.

The bell rung ending the fight. The crowd cheered at the beautiful match.
"What an amazing fight Yajima-san. Blue Pegasus wins ten points!!" Chapati announced with cheerful eyes.

"Indeed, Miss Realight really showed us what she can do" Yajima praised the blonde model.

"Spectators at home keep close to the screen, the next match will start shortly!!" Chapati rambled on for the viewers.

"Damn that old dude is actually pretty strong" Calum said watching Ichiya and Jenny send kisses to the crowd.

"Oh him, well we all know he looks like...that... but you know what they say. Never trust a book by its cover. He's the strongest mage in Pegasus" Levy explained giggling at Sierra and Calum's faces.

"I can't wait to fight that dude" Sierra said in awe of the man.

"That might happen sooner then you think," Levy chuckled as if it were obvious what she meant, but seeing Sierra and Calum's confused faces she sighed. "Just...ah wait tomorrow guys"

They shrugged and went back to admiring their new hero. Levy rolled her eyes at them. She turned to look at her whole team. Juvia was checking up on the terrified Sting in the corner.  Serena attempted to jump from the ledge to the roof but was stopped by Zayn.

Then there was Rogue, standing alone in his dark corner keeping a close eye on Frosch as well. Levy scooted over to him, making the silent man raise an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Nothing, you looked...alone" Levy said now regretting her decision to approach him. "Sorry I can move--"

"It's fine Indigo..." Rogue cut her off before she could finish her thought.
She felt her cheeks warm ul a bit at the nickname but nothing to serious for her.

" Frosch there you are!" Levy quickly turned to the pink frog-exceed. Rogue raised an eyebrow at the strange bluenette sitting in front of him.

Levy made sure to stear clear of Rogue's burning blood red eyes. She knew she was acting strange but that didn't exactly stop her did it?

"Levy?" Said girl jumped at the feeling of a hand, turning her head it was only Juvia with a curious face. "Are you feeling well?"

Juvia placed her hand on the girl's forehead just to be sure. "I'm fine Juvi', just thirsty! Yeah thirsty...I'm gonna go get myself a quick drink! Be right back!!"

Levy scrurried up and ran towards the door. Her teammates all blinked at the sudden behavior. "Juvia just wanted to know if she wanted anything to eat but..."

"Well she got herself covered then" Sierra snorted, passing a hand through her hair. Juvia was going to add something when she was interrupted.

"Ladies and gentlemen!! Now that we're done getting ready. The second match of the day shall start" Chapati announced " Our fighters are...

From Mermaid heel Milliana and Kagura Mikazuchi


From Quatro Cerberus Baccus and Rocker!!"

The crowd cheered as the opponents made their way to the field. A hyper Milliana waved to the crowd while Kagura kept her head low.

"Wild!!" Baccus and Rocker chanted to the women facing them. Milliana got serious and took a proper stance.

"You all know the rules~kabo. Thirthy minutes on the clock to defeat your opposing team~kabo. Good luck~kabo...Begin!!" Mato announced the start of the match and jumped away.

Milliana --as usual-- reacted first. "Kitten blast double!!" She shot her magic torwards Baccus and Rocker's arms. She got a hold of the men and spun then around. "Feelin' spiffy!"

Baccus and Rocker rolled on the floor once they were released from her clutches but Milliana didn't stop there. Once they got to their feet, she took off her gloves revealing razor sharp red nails underneath.

"Aaaarrrh" they doubled over in pain, as they held their faces.

"Kitty scratch! Meow" Milliana smirked looking back at her claw marks staining their faces. Kagura stayed in the same place watching her take care of the situation.

"Alright, you caught us off guard there," Rocker said, with a stinging face.

"This girl's wild!!" Baccus cheered shaking his head wildly.

Milliana smirked, popping her hip to the side "Kitties aren't savages but we do know how to kick boy butt!!"

She launched herself onto Rocker and proceeded to --quite literally-- kick his butt into the dirt. "Aaaarrrh! Enough! Driller!!"

Rocker pointed his drill body to Milliana. Said woman was thrown back roughly. "Kyaaaaaa!!!" She screamed landing to the ground on her knees.

"Drunken falcon palm!" Milliana was now thrown forwards after receiving a hit from Baccus to the back. She rolled on the floor panting. Kagura clenched her sword cautiously but Milliana sent her a look making her relax.

Glaring, she got to her feet "These doggies have been acting bad!! Kitten Blaster quadruple!!!"

She caught their arms and legs, while simultaneously nullifying their magic power. "End this quickly Milliana" Kagura said from behind her. She nodded in confirmation

Milliana pulled both men to each other, making them collide. Once the dust cleared both men appeared unconscious in a tangled mess. While Milliana and Kagura still stood.

"Magnificent, Milliana has successfully taken down Quatro Cerberus without the help of  Kagura. Truly wonderful. Mermaid Heel earns 10 points!!" Chapati cheered wiping a tear from his eye. "Please sit tight the final match shall be starting shortly!!"

At Sabertooth

"How come sword girl didn't a thing? " Sierra asked, it seemed she was just going to ask all the questions today.

"Juvia isn't sure but she thinks Kagura was testing Milliana. Last year Kagura had to finish the fight while Milliana was knocked out. It was a matter of redemption..." Juvia explained silently looking at the ground. Sierra nodded, understanding the situation.

Levy had come back during the fight and was back to her normal self  -well somewhat back-, something else was on her mind now. Juvia felt just like her, scared.

"Wait a minute! Sabertooth's up next right..." Calum said taking in the realization.

"Yes...we are..." Levy breathed out, leaning on the ledge for support. She felt like her legs were going to give way soon.

"I wonder who's going to fight..." Calum said even though anyone could tell that he already knew who was going in. Juvia and Levy glanced at each other with worried eyes, both tried to calm their heavy hearts but nothing worked.

"Alright it is time for the last tag team battle of the day!! I hope you are all ready for this. Competing we have

From Fairy Tail : Gray Fullbuster and Gajeel Redfox


From Sabertooth : Juvia and Levy..."   Even Chapati was unbelievably excited and anxious for this fight, not to mention all of Fiore were anticipating it. "Please to the field!"

Levy and Juvia waved to their team and headed down. They stopped in the hallway leading to the arena.  They could hear the cheers coming from all around them.

Both girls, shook in fear. They thought they were ready to face them and show them what they could do but when it was time to step up, they couldn't gather any courage. "Juvia can't--"

"Calm down nymph" Sting's voice came up behind her. She felt arms wrap around her waist. Juvia glanced back at Sting in shock.

"You too Indigo..." Rogue also made an appearance --both without exceeds trailing them. Levy felt his hand on her head and looked up with large black eyes.

"Rogue/Sting" Levy and Juvia said simultaneously to the dragon slayers.

"We get you guys are nervous and all. Hell we are too but..." Sting let Rogue take the lead.

"But we know this is what you've been waiting for. We might not know much about you but we trust you can do whatever is about to happen" Rogue finished staring deeply into Levy's eyes.

"What if we can't..."  Levy muttered trailing off. She looked down at her feet, sadly.

"Not possible. You guys are apart of Sabertooth aren't you? Then you won't lose. We couldn't defeat these guys last year but both of you? I can only expect something crazy to go down" Sting chuckled silently, taking in Juvia's warmth. "Plus we've waited long enough to see your magic!"

Juvia and Levy giggled at him, making the mood lighter. Sting smiled and whispered in Juvia's ear "You'll kick his ass. Got me?"

Juvia nodded with a small smile. Rogue gave Levy a rare smile that said it all for her. Both men stepped away from the girls and started to walk away "Give them all you got!"

With that Juvia and Levy watched walk away to go see the match. The girls looked back at each other, hearts now calm and serene. The boys certainly did have a strange effect on them. That didn't matter because they were ready to face their fears.

Taking each others hand they made their way out of the hallway It was time for them to shine.

The sunlight shined on them  as they made their way outside. Gajeel  and Gray walked out at the same time with eyes seemingly concentrated but anyone who was face to face with them could see the hatred deep within them.

Levy and Juvia held hands as Mato made his way between them. The whole arena was filled to the brim with tension, which didn't really help their situation.

"Under special circumstances, so that this match ends with a bang-kabo! You have one hour, to defeat the team facing you! We all know the rules-kabo. Good luck....Begin-kabo!" Mato didn't even finish talking before he started walking away at the quickest speed possible.

Gajeel and Gray got into stance, preparing themselves on the other hand Levy and Juvia stayed perfectly still.

"Iron dragon slayer: Iron fist"  Gajeel chanted extending his iron arm to Levy

"Ice make: canon!" Gray shot his canon towards Juvia. An explosion caused a large fog around Levy and Juvia.

Once the smoke cleared, the crowd gasped along with Gajeel and Gray. Levy blocked Gajeel's iron fist with her foot while Juvia deflected Gray's ice with her hand.

"Im-impossible...impossible!" Gray yelled gritting his teeth. "Ice made: hammer!"

"Iron fists!!" Gajeel yelled in frustration. Levy slid back avoiding his fists with a calm face. Juvia stopped the ice hammer with her hands and in one motion cracked it with a solid punch.

Gray's eyes widened in shock as did Gajeel's. "You're just dodging and getting lucky shots. Why  don't you really fight!?"

"Gajeel!" Gray warned, but felt the same way. Juvia and Levy looked at each other then glanced up to Sabertooth. They were cheering like idiots. Serena held up a thumbs up, as if giving them permission to go all out.

"Why warn him, Gray? His character a bit too real for this crowd" Levy snickered along with Juvia. "But fine, if you want magic then let's use some...good magic..."

Gray and Gajeel gritted their teeth and launched themselves to the girls. Levy and Juvia smirked to themselves and did something they hadn't done in so long. They let magic power flow from them.

Gajeel and Gray halted, they had known them before and felt their magic potiental, but was a hundred times stronger then anything they had ever felt coming from these girls. And it didn't even seem to be all of their potiental, not even half.

"You know, we were away for a long time and in that time we 'picked' up a few new skills. This is the perfect time to debut them. Isn't it Juvia?" Levy asked her companion.

"Perfect Levy...this will be fun" Juvia giggled, now glowing a dark blue and Levy a light blue.

"Enough talk! Iron dragon slayer sword!" Gajeel yelled, getting back into the fight.

Gray did the same and started running along side him. Juvia and Levy smirked, only fools dive head first into a lion's den --well tiger in this situation--.

Levy and Juvia closed their eyes letting all of their power fully flow throughout their bodies.

"Water god slayer/ Sky devil slayer: Bellow!!"  They opened their eyes and launched themselves at top speed  to Gajeel and Gray. In explosion was created once their magic made contact with them.

Gray put up an ice shield, but that didn't stop them from getting hit at least. Gajeel locked eyes with Gray, both were panting from the intensity of the blow.

Juvia put her hand out and jumped up with Levy " Earth God : Puncture!! "
The earth spiked up, throwing Gray in the air. Gajeel was somehow smart enough to jump as well. Levy didn't really appreciate that " Earth God Sword : Slash!!"

Gajeel was thrown to the ground with Gray. Both men struggled to their knees, panting. Levy and Juvia carefully landed back on two feet,  looking down at them. "H..h-how...HOW!?"

"How? Well that's none of your business...but I'm guess you're wondering what happened after you -so beautifully got us out of Fairy Tail-, am I right?" Said Levy glaring back at Gajeel.

"Simple after the whole --incident--, we ran, found a home then left it, then came to Sabertooth..." Juvia finished in a cold voice.

"Pardon us! But..." all eyes turned to Chapati "I think everyone would like to know...why did you leave Fairy tail?"

The whole arena looked back to the girls. Juvia and Levy looked at each other, silent words being exchanged. Finally Levy took a deep breath.

