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The day had finally come, even having to deal with my crazy mother for months wasn't going to ruin this day. It was finally the day I was going to be married to Kieran. Most people would think that it's not that big of a deal considering we're already bound forever, but it mattered to me. I wanted to belong to Kieran in every way I could. Not only did I bear his mark, hold his heart in my hands, and belong to him forever. I wanted to share the same last name, it may not be as important to some wolves. It was important to me though.

Kieran owned my heart, my body, and my soul and now I was going to have it was last name. It was just one more thing that I would gain from him. Of course most people would think that this would be a good way to end the story, but I knew that this was just the beginning. We'd gone through the first chapter of our lives, and now it was time for us to go through the rest of the chapters of our lives together.

My mother was putting the last few touches on my make-up, and the mirror that was resting in front of me was covered so that I couldn't see what I looked like quite yet. My mother wanted me to be surprised by the finishing touches that she was doing to my hair and make-up. "I'm almost done I promise," my other side as I felt her adding mascara to my lashes.

I was tired from sitting in the same chair since eight this morning. All I wanted to do was get up and move around the room, but I knew my mother would kill me if I even tried to move a muscle right now. "Okay I'm finally finished," my mother said as I opened my eyes and watched as she put the mascara down on the vanity in front of me. "Are you ready?" She said as she looked at me and moved to stand next to the mirror. Clutching the the sheet in her hand waiting for the nod of approval from me to pull it off the mirror.

I took a deep breath before I nodded to my mother, she pulled the drape off the mirror and I was in stunned silence and the person staring back at me in the mirror. My mother had done a wonderful job on my make-up and Kaylee had done my hair. Which was done up in a braided updo, which ended in a low bun on the back of my head, and braid running across the crown of my head. Flowers were stuck into the braid making it seem like I was wearing flower crown. My mother had made my make-up simple, but still managed to make green eyes pop.

"You look so amazing," Kaylee said as she entered the room, but I didn't even pay notice to her I was too busy staring at the person in the mirror. I couldn't really believe it was me. "Kieran is going to be amazed when he sees, I wouldn't be surprised if he even forgets his wedding vows, or how to speak in general." I elbowed Kaylee who was standing next to my chair. She laughed at my actions but quickly jumped away from me before I could actually hit her.

"She's right Jazz, Kieran is going to be so impressed when he sees you. I have to agree with Kaylee he might forget how to speak for a few minutes." My mom said as she stood next to me, resting her hands on my shoulders. I smiled at her in the mirror before she spun me around. "But I'm sure you'll wow him even more when he sees you in your dress."

"Yes it's finally dress time!" Kaylee called from across the room. "I can't believe you managed to keep your dress a secret from everybody except for your mom. I've been dying to see it ever since you said you'd bought it. Of course your mother was keeping under close watch so I couldn't get anywhere near it. Don't leave me in suspense anymore." Kaylee was being dramatic as always and I heard Allie laugh as she entered the room.

"Actually the groom wants to talk to the bride for a minute," Allie said as she closed the door behind her.

"She can't do that, you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the march!" Kaylee shouted across the room and Allie just laughed at her.

"Of course we know that Kaylee, we've been hiding Jazmyn from Kieran all day. He hasn't seen her once he just wants to talk to her. Make sure she's not planning on running out on him."

When The Wolves Call | #NaNoWriMo 2016Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum