Chapter One

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Kaylee walked home with me after school and we worked on some stuff for school before getting ready for the party. The entire neighborhood was going to be at the party tonight, and it was a nice neighborhood. Most of the houses were summer houses and since school was ending in just a couple weeks; a lot of families had returned for the summer. Kaylee wanted to make sure that we looked good for the first party of the summer, even though school hadn't ended yet.

"Kaylee I really need you to hurry up and finish my hair, I need to cook dinner before my father gets home. He'll get mad if he comes home and dinner isn't ready for him. You've never seen how he gets when he's like that." She pulled away from me with the curling iron in her hand. She looked like she was planning on using it to me beat me over the head, with the look on her face.

"I don't know why you let your dad treat you the way he does. He treats you like a slave, you do everything for him. You cook, you clean, you buy everything that you guys need in the house. I get that your dad pays the bills and everything, but you pay for everything else. You know that he hasn't been right ever since your mom passed away Jazz, I just really don't understand why you put up with this."

"He's my father Kaylee he pays the bills, he works to make sure we have a roof over our head and we're not kicked out onto the street. The least I could do is give him a nice meal when he gets home from work, and clean the house every once in awhile and make sure the place looks nice," I said ignoring the look she was giving me and standing from the chair she'd put me in. My father would be home in an hour, and I have thirty minutes to make him something to eat before we had to leave before the party. "You go ahead and start getting ready. I'm going to go make his dinner and I'll be back in a few minutes."

I heard her murmuring something under her breath but didn't bother trying to make the out the words she was saying. I knew she was probably disapproving of my decisions. I walked out of the room and went downstairs to the kitchen. I made up some stir-fry for my father's dinner in the kitchen. It was something quick and easy to make, and I'd already had everything ready from the night before.

I put my father's dinner on a plate in the microwave, and made sure that we had everything he would want to go along with his meal in the fridge. When I walked back upstairs Kaylee was putting the finishing touches on her make-up, and stepped away from the mirror when I walked into the room. She surveyed my look and a enthusiastic smile came over her face.

"I have to say that you look amazing Jazz, even though we both know I did all the work," I rolled my eyes at her as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. I knew she was joking by the smile on her face. She looked pretty with her skin tight, black long sleeve shirt, and a white and black striped skirt that she was wearing. She'd hooked a silver belt around her waist, that added some color to her black shirt. She'd chosen to wear flats instead of heels since we'd be our feet most of the night, and outside.

I'd put on a pair of light denim shorts, and gray spaghetti strap tank top. Kaylee found a black braided belt in my closet that tapered the tank top to my waist, and I'd put on a gold colored leather jacket to add some more color to the outfit. With white converse on my feet. Kaylee had done my make-up simple, but managed to make my green eyes pop, and she'd my made my hair so it was in a mess of curls down my back.

"Are you ready to go Kay?" I asked her as I grabbed my phone off my nightstand.

"Yeah let's get this party started," she yelled as she walked out of my room, throwing her arms and the air and shimmying her body a little bit, causing me to laugh from behind her. I followed behind her out of the stairs laughing at her actions and leaving the house.


It was only a five minute walk to her neighborhood from my house on the path through the woods. I walked this path to get home when I woke up in the woods, so I knew the path really well but Kaylee didn't exactly know that as she led me through the woods. The party was already in full swing when we exited the woods and came out on the end of the street. Most of the houses were about two stories, except for the house on the end of the street. Which was four stories, and bigger than a lot the houses on the street. According to Kaylee more people lived in the house on the end of the street then most of the people in the houses.

When The Wolves Call | #NaNoWriMo 2016Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz