Zack Addy x reader

By Brendonluv

174K 3.7K 1K

I love Bones, I Love zack, and there are barely any x readers for him so i decided to take it into my own han... More

Welcome to the Jeffresonian
6 feet under
The backseat
The end
Im up (you all will be happy)
Home is where the heart is
I need Sleep
Im not a good jumper
Hey Jude
Stay on with me
Lance Sweets & Comics
The date
Memories that are hard to shake
Stress Relief
Truth or Dare
New York City
Merry Christmas Readers!
Meet my family
Christmas Concert
Christmas Concert pt 2
I can do this
How could you
Youre what?!
1st tri
The time is now
The baby

Be Quiet

5.1K 126 15
By Brendonluv

I heard loud footsteps and I started whimpering. "(Y/N) we are almost there" "okay" I said quietly. He hung up the phone and I almost started sobbing. I felt Hodgins put his hand over my mouth and turn my head towards his. Be quiet he mouthed to me. I nodded but he didn't remove his hand.

I heard the man walking around, and he approached my bedroom. Before I could do anything, the closet door was whipped open and I was grabbed by the man. He threw me across the room and I hit my wall. I sunk to the floor and saw him pick up Hodgins, pulling him into the living room. I heard Hodgins yelling, but from the pain I was experiencing I could tell I had broken a few ribs. The man came back into my room and threw me on my bed. I started screaming, but he covered my mouth with a cloth.

He climbed on top of me, and I felt something sharp pressing against my stomach. I looked down, and saw he had the knife Hodgins had been holding before. I closed my eyes, a tear slipping down. He held my hands behind my back, limiting my mobility. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I screamed loudly. I heard Hodgins yelling in the living room. I felt him pull the knife out of my stomach, causing me to scream again. He picked me up and slammed me against the wall again, causing me to hit scream again. I heard Hodgins yelling my name in the other room but I was suddenly punched in the face by my attacker. He punched me again and I felt blood drip from my nose.

I fell to the floor crying and he picked me back up. From where we were standing, we were clearly visible from the front door. He had his back facing the front door. I didn't have time to realize that they were here. Before I could move out of the way I heard a gunshot, and the man in front of me fell to the floor. He was bleeding profusely from his stomach. Until I looked up, I didn't realize that when booth shot the man, he also shot me. I looked down and put a hand where I was shot and looked up. Oh my god. I've been shot.

Everything was slow motion. Things began to become blurry. I saw through my blurry haze, booth and Zack running towards me. I fell to the floor, and I saw that booth had pushed the other man away and now both him and Zack were kneeling on each side of me. My eyes felt heavy and I saw Zacks scared face. He was yelling loudly but it felt like he was miles away. It was as if I was on the phone with him. He was crying. He was crying and yelling. He looked angry. I felt his hand on the side of my face, but my eyes were too heavy, and I felt myself become unconscious.

Zacks P.O.V.

"Booth lets go!" Brennan yelled. I led them to (Y/N)s apartment, running faster than i ever have. I saw the door knocked down and booth ran in. "Hodgins!" Angela yelled. She ran towards him and I saw (Y/N) being pulled to her feet by a man. She was bleeding from her stomach, and her nose was bleeding. She cried as she became level with her attacker. I went to run towards them when Booth pulled me back and shot the man in the back. He dropped to the floor and we saw (Y/N) look at us. She looked at her stomach, put her hand on it, and looked back at us. In that moment I realized that when Booth had shot him, he had also shot (Y/N).

I ran towards her with Booth and he pushed the man away from her body. I looked at her stomach and saw there were 3 flesh wounds. "I need help!" I yelled. "She's been stabbed and shot I need something to stop the bleeding!!" I looked around and everyone was still. "What are you doing?! She is going to die!!" I looked at her, and put my hand on her cheek. Then, she went out. I kept shouting at them, and Brennan went to her closet and pulled out a tee shirt. I took it and quickly pressed it against her stomach. "Come on dr Brennan help me!"

She came over to me and put her hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her, seeing she had tears in her eyes. "You need to call an ambulance!" I yelled at her. Her hand retracted and she pulled out her phone. "She's not going to make it" booth said. "She's not going to. Zack sh-"

"Seely Booth I swear to god if you do not shut the hell up I will take your gun and shoot you in the foot!" I yelled. "She is the only thing I have! Goddamn it of all people I would think you would be the one to try and save a life!!!" I started crying. "You don't understand she is the only person that makes me happy and she understands me. I can't lose her not now not ever" I sobbed.

I looked at Brennan and she hung up her phone. "The ambulance is on its way" she said. I started sobbing, and I closed my eyes.

There are different ways of crying. Silent crying. Loud crying. Wailing. The crying when you are so focused on something else you don't realized the tears in your eyes. The way I cried, is a way I have never cried before.

It was loud sobbing that I couldn't control. I bent over and rested my head on the side of her stomach where there were no wounds. I was alone. Everyone has a breaking point. This was mine.

-----------in the hospital------------
I sat in the waiting room, my eyes puffy from crying to much. Next to me sat Hodgins and Brennan. Angela sat on Hodgins other side. Booth sat across the room.

I was furious at booth. He shot her. I couldn't even look at him.

There was an exit wound, telling us that the bullet was not lodged in her. When the paramedics arrived they told us that it's good that we arrived when we did, because I stopped the bleeding. She will be okay.

(Y/N)s P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to see myself in a hospital room. "Hello?" I said. When I spoke I felt a sharp pain in my side, and I looked under my dressing gown to see I had bandages all across my chest and stomach. It hurt to move. I guess my speaking alerted a nurse, because someone came in right away. "It's okay dear I'll get you some pain killers." I nodded and she made her way to the door. "Wait!" I said weakly. "Can you see if my friends can come in?" I said. "I can only let one person in sweetie. I'll look for whoever you ask for though." I answered immediately, thinking of the person I wanted to see most. "Can you get Zack Addy?" She nodded and left. I sighed and let my head fall to my pillow. I closed my eyes, trying to take my mind off the pain, but whenever I breathed I had a sharp pain in my chest. Suddenly I heard fast and loud footsteps, and I opened my eyes to see Zack entering my room.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" He ran towards me. "Slow down" I said. He stood next to me. "Oh god I was so worried" I looked into his eyes.

"Zack..were you crying?" He nodded. I took hold of his hand. I moved over and patted the space next to me in my by. He looked confused for a moment, but realized what I was asking and slowly slid under the covers with me. "Are you okay?" I said, leaning my head on his shoulder. "I should be asking you that"

I sighed. "Zack you are such a dork" "I guess this would be an appropriate time to say something cheesy?" I laughed. "I guess" "I'm your dork" he said. I giggled and I saw that he had the brightest smile on his face. "I love your smile" he said. I looked off to the side, smiling like an idiot.

"So the doctor said you are going to be here for a couple weeks" I sighed. "Just more time that I'm off of work." "I'll bring you details about cases." "Thank you Zack"

"I need to tell you something" he said. "Go ahead" I replied. "I've never told you this.." he began.

"Do you remember when I came over to your apartment and we danced to Hey Jude?" "Yea" he looked at his hands nervously. "I-I took dancing lessons for 3 weeks before that" I turned to him in shock. "Really?!" He nodded. "Oh my god. You are so sweet"

He looked at me. "I did it because I would do anything to see you smile. And be happy" he placed a kiss on my forehead and kept his head pressed against mine. "I thought I lost you" he whispered. "But you didn't."

I felt my eyes become heavy and I sighed. "I really wish that nurse would bring me those painkillers" I joked, laughing slightly. He picked up my hand and squeezed it. "I'll stay here with you if you want to go to sleep."

"Please don't leave me again" I said quietly. I could feel myself dozing off. "Please I can't lose you...." I trailed off. Before I could finish my sentence I fell asleep.

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