Warriors: The New Forest-A Ne...

By DreamNotePrincess

494 25 37

Bassed of the Warriors Series 'Shining light, shadow of night, windy days, and cold water will come together... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

4 0 0
By DreamNotePrincess

It was already dark out, and Wetpaw walked back and forth waiting on the apprentices. "Where are they!?" She said to herself. Snowpaw and Silverpaw started running to Wetpaw, who the later glared at the young apprentices. "You were supposed to be here earlier!" Wetpaw yelled.

Silverpaw chuckled. "S-sorry. We had to wait in order to come out here." She said.

"Yeah." Snowpaw said finishing to what Silverpaw was saying. "You see we had to share tongues one last time with Ashclaw, and then had to 'sleep' before the patrols were made." She explained the whole thing, making Wetpaw sigh.

"Sorry if I yelled," She said. "I didn't know." Snowpaw put her tail around her shoulder, making Wetpaw feel comfortable. Then Sparrowpaw and Darkpaw showed up.

"Here we are!" Sparrowpaw said catching her breath.

Wetpaw sighed, and gave a smile. "Let's just go." She said. Sparrowpaw and Silverpaw followed behind her, with Snowpaw and Darkpaw following their siblings. They where taking the path, where Silverpaw, Sparrowpaw and Wetpaw took meeting Duststar.

"Where are we going?" Darkpaw asked.

"You'll see." Sparrowpaw replied to his brother.

The apprentices finally made it to the clearing. "This is it?" Snowpaw asked.

"Duststar!" Sparrowpaw called out. It went silent for a bit as the apprentices waited for Duststar.

"Sparrowpaw?" Darkpaw asked. "Who is Duststar?" Since Darkpaw wasn't there when his brother saw Duststar, he didn't know who he was.

"Me." Duststar's voice said. The cats turned around and saw Duststar standing right in front of them. "Hello their Snowpaw, Darkpaw. I heard so much about you." He said.

"Y-You have?" Snowpaw asked. The past DuskClan leaded nodded.

"You see, Duststar was the past leader of DuskClan before Shadowstar was." Sparrowpaw explained.

Darkpaw smiled. "You know Shadowstar then!"

Duststar nodded. "That's right, and I've been watching him from StarClan, and he took care of you and Sparrowpaw really well." He said. The brothers looked at each other and smiled. "So you wonder why I brought you all here?" Duststar asked.

"Is it about what you told us?" Silverpaw asked.

Duststar nodded. "Yes, you see four of you were chosen to save the forest from disaster." The apprentices looked at each other confused at what he meant.

"What disaster?" Darkpaw asked.

Duststar's eyes widen as a bright light blinded the apprentices, and he said the words from the prophecy. "Shining light, shadow of night, windy days, and cold water will come together to stop the destruction of the forest." The light grew brighter to Wetpaw, Sparrowpaw and Darkpaw, but not Silverpaw and Snowpaw.

"Wow!" The apprentices said at the same time. Then something came to Snowpaw. "Wait! You said there is four of us? There is 5 of us." She said.

Duststar gave a smile. "Its up to you two, which the fourth one is. I'm sorry, but only one of you knows who the fourth cat is." Duststar apologized. Silverpaw and Snowpaw looked at each other, confused and worried. In their minds they think one of them being the fourth cat in the prophecy would break their friendship.

"Could you at least give us a-" Snowpaw stopped seeing Duststar was already gone. Snowpaw sighed. The apprentices started to walk back to their clans to get a good night sleep. Snowpaw was looking down, feeling sad that she didn't get an answer to her question. Silverpaw saw her sister upset, and decided to go to her.

"You okay?" Silverpaw asked.

Snowpaw shook her head. "No, I just can't believe only one of us is the prophecy." She said.

"Hey!" Silverpaw said. "That won't make us stop being sisters. We'll still be friends and partners." She explained. Snowpaw looked down on the ground facing her paws, and sighed. "Look I could help you with this, I promise." She said.

Snowpaw looked up and gave a smile. "Thanks, I hope this prophecy doesn't ruin it." She said.

Silverpaw shook her head. "It won't, if it did we won't stop what's coming to the forest, and with what just happened, we just have a glimpse of what's going to happen." She explained.

Snowpaw looked at her, and back into the forest. "Let's hope we know soon." She said.


This is the last chapter of the first book! Thank you so much for reading! Before I get the 2nd book out! I'm going to have a small facts and discussion page!

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