Confessions of a Lost Girl (P...

By Musicfanatic53

522K 13.4K 3.4K

The very first Lost Girl, Adriana Vicore, has come to Neverland, but Peter and Adriana have a complicated rel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Cast Page!!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Cast Note

Chapter 20

10K 301 83
By Musicfanatic53

Peter's POV---

Oh no. I can tell why Talia didn't want to accept that the Benevolent Caster was her mother.

Because it would mean she would have to accept that even her own mother had abandoned her.

How much more of this could this girl take?

I promise now to you Talia, this is my silent vow to you.

I will never abandon you, I will be one of the people in your life that stay, I promise you that. 

I heard at least 50% of the people in my tent gasp. Talia bit her lip harder, and looked away. Ariel got up, and sat down beside Talia gently. "I can try running an energy test." She said. "I'll need your hand." Talia still didn't look back to us, but instead gave Ariel her hand. Ariel closed her eyes, running her glowing hand over Talia's hand. After a moment, she pulled away, smiling at Talia sympathetically. Talia just looked at her. "It just proves your theory even more, doesn't it?" Talia asked quietly. 

Ariel just nods. Talia got up, and walked out of the tent.

Talia's POV---

Everyone in my life has abandoned me.

My father.


Ranger (a.k.a, Calypso)

My mother.

I feel so unwanted. When I was in the orphanage, no one wanted me. 

No cares, no one wants me. I walked across the Lost Boys campsite. I didn't care if they saw me or not. "Talia!" I heard a voice behind me say. I knew, from the somewhat arrogant way he talks, and the faint british accent in his voice, that it was Peter. I spin around, and come face to face with Peter Pan. He puts a hand on my shoulder. "Come on," He says, pulling me slowly out of the camp. I follow him wordlessly.  

 He leads me down a path in the forest, and I follow him wordlessly and without struggle. Somewhere along the line, I have come to trust Peter. 

Suddenly, we're standing beside a field filled with tall grasses and yellow and purple flowers. "Look over there." Peter says, pointingto the north of the field. Over there, and only there, are several blue flowers.  

 Peter leads me over there. We sit in the middle of the little circle of blue flowers. He stares at me.

 "Do you remember the last time you were here?" He asks me. 

 I close my eyes, and put my hand down to the earth. My hand grazes against the edge of a stem. I open my eyes, and see the blue flowers.

Blue flowers....

Blue cornflowers....

"They're, they're like-"

"The blue cornflowers that used to grow by your old hideout." I look up at Peter, surprised. "In your old world." He whispers. I look at him curiously. "Did, did I tell you that? Before?" He just nods.

"Do you remember what happened while we were here?" 

"Yes." I say. The memory is still fuzzy, but I remember. Peter takes my hand, and places it in his lap. He looks at me while I try to remember.

This is where I told him Hook was my father, where I ran when I realized that it was so. 

"This is where I went when I found out that Hook was my father." I say quietly, staring at a cornflower by my knee. "And these cornflowers grew, out of my.... tears." I say, struggling to remember the memory. Peter nods. He reaches into his pocket, and pulls something out. It's concealed inside of his fist. 

Slowly, he open it up, and inside, is a pearly white teardrop. "This is yours, your tear. It didn't grow a cornflower, just sat on the ground. So you gave it to me." He says softly. I stare at the tear, then back up to Peter's handsome face.

His golden brown, tossled hair, his intense green and brown eyes. His genuine smiles, however rare, are beautiful. His smug smirk is just as attractive. The way he seems to know so much about me. Sure, these are things Talia the Lost Girl probably told him, but.....

Talia the Pirate's Daughter views this as a turn on.....

And, to be honest, he hasn't abandoned me. Unlike most people in my life, I've only met a few that haven't skipped out of my life. Most people I hold dear seem to leave my life intentionally.

Seem to leave ME intentionally.

But not Peter.....

Suddenly, I realize, I'm just like Talia the Lost Girl.

The old me, I guess.

Because I'm in love with Peter Pan.

As he leans in closer to me, I don't pull away. I don't flinch, or push him away. I don't punch him or yell at him, or do anything to make him stop.

Instead, I lean in, and our lips crash together. I hear him gasp, as if he's surprised I let him kiss me. I smile into his lips, and he pulls me by my waist, closer to him. I gasp as he presses me up against him, shoulder to shoulder. I put my arms around his neck, and kiss him harder.

He starts to rub small circles into my back with his thumbs, and I feel a shiver run up my spine. I guess Peter feels it to, because I feel him smirk. 

Peter's POV---

All of a sudden, I feel a warm, golden glow near my rib cage. I open my eyes, and see Talia, golden light spilling all around her. Her eyes are closed, and she isn't kissing me anymore. 

She's sitting, her legs crossed, and her hair blowing slwoly behind her from a breeze I cannot feel. Golden light is spilling out around her from her rib cage. I can see her rib cage glowing beneath her shirt. 

Suddenly, she gasps, and everything stops. She looks up at me. "Peter?" She asks softly. I break out into a wide grin, and she lunges forward, and catches me in a hug. "I remember, I remember everything." She says with tears in her eyes. Her face is in the crook of my neck, and she's hugging me around the neck. I hold her waist as she alternates between sobs and speaking. Finally she pulls away, wiping her tears away. "We need to go back." She says suddenly. I get up surprised at her iron grip as she drags me back to the camp. "Talia, Tali. Tali! Talia!" I tried to get her to stop running, to try and figure out what was going on, but she looked very determined, so I just let her.

She dragged me all the way back to my tent, where everyone was still in, they hadn't moved. 

They all look up. "There's an external force somehow controlling me, right?" Talia asks as soon as we enter the tent. Ariel gets up. "Yes, there is, why?" Talia lets out a shaky breath. "I think I know what the external force is." She says. Talia turns to me. "When you kissed me, I remembered everything." She says softly. My eyes widen. "True love's-" "Kiss." She says at the same time as me, nodding. "Yes, but we have to move they're-" Suddenly, she collapsed to her knees, clutching at her chest.  

She looks at me. "Outside." She barely manages to say.

They're outside.

Who is 'they'?

But almost as soon as I think it, I know who 'they' is.

"The pirates!" I yell, and run out, and there, at the edge of our campsite, stands Hook and Gisabell Smee, surrounded by more pirates. 

I glare at him. "Whatever your doing to her," I say. "Stop it." He smirks, and Talia runs out of the tent. "I remember everything!" She shrieks, glaring at Hook.

"You effing bastard." She mutters, throwing him a deathly glare.

Hook's smile fades. "You know now, do you?" She glares at him, and nods. "I rememeber everything. The night you took me away, and how I forgot everything and how my emotions have been tampered with." She says, drawing herself up. "But I have learned so much more." She says. "I have learned who my mother really was." She says. "And who my family is." She says. Hook looks at her, and snarls.

"You mean to say you'd leave us, your real flesh and blood, for a gang of boys?" He asks, glaring at me. I'm about to open my mouth, when Talia shakes her head. "No, oh no. These are not just some, gang of boys." She says calmly. She turns around, and smiles. "This is my real family. The Lost Boys are my brothers, and Jack and I share the same mother." She smiles at Jack, who draws himself up. "Tiger Lily, Calypso, Tinker Bell, and even Ariel, who I have barely known for a day, are like my sisters." Then she looks at me.

"And Peter Pan, my Peter Pan, my true love. He is all the family I will ever need." She breaths, smiling at me lovingly. I grin foolishly back at her.

Despite the dire circumstances, my heart swells. "You are all I could ever need." I say, and stand beside her, gripping her hand. "You will not lay a finger on her Hook." I say, snarling at him.

Hook glares at me. "Seeing as I cannot have my daughter, I might as well make you suffer." He glares at me. I stand in front of Talia, slightly pushing her behind me. "Like I said, you will not lay a finger on her." I say.

Hook just smirks. "I don't need to lay a finger on her to harm her, and you for that matter." He says. Slowly, he pulls something out of red coat pocket with his left hand. 

I gasp, and so does everyone else.

It glows with a golden light, so soft and pure, unscathed by any blemish of evil. It remains pure in the hands of the vilest man I have ever had to face.

This man, this vile, evil, disgusting excuse for a human being, is holding the very heart of my beloved.

In between his dirty little fingers,

He is holding Talia's heart.


Talia's POV---

I gasp. I tried to tell them in the tent, but he stopped me from doing so. "My, my heart!" I cry. He smiles at me. "Seeing as you'll never forgive or forget what I have done, I can use another method to make Pan suffer." He says.

It takes me a moment to process just what he's trying to say.

But in that moment, a blinding pain erupts from my chest. 

I fall to the ground, and scream.


Peter's POV---

She falls to the ground, screeching, and clutching at her chest. Hook squeezes her heart between his fingers. "NO!" I yell, and lunge forward, only to be met by the sword of one of Hook's pirates. "No! Stop!" I yell. Hook just laughs. I grab my dagger, and throw it at him.

That seems to spark the others' attention. I hear the war cry of the indians, and the feathered shaft of one of Tiger Lily's arrows whizzes by my face. Tinker Bell charges forward, and the campsite erupts in chaos and war again.

But I'm only interested in one thing. 

Hook, and the heart he holds in his hands. He chuckles when he sees me approaching. "Coming for your lover's heart now are you lad?" 

I snarl, and lunge forward, but he traces his Hook tentively across the fragile heart. I hear Talia gasp, and out of my perpheral vision, see her struggling to get up. 

So does Hook. He gives the heart a hard squeeze, and Talia screams again, falling to the ground, this time on her back.  

I glare at Hook. "Stop it!" I seeth, grinding my teeth. Hook just chuckles, and gestures the two pirates beside him, Gisabell Smee and another pirate, Starkey, to grab Talia. They grab her elbows, and force her up to her knees. She groans, her eyes still squeezed shut.

"Look at her Peter." He insists, nodding at Talia. "Look at her. You're putting her in that pain, because of you, she's hurting." Guilt washes over me as I look at her. Suddenly, her silvery gray eyes snap open. "Don't you dare listen to him Peter Pan. You have caused me no harm." She gasps for air. She glares at Hook. "He is." She glares at him again, and he swallows.

All fighting around the campsite has stopped, and everyone is looking over here. 

This situation is hard. Hook has us under his control, with Talia's heart in his hand. And Hook knows this, no, he maybe even planned it this way.

He grins at me. He holds his Hook in my direction, then holds it tantalizingly near Talia's. He isn't squeezing her heart, so when his hook swings around in her direction, she spits on it. He looks down in horror for a moment, then recoveres. He grins, and whips his hook on his jacket.  

 "You're fiesty, just like your mother. Foolishly, stupidly, brave and fiesty." Hook says. Talia smirks. "Well I sure as hell don't get it from you."

Oh, ouch. Hook glares at her, but the surprise behind his eyes is evident. 

 "A smart mouth, another attribute you've inherited from that mother of yours." He says.

 Talia smirks. "Oh, that's only the beginning." 


Early update!!

Hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it!! 


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