Chapter Sixteen

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"I wish I could say the same, but I don't know who you are." I said as I stepped farther into the room with Kieran standing right next to me on my right side. I could feel him there, like he was supporting me. Pushing me forward and giving me the strength to push on with what was about to happen. "I guess that doesn't surprise me though, everybody seems to know more about me than I do. Especially people like you."

"Well I feel like that was something offly mean to say to somebody you've just met. Besides what our first message that we passed on might've said. We've brought you here to mend what Alicia had broken," I watched him carefully as his words registered. I'm guessing Alicia had been the branch coven leader that I killed.

"You might it sound like she did something that can easily be fixed. Trying to get rid of an entire bloodline isn't something that can be forgiven very easily. Especially not trying to trap my wolf inside me, I can promise you she's not very happy about that," I could feel her growling in my head, she was agreeing with what I was saying. She was waiting for me to give her the chance and allow her to shift forms. I pushed her back into my head, deciding she would cause more problems than anything.

"I guess that's one way to put it. I can promise you that Alicia was not following any orders of ours," he said as he waved his hand to mention the people behind him. "We didn't know what she was doing until it was already too late. There was nothing we could do to stop her by the time we'd figured out what she was doing. Not that it mattered her actions had consequences and she faced them. I know how powerful your wolf is girl, we've known about you for along time. It was Alicia's job to keep on eye on you, but we never thought that she would learn to fear you and try to get rid of you."

"Yeah well it sounds like you didn't know Alicia as well as you though you did. Considering she didn't everything that you weren't expecting from her. Guess you should have sent a sane person to watch over me, instead of somebody who had their own bridges they wanted to burn."

"Now, now Jazmyn calm down. Wouldn't want your wolf gaining control," he said as he looked closely at my face. Watching for any signs of my wolf showing. "But I guess that doesn't matter, you've already learned to control her. Much faster than we expected I'd have to say. Why don't you release her? Let us see just how strong she really is."

"What the hell are you planning?" Kieran had been quiet until that moment. Stepping forward anger written across his face and his eyes already showing the color of his wolf. I grabbed his arm to try and get his attention, but he paid no mind to it as he continued staring down the man across from us.

"So you haven't told him. I guess I would be doubtful either, especially after Alicia had him under his spell for so long. That's what you're afraid of right, that he'll do something once he finds out the truth, because of a lasting effect from the magic?"

"It's good to know that you can listen to my private conversations as well," I said as I glared it him. He paid no mind to what I was saying though as he continued to stare at Kieran.

"I guess we'll just have to make sure he stays out of our way," with a wave of his hand two metal shackles formed around Kieran's wrist. As soon as they locked safely around his wrist Kieran dropped to the floor grimacing in pain. I dropped to my knees next to him reaching for his hands.

"What did you do to him?" I yelled across the room but didn't look at them, but it didn't matter. The shackles were silver and even though I was immune to magic, I was not immune to the pain that silver caused people of my kind.

"I'm just making sure that you're dear mate doesn't get in our way. Don't worry he'll be fine, maybe just be a little exhausted from the effects of the silver but other than that he'll be fine. They shouldn't hurt him too much," I could see that he was telling the truth. Most silver would be creating a burn around Kieran's wrist by now, this silver was not. It must have been because of the silver that made up the shackles was created from magic. "Now where were you?"

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