"We'll tell you, all of you. First things first...Stop saying we --left-- Fairy Tail, because it's a lie... We were kicked out" Levy stopped just as the arena gasped in unison. The only ones who weren't shocked were Sabertooth and Fairy Tail.

"You should all be wondering, why? We don't even really know ourselves. All we know is that Juvia and Levy were shunned by the --so called family guild-- for five months...then one day we come back from a mission, happy to see our only remaining friends...." Juvia trailed off, letting Levy continue

"That emotion was soon replaced by fear, shock, sadness, despair,  pain...You name it right" Levy chuckled darkly, startling some of the spectators

"Please could you explain, what made you feel like that" Chapati asked carefully.

"Oh that's easy!" Juvia chirped "They those being --Redfox, Fullbuster, Dragneel, Heartifilia, Strauss-- or the so called New Team Nastu, came up to us...We barely sat down, when it all started.  To be clear, they beat us..."

The crowd fell silent. No one believed that they could do it. Levy chuckled at their faces and continued " They beat us and while we suffered on the ground, that guild you all love so much didn't do anything to stop it, besides Mirajane of course...."

"Then the most horrific moment happened,  two weapons fell to the floor. One made of ice, the other steel. They told us to get rid of our insignias with them. Juvia means we didn't have a choice, now did we? So you can all guess, how gorry the scene was  ..."

"Us plunging knives into our bodies, then getting to feel those insignias fade away... Not to mention being brutally dragged out the guild and sent flying. You wanna know the last words we heard before those doors closed forever" Levy looked around to see all of those curious faces stare down "Die bitches"

"Beautiful choice of words" Juvia snickered along with Levy. The crowd was shocked. These girls were telling them a horrid story of their past, and they were laughing. Unbelievable

"You know we should of seen it coming from the start. After you know..." Juvia trailed off, her face turning back into one of stone.

"Now before you ask. You see about five months before all of this. There was another incident. No one knows about this besides the ones in the story. Juvia would you like to go first?" Levy let Juvia speak with a polite nod. Now everybody was on the edge of their seat, mostly Sabertooth and their sisters.

"You see, one fateful day..."

One day, Juvia was walking home from a particularly hard job. The grand magic games were over less then a couple of weeks ago, Fairy Tail was still as rowdy as ever but...slowly changing  with Juvia.

Juvia spent most of her days alone in her home or on jobs. On a rare occasion Juvia decided to go in the guild and stay for awhile. Juvia didn't bother to speak to anyone, and sat down in a corner of the guild, observing.

Then Gray came over to my table, Juvia perked up upon seeing him. "Juvia can you come with me outside?"

The old Juvia was still obsessed with Gray, so of course she agreed without a second thought. How foolish she was...

Gray lead Juvia outside into the nearby woods. Juvia was so preoccupied with staring at Gray, that she didn't notice how long they had been walking. Suddenly Juvia bumped into his back and noticed how far we were.

He turned back to her, his eyes cold as ice --ironic really-- he stared back at Juvia. She expected him to declare his love for her. Goodness was she wrong...

Juvia had no idea of what would happen, and who would make an appearance.

"Listen Juvia. I don't love you,  never have and never will. You annoy me and I am so sick and  tired of that creepy ass stalker shit. Stop coming into my house by the way. From the moment I met you I knew, you were going to some fucking trouble" those words cut through Juvia's heart like a knife.

" Juvia loves you...Juvia loves Gray-sama! Wh-what did Juvia do...Juvia can change for--" Gray grabbed Juvia by the neck and pinned her against a tree. Juvia felt tears prickling her eyes.

He glared at her, pushing her neck into the tree. Gray smirked darkly at her. A rustling in a bush caught her attention. Juvia peeked from the corner of her eye to see someone emerging from the shadows. A man you all know very well...

"Stop!!! Please stop woman!!!"  A crying voice echoed throughout the silent arena. But Juvia didn't care.

