When The Wolves Call | #NaNoW...

By Gotta_Luv_Nikkie

92 20 0

A beast lives inside of her, without her ever knowing. Once a month she wakes up in the middle of the woods t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Playlist for When The Wolves Call

Chapter Ten

3 1 0
By Gotta_Luv_Nikkie

Kieran was getting ready for the day, I could hear him moving around in the closet getting dressed as I stared at the black feather in my hand. It was the way I was suppose to get in touch with the witches after I'd gotten the answers from Kieran that I needed. As Kieran opened the closet door I tucked the feather into my pocket and looked up at him smiling.

"Are you ready to head downstairs?" Kieran asked as he walked over to me and held his hand out to me to help me from my spot on the bed.

"Actually there's something to wanted to talk to you about," I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him until he sat down next to me.

"Okay sure. What is it?"

"I've been doing some reading, and I've been asking some of the other pack members about this world. A couple of times a certain pack came up. The Royal Pack, something about a bloodline that made them superior to the rest of us. They're like the rulers of the werewolf community." I saw anger flash across Kieran's face as I mentioned the bloodline.

"Who told you this?" He growled out at me, his eyes flashing the gold color of his wolf's.

"I don't remember there names, they were just answering my question. I was just curious, I forced the answers out of them," I said moving myself a ways away from Kieran, scared of the wolf that was showing in his eyes. "What's so important about them anyway? Why are you getting so angry?"

"Cause the Royal Pack doesn't deserve to exist. Just because the alpha's are strong doesn't mean they deserve to control everybody. If any Alpha wants to do anything with their pack they first have to go through the Royal Pack to get it done. Not that it really matters, they don't have a heir to their pack, this the last generation of the Royal Pack, soon there won't be any of them left."

"Why don't they have the heir? I thought that's what all Alpha's wanted. A heir to take over there pack some day?"

"My father made sure that there wouldn't be somebody to continue the royal bloodline. He made sure that once and for all the Royal Pack wouldn't be able to control everybody like they've done for so long."

"What did he do?"

"He killed there only child." With that Kieran stood up and left the room. I could see the muscles in his shoulders were still tense as he closed the door behind him. I'm sure that if he'd turned around I would've seen the gold color eyes of his wolf instead of the light blue color of the Kieran I knew.

I pulled the feather back out of my pocket and looked at it before looking over to the window. With the feather in my hand and I stood in and pushed the window open before pushing myself through, and jumping to the forest floor a few seconds later. I took off into the woods on two feet instead of four as I crushed the feather in my hand, a voice filled my mind a minute later.

"That was fast girl, but I guess I shouldn't put it past you to get the answers you wanted so soon. I've already cast the invisibility spell on you, it should hold until you cross the borders. I'll have one of my people waiting for you were we met a couple of days ago. She'll bring you to me, and when you get here we'll discuss what happened."

"What about my parents? You promised I'd see my parents," I said out loud knowing that she'd still be able to hear me no matter how I spoke.

"Don't rush girl, we'll get there. First you have to meet with me, and then we will discuss the time to see your parents. You should have a visitor in a minute, don't be afraid. She's just there to make sure that you get across the borders safe." Then with those last few words the voice in my head was gone, and a moment later a wolf was running along side me. I recognized the dark brown color of Allie's fur as she ran trotted along side me.

"I'm still going to keep my promise Allie, I'll make sure that they're no longer able to use you. It will just have to take some time," her ears moved in my direction, and perked up at my words. Telling me that she was understanding what I was saying, I was hoping that she wasn't feeling to hurt that I was siding with the enemy right now instead of trying to free her. "I promise that I'll fulfill my promise to you." I said as I stopped on the borders to the pack. She stood across from me, staring at me in her wolf form.

She nodded her head with what I was saying. Her eyes looking over me, I could see the emotions in her eyes. She was sad that I was leaving to go to the people who were keeping her captive, but she understood that I would still help her even if it wasn't right away. "I'll be back before you know it there's just some things that I need to sort out. When that's done I promise that I won't return until you're free from them."

I'd gotten rid of the feather while I'd been running through the woods. I was hoping that they wouldn't be able to hear what I was saying without it, because I'm sure if they heard what I was planning they would not be happy. Right now I needed them to get to my parents, and then I needed to come back to the man I called my mate and set things straight. I would tell him everything, and at the end if he decided he no longer wanted me than I would leave. If he killed me like it had been foreseen then that was always meant to happen. I believed that Kieran cared for me enough that it wouldn't matter who I was related to.

Allie gave me one last look, and I offered her a small smile before she turned and ran off into the woods. Quickly disappearing from my sight as the trees surrounded her. I waited a couple of minutes before stepping over the pack borders. Making sure that Allie had enough time to get back to the pack house, or someplace where she wouldn't be suspected of helping me get away. I know that Kieran trusted Jonah, but I don't know how well he trusted Allie. Whether he was his beta's mate or not.

Stepping over the pack grounds I felt the same sensation I had last time I'd crossed over pack grounds. The feeling of something inside me being pulled back behind an invisible barrier. Like a part of me had to stay behind for me to fully leave, and do what I was planning. I knew that it was the part that cared for Kieran and trusted him, because out here I had to believe that he wasn't the person I thought he was. That's what they'd want me to think, and I was going to make sure that as long as I was outside of pack ground. They wouldn't know what I really thought.

I picked up the pace as I moved through the woods, making sure to jump over fallen logs, and miss the roots of trees that were just daring to make me fall on my face. When I reached the clearing I was expecting the same people I always met it. The two men and three women dressed in robes with the hoods over their face. Instead a young boy was standing there, he looked to be even younger than me. "Who are you?" I said as I stopped just outside of the trees.

"I'm here to escort you to the Royal Pack under the request of my higher ups."

"But I thought that I was suppose to be meeting with your higher ups first? That's what they told me, was that I was suppose to meet with them to talk, and then we'd visit the Royal Pack."

"Something came up and the plans changed, now if you'd come over here I would like to get to the Royal Pack as soon as possible." He held his hand out to me, I walked towards him hesitantly. Waiting for him to use some kind of magic like his higher ups had done to me so many times when I'd met up with them. When I touched his hand he clasped onto it tightly. "I would close your eyes if I was you," he said before closing his own eyes. Following his directions I closed my eyes and heard him speaking words quickly under his breath.

Then it felt like the ground was falling out from underneath me, and I was free falling. It took all I had in me not to scream. Instead I let out a surprised squeal, and then we hit the ground hard. I fell to my knees while the boy stood next to me. My stomach was turning as I tried to keep myself from throwing up all over the ground underneath me. When I looked up I notice there were people standing in front of us, staring at us. They didn't look very happy to see the boy and me standing there. Well he was standing, I couldn't really say the same for myself.

I pushed myself to my feet, and I tried to ignore the way my stomach turned with any little movement. "Probably should have warned you that it wasn't going to be a very pleasant experience for you." I glared at him and he just smirked at me. "It's not going to get any better for you either," I was confused by his words and turned to look at him. He disappeared in a flash, and before I knew what was happening his arm was wrapped around my neck and something cold was pressed to my skin. I froze trying not to move as he added pressure to the knife being held at my neck.

The people standing around us tensed up, preparing for a fight to break out at the sight of the knife to my neck. "What do you want here boy? We have no quarrels with you, or your kind. I would leave before you cause problems." The one in the middle of the men spoke up. He had an air of authority to him, but it wasn't as strong as the authority I felt from Kieran, it was more like the authority I felt from Jonah.

"I'm here to give you a message from my higher ups. Make sure you pass it to your Alpha pair. We have the heir to there pack, and they should come out here to have a chat with us before she gets hurt." The man looked at us skeptically. Looking from the boy standing behind me, then to meet my eyes, and then the knife at my neck. I noticed the concentration drop from his face. I'm guessing he was using the pack link to talk to the Alpha pair. I'd never been able to use it. Especially since Kieran never actually accepted me into the pack.

"They'll be out in a minute," he said as he stepped back and gave the men around him a look, and they all stood down a moment later. Relaxing back into their original positions, they all made sure to keep a skeptical eye on us. Waiting for the moment when they would have to jump into action if the man behind me tried to do anything to me before the Alpha pair had arrived.

I felt like hours with the knife pressed to my neck before the Alpha pair made themselves known. I knew it was only actually minutes, but with my life on the line at the moment with the knife pressed to my neck, it seemed like time was passing slowly. The couple stepped out there hands linked. The man first making sure the female was hidden safely behind him, he was making sure there was no danger to his mate at the moment. His eyes were cold as he appraised the situation until his eyes met mine. Even from where I was standing I could see the surprise flash across his eyes before he masked it.

