The Story of Us

By SincerelyAddicted

18.4K 911 188

As surgeons, we expect to be able to save lives. And we were pretty good at it for a while. But this time, it... More

Prologue-Section 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21- Part 1
Chapter 21- Part 2
Section 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 3

853 42 12
By SincerelyAddicted

Naruto's Pov

I felt tiny tickles on my nose, causing me to lift up my arm from the warm blankets across me, and swipe at the small invasion. After I felt that the intrusion was gone, I turned over slightly in my bed and hugged the covers to my chest, until I felt more tickles on my nose making me pull the whole blanket over my face.

"Dobe get up you don't want to be late on your first day." I groaned at the sound of Sasuke's voice early in the morning, and literally rolled myself out of bed to see Sasuke already dressed. He wore a black v-neck shirt, black jeans, and black converse. It surprisingly looked good on him, especially the v-neck shirt that gave a defined view of his muscles.

"Emo much, and why didn't you wake me up sooner. I'm going to be late you asshole." He picked up a pair of sunglasses and his school bag, throwing it over his shoulder, and opened the door to our dorm.

"Don't worry your pretty little head you still have 8 minutes to get dressed." He put his sunglasses on and slammed the door shut. I cursed under my breath and hopped off the floor, putting on a light orange t-shirt, blue jeans, and white converse.

After that, I stuffed all my newly purchased textbooks into my bag and headed out the door not even caring about my wild blonde hair because I knew I couldn't tame it anyways.

"Stupid teme he's going to pay." I ran down the halls of the dorms and ran out the entry door, not even seeing the pissed off raven standing in front of me. I knocked him over and he hit the ground with a thud.

"You fucking idiot! Slow the hell down! Get in the car!" I immediately came to a stop and helped him up because I'm a nice person like that.

"I'm not the idiot here asshole!" I huffed and tightly crossed my arms across my chest," and what gave you the audacity to tell me what to do anyways. I'm not your bitch who'll jump when you say jump!" My face turning a scarlet red color in anger and so was Sasuke's. We were both royally pissed.

"Tsk, I could make you my bitch if I wanted to. All I would have to say is 'Down on your knees and suck my cock' and you know what you'd say 'Right away Sasuke-sama' Because your a slut like that. Now get in the damn car I'm just trying to be a good roommate and give you a ride so you won't be late. I already checked your schedule and it appears we're going to be the same type of doctor. We also have all classes together, unfortunately."

"Ok first of all, let me tell you something Mr. 'I was pampered too much when I was a kid' I don't have to do jack squat. And second of all, I'd rather save my mouth virginity than to waste it on some salty ass dick like yours. I'll walk thanks." My face still red and hot with anger, cooled off once I got away from 'fuck duck'.

That's my new nickname for him and it's based of his slicked back hair. He's so full of himself and it irritates me. My thoughts were interrupted by the honking of a duck in mating season. This horny fuck duck doesn't know when to stop.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd stop honking your horn at me like I'm some hooker on the side of the street." He rolled down the passenger window and rolled his eyes.

"You said it not me. Just get in. You'll make us both late." I stuck my middle finger up high in the air and continued walking, while he continued to follow me in his black Corvette.

"You know Naruto. They say these streets are filled with murders and thugs. There was even a women gunned down at the very spot your about to step on."

'Ok I know this is a very childish thing to do, but I was absolutely terrified at this point, so I hopped in the car. Don't judge me...'

"Your shaking over there in your seat dobe." He smirked and put his sunglasses back into place, which in return, made me stick my tongue out at him.

"I don't even know why you care so much about getting me to school. You hate me." He pulled into the parking lot and tried to find a parking space.

"True, but I might need a favor from you in the future, so I try to be nice to all idiots I meet. Try to be grateful because you now owe me one." I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever you asshole."

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