Mission Jasmine » Kickin' It...

By ShayWritesFanfics

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❝You really want me to go in there and tell him there's no hope? That the practical love of his life is no wh... More

1. It Will Never Be Okay
3. Bathroom Break, Please
4. Soul Taking and Soul Breaking
5. Empty Notes and Empty Rooms
6. Rowdy Rudy
7. Three Sides to a Person
8. Sometimes, You Need a Break
9. Thugs, Thugs, and Oh Right, Thugs! Part 1
10. Thugs, Thugs, and Oh Right, Thugs! Part 2
11. Thugs, Thugs, and Oh Right, Thugs! Part 3
12. Thugs, Thugs, and Oh Right, Thugs! Part 4
13. The Aftermath
14. Jerry Rigging
15. I Am In...
16. New York Times Part 1
17. New York Times Part 2
18. Back to the Beach
19. Something Happened Twice
20. The Great Escape
21. Lighthouses Can Be Dark
22. The Funeral To End It All

2. We're Not a Drug Task Force

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By ShayWritesFanfics

Original Stats:
342 Views. 22 Votes. 5 Comments.


We're Not a Drug Task Force


Kim let out an all too heavy breath as she dared to look around the corner once more. This had to be the place. There was no way they would have gone to all these places today without finding her in one of them.

"Please let it be Jasmine." Kim whispered under her breath as she turned to the half of her team on her side of the building. She nodded surely before holding her finger over the small device on her ear. "We're ready over here." She mutter, only loud enough for Jack to hear her on the other end.

"Copy that. We're ready too." She could feel her hands shaking as she lifted the gun to point towards the sky, keep in mind the fact that she had just learned to use that said object this week. She swallowed as she locked eyes with Ricky, the boy coming forward to brace it along with her as Garrett stood back a bit. Ricky nodded her way, motioning towards her ear piece. She sighed and let her finger rest on the button once more. They had to make the signal sometime.

"Go!" Ricky yelled before he kicked in the side door almost simultaneously with Jack on the other side.

"Hands up and get down on the ground, now!" Jack yelled firmly around the room as the six witnessed yet another poker session between drug dealers. The five seated around the table held up their hands and began to lower themselves to the ground before Kim called in the backup team.

There were two doors behind them on either side of the building, while a far ways in front of them, was a large pull-up garage door. There were boxes everywhere and that stupid poker table hidden behind a few shelves. All while the men were shaking in their pants as they laid down against the cold, hard cement.

The rest of the squad from the base filed in through the garage door opening and began to cuff up the drug dealers, taking note of the hundreds of bags of cocaine at the side. Other drugs were probably hidden in the boxes. Either that or stolen merchandise.

"I take it by the calls coming in it's another drug bust?" Delia teased in the earpiece as the clicks of the keyboard could be heard once more. Garrett nodded as he ran his fingers through his hair in annoyance.

"You're correct." Ricky mussed unhappily as he threw his head back.

"On the bright side, you guys are making your way to the top ten drug busting team across the U.S." Delia countered, a small laugh coming from Garrett at the mention. "Plus you guys are actually out there with the team." Kim shook her head

"Delia, you failed the test, and you couldn't learn to shoot a gun that was that big quick enough. You probably would have taken out one of the guys playing poker or would have shot a hole in the wall." Milton reasoned. Kim could almost see Delia nod along with him and roll her eyes at the same time given Milton's argument.

"Or both." Ricky whispered to Kim. She bit into her lip to hold back a laugh. It was true when thinking about Delia'a crazed actions in the past. She had made out with that guys at the party just because she was upset about Garrett.

"Well then, how come Garrett gets a gun?" She whined on the other side of the earpiece. Kim felt herself laugh as she looked over to Garrett, seeing an offended look taking over his face.

"Because I passed the test! And I could shoot pretty much on target." He defended before getting an apology from Delia. Kim shook her head at the two. They were odd, but they were a cutely odd couple together.

"Well you kids did good. Get your asses back here so we can regroup." Delia confirmed before turning off her own connection to them. Kim glanced back towards the poker table as she could hear the steps of their leader coming towards them.

"We should move you guys up to the drug task force. You've busted more guys than the men and women on the real force could ever dream of." Ty teased before waving them towards the getaway car.

"We're not a drug task force." Ricky groaned as he threw his head back, getting a laugh from Ty as he turned and made his way to the cars.

"Come on guys, we probably won't find her today. We've been everywhere on the lists and have nothing. But I did want to say that we did great today." Jack called as he waved the others over to the larger garage door still sitting open, the cop cars sitting just in front. Along with the swat team... Minor detail.

