Chapter Seventeen

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I breathed in deeply taking in the fresh air, it'd been a long time since I was allowed to relax in the fresh air. It had been such a long time since I'd been to a beach on the lake. I walked along the shore for a while before deciding to sit down and put my feet in the water. The water was cool but it felt good as the heat of the summer day had warmed it up. The sun had been beating down all day which was normal summer weather here. I liked that it had been Kieran's idea to go to the beach for the acceptance into the pack. It was on pack ground and a local hang out for some of the younger kids in the pack. It was almost like a mini vacation if tonight hadn't been such a big deal for me, and for the pack. It was a much need vacation

"Hey everything is almost set up," I heard Kieran yell as he walked towards me, I nodded at what he said but I don't think he saw me because he continued jogging over towards me. "Hey did you hear me?" He said as he stopped next to me and stood towering over me. Blocking out the last of the sun rays that were beating down on us. The sun was just starting to set, and in about an hour the acceptance ceremony would start.

"Yes I did, but I just wanted to sit here and relax before I went back to the all the craziness. I just want to take in the scenery for a little bit."

"I get it, but I hope you know that your mom as looking for you and if I don't have you back in ten minutes she might just kill me," I laughed at what he said. Knowing that he wasn't kidding, my mom had been on a rampage helping Kieran plan the ceremony. I knew that this was the only beginning, because once Kieran asked me she'd be all over planning my wedding. I don't think she'd really even care if I didn't help.

"It's been awhile since we've been able to relax like this. Everything has been so hectic ever since we met."

"Why don't we go for a swim," he said as he started unbuttoning his shirt and throwing it on the sand next to his feet.

"You know my mom will kill you," I said trying to sound serious, but I knew it was lost on him because I was too busy staring at the muscles on his chest.

"I kind of just want to sit here," I said lying hoping that he wouldn't hear the mischievousness in my voice considering I was already considering what we could do at this moment.

He smiled and then bent down to pick me up from the ground, and I squealed as I was lifted into his room. "Put me down," I said laughing as he started walking towards the water. I was trying to get myself away from him, but I wasn't trying that hard considering I enjoying this side of Kieran.

"Not a chance," he said as he dropped me into the water. Cutting off my squeal of surprise as water engulfed me. I took a gasp of breath as I shot out of the water and stood in front of Kieran.

"I can't believe you just did that."

"You should have seen your face," he said laughing as I splashed water at him. He stopped laughing as the water hit his face and got into his mouth. "It is so on now!" He said as he started chasing me through the water. I ran away from him squealing, but he quickly caught me. Wrapping his arms around my waist and starting to tickle me.

"Stop!" I cried out as I tried to get away from his fingers that were running all over my body and tickling me.

"This is your punishment for splashing me." He said I could hear how happy he was in his voice. He was enjoying this time together. We were being ourselves, which hadn't happened a lot after we met each other.

I managed to wiggle out of his grasp and held my hands up. "Truce?" I said a little breathless as I made sure to stay more than an arm's length away and started walking towards shore. He nodded agreeing with my idea of a truce and turned to walk back to where his clothes were on the beach. I let out a dorky sounding battle cry and as I jumped on his back. He laughed wrapping his arms around my legs to keep me from falling. Which didn't really help much considering we both landed back into the water.

When The Wolves Call | #NaNoWriMo 2016Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz