Senior Year

Par shipping_oncers

116K 5.3K 810

CaptainSwan fanfic Emma Swan is new to Storybrooke, and starting her Senior Year at the local high school. Be... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Part 1
Chapter 14 - Part 2
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33- Part 1
Chapter 33 - Part 2
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Sequel - Growing Apart
Sequel is up!

Chapter 43

1.8K 101 28
Par shipping_oncers

Two weeks left of school

(Killian's POV)

I meet up with my brother before school at the coffee shop down the street. We both order and wait for our drinks.

"So Emma got accepted into UMaine," I inform him.

"Really? She's not just staying in Storybrooke?"

"She hasn't decided yet,"

"How's she going to afford... wait are you paying her tuition Killian?" Liam clues in.

"Aye, but don't go lecturing me. I know what I'm doing. The money is tainted to me. You know I don't deserve it, it should have all gone to you in the first place brother," I say strictly hoping it will keep him from arguing about it.

"That's rubbish Killian, you were 9 and that life was all you'd grown up with. I told you to stop blaming yourself. As for the money, look at it as I do, compensation for what a bastard our father was. As for how you're spending it... I actually approve," he says as our coffees are ready.

"You do? I thought you'd be pissed and think I was a bloody fool or something along those lines. I had a whole speech rigged up to convince you."

"You're not a fool Killian, you're in love. If you were just giving Emma that kind of money, I would be more than concerned, but that's not what's happening. You're giving her a future. She'll accomplish so much more with a degree. Bloody amazing is what it is really," he chuckles, and pats my shoulder. I stand shocked for a second before following Liam out the door, and into the parking lot.

"Aye, well UMaine is going to separate us again. I need her to choose what's right for her, but it's going to crush me to be away from her."

"You're very selfless brother, but you're part of this relationship too. Don't shadow your own emotions for Emma's."

"I don't want to lose her, but I couldn't live with myself if she stayed just for me. I'm not sure what she's going to do, but either way things are going to be different."

~ ~ ~

(Emma's POV)

Everyone is in the cafeteria together for lunch. It's almost like the beginning of the year again, people are in good spirits for graduation. Everyone has gotten their University applications back, except for Will and Ashley who didn't apply. Will is still sure that he can get through life with just his wits. Ashley on the other hand is focused on her pregnancy. She's 8 months pregnant now with a round tummy to show it. The news of her pregnancy washed the halls of our school about 3 months ago, but died down a few weeks later. Everyone was telling Ashley what was best, and what she should do, but she stayed strong and chose what is right for her. She's keeping her baby, her daughter.

"Woah," Ashley says as she looks down to her belly.

"You ok Ash?" I ask. She nods.

"Yeah it's nothing, just these things called Braxton hicks contractions. I've been having them for about a week, apparently they help the body get ready for childbirth. It just makes all of this so real, she'll be here in only a month."

"So you're really keeping it?" Will asks, again. This isn't anywhere near the first time he's asked her. He just can't seem to understand it, he thinks she's throwing away her life. As if he's the one to judge anyways, after all he's the one whose life plan is to being a thief.

"Yes, I'm keeping HER." Ashley responds with the roll of her eyes. "Hey Emma did you decide between those two universities?" she changes the subject.

"Oh um, not really. It's a big decision, I don't want to rush it."

"Well rushing might be your only option at this point, you need to give them an answer soon don't you?" Will asks.

"Yeah, but I still have more to think about,"

"Like what? What could be keeping you here in this small do-nothing town?" he asks with a scoff.

"I've made connections here, I don't want to just leave all of you," I justify. Lily rolls her eyes.

"What she means is that she has a boyfriend and doesn't have the heart to leave him," Lily adds. I scowl at her. Not everyone had to know that.

"Really? Since when has Emma Swan had a boyfriend?" Victor sits down beside me after overhearing. I roll my eyes.

"None of your business Victor. Plus that's not the only reason I want to stay here Lily," I add.

"What are the other reasons?" she asks.

"I have friends here too," I gesture around.

"Don't tell me you're planning to stay here just because you have a group of people to sit around and eat soggy sandwiches with Emma," Victor cuts in.

"Why are you even here Victor?" I snap at him. We're not friends, acquaintances at best. So why was he sitting with us all of a sudden?

"Hey hey, no need to snap at me. I'm just making an observation. I'm out of here in August, got accepted into Mayo Medical school in Minnesota. You should get out of here while you can, relationships can last long distance if you want it enough."

"You in a medical program?" I ask with my mouth wide open in shock. He nods his head proudly. "How did you get into Mayo? Since when do you want to be a doctor?"

"He's not stupid," Lily says. I look at her strangely. What is up with her?

"I always have, you just never asked. Point is that StorybrookeU is nothing compared to UMaine. This boyfriend should get it. Is he going to university here?"

"He's staying here," I answer simply. "Long distance is hard, what if we just drift apart, or he finds someone else?"

"They're hard but they can work Em, have some faith," Lily says glancing across the table, but not at me.

"Why would I take that chance when I could just stay here and be happy with him? What's the point in leaving if we're going to be apart? Long distance doesn't work."

"Stop saying that," Lily snaps at me again. "Things can work out, long distance can work," she says almost though gritted teeth. She looks beside me to Victor again, and he anger fades. My mouth drops open in realization. They're dating? Since when?!

"Ok when did this happen?" I look back at forth.

"About a month ago, you would have noticed if you ever wanted to hang out anymore. I get it Em, you love KJ, but if he loves you, he'll let you go."