Kim rolled her eyes and ripped out her earpiece in anger, letting the object hand off the neck of her shirt as she stormed off towards the entrance Jack had taken down just a few minutes ago. She was done with this. They had taken out seven major drug dealing teams, all of which were involved in larger rings and were willing to cooperate for a lesser sentence, but it wasn't what they were intended on doing. The needed to find Jasmine. Now. If not something bad could happen to her.

Yes, it had only been a week since her kidnapping. But that was a week too long. Anything could have happened to her already. Given the history Ricky had with simply the drug dealers in Arabia, Shane was ten times more dangerous. He was also a rouge spy. Jack had even been held for a while under his control. Anything was possible, and she didn't like that.

"Kim wait!" Jack called after her as he met with her outside. Her boyfriend grabbed onto her arm and spun her around to face him before continuing. "Please don't be-"

"Upset? Already am, Jack." She hissed as she dropped the de-loaded gun to the ground and crossed her arms over her chest.

"You know that's probably expensive." Jack said, a small bit of humor to his voice that Kim was definitely not in the mood for at the moment.

"Drop it, before I do or say something I'll regret." Kim ended as she let her sights fall back to the gun, not daring to look up at him for the time being. Jack sighed and stepped forward, lifting her chin with his index finger to look into her eyes.

"We'll find her. I just don't want you to worry yourself sick about this, because if you do, then you definitely won't find her." Jack whispered as his other hand moved to clasp around her own. She shook her head, knowing Jack was right in one sense, but wrong in another.

"I need to worry, for everyone. I'm the one who got her involved in this whole thing in the first place. Ricky and I could have stayed there at DITKA High and waited until it all went down one night, but I just had to go and make friends with her. I'm Jasmine's only hope to getting back here, and away from whatever menace she's stuck with." Kim said, her voice wavering from sad to mad, mad to sad, and every emotion in the middle. She held a forced look on her face as she spoke. It was hard for him to believe she had actually found these people, let alone that she was so connected to them that she would stop at nothing to find them. But Kim would never do anything half assed. She was all in or all out.

"Okay." Jack breathed as he dropped her hand and began to run his own over her arm soothingly. "We head back to the base, and figure out another plan. We look, we take over that secret little room that keeps spitting out every warehouse in the area, and narrow down our options. Together, the seven of us, can find her." Kim nodded, hoping for the moment that he was right. She had no other option as it was, but there was still hope for Jasmine if they tried.

"Lead the way, Mr. Brewer." She teased, bringing the smile back to Jack's face as he interlocked their fingers and pulled her back into the warehouse.

Ricky stood alone, waiting for who had been known as his sister for the last two months. Kim had been the best friend he had ever had, and he was thankful that she was here to help him find the love of his life. But he also didn't want to overrun her with this problem. He knew from the little time that he had actually gotten to know her, that she took these matters seriously, not that anyone shouldn't, but it was enough to be worried about.

From the door came Jack and Kim, bringing a smile to Ricky's face as he sped up his step to make sure she was okay. "You good?" He asked as he set his hand on her shoulder. She laughed and nodded as the three followed back to the large government SUV that had been issued to them. It was time to get back to the base and figure some things out.

Jack raced up ahead of them to get the door, the three would sit in the back and attempt to strategize. Garrett and Milton were both still a little wary when it came to this situation, so they would have to be kept on a need to know basis. And Grey, was a spy. She could handle things whatever way they were thrown at her.

"Hurry up!" Grey yelled from the car as Ricky and Kim began to run for the large car.

"We're coming." Ricky groaned as he caught his breath at the side of the car, the pop star leaning his elbow on the edge of the door. Kim rolled her eyes and jumped up into the car, shuffling to the back with Jack, Ricky following suit. The door was shut behind them, the car starting instantly after the three had been seated. There were no seat belts in the car, anyways.

"What's the plan?" Milton called over the roar of the tiers hitting the rocky dirt road. Leave it to the drug dealers to pick a remote location to make, and sell, cocaine. Ricky huffed out another breath before letting his head fall into his hands, his head bouncing along with the movements of the car.

"Nothing." Ricky mumbled, his voice only reaching Kim's ears. She felt her mood drop along with Ricky's as she let her hand rub over Ricky's back. There was no giving him hope at the moment, just like Jack tried a little bit ago with her. Jasmine was important to them both, to almost everyone in the car. They had to find her for their sake just as much as hers.

"We'll find her." She whispered, almost convincing herself for a second that it was true. Jack sent Kim a small smile before turning around to face Milton, taking the job of telling the others so Kim and Ricky wouldn't have to.

"We're going to head back to the base." Jack started as he gained the attention of the others in the car. "We're going to take over that room that they do all the data analysis in, and we're going to narrow down the searches on warehouses, and cross reference them with Shane's past. Then, we'll start the searches of the other locations we find. Got it?" Jack questioned as he held his high stature in the car. Everyone nodded, leaving just Kim and Ricky in the back of the SUV with the doubt that they would ever find Jasmine.

*. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *.

Jasmine blew her bangs out of her eyes, missing her headbands or wishing she would have parted her hair in the middle. She never could have expected that this would happened to her when sending Ricky off to California.

The only thing she could tell, was they were looking for her. The others. They were looking hard. They had added Garrett and Delia to the team, along with those three that came to help Kim out when those giant guys came for her and Ricky.

Jasmine was still having trouble wrapping her brain around the fact that Kim and Ricky weren't Logan and Lindy Watson. It was even harder since she couldn't actually talk with them about it.

She let her eyes scan over her surroundings. She was still tied to the small wooden green chair, the one with the splinters and the chipping green paint. All around the room, was a clean, white floor. One that was scarily clear considering this warehouse was supposed to have been abandoned ages ago. But there was the door off to the right, the one that held Shane's office, and one to the left, that looked as though it led to a hallway.

Her eyes jumped up to see Shane as he strolled back into the large room, holding another sandwich and a large glass of water. She hadn't died after eating the one the other day, so she had ruled out the possibility of him poisoning her. At least for now.

"Hello, my flower." He greeted with a sick grin as he set down the items on the floor once more. She held her mouth closed, holding back any snippy or harsh remarks his way. If she could keep going like this until they found the warehouse she was hidden in, she would be fine. All she needed was for Shane to keep thinking of both her, and the others, as less than a threat. "No hello?"

"We said hi this morning." Jasmine mumbled as he untied her hands, using the extra rope to tie her legs tighter to the chair. He sighed as he finished, walking back around to face her before setting the food on a small end table in front of Jasmine.

"But it's not this morning, is it Jasmine?" He issued as he crossed his arms over his chest. She rolled her eyes as she reached out to pick up the sandwich, his eyes examining her as she went.

"You just gonna stare at me?" She questioned as she dropped the sandwich and dared to look up to him. He laughed, the edges of his mouth curving into a playful smile.

"No." He breathed before taking a seat on the floor, letting his legs stretch out in front of him. "I'd rather talk than stare. You've been here for over a week and I feel like I barely know you." Jasmine's eyebrows popped up in shock as she made quicker, more nervous bites.

"I like it better that way."

"And I don't." Her breath hitched in her throat as his words struck deep. She was already sitting on pins and needles without him sitting right in front of her. With him sitting there, it all felt more real. Almost like she'd really never get out of here.

"Don't you already know something about me? Or was this plan to capture me completely random?" Jasmine asked smartly as she pushed another bite of her peanut butter sandwich into her mouth.

Shane shook his head. "It wasn't completely random, but I had only planned it out a few hours before it happened." He explained as he sat up straighter, pulling his legs into a criss cross position. "I thought we would be able to take Ricky with us that night, that we would finally give him what he deserved for what he did to us. But instead, he got away again, like the lucky son of a bitch he is. So, I compromised." Jasmine frowned, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"I was the compromise." She stated, a question more rhetorical than anything. He nodded slowly, his chin resting on top of his clasped together hands.

"You, my flower, are the one thing he cares about. Yes, Kim is another one, Jack, he envies, Milton and Grey, he barely knows, your other two friends I could have used simply as pawns, but you, were the cherry on top of the sundae. You, have his heart. And he'll do anything to get it back. Maybe, even, trade his life for yours'." Shane finished with a sly look in his eyes.

Jasmine's heart began to beat against her chest all too loudly for her own liking. The blood pumping through her body soon became the only sound she could hear. "How do you know Kim and the others?" She pushed herself to ask, her eyes showing just how scared she was of him in the moment. He knew far too much for her not to fear him.

"Kim, I met while pretending to be a prince. She and I went on two technical dates before she gave me up for Jack. She had no idea of who I really was. Then Jack, Milton, Grey, and I, met during my, or our, spy days. That's why I was pretending to be a prince, to see if Jack and Milton were good recruits for the teen spy program. But even the good guys turn bad sometimes, my flower." He said, an evil smile taking over his face as he looked to Jasmine. Her breathing quicken as she pushed the last bit of her sandwich into her mouth, feeling that her nerves were too far on edge for her not to have anything in her mouth at the moment. She would regret if she said anything biting back to him.

"I'm done now." She muttered, hoping he would tie her back up and leave her. That he would run back to his little computer and track them just a little longer. She knew she was most likely the best chance at a distraction that the others had at the moment, but she was done. She hated being the pawn. She did love Ricky, and he had wholeheartedly changed, but his past was catching up to him. Fast.

"Alright, my flower." Shane sighed as he walked around, pulling her hands into the ties once again. "Until tomorrow." He walked back around, picking up the tray and stalking back off to his little work room. Jasmine would be honest when saying this. She absolutely hated the way he walked.


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