The one and only Lyon Vastia made his grand entrance. Juvia was honestly surprised to see him, especially with a face she had never seen. One of hatred, shock, disgust, strange for a man like him. A man who would only look at me with love and affection, now oozed loath towards me

"So this is who you are...You really are a whore just like he said. Honestly I didn't want to believe him...but goddamn I hate you now" Lyon glared at Juvia. It all made sense to her now, why he brought her so far. The screams wouldn't be heard from so far.

Juvia  trembled in fear, once she saw the look that they exchanged. You can all guess what happened next. Brutal beating for the next hours. Screams that would never be heard. Finally they were done, seemingly satisfied. They left Juvia half dead, barely breathing on the forest floor.

Before leaving Gray looked back at Juvia " I wish I could have just left you to fall..."

"That's Juvia's story. Sorry if it was...graphic..." Juvia snickered. The stadium didn't make a sound, with the exception of Lyon's protests but Juvia quickly dismissed them.

"Oh please, imagine if they saw the image. Now that would something scary" Levy snickered right along with her. These woman were insane, to be laughing at a time like this.

"Maybe another time but for now, it's your turn" Juvia nudged her sister who waved her off.

"Sorry for all of you but we don't have the time for me to go into detail about that little night because someone" Levy turned back to an innocent Juvia  kicking a rock " took to long. So  I'm going to  summarize it in a couple of sentences,"

"A couple days before Juvia's incident. I was in the guild reading, when Gajeel came up to my table and asked me to  go outside. We didn't go far, just a couple minutes away from the guild. I wad shocked to find my team there, Jet and Droy. They cornered me against a tree and started throwing insults all around like "You're a slut", "Bitch leads people on", then Gajeel just had to add his own two cents, he said and quote "I only talked to you to get close to Salamander. If it were up to me I would have crucified your ass all over again..."

Nice words I know, but it didn't end at the moral abuse then came the physical. In all honest I don't remember much about that part, to many blows to the head from what the doctors said. Yet I do remember Gajeel's parting words "Say anything bitch and I'll get your team members to burn you alive"

Like I said, short and simple story" Levy finished bowing her head

"You call that a story, Levy could have just shown them what happened" Juvia complained crossing her arms angrily.

"Oh just because I didn't get a guest star in mine it's not good enough" Levy growled back, popping her hip

"Whatever..." Juvia stopped and looked at all the eyes looking down on them "Oh don't give us that look. We're allowed to have a moment"

"Especially after this story time..." Levy mumbled staring right back

"Excuse us but..." Chapati now had eyes on him " What happens now?"

"Well that depends on all of you. I'm sure you all have different feeling towards Fairy Tail plus Lyon now" Levy got more then a hand full of shouts in agreement " As I thought so.  But I don't agree with that decision.  We've been keeping tabs on Fairy Tail. How they act, what they do and etc. They haven't changed, still preaching about comareds left and right"

Our departure didn't change a thing. They never cared about the weak in their guild, they cared about us. Juvia and Levy. They did not want us, so they disposed of us the only way they could think of. So don't hate them from now on, because it's not your job to be mad. That's our job... or do what you want. It's up to all of you, we just wanted you all to realize that. Actually we wanted to tell our stories..."  Juvia finished

The people in the crowd were confused, but understood what she meant. They  had no personal reason to hate anyone. That's what she was saying.

"In any case. This match has lasted long enough. Let's finish this already" Levy sighed nudging Juvia's shoulder.  Juvia nodded and got ready.

"Iron Dragon Slayer/ Ice dragon slayer"  they both took in a deep breath "Roar!!!"

The roars attacked the unaware Gray and Gajeel, knocking them out with their own elements. Mato finally rang the bell, ending the match. Juvia and Levy high-fived and sauntered out the field.

"Wait!" Chapati yelled before they could leave "Where did you learn that magic?"

The girls smirked and put on bright smiles "A woman never reveals her secrets. Tataa!!"

With that, the fourth day of the Grand Games were over. But so many questions were still to be answered.

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