Zack Addy x reader

By Brendonluv

174K 3.7K 1K

I love Bones, I Love zack, and there are barely any x readers for him so i decided to take it into my own han... More

Welcome to the Jeffresonian
6 feet under
The backseat
The end
Im up (you all will be happy)
Home is where the heart is
I need Sleep
Im not a good jumper
Hey Jude
Stay on with me
Be Quiet
Lance Sweets & Comics
The date
Stress Relief
Truth or Dare
New York City
Merry Christmas Readers!
Meet my family
Christmas Concert
Christmas Concert pt 2
I can do this
How could you
Youre what?!
1st tri
The time is now
The baby

Memories that are hard to shake

5.1K 121 38
By Brendonluv

I woke up laying in someone's bed. I opened my eyes to see the ceiling. I looked over and saw Zack. Oh god what happened last night. I pulled up my covers and saw that low and behold.

I was naked.
And so was Zack.

It all came flooding back to me. What happened last night. Zack and I had sex.

And it was good.

I stood up and looked around. I looked where Zack had thrown his shirt last night and put it on. I made my way to the kitchen when I saw that I had a ring on my finger. He must have put it on my finger while I was sleeping. The promise ring.

"(Y/N)?" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Hodgins. "Ummmm" I couldn't even speak words.

"Did you two..." as he was speaking Zack walked into the kitchen, half asleep, totally ignoring Hodgins existence, walked over to me, kissed my cheek, and opened the fridge. "You two had sex didn't you!" Hodgins yelled.

"Yes we did Hodgins why are you so surprised" Zack said. "No im not surprised" Hodgins said. "I'm just happy cause ang owes me 20 bucks now. She said you guys wouldn't get it on for at least a year of dating" he laughed. My cheeks became red and I looked at the floor. "Well get ready for work both of you" Hodgins said. I laughed.

Zack made his way out of the kitchen, grabbing my hand as he left.

----at work----
I walked into the Jeffersonian with Zack and Hodgins, having had caught a ride with them to work.

I walked into the platform where everyone was, putting on gloves. "You had sex didn't you" Angela said. I whipped my head up, seeing she was looking at me with a smirk. "Uhhhhh-" "you have the post-sex glow" she giggled. I looked at Zack who was looking at me with the same shocked face. "I'm just kidding Hodgins texted me" she laughed.

"So Christmas is almost here...." Angela said while we all stood around the examination table which was surprisingly scarce of a body. Brennan and Cam must be in their offices.

"We are throwing a Christmas Concert type thing a week before Christmas" Angela continued. "That sounds like a great idea!" I said. I looked over at Zack and he nodded. "I uh think you should sing" he said. I laughed. "As if"

"No really. You are extremely talented. I think you should sign up" he said. "Ok" I looked at him and then at Angela. "I'll do it"

"Yay!" She yelled. "Not so fast!" I laughed at her enthusiasm. "You have to do it if I do it" I pointed my finger at her." She nodded and I turned to Zack. "You too" he smiled at me. "Your wish is my command" he laughed and I joined him.

I made my way to my office. I have an office now! Brennan offered it to me after I helped solve the Epps case but haven't gotten the time to actually spend any time there. I walked in and saw that everything was pristine and neat. Just the way I like it. I walked over to a filing cabinet and opened it. I filed through the papers, looking for anything interesting. I searched until I saw a name that caught my eyes.


I picked up the file and walked to Dr. Brennan's office. "Dr Brennan?" I said. "Yes?" She looked up from her desk and looked at me. "What is it (Y/N)?" I walked towards her desk. "I found this file in my filing cabinet, and I was wondering if you could tell me about this case" I set the file on her desk. She looked down and opened the file.

"This was a case about a couple who kidnapped a 15 year old girl. She had been held captive in this couples basement where she was repeatedly raped and tortured. She was rescued a year later. Put into a foster home." She flipped to another page. "It was over 6 years ago. We tried to keep track of her going home to home but we eventually lost her." She looked up "Why?" I picked up the file and I stormed out of the room and made my way to the lounge. On my way I passed Booth.

"Booth" I said. He stopped and turned to me. "What is it (Y/N)" "were you on this case? Tell me about who solved this case." I handed him the file. "This was over 10 years ago how old do you think I am" "I know that 6 years ago you were still in the FBI" (I'm making the characters about 5 or 6 years older than Zack and the reader)

"Yea I was on this case. It was Hodgins first one. He is the reason they found the girl" I took the file and ran towards Hodgins office.

I ran in, out of breathe and I saw Zack and Hodgins analyzing a bone. "I need to talk to you" I said. I looked at Hodgins and he pointed to himself. "Me? What did I do?" I put the file on the desk. "You are the reason this girl is alive correct?" I said. He looked through the file quickly nodding. All the while Zack looked at me concerned. "(Y/N) what is it?" He said. I looked at Hodgins. "Hodgins I need to know"

"Uh yes I'm the reason she was rescued" I looked at him and a I felt a tear roll down my face. "That was me" I whispered. Hodgins whipped his head up with a confused and surprised face. "That was you?" He said. I nodded and he stood up. He walked towards me quickly and hugged me, tighter than ever before. I cried into his shoulder. "Thank you so much" I cried. I heard him crying too. "God we tried so hard I never gave up" he said. I opened my eyes to see Zack standing up, crying too. I let go of Hodgins and went to Zack. He hugged me and I cried. In that moment I knew that this. The Jeffersonian. With Zack. With my friends. This is where I belong.

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