Chapter Twelve

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I spent a couple days resting in my parents pack house before I'd finally worked up the courage to go back to see Kieran. My parents had decided to accompany me, wanting to make sure that my mate wasn't going to hurt me especially after the way magic had been used on him. They wanted to make sure there wasn't any lasting side effects to the magic they'd been using on him. So as we crossed over Kieran's pack borders my heart felt whole once again. It'd been a couple of days feeling empty inside, like I was missing something. I knew it was because I was away from Kieran and his pack lands.

Crossing over the borders I felt the part of me that was messing mend back together, and it felt easier to breathe than it had these last few days. Getting over what my wolf had done was the hardest thing, especially with the emptiness that I'd felt inside from leaving Kieran behind. So when I recognized the wolf running alongside the car I immediately told the driver to stop the car. I'd jumped out before the car had come to a complete stop.

"Allie," I called after her as she stopped just beside the stopped car. I walked towards her until I dropped onto my knees in front of her and wrapped my arms around the neck of her wolf. "I'm so glad to see you," I felt her bones started to shift as she changed back into her human form. She wrapped her arms around me a moment later.

"Thank you so much Jazmyn," she whispered in my ear as she pulled me even closer to her. "You've freed me," she said as she pulled back. I could see the joy in her eyes, and I could see how thankful she was that I'd kept my promise her and freed her from the people who had hurt and controlled her most of her life.

"I told you I would, and I'm sorry it took so long," I said as tears started streaming down my face. They were a mixture of happy tears and sad tears. The happy tears were from the way this moment was making me feel, I was happy that Allie was free of the witches. I was sad because of the memories it brought up on how exactly I'd freed her from the people who had hurt her.

"I knew you'd come back, not everybody believed me when I said you'd come back. I know Kieran did, but nobody else did. When I told them you went to take care of the people who were coming after you they didn't believe me, they said that you were too weak. A newly shifted wolf wouldn't be able to fight anybody, especially not somebody who has magic on their side. No wolf can defeat a witch without getting rid of their magic first."

"They're gone Allie, I made sure of it. They're not going to come back. After I defeated their leader the rest of them were too weak to fight. I'm guessing Kieran didn't take the news that I'd left to well?" she shook her head to my question, but I'd already known the answer. Kieran wouldn't have taken my absence lightly, especially since I'd left without even telling him why I was really leaving in the first place.

"He hasn't been the same since you've be gone, he knows your back though. He felt it the moment that you crossed over pack borders. He'll be here any second, and I don't really know how he's going to react to seeing you again. Be careful though Jazmyn, he hasn't been the same since you left." We heard the sound of feet running frantically towards and I already knew who it was. Even before Allie had told me he was coming, I'd already known he was on his way. My wolf could feel him, his wolf was calling out to her.

"I'll be fine Allie, you should get out of here. I can handle the big bad Alpha," I said as I stood to my feet and turned to where Kieran would be coming from. I heard Allie shift behind me before she ran off into the woods a moment before Kieran came crashing out of the woods; on the other side of the road that led to the pack house. My parents who had been sitting in the car while I talked with Allie stepped out of the car at the sight of Kieran standing there.

Kieran's eyes were on me, but they flashed to my parents for a second and confusion filled his eyes before he looked back at me. A questioning look on his face, I knew he was wondering why the alpha pair of the Royal Pack had joined me when I'd returned to pack grounds. "Jazmyn, I'm so glad your back," he said as he started walking towards me. His hands were held out to grab me as soon as I was within reach.

When The Wolves Call | #NaNoWriMo 2016Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang