Chapter Fourteen

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We had a couple of days before we heard back the from the original leaders of the witch coven about the meeting. Then we had a couple of weeks to prepare, and that time was spent getting ready to face them. My parents asked me questions to help me figure out answers to whatever they might ask me. Of course Kieran was going to be at my side during the time. He'd refused to let me out of his sight no matter what for this little meeting with the original leaders. He wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to get hurt again. I hadn't actually had the chance to explain to him that I was actually immune to whatever magic they could use on me, and that he was more likely to be affected then I was.

I'd let him think he was going to be protecting me for now, but during the meeting I'm sure it would have to come up. I'm just hoping that he wouldn't be to angry for keeping it from him when he did find out. As for now I was content to see his possessive and protective side. It sent a thrill through me to know that he cared for me, and my wolf enjoyed it to with the way she was always filtering her feelings about him through my head.

My wolf and I had bonded even more. She was no longer like the animal side of me stuck in the back of my head until I allowed her to come forward. The time I'd fought the witches was the first time I'd managed an controlled shift, and my wolf had been controlling me at the time. Kieran was teaching me how to do a controlled shift, and still allow my human side to be in control. My wolf was learning to take a back seat when it came to certain things. She was allowing me more control over my body, and even her body when I shifted forms.

She didn't have to try and force me to do what she wanted anymore, she no longer had to take over. She knew I would listen to her now and most of the time I would agree with the instincts inside of me, and if I didn't she would fight me a little bit on it before eventually giving up and realizing that she wasn't the only one who was in control. We were finally learning to work together as a pair, a team. Instead of always having to fight against each other.

"You're getting better at this controlled shifting, most people don't pick it up this fast. Especially people who haven't been able to shift for to long. It also my help that your wolf was shifting long before you knew what was happening, and you also shifted at an older age than most wolves." He said as he watched me shift the nails on both my hands so they grew sharper and longer.

"What's the normal age for a wolf to shift?" I asked as allowed my hands to go back to normal.

"That boys shift around the age twelve to thirteen, and the girls shift between the ages of fourteen and fifteen. You shifted a couple years later than most wolves do. Which could've set you back, but from what I've seen you've learned to do things faster than most newly shifted wolves. Especially after only being able to shift for a couple of months, your learning faster than most."

"I'm guessing that's a good thing by what you're saying. If I didn't know any better I would say you're impressed," I said smirking at him. He knew I was just messing with him as he just shook his head and chuckled at me.

"Don't let it get to your head, but yes I'm impressed at how fast your picking these things up. You must have a really strong wolf to be able to pick things up as fast as you do." I'd been trying to shift my nails again when he'd spoken, and the surprise from his words broke my concentration and my nails quickly went back to normal.

I was worried that he'd caught on to what I was trying to hide from him, which was just how strong my wolf actually was. I was scared that he'd take it the wrong way. Especially after I'd just sprung who my parents were on to him. I didn't know if the magic that they'd used on him was still in his system. I was worried that if sprung to much on him at once than the magic inside of him would take hold and he'd either hate me, or attack me. I hadn't quite figured out everything quite yet.

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