"He does, and he told me to make the right choice for me. I just think that the right choice for me, is him," I sigh, dropping my head to my hands.

"Think about it Em, if staying was the right decision, then wouldn't it be an easy one? Staying is easier than going, but you're still fighting yourself about it. I think you already have your decision, you're just afraid to say it. You want to go to UMaine don't you?" she asks me straight up. Tears form in my eyes at her words. They're true. I nod.

"How do you always know?" I ask, making sure none of my tears fall. I don't want a scene in the middle of the cafeteria. "How do I tell him?"

"Just be honest, it's obvious you love him. He'll understand," Lily assures me. I take a deep breath and let everything sink in. I'm going to UMaine. I'm going to be separated from him again.

~ ~ ~

I bus home with Elsa, and walk together into the house. My conversation from lunch is still fresh in my brain.

"Hi girls, how was school?" Ingrid asks as we walk into the kitchen. She's stirring spaghetti sauce, and the smell fills the room.

"Alright," Elsa answers simply, and continues her way upstairs.

"How about you Emma?" Ingrid smiles.

"Um fine I guess. I do have something to talk to you about though. Is now a good time or should I wait?"

"Now's a fine time. What's on your mind?"

"University, I just thought I should let you know that I got into StorybrookeU,"

"Oh congratulations,"

"Thanks, but I also got into UMaine. I know you said I could live her for a while, but I won't have to if I go to UMaine. I'll be your of your hair there."

"UMaine is a great school Emma, you should be proud you got accepted, but don't choose to go just because you feel like a burden here. You're not, you're a part of this little family we've made."

"It's not just that. I've loved living here, it's become a home to me, a real home, but UMaine... I can't pass it up. I'm sorry," I admit.

"Don't apologize. I want you to do what's best for you Emma."

"It's just I finally have a home, and friends. How could I give away what I've been waiting my whole life for, just for school?"

"It's not just the school, it's starting your adult life. You see a future there, and that's a good thing. You'll always be welcome here Emma, don't worry about that. Think about it like this. You're being given a chance here that so many people in your position don't get. If you pass this up, you'll be throwing away such an amazing opportunity for yourself."

"You really think I should go?" I ask.

"I've known you for almost 10 months now, and I think you'd be happier at UMaine. You'll have more opportunities there than at the small University we have here. We'll really miss you Emma," she smiles kindly at me. She stops stirring the sauce for a minute so she can give me a hug.

"Dinner looks great, but I really need to go tell someone my decision,"

"Don't worry about it Emma, leftovers will be here when you get back."

With that I leave back out the door to catch the bus to Killian's.

~ ~ ~

The walk from the bus stop to his house is nice in theory, but all I can think about is the conversation I'm about to have. How will he react? I know he's supportive, but it's a lot to ask. When I get to his building I hit the buzzer.

"Hello," an accented voice rang through. Just his voice makes me smile.

"It's me," I respond.

"Ah, come in love. I need to get you a building card soon so you can just let yourself in," he buzzes me in. I feel a pit of guilt in my stomach. He sees a future, a future where I'm here, letting myself into his home. One day we'll have that, I know we will, but it's going to be delayed for around 3 years.

I make my way up, and into his apartment without knocking. He's in the living room watching TV.

"Hey," I announce myself. The TV shuts off. He turns around and smirks. "What?" I ask. I know that look, and it's mischievous.

"I'm just admiring the view. I like the jacket, suits you Swan," he strolls up to me, and we kiss.

"You really like it, I wasn't sure I could pull off the leather look," I say, looking down to the red jacket I bought the other day.

"That's rubbish. Everyone fails in comparison compared to you," he pulls me closer to him.

"I love you Killian, you know that right?"

"What? Of course I do. Why, did something happen?" he asks getting concerned.

"Nothing happened per say, but..." I trails off, and look to the floor. I can hear him sigh before he gently lifts my chin back up to look at him.

"You decided on which university?" he finishes for me. I nod, unable to say anything as I fight back tears. I knew it'd be hard, but I didn't realize I'd break down so fast. "It's UMaine isn't it?" With that I let all my tears fall.

"I'm sorry," I cuddle my head into his chest knowing that my tears will soon be staining his shirt.

"You don't have to be Emma. Shh, it's ok," he brushes his hand through my hair.

"I wanted to stay for you, but... I just couldn't. Being accepted was like winning the lottery. I have to go, I want to go." I try to explain.

"I understand Emma, I really do. I'm not mad," he tells me. I steady my breathing, and wipe my tears.

"You do?"

"I do. You think moving here from Ireland was easy? It wasn't. I left my culture behind, I left my everything behind, except my brother. I started my life here because I saw the future it could give me. I have no doubt that that's what you see in UMaine. Change is good believe it or not. I know in your childhood there was a lot of change and it was hell, but choosing your own change is empowering. It's part of growing up."

"You're really not mad?"

"I promise you I'm not even close to mad. I'm proud. Taking your life into your own hands will change you in a way you can get no other way. I want you to experience what I did." He answers perfectly. Another tear runs down my cheek. "Oh I thought I had stopped the tears, shh it's ok Emma," he wipes the tear.

"No it's not that. It's you, you're just so amazing. Only a crazy person would move away from you,"

"You're not crazy, you're independent. It's a good thing."

"Well, what do we do now?"

"We'll use the next three months to just be in love. Let's make the most of the time, not tarnish it worrying about it running out. Sound good to you?" he asks.

"Sounds perfect. You're perfect." I crash my lips to his desperately wanting his touch to help ignore the struggles ahead.


Oh the struggles ahead...

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