Chapter Nine

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Something was calling to me as I slept, I could hear my name. Ignoring it I tried to block it out to get back to sleeping. With everything that had happened I had the right to sleep for a while. When I couldn't ignore the sound of my name being called anymore I sat up in the bed. Kieran was nowhere to be seen and the room was dark. As I looked around the room I noticed a bird sitting on the open window sill. "Glad to see you're awake," the bird seemed to say as it stood across from me. It's beady black eyes staring at me.

"What?" I looked around confused, and pinched the skin of my arm to see if I was still dreaming. I must be if a bird was talking to me. When the I felt the sting of my pinch I looked back up at the bird.

"This isn't a dream foolish girl," I recognized the voice now. The lady who had cornered me in the woods, the witch who had made Allie fight me. She was talking to me through the bird.

"What do you want?" I hissed at the bird, feeling a little insane even though I knew who was behind the voice coming from the bird.

"You don't want to hurt your mate do you? I know you don't, that's what you're worried about. Your wolf coming out and hurting him when he tries to stop you from coming to us. I know that your wolf wants to come to us, she wishes to fight the people who trapped her inside your body for so long. If you come with me I'll tell you the true reason we trapped the wolf inside you. I'll tell you why you're not powerful enough to stop her like other wolves are."

"That sounds like a trap. Do you really think I'm stupid enough to fall for that? I'm not just going to fall at your knees because you promise me answers." I said as I pushed myself from the bed and walked over to the window where the bird was standing.

"Beside what you may think of me foolish girl, I'm actually trying to help you. I think that once you find out the real reason that I'm after you you'll agree to do whatever I ask of you, not the other way around. I won't have to force you to do anything."

"What makes you think I'm stupid enough to actually fall for all your lies?" I scrutinized the bird, knowing that she could most likely see the scathing look on my face.

"How about we do this face-to-face? I can make sure that you get out of pack borders without them ever knowing you'd left. If you don't believe me I'll let you come back, but if you do you'll come with me. You won't see another choice if you do believe me. Especially if you want to save the ones you love. Did your so called father ever mention anything about your mother?"

"What are you talking about? My mother died when I was a little girl, and that man was my father. Until he decided to hurt me."

"I'll take that as a no then," I could almost see the woman rolling her eyes from inside the bird, or wherever she was at.

"What are you talking about?"

"Agree to meet with me and I'll tell you about your real parents, and not the ones you grew up with." I thought it over a second before nodding. I needed answers, especially about the man I'd called my father all my life, and why he'd all of a sudden decided to hurt me.

"Fine I'll meet with you, but I need to change first," I said as I started walking over to the closet. Kieran had bought me clothes to wear since I'd moved into the pack house. He'd also sent people to get clothes from my old house.

"Hurry up, the spell that I've put on you will only last for so long."

"What kind of spell did you put on me?"

"Don't worry foolish girl, it's not like the other ones. This is just one to hide you from people I don't want to see you. It buys you time to get off backgrounds without anybody knowing. It'll only last for so long though, so hurry up." I glared at the bird but knew there was nothing I could do. I changed inside of the closet putting on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before slipping on some tennis shoes, and heading back out into the room. The bird was waiting for me, and as soon as I walked out it flapped it wings and flew away from the window. "Follow me," it called after.

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