When the woman stepped around him a moment later, I knew that the witches were saying was true. I was the exact copy of the woman standing in front of me. We had the same eyes and features, except her hair was a dark brown color that almost looked black. I'd gotten my caramel colored hair color from the man standing behind her. "Jazz," she gasped in surprise and went to step forward. The man holding me pulled me tighter against him, adding more pressure to the knife at my neck. I felt the sting of the blade cutting my skin, and the warm trickle of blood that flowed down my neck.

"I suggest that you stay where you are if you want your precious heir to stay safe while we have our little chat," he hissed his voice sounding cold as he spoke next to my ear. I knew he was speaking to them though, but it still sent chills down my back at the threat in his voice. I knew that nothing would stop him from hurting me if they tried to come for me.

"I suggest that you let that girl go boy. You are out numbered here, and my men will not take lightly to you hurting an innocent girl." The Alpha spoke, his voice dark with promises of hurt if he didn't' let me go. I would like to say that it sparked memories within me at the sound of his voice, but it didn't and it hurt me to know that I didn't recognize his voice.

"We both know that she's not some random girl. You can't fool me." He said I could hear the smirk in his voice with the truth of his words.

"It's okay mom," I said my eyes meeting her. "Dad, I'll be fine just listen to what he has to say." I said meeting his eyes as well. He nodded calmly, I could tell he was trying to get himself to calm down. I knew the wolf inside him was probably fighting to break free. My wolf was pushing against my skin. Not liking the fact that we were allowing this man to hold us hostage.

"I would listen to your daughter," he said as he looked around at the people around us. More had showed up as the commotion had continued. "Although I never said I was alone. You should never assume things," he said and I felt the air change. I knew what was happening. I knew who was appearing behind the boy. I could just see them now. There robes over their heads. The woman standing in front with a smirk on her face. I growled slipped through my lips at what was happening. The boy behind me let out a dark chuckle as he pressed the knife harder to my neck. "You're wolf isn't enjoying the feeling is she? I dare you to let her loose, I can promise you I'm faster than you think."

"So am I," I said as I allowed my hand to partly shift at my side. Nails elongated cutting into the skin of my palm as I tried to hide the fact that they were changing. I could feel the blood running across my fingers as it dripped onto the ground. I saw my father notice the blood on my hand, he looked at me with a questioning look. I offered him a small smile begging with his eyes to trust me. I don't know if he got the message because a moment later his eyes were drawn to the people who had appeared behind the boy and me.

"It's been a long time Zack. I'm so sorry to break up such a touching family reunion, but I have something I need to do. You know me always trying to get things done as soon as I can." With the tone she was speaking in, I knew she was smiling. That was the moment that I realized that I'd been played. They'd been using me the entire time. Kieran's pack didn't try to get rid of the Royal Pack. It was them, they wanted to get me away from the safety of the pack. They wanted me away from my mate, because they knew they couldn't beat me if he was on my side. So they had to turn my against him.

Deciding I'd had enough I forced my elbow back into the boy's gut. With the surprise of my attack I forced him back just enough that I could turn around and finish what I'd started. Sinking my claws into his stomach. He looked at me in surprise before slumping forward. I knew my eyes had changed color. I could feel my wolf starting to take control. I was surprised I hadn't shifted more than just my nails. When the boy dropped to the ground the six people I was expecting to see were no longer blocked from my view.

I felt the sinister smile grow on my face as I looked at them. The lady smirked back. "Well this is interesting."

"I told you not to underestimate," I rasped out, it didn't even sound like me as my teeth started to elongate. I knew I couldn't hold the shift back. My wolf had been held back to long, and this time she was out for blood and I wasn't going to try and stop her. This was her chance to get rid of the enemy, and I wasn't going to stop her this time.


So the reason it took me so long to put the rest of this story on here is because I was trying to think if I was going to add my chapters to the story. Right now the story is really rushed and I know that a lot of people won't read it because of that. I decided to just post the rest of the story anyway. 

If people don't like my story they don't have to read it, but for those who do decide to read it and enjoy it. I appreciate people who read my stories, whether they suck or not. I'm just hoping I don't get any mean comments about the plot of the story. Cause I know it has a lot of plot holes, and like a lot of my other stories I will rewrite it one day. Which I'm hoping to start rewriting this summer, but not in the near future.

I will be adding an extra chapter to the story that has all the songs that I put on this story each time I post a chapter. I'll also post the ones that didn't make it on song of the chapter. It'll be the playlist for this story.

Song of the chapter Pacify Her by Melanie Martinez







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