HarryPotter and the Grandson...

BansheeBunny333 द्वारा

112K 2.9K 1.8K

Harry Potter is a hero, but no one is jealous of him. (In the sixth book) The wizarding world has just come t... अधिक

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BansheeBunny333 द्वारा

(I do not own any of these characters all rights go to J. K. Rowling. And Rick Riordan, except for Benny. Benny is my character)

Harry was depressed. There was no real other way of saying it. After Sirius had died he felt as if the life was sucked out of him. It didn't help that now that everyone knew he was right the whole time, they suddenly thought he was a hero again. He was sick and tired of people who only liked him because of his achievements.

All of this was true of course, Harry did feel like this, but he was more trying to convince himself that this was the real reason behind his outburst and none other.

It went like this.

It was summer and Harry was staying in Grimmauld place. After Dumbledore had collected him from the Dursleys, and they had paid Slughorn a visit, he had dropped Harry off at Grimmauld Place. The order thought it was necessary to keep him safe, but all it did was remind him of Sirius. One of the days he was sulking about Dumbledore arrived. He said that he had some urgent news and needed to talk to the order about it.

"Oh, but you too Harry," he had added almost as an afterthought when the younger kids had started to head upstairs. Ron and Hermione shot him jealous looks, but he ignored them and took his place at the table.

"Well, first off I'm sure you all know the Voldemort has risen again,"

Everyone nodded, so Dumbledore continued.

"It had come to my attention that Voldemort is not the only riddle alive," he paused, everyone was listening carefully. "Voldemort had a daughter, Sally Jackson who kept the last name of her mother."

When Dumbledore said daughter all noise in the room seemed to die.

"She herself is a squib, but she does have a son. He has proven to be very very, powerful maybe more so than Voldemort. He lives in America and from reports, caused allot of trouble in his youth. At the moment he lives in an apartment in New York with his husband and their adopted child. His name is Percy Jackson."

Dumbledore said this quickly, not allowing anyone any room to interrupt.

"Well?" Moody asked. "What are we going to do? Kill him?"

Nods of agreement came from around the room.

"No," Dumbledore said. Daring anyone to disagree. "We are not certain that he is evil, he might even be the key to defeating Voldemort. I wish to go to America and visit Percy Jackson, and then decide if he is to be killed, or... recruited so to speak. I wish Harry to come with me."


The second he finished yelling, Harry felt ashamed. He could see that Dumbledore was not impressed, and Harry of all people should know that judging people without really knowing them was unfair. That still didn't mean he wanted to go though.

"Harry, it's for the best. You should be on this trip because this concerns you. He is not dangerous at the moment, even if he is evil. He's not even aware of the wizarding world yet."

Harry stared at Dumbledore, he was curious about this wizard, no doubt, and if he wasn't dangerous...

"Fine," Harry said. "I'll go, but only to get a good look at this Percy Jackson,"

Dumbledore nodded as if this was the answer he was looking for.

"Then we depart immediately," he grabbed Harry's arm, and before anyone could protest, they apparated away.


They appeared in front of an apartment door. Harry was still dizzy from the apparition, but Dumbledore wasted no time and knocked twice.

The door swung open to reveal a man in his mid-twenties. He had black scruffy hair that fell around his head in an unruly mess, quite similar to his own, Harry noticed. He had a strong jaw and cheekbones and had faint traces of stubble on his chin. His eyes were green, like Harry's, yet they were a deep sea green instead of emerald, and they held a youthful and mischievous spark. He was fairly tall and managed to tower over even Dumbledore. He was wearing jeans and a greyish black swim hoodie that's sleeves were pushed up to his elbows, exposing his tan muscular arms. He was smiling and his face had a soft and kind expression. All in all, he was a more handsome, and more confident, Harry about ten years in the future.

"Hello!" The man greeted them brightly. "Can I help you?"

His tone of voice made Harry immediately relax. Harry couldn't help liking the man. He seemed so kind and sincere. Then a wave of pity overcame Harry when he realised that this was probably the man married to Percy Jackson. He glanced down, and surely enough he saw a ring carved with a silver, black and green design on his finger. The poor man, Harry thought. He didn't even know the evil he was married to.

Dumbledore returned his smile. "Why yes, we have something quite important to talk to you about actually."

The man's expression became slightly confused, but he managed to give them a small smile. "Alright then, why don't you..."

The man was interrupted by a cry from the apartment, that Harry didn't catch, and a small child ran into view. He bore a remarkable resemblance to the man, except with slightly darker skin and curlier hair. He too had green eyes, but they were less vibrant. The young boy was wearing a onesie with a picture of Nemo on the front, and in his hands, he clutched a small blanket, that he wound through his fists with a nervous twitch. He was no more than three years old.

"Sorry," the man said apologetically, shooting Harry and Dumbledore a sheepish look.

"Hey, what's the matter, Bon-Bon?" The man squatted down until he was eye level with the little boy. His tone was gentle as he calmed the frantic boy.

"I wa thwersty, an so I went to get swome wata, an so den I went to da wiving woom, an den da twee wa on, an it had a scawy pictur ons it an an an den an den..."

"Scary picture, huh? The man raised an eyebrow. Then lifted his voice, "I wonder where that came from!"

From somewhere in the small apartment a sheepish voice called out, "Innocent until proven guilty!" And then was silent.

The man rolled his eyes and smirked faintly. Then he's stretched up again and held his arms out to the little boy. "How about I put to bed, yeah?"

The boy nodded, and the man lifted him up. The boy wrapped his arms around his neck, and the man held him up with one arm.

"I'll be back in a moment, why don't you two come in and make yourself comfortable?" He asked.

Harry nodded, and they walked into the small apartment. The man scouted a path around two couches to a door at the far end of the room. The TV was on, and 'The Grudge' was paused on the screen, when the man passed it the boy gave out a squeak and buried his face in his shoulder. This room was apparently the living room and the kitchen, on Harry's left, a kitchen counter was pressed up against the wall. In the middle was an oven, and the fridge was leaning against another wall. A little further into the middle of the room was another kitchen counter with two chairs up against it and a high chair. There were only two doors apart from the one leading out of the apartment.

"Sit anywhere you guys want," he said over his shoulder then he hollered to someone in another room, "We have guests! Get over here!"

The final door opened and a man poked his head out. He had olive toned skin and long curly black hair. His eyes were so dark brown they were almost black, and his nose was small and pointy. He also looked like the child from before, which was strange because this child was supposed to be adopted.

The new man stepped out of the room. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a black shirt with dancing Mexican skeletons. He had an aviator jacket and black leather combat boots. He looked around the same age as the first man, maybe a small bit younger, and had the same muscular structure, yet he was almost completely opposite.

He emitted a dark aura and Harry was sure that this was Percy Jackson.

"Hey," the man said awkwardly.

The first man rolled his eyes and opened the other door. "Be nice," he said and disappeared into the room.

The second man stood in the room awkwardly for a moment. Harry resisted a glare in his direction. Finally, the man sighed and waved his hand dismissively at the television. "May I?" He had a rich Italian accent, which Harry thought was strange coming from a descendant of Voldemort.

"Go ahead," Dumbledore said.

The man plopped down on the couch and turned on the television, but after glancing at the door the first man had gone through turned the volume down.

They sat there in uncomfortable silence for who knows how long, trying to watch a horror movie.

Finally, the door opened and the first man snuck out and closed it softly. The second man turned off the television, and the tension in the room started to lessen. When he saw them, the first man raised his eyebrow and chuckled.

"You're a social butterfly aren't you?"

The second man rolled his eyes but grinned. Suddenly the attention was back on Harry.

"You wanted to talk to us?" The first man asked.

Harry cleared his throat, "Yes we did,"

Harry noticed the faint surprise on the men's face after hearing his British accent. His was much more prominent than Dumbledore's. He cleared his throat again, "Umm, yes, well... you are Percy Jackson I presume?" He looked at the creepy man but he wasn't the one who answered.

"Yup, the one and only!" The first man replied. Both Harry and Dumbledore were shocked. "And this is my husband Nico di Angelo," he continued, completely oblivious to the fact that Harry's heart had momentarily stopped beating. It couldn't be. It was impossible. He couldn't be the grandson of Voldemort, he was just so... nice.

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