Don't be Afraid (Jason Mccan...

By XxOliviaaBieberrxX

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When Brittani is kidnapped by Jason Mccan she is afraid and so she should be. Does she live? Does she die? Or... More

Don't be Afraid (Jason Mccan Love Story)
Brittani Walker
Jason Mccan
Other Characters
Chapter 1 - Trick or Treating
Chapter 2 - The Clown
Chapter 3 - The Argument
Chapter 4 - How it Began
Chapter 5 - The Conversation
Chapter 6 - The Day Everything Changed
Chapter 7 - Where am I?
Chapter 8 - His Softer Side
Chapter 9 - Trying to Ignore Feelings
Chapter 10 - Recovery
Chapter 11 - A Long Car Drive
Chapter 13 - Mine Forever
Chapter 14 - First Date <3
Chapter 15 - Sister?
Chapter 16 - Forgive Me?
Chapter 17 - Second Date <3
Chapter 18 - Unwanted Guests
Chapter 19 - The Plan
Chapter 20 - Where is she?
Chapter 21 - Kidnapped from my Kidnapper??
Chapter 22 - Meeting The Boss
Chapter 23 - Jason, Where are you?
Chapter 24 - Let her go!
Chapter 25 - I Wanna Help!!
Please Read!
Chapter 26 - My Hero.....Kind of
Chapter 27 - Never Been so Happy to See You
Chapter 28 - Home...... Kind of
Chapter 29 - Glad to be Back
Chapter 30 - New Jason?
Chapter 31 - Can he Change?
Chapter 32 - Nice Jason?!
Chapter 33 - The Hospital
Chapter 34 - Intensive Care
Chapter 35 - Dreams
Not an update
Chapter 36 - Wait for Me

Chapter 12 - The Punishment

15K 369 41
By XxOliviaaBieberrxX

A/N Bet your sick of me by now ;) Not gonna do a long A/N but just wanted to say thanks for reading and enjoy the chapter xxx....

Brittani's POV

I woke up with the all too familiar feeing of being in complete darkness. I opened my eyes and there was still just darkness. I tried to move to investigate the fact that I was virtually blind. I attempted to move my arms but soon  realized they were restricted. I sat there for a couple of minutes. I then realized I had the feeling of de-ja-vu (if you don't know what it is...look it up ;) xx) It's from when I first came here. Where was I brought now?......Oh the basement. That must be where I am now, I mean it is as cold as I remember it was.

Last time I couldn't remember how I got here but this time there was no question of how I got here and I can see Jason's face now. His once beautiful brown eyes now pitch black showing no emotion but anger, his perfect smile, now hidden by a clenched jaw and that face truly did scare me. I was shivering from the heat or should I say lack of heat but when I heard the door creak open I froze in place. "J...J..J.Jason? Is that you? I shivered. It seemed like hours until he replied "Hey" he muttered and I could tell he was either angry or sulking, but I was unsure which. "Why am I in here" He stopped walking around and I could feel his gaze on me "It's a...a surprise" he uttered. "Well can I have this blindfold off" I asked hoping he would agree, I hate the dark and always have ever since my brother used to lock me in his wardrobe when I used to get on his nerves. "Not yet, if you can see you will panic more" after saying that I started panicking, if he was trying to calm me down this was the wrong thing to do! "Listen baby, calm down this will hurt but it's for your own safety....ok, I promise" I just nodded, my body froze with panic and fear. I heard Jason moving things around and then some tape going over my mouth. I tried to ask what he was doing but it just came out in mumbles. "Shhhhh it's okay calm down, I'm here" Jason attempted to calm me down but it was impossible.

It went quiet for a while. That was until I felt hot breath on my neck. Jason came really close to me and leant down towards my ear "this will hurt but it will remind you who you belong to" and with that he kissed my temple and walked away. After he said that anger built inside me. I belong to no-one, I am not a thing to be owned, I'm a person not a object. If he thinks that I'll let him talk to me like I belong to him then he's got another thing coming. He walked over to me and lifted my t-shirt up slightly so my hip bone was showing. I wondered what he was doing and that was when I felt an intense pain run from the area around my hip bone to all over my body. I screamed but the tape stopped most of the sound escaping from my mouth but nothing stopped the tears that were now streaming down my face.

Jason's POV

I felt terrible about having to do this to her but it was for her own good. The brand will remind her and anyone else who attempts to take my property that she is mine, and always will be. I love her too much to let her be taken away by anyone else so this ensures that she will always be mine. The brand took a while to heat up and the silence was killing me. When it finally did heat up and I pressed it just above her hip bone and I could see the pain rise through her body. She was sobbing and her body was shaking uncontrollably. I took the blindfold and tape off of her and saw that she was crying. Her beautiful brown eyes looked into mine and the only emotion in her eyes was pain and sadness. I hugged her hoping to comfort her. "Why...." But I cut her off before she could finish "I'm sorry but I had to do it, if not now then later" I felt horrible but it's true I would of had to do it at one point. "It's to protect you from people who try to take you away from me." I sighed and looked into her eyes to find them staring straight at me. "You wouldn't do this if you loved me...... You should be protecting me from yourself all you ever do is hurt me!" she sobbed and those words literally broke my heart. I didn't know what to say "If I didn't love you then I wouldn't be bothered if any one took you from me, I did this because I love you" I mumbled "Yeah but Jason... That's not how you show someone that you love them!" She muttered still with tears streaming down her face. I could tell she was exhausted. She was still sobbing her body was shaking uncontrollably, she was going to pass out if she didn't go to bed soon. With that thought I untied her from the chair and slowly picked her up bridal style, making sure to avoid the now extremely sore burn mark that will be left on her hip bone.

Brittani's POV

The pain was like nothing I have ever felt before. It was the only thing I could focus on. I felt the ropes around my hands and legs loosen and suddenly I felt weightless. I opened my eyes and mine were met with two perfect hazel brown orbs that gazed into mine. "Your tired, you need to sleep" I just nodded my head in agreement. "I'll show you your brand when you wake up" but before I heard him properly I drifted into a light sleep. I was still unable to believe that he branded me! Is he trying to say I look like a cow, I thought animals were the only things that were branded but obviously Jason thinks otherwise. The last thing I remember is being put in a soft bed and the sound of Jason's voice singing me to sleep.

A/N I'm not sure about this chapter but I think I may slightly hate it. Comment what you think. Love it? Hate it? I don't mind just let me know. Message me if you want to ask me a question or just to talk I'm a friendly person ;) let me know if you like it. Read, Comment, Vote, Tell your friends and Follow Meeee